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为了解蓝藻水华期间微囊藻毒素在罗非鱼体内的分布及累积传递过程,2008年6~8月采集了高密度蓝藻池塘及太湖网箱内的鱼样及水样,用ELISA法对鱼样和水样进行微囊藻毒素MC-LR含量的检测。结果表明,池塘水体微囊藻毒素MC-LR含量在0.123~0.514μg/L,MC-LR含量随着藻密度的下降而降低,对照组水体MC-LR浓度显著高于实验组MC-LR含量。池塘鱼体肌肉组织微囊藻毒素MC-LR累积含量在1.194~3.615ng/g,肝脏组织微囊藻毒素MC-LR累积含量显著高于肌肉组织。将池塘与网箱罗非鱼转至无微囊藻水体中暂养,跟踪检测MC-LR含量变化,池塘和网箱鱼体肌肉组织微囊藻毒素MC-LR含量均低于人体每日可耐受摄入量,而肝脏组织藻毒素MC-LR含量则分别需要经过10~20d自然生物降解后降低至安全摄入量之下。讨论了微囊藻毒素在鱼体组织分布与食物链中的累积传递。  相似文献   
长江江苏段中华绒螯蟹资源现状及保护对策初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2004年7月~2006年3月间对长江江苏段靖江江段渔获中中华绒螯蟹的比例分析,结果显示:江段中中华绒螯蟹在渔获中比例的数量峰值主要集中在上半年度,以3月份为最高,达到渔获数量的1438%。重量比例峰值主要集中在05年的3月份和9月~11月份,以05年10月份最高,达27.17%,11月份次之。在04年秋季至05年冬季间,05年渔获中中华绒螯蟹的数量比例和重量比例部比04年同季节的值要高,江段中华绒螯蟹资源正处于恢复阶段。  相似文献   
马铃薯块茎青枯病菌潜伏侵染的酶联免疫学检测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
试验采用武汉市场上来源不同产地的 7份马铃薯材料 ,用CIP提供的RS NCM ELISA试剂盒进行了块茎青枯病菌携带情况的检测。试验结果显示 ,应用该试剂检测马铃薯块茎青枯病菌携带情况具有较高的灵敏度 ;检测前样品的富集时间对检测结果具有明显的影响 ,其最佳富集时间为4 8h ;不同来源的马铃薯块茎携带青枯病菌的程度具有显著差异  相似文献   
禽流感(AI)是由A型禽流感病毒(AIV)引起的一种发生于禽类的病毒性传染病。笔者以杂交瘤技术研制抗AIV共同抗原的特异单克隆抗体,旨在建立一种双抗体夹心ELISA方法快速检测AIV,以便为A型AIV的快速诊断技术的研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   
结合气相色谱仪,利用乙炔还原等方法对高寒地区重要饲用植物——燕麦(Avenasativa)根际联合固氮菌进行了分离和鉴定。结果表明,该地区燕麦根际联合固氮菌株较少(8株),菌株分布以根系表面(RP)最多,根表土壤(RS)次之,距根系较远的土壤(NRS)和根内(HP)最少,即:RP>RS>NRS≥HP;菌株固氮酶活性相差较大(C2H4112.5~1147.9nmol/mL·h),具有较高固氮酶活性的菌株较少(C2H4大于500nmol/mL·h只有2株);菌株均为革兰氏阴性菌,经鉴定分属Azotobacter(3株)、Pseudomonas(3株)和Azospirillus(2株)3个属。相对于其它生境和植物,高寒地区燕麦根际联合固氮菌种类较为单一。  相似文献   
In this review, it is demonstrated that zeolites have a potential to be used as crop protection agents. Similarly to kaolin, zeolites can be applied as particle films against pests and diseases. Their honeycomb framework, together with their carbon dioxide sorption capacity and their heat stress reduction capacity, makes them suitable as a leaf coating product. Furthermore, their water sorption capacity and their smaller particle sizes make them effective against fungal diseases and insect pests. Finally, these properties also ensure that zeolites can act as carriers of different active substances, which makes it possible to use zeolites for slow‐release applications. Based on the literature, a general overview is provided of the different basic properties of zeolites as promising products in crop protection. © 2015 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
古籍图书的收藏与保护   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
以当前古籍保护工作,日益得到社会重视为契机,以国家图书馆古籍馆为例,结合有关普通古籍收藏与保护的一些问题,为古籍保护工作提出几点建议.  相似文献   
