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  1. The white mullet, Mugil curema, is a widely distributed euryhaline species, the migratory behaviour of which is poorly understood. The objective of this work was to study the large-scale habitat use of this species for the first time. Several environments were considered, such as euryhaline and hypersaline lagoons, the sea, and a river, distributed in the Central Pacific (Mexico) and Atlantic (Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea-Venezuela, and north-eastern Brazil).
  2. Otolith core-to-edge Sr/Ca ratios of 163 fish, determined by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, were used to study the salinity-habitat migration history of the fish. Fish from Mexico (Tamiahua Lagoon, n = 4; Alvarado Lagoon, n = 2), Venezuela (n = 1), and Brazil (n = 12) (11.1% of the total) showed high Sr/Ca values at early life stages and were classified as marine estuarine opportunists. Two specimens (from Alvarado Lagoon and Balsas River, Mexico) showed Sr/Ca values consistently below the high salinity guide value (salinity < 33.5). For the rest of the fish (87.1%), the Sr/Ca ratio suggested a displacement from the estuary towards the sea or hypersaline environments, and so these fish were classified as estuarine migrants.
  3. A change-point analysis identified six individuals with a single stable otolith Sr/Ca signature through ontogeny (three from Brazil, one from Venezuela, and two from Tamiahua Lagoon, Mexico), suggesting limited displacement between environments with different salinities. The rest of the individuals showed between two and 10 changes in stable Sr/Ca signatures (mean = 4.07 ± 1.85). The highest number of changes in Sr/Ca ratio (4.87 ± 1.1) was found in fish from Laguna Madre (Mexico) and the lowest was found in fish from Brazil (3.27 ± 1.70) (H = 19.8, p = 0.002).
  4. Otolith Sr/Ca time series suggest that the migratory estuarine pattern is the most common throughout the study area. This work highlights that the sustainable use of M. curema depends on the conservation of estuaries and the corridors between them and other environments such as lagoons, rivers, mangroves and the sea.
Morphology and morphometry of the sagittae otolith were studied in fish associated with different substrates. The shape, margins and rostrum of three groups of otoliths from several species were analyzed: group 1 (fish associated with soft substrates, N=10 species), group 2 (fish associated with hard substrates, N=10 species) and group 3 (pelagic fish, not associated with the bottom, N=6 species). E and R indexes were calculated for each species. The value of E=maximum width of the sagitta (WO)/maximum length of the sagitta (LO)%, expresses the relative tendency in the shape otolith (from circular to elongate). The value of R=length of the rostrum (LR)/LO%, expresses the percentage in the total length of the otolith that corresponds to the rostrum. The sagittae of group 1 were circular or polygonal with rounded borders. The rostrum can be absent or poorly developed. The sagittae shape of group 2 was elongated, with ornamented borders and a rostrum. The sagittae of group 3 possessed a prominent rostrum, a deep V-shaped cisure and ornamented borders. Statistical analysis showed no significant differences in the E index of groups 1 and 2, while R values of the three groups were significantly different. These results were compared with 80 other species, belonging to 12 families, from the publisher literature. E and R values could be used to characterize the sagittae of the marine fish and could be considered a useful tool for fish ecology studies.  相似文献   
Understanding spatial patterns in population characteristics and the principal natal environments supporting riverine fish populations are important for fisheries management. Fin ray microchemistry was used to identify natal environment, and age estimates from sectioned fin rays were used to estimate growth and mortality rates for spotted bass, Micropterus punctulatus (Rafinesque), in a segment of the Ohio River (Smithland Pool) and three tributaries. Differences in water Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca among the Ohio River and tributaries were reflected in fin ray edge Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca. Fourteen percent of spotted bass ≥ age 2 captured in the Ohio River originated in tributaries, whereas 10% captured in tributaries originated in the Ohio River. Spotted bass in the Ohio River reached larger maximum size (L∞ = 448.7) than conspecifics in tributaries (L∞ = 324.4), although mortality rates were not different. Although 86% of spotted bass were collected in their inferred natal environment, small tributaries may be a supplemental source of recruitment for the spotted bass stock in Smithland Pool.  相似文献   
We examined seasonal changes in the relationship between otolith radius and body length in age-zero Pacific saury Cololabis saira collected from June to December 2002–2004, based on 12,164 specimens. Results of the analysis using a generalized linear model indicated that there were differences in the intercepts among months, but no difference was seen in the slopes. In addition, post hoc analysis showed that the intercepts got larger as the month progressed from June to December. These results suggested that although the body length growth rate decreased, the growth of the otolith does not decrease to the same degree as the body after September, so the ratio of otolith radius to body length becomes larger as the months pass. Consequently, we consider that the seasonal change in relation between otolith radius and body length affects the back-calculation of body length based on otolith radius.  相似文献   
