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Abstract Numerous freshwater species are consumed or exploited through artisanal fisheries in the rivers of the islands of Guadeloupe, French West Indies. Autochthonous production of organic matter is limited in these flowing rivers and is mainly represented by scarce filamentous green algae and an abundant epilithic biofilm growing on wet stones in the river bed. Stable isotope analysis was used to quantify the relative importance of biofilm and other riverine allochthonous and autochthonous food sources in the diet of tropical shrimps (Palaemonidae, Atyidae and Xiphocarididae) and fishes (Gobiidae and Eleotridae) consumed by the local people. The epilithic biofilm was exploited by most species, constituted an important source of autochthonous carbon and was an important source of organic matter production at the base of freshwater food webs in Caribbean rivers. Biofilm percentages in the diet reached 32% for molluscs, 85% for atyid shrimps, 29% for xiphocaridid shrimps, 14% for palaemonid shrimps and 13% for fish. Assessment of biofilm in nine rivers showed that blue and red cyanobacteria were quantitatively dominant with a moderately rich diatom flora. These results address the interactions between river biofilm and Caribbean freshwater fauna where trophic links between consumers and their potential resources have poorly been documented.  相似文献   
 分别于旱季和雨季对盘龙江、大清河、宝象河、捞渔河、柴河、东大河等16条主要的滇池入湖河道的入湖口氮、磷污染物含量进行监测,分析不同入湖河道口氮、磷污染物的时间和空间变化。结果表明:无论是旱季还是雨季,流经昆明主城区的河道其入湖口氮、磷污染物的浓度远高于流经呈贡县的河道和流经晋宁县的河道,流经呈贡县的河道其入湖口氮、磷污染物的浓度比流经晋宁县的河道高。在雨季流经昆明主城区的入湖河道其入湖口氮、磷污染物的浓度远低于旱季;流经呈贡县的河道其入湖口氮、磷污染物的浓度雨季比旱季有明显的增加,流经晋宁县的河道其入湖口氮、磷污染物的浓度雨季比旱季有明显的降低。  相似文献   
采用径流场结合人工模拟降雨方式,研究了海南岛万泉河、南渡江和昌化江三大流域土壤中氮、磷、有机质等营养物质的流失特征。结果表明,三大流域土壤径流系数和泥沙流失速率的大小顺序为:暴雨〉大雨〉中雨;相同雨强条件下,万泉河的径流系数与南渡江相近,昌化江最小;泥沙流失速率大小顺序为:万泉河〉南渡江〉昌化江;雨强对总磷(TP)流失速率的影响达到极显著水平,磷随径流流失以颗粒磷(PP)为主;氮在雨强较小时以可溶氮(DN)流失为主,当达到暴雨时则以颗粒氮(PN)流失为主;雨强越大,地表径流中COD、TN、DN和PN流失速率越高。三大流域区土壤养分随泥沙流失特征相似,不同雨强条件下,三大流域的总氮、总磷和有机质流失速率的规律一致,雨强越大,流失速率越高;在同一雨强条件下,三流域区总氮、总磷和有机质随泥沙流失速率为:昌化江〉万泉河〉南渡江。影响面源流失的主要因素为坡度、雨强、土质等。  相似文献   
Background  River and lake sediments constitute complex and difficult analytical samples. On the other hand, sediments play a fundamental role in the distribution of toxic compounds in aquatic systems and in the evaluation of the current state and the course of changes taking place in the environment. Among elements present in the environment in trace concentrations, but having well-elaborated toxic properties, one of most dangerous is arsenic. The element occurs in the environment in several chemical forms, predominant are inorganic forms of As(V) and As(III), and methylated forms such as monomethylarsonic acid (MMAA) and dimethylarsinic acid (DMAA). Objectives  Reported herein are experiments, which were undertaken with the aim of examining the dynamics of arsenic sorption in sediments and its dependence on speciation of the element and the pH in the environment. Simultaneously, influence of organic matter content and chemical composition of the sediments on As sorption, were investigated. Methods  Sediment samples (upper 10 cm layer) were collected from three sites located in the vicinity of Cracow:
•  Rudawa river — 37 km long river, flowing mainly through the suburban area;
•  Vistula river — heavily contaminated, main Polish river;
•  Dobczyce reservoir — artificial reservoir on Raba river, total capacity of 125,000,000 m3, supplying about 60% of drinking water to the city of Cracow.