猪流行性腹泻病毒灭活疫苗的制备及攻毒保护研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究现用猪流行性腹泻病毒(PEDV)CV777疫苗毒株对流行毒株的免疫保护效果,以RTPCR进行PEDV CV777疫苗株、JS12流行株S基因克隆测序,进行PEDV S基因核酸序列分析与氨基酸序列分析。分别以转瓶工艺与细胞悬浮培养工艺培养Vero E6细胞,制备PEDV CV777株转瓶灭活苗与悬浮灭活苗。分别以PEDV转瓶灭活苗、悬浮灭活苗、PEDV流行株组织灭活苗(JS12株)产前30d免疫经产母猪;母猪产仔后14d进行仔猪攻毒保护试验。核酸序列分析显示,PEDV CV777株S基因与流行毒株的相似性在96.4%~99.7%之间,氨基酸序列相似性在96.7%~99.5%之间。转瓶工艺制备PEDV抗原效价为107.0 TCID50/mL,悬浮培养制备PEDV抗原效价为108.5 TCID50/mL。攻毒保护试验显示,悬浮灭活苗免疫母猪后,仔猪有2/10发病,保护率为8/10,转瓶灭活苗组发病率为8/10,保护率仅为2/10;组织灭活苗组9/10发病;对照组10头全部发病。该试验证明,提高PEDV CV777株的抗原含量,能够有效提高疫苗对PEDV流行毒株的保护效果。  相似文献   
从感染驴白细胞的马传贫驴白细胞弱毒疫苗株前病毒DNA中克隆了编码跨膜蛋白主要免疫决定区(TMIR)的基因,并在大肠杆菌中进行了表达。所表达的融合蛋白有一部分是可溶的,其氨基端带有6个组氨酸的标签,因此可以用固定化金属离子亲和层析法在非变性条件下进行纯化。在间接酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)和免疫印迹试验中,重组的TMIR蛋白可与马传贫阳性血清样品发生反应,而与健康马血清无任何反应。这表明该重组蛋白具有良好的抗原性和特异性,可用于马传贫弱毒疫苗株在体内外复制、接种马体内免疫应答及马传贫诊断的研究。  相似文献   
Colonization behaviour of two enterobacterial strains on cereals   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 Two diazotrophic enterobacterial strains, Pantoea agglomerans D5/23 and Klebsiella pneumoniae CC12/12, were observed in sterile and non-sterile hydroponic and soil experiments in order to determine, by means of an immunological detection method (double antibody sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay), their colonization sites, their migration within individuals of different plant species, and their ability to compete with indigenous organisms. To investigate the interaction between bacteria and plants, root and shoot samples were analysed using electron microscopy. Field experiments were performed to determine the growth-promoting abilities of the bacterial strains. In field experiments, inoculation with P. agglomerans led to an increase in the grain yield of different wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars. The same strain was also able to colonize the rhizosphere and the phyllosphere of different cereals due to its ability to migrate within the plant. Roots and media were colonized 10–100 times more intensively than shoots, with about 106 cells g–1 root and 104 cells g–1 shoot. We found that P. agglomerans colonized the root and plant-growth medium of wheat to a greater extent than those of rye (Secale cereale) and barley (Hordeum vulgare), whereas the colonization of shoots was higher in rye and barley compared to wheat. Furthermore, while cell numbers of K. pneumoniae in media and roots were 10 times higher than cell numbers of P. agglomerans, only the latter markedly increased root growth. We were able to detect significant differences in colonization numbers between treatments even if the data were not normally or log-normally distributed or the variances were not homogenous. Received: 14 June 1999  相似文献   
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