The sex ratio of wild Japanese eels in the Kaoping River of southwestern Taiwan has been extremely skewed towards females in the recent years. However, the sex ratio skewed towards males after Typhoon Mindulle, July 2, 2004 then recovered to the previous female-dominated status in the following year. To determine why the sex ratio drastically changed, eels captured in the river were examined by both morphologic characteristics and otolith elemental signatures by solution-based inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (SB-ICPMS) and laser-ablation ICPMS (LA-ICPMS). Most of the eels collected in the river after the typhoon had a blue-gray colored back, with morphology and sex ratio similar to that of cultured eels, which differed from wild yellow eels which had a green colored back. The chemical signature in otoliths of eels with a blue-gray colored back was similar to that of cultured eels, with significantly lower Sr/Ca ratios but slightly higher Mn/Ca ratios than for wild eels. This confirmed that the reversal in eel sex ratio in the Kaoping River estuary resulted from cultured eels that had escaped from eel farms. Eel farmers estimated that about 30,000 eels escaped during the typhoon, sufficient to reverse the sex ratio of the eels in the river. Furthermore, silver eels caught in the estuary in the winter 2004 were also mostly males. The chemical signature in otoliths of these silver eels was similar to that of escaped cultured eels. Their morphology and mean GSIs, however, were comparable to wild silver eels. Thus, cultured eels that have escaped from eel farms can silver normally in the wild. Consequently, cultured eels may help to balance the sex ratio of the wild eel population and may contribute to the spawning stock of Japanese eel.  相似文献   
Daily growth of Atlantic juvenile hake from Northwest Iberia has been estimated employing a new approach combining analyses of transversal and sagittal sections of the otoliths along the ventral radius. Age of juvenile hake ranging from 3 to 25 cm collected during a spring 2002 survey was estimated. Somatic growth followed a power fit: Fish size (TL) = 3.3254*age0.7336 (r2 = 0.87, p < 0.001, n = 76), yielding an average individual growth rate of 0.66 mm/day (±0.06). The growth model indicates that after a year's life a juvenile can reach 25 cm. Otolith ventral radius ranged from 401 to 1842 μm and daily increments were between 104 and 387. Fish growth and otolith growth were closely related (r2 = 0.92 p < 0.001, n = 76). These first results of daily growth rates for the Southern stock corroborate the fast-growth hypothesis of this species. The evolution of increment widths from hatch dates onwards reveals important seasonal growth peaks during July–August and October–November. A comparison with prior data and discussion is also presented in the light of recent work on hake juveniles and tagging-recapture experiences.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   The habitat use and migration of ayu Plecoglossus altivelis was compared to that of ice goby Leucopsarion petersi using otolith microchemistry analysis. Both species were collected along the Sanriku Coast. Otolith Sr : Ca ratios of ayu fluctuated strongly along the life history transect in accordance with the migration (habitat) pattern from fresh water to sea water. The Sr : Ca ratios of the center region averaged 3.2 × 10−3; thereafter, the ratios increased sharply, averaging 9.2 × 10−3, and were maintained at the higher levels until the outermost regions. By contrast, the Sr : Ca ratios of ice goby showed consistently high values along the life history transect of the otolith, ranging 9.0 × 10−3 in the center to 9.2 × 10−3 in regions outside the center, with further increases around the otolith edge. These findings indicate that ayu shows a typical amphidromous migratory pattern, while ice goby does not show the anadromous migratory pattern previously reported. The use of a freshwater environment during the early developmental stage in ice goby along the Sanriku Coast was less prominent than that of ayu in the same region.  相似文献   
大银鱼耳石日轮与生长的研究↑(*)   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
1995年对内蒙莫力庙水库的大银鱼耳石日轮与生长进行了研究。大银鱼人工受精卵孵出仔鱼、剖出其听囊内一时圆形矢耳石,其制片在光镜下观察,耳石形态经历了由圆形、椭圆形到梨形的变化过程。耳石长半径与鱼体长呈线性相关,其关系式为Y=4.798x-20.887(r=0.9650,P<0.01)。孵出后第二天耳石上出现第一个日轮,正常条件下,每天形成一轮。孵化后天数可用耳石日轮数加1表示,其表达式为D=N+1,耳石上的日轮数变幅为267-345。日轮间距有规律性变化,依据日龄和相关体长、体重资料进行了大银鱼生长特性研究。  相似文献   
鲐鱼幼鱼耳石日轮的初步观察与研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈卫忠 《水产学报》1996,20(2):139-143
对长江口海区鲐鱼幼鱼耳石标本的扫描电镜观察发现,鲐鱼耳石上存在着宽度为数微米到十几微米的细微轮纹,通过对其中3尾鲐鱼的耳石不同放大倍数图像的拍摄,再根据照片对耳石上轮纹和耳石轮纹辐射半径的测量、计数和计算,得出3尾鲐鱼耳石轮纹的平均宽度分别为9.52、8.52和8.57微米,耳石轮纹辐射半径分别为1262.2、1164.8和1187.5微米,由此计算得出的耳石轮纹数分别为133、137和139轮。  相似文献   
基于耳石微化学分析的鱼类种群生态学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究鱼类的种群生态学,破解其数量特征、生境利用、种群结构和动态变化等种群属性是保护和合理开发天然渔业资源的基础。耳石微化学分析是破解鱼类的种群生态学难题的新颖而有力的手段,不仅可以反演鱼类生活史过程中所经历的环境条件,还可溯源资源群起源的产卵场等关键生境,在鱼类资源种群空间结构形成机制研究及动态评估中具有优势。本文在分析耳石元素组成及其沉积特征的基础上,重点介绍了耳石微化学分析在鱼类种群生态学(如反演鱼类生活史、评估种群结构、把握关联性和破解混合群体的构成与来源等)中的应用进展,也客观评述了耳石微化学分析在鱼类种群生态学研究中的局限性与解决途径,并对今后相关技术的发展趋势及需要关注的科学问题进行了展望。  相似文献   
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