Using XRD and IR methods, mineral composition of sediments was analysed. Concentrations of iron, manganese, aluminium and arsenic as well as organic matter content in solid samples were analysed. Sorption experiment  100 g of dry sediment sample was placed in a 400 ml volume glass beaker. 300 ml of arsenic containing solution was poured into the beaker. Every 30 min (total experiment time span equalled 7 to 7.5 hours), 0.5 ml of the suspension’ (the beaker content was constantly mixed) was collected and centrifuged, and the concentration of arsenic was determined in the supernatant. In the series of experiments, solution contained about 0.05 μg/ml of arsenic in organic (DMAA) and inorganic forms, at different pH values — 3, 5, 7 and 9. Results and Discussion  Examined sediments of Vistula river and Dobczyce Lake were characterised by relatively high concentrations of arsenic, iron, manganese and aluminium.Rudawa river. At pH 3, the concentration of inorganic As in solution decreased from an initial value of 0.049 μg/ml to 0.012 μg/ml in 7.5 hours time. The same decreasing tendency was found at pH 5 (initial value 0.046 μg/ml, after 7.5 hours - 0.015 μg/ml). Less distinct sorption effects were noted at pH 7 and 9. Vistula river. At all pH values, a very significant decrease of inorganic As concentration up to 80% of the initial value, as well as a short time of achieving an equilibrium state (1 – 2.5 hours), was found. Dobczyce lake. Inorganic As was distinctly accumulated in sediments at pH 3 (decrease of As concentration in solution from 0.052 to 0.007 μg/ml after 7.5 hours of the experiment) and at pH 5. At pH 7, about 40% of As was accumulated in sediments (solution As concentration decrease from 0.050 to 0.030). Only 20% of As adsorbed on sediments at pH 9.Very weak accumulation of organic form of As (DMAA) was found in all examined sediments at pH 3 and 5. At higher pH values no sorption was registered. Conclusions  The following facts were established:
•  inorganic form of arsenic was effectively accumulated in all analysed sediments;
•  inorganic As sorption in sediments strongly depended on pH — for sediments of Rudawa river and Dobczyce lake, the highest sorption was found at pH 3, and a decrease of accumulated As was noted with an increase of pH (at pH 9, the lowest amount of As was immobilised in sediments); in the case of Vistula river sediments, a reverse tendency was found;
•  organic form of arsenic (DMAA) was accumulated only at pH 3 in all sediments and less significantly at pH 5 (Vistula river sediments); no sorption of that form of As was found in the other sediment samples;
•  state of equilibrium (no change in inorganic As concentration in liquid medium) was achieved in 1 hour for Vistula river sediments, after about 2 hours for Rudawa river and after about 4 hours for Dobczyce lake sediments.
Recommendations  The presented method of analysis of As sorption in sediments and results visualization (based on a newly defined coefficient) provides a useful tool for the characterization of sorptive properties of sediments and may be used for other compounds as well. Crucial, functional information — how much of a given element may be accumulated in sediments at a certain pH — is obtained without digestion of the sediment sample, in an experiment taking less than one day.  相似文献   
针对江河源区草场退化、高原鼠兔危害严重的状况,采用了翻耕、耙耱、撒播、轻耙、镇压等一系列治理措施.结果表明,这种以生态工程为主的治理措施,不仅使草场植被在短期内得到恢复,而且害鼠种群数量也得到了有效控制;同时,为防止鼠兔数量回升、减少扩散、播种牧草幼苗免遭啃食和挖掘破坏,在不同处理区又采取了以药物防治为辅的控制措施.在现场药效试验和大面积灭鼠中,0.075%敌鼠钠盐、0.1%C型肉毒杀鼠素和0.1%D型肉毒杀鼠素毒饵对鼠兔均具有良好灭效,且不污染环境,无二次中毒,对保护天敌、发挥生物控制危害具有一定意义.因此,在退化草场鼠害治理中,综合分析各组分之间的相互关系,有针对性地进行治理,才能收到良好效果,从而达到综合治理的目的.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the rcd-1 mutation causing progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) in Irish Setters is in the Australian breeding population. METHOD: DNA samples were tested for the mutation using the Polymerase Chain Reaction and specific primer nucleotides to amplify the phosphodiesterase gene followed by restriction enzyme cleavage and fragment size determination. RESULTS: No mutant alleles were found in 38 Irish Setters, representing over 80% of all major breeding stock in five Australian states. CONCLUSIONS: It is likely that the Australian population of Irish Setters is free of the rcd-1 form of PRA.  相似文献   
三江源地区高寒草地群落特征研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
选择三江源区针茅草原和高山嵩草草甸6处典型样地为研究对象,采用样方调查法,分析了该地区高寒草地群落特征。结果表明:1)达日县和曲麻莱县高寒草甸物种丰富度较高,分别为20种和15种;兴海县、玛多县和唐古拉山乡草地物种丰富度较低,均为8种,杂多县物种数最低,仅有5种(P0.05)。2)达日县和曲麻莱县物种多样性最高,分别为2.74和2.27;唐古拉山乡和杂多县最低,约为1.5;兴海县和玛多县针茅草原物种多样性均为1.87左右。唐古拉山乡和曲麻莱县均匀度指数稍低,分别为0.76和0.84,其余各县均匀度指数均较高。多样性指数与物种数极显著相关。3)聚类分析发现杂多县和曲麻莱县高山草甸首先被归为一类,接着将唐古拉山乡合为一类;然后依次是兴海县短花针茅草原和达日县高寒草甸,玛多县紫花针茅草原在最后被聚合为一类。  相似文献   
运用河流反应器的概念,将河流反应器划分为水环境、水建筑物和河流生态系统3个部分,讨论了河流反应器各组成部分在污染河流治理中的作用和研究进展,阐明了各治理方法的现有理论成果和取得的实际效果,也指出了各理论亟待解决的问题,对未来受污染河流的治理工作有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
麻具有药用、轻纺、保健、造纸、制作药烟、蜜源等多种经济价值.新疆塔里木盆地两河(叶尔羌河、塔里木河)流域是野生麻(大叶白麻Poacynum hendersonii、白麻P.pictum、罗布麻Apocynum venetum)的主要产区,其中大叶白麻分布广,面积大,储量多.按有关分类方法,将野生麻资源划分为6个群系12个群丛.野生麻分布面积23.56万hm2,有麻面积18.12万hm2,其中大叶白麻占99.51%;白麻占0.49%.鲜麻总产量59.35万t,折合干麻总产量24.41万t.为更好的利用野生麻资源,在对其种类、分布、面积、生物量调查的基础上,对麻的开发前景、野生麻田的保护管理及改良培育、人工麻田的建立、科技攻关5个方面提出了建议.  相似文献   
 珠江流域在云南省境内部分是该省重要的工农业经济区,地区生产总值、工业增加值分别占全省的30.1%,42.7%,它们和人均GDP都是全省水平的1.5倍。已基本形成以蓄水工程为主、引提水等为辅的供水结构,但人均水资源量不足,现状南盘江及主要支流部分河段水质为Ⅴ类水体,高原湖泊水环境质量不容乐观。以MIKE BASIN为技术平台,通过水资源节约保护、高效利用,进行供需水预测、合理配置研究。并就影响水资源持续利用的主要问题如节约用水、水资源保护、应对突发性水污染事件、应对气候变化及极端气候事件、建立河流生态补偿机制等进行了探讨。  相似文献   
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