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对达氏蝗、史氏鲟人工繁殖时通过水流刺激,在水温8~13℃下,以DOS(自行研制)进行2~3次的注射催熟,再注射自制的类固醉激素17α—羟基—20β双羟基孕酮(以下简称17α—20βp);在水温16~18℃利用促黄体家释放激素类似物(LHRH—A),诱导达氏蝗、史氏鲟排卵,排精。效应时间8~18h,获得催产率100%、受精率和杂交受精率如%的效果。采用全人工饲料开口试验和苗种培育试验,并获得86.7%开口成活率和73.4%的苗种成活率。从而达到提高开口率和成活率的目的。观察鲟鲤鱼摄食、生长与形态发育状况。生长曲线表明:不论是体长还是体重,50日龄前增长缓慢,50~100日龄则速度增长较快。经100d饲养,平均体长达28.3cm,平均体重达69.7g。  相似文献   
达氏鳇胚后发育的形态观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
样本系黑龙江野外采集的达氏鳇(Huso dauricus)亲体经人工受精后孵出的子一代,对刚出膜的仔鱼[0日龄,体长(12.08±0.68) mm]到早期稚鱼[60日龄,(129.21±7.69) mm]的胚后发育形态进行了观察.从形态发育上看来,达氏鳇仔鱼的胚后发育可分为2个时期:早期仔鱼阶段,即从刚出膜(0日龄)到初次开口摄食(9日龄);晚期仔鱼阶段,即从初次开口摄食到各器官发育基本完成,体透明特征消失,鳍褶和颌齿彻底消失(50日龄),之后进入早期稚鱼期.早期仔鱼的形态发育和分化明显较晚期仔鱼和稚鱼快,运动、呼吸、感觉和消化等器官在此期间发育与分化快速同步协调,且速度快,使得仔鱼获得避敌与摄食能力,提高了成活率.晚期仔鱼发育主要表现为各骨板的分化和完善,鱼鳍游泳器官功能的进一步强化,鳔的发生和发育,表明此阶段游泳和躲避敌害能力进一步增强.  相似文献   
We examined the influence of different hatching times on growth and survival of beluga, Huso huso, over a 28-day period. Larvae from a single pair of beluga, Huso huso, were divided according to hatching time into four groups: early, mid (between 6–9 h after the first group), late (23–26 h after the first group), and a mixture of first to last hatched larvae. At hatching time, there was no statistical difference (P > 0.05) in size and length among the four groups. Prior to the onset of exogenous feeding, groups A and D exhibited slightly earlier onset of aggregation behavior and began exogenous feeding 18 h sooner than the other groups (P < 0.05). Mortality after the onset of the endogenous feeding phase was not significantly different among groups (A: 8.15% ± 0.47%; B: 8.55% ± 0.41%; C: 6.63% ± 0.53% and C: 8.23% ± 0.43%) (P > 0.05). Results showed that hatching time has no effect on the growth and overall mortality of larval beluga.  相似文献   
This study was carried out to determine the effect of feeding time on growth parameters, food conversion ratio, and survival rate of Huso huso fingerlings (2.11 ± 0.03 g) over a period of five weeks. Fish in triplicate tanks were fed a commercial pelleted diet four times every 24 h on one of four schedules: at 08:00, 11:00, 14:00, and 17:00 h (day feeding); at 08:00, 12:00, 18:00, and 22:00 h (day/night feeding); at 18:00, 21:00, 24:00, and 06:00 h (night feeding); or at 08:00, 12:00, 18:00, and 22:00 h (full dark feeding). At the end of the experimental period, fish in the day-fed group had significantly (P < 0.05) better final weight, daily growth rate, specific growth rate, survival, condition factor, and food conversion ratio than day/night and night-fed groups. Performance of fish fed under full dark conditions was intermediate between day-fed and the other groups. In terms of rearing costs, daytime feeding of Huso huso is the most efficient.  相似文献   
首先采用饱和硫酸氨分步沉淀和Sephadex G-200凝胶层析的方法,获得了非免疫状态下中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis Gray)和达氏鳇(Huso dauricus Georgi)的血清免疫球蛋白(Ig),在此基础上使用木瓜蛋白酶水解对所获得的免疫球蛋白片段进行了酶解,并采用SDS-PAGE和Western-blot等方法分析了所获得的水解片段。结果显示,2种鲟鱼的免疫球蛋白均可被木瓜蛋白酶水解蛋白,通过Sephadex G-100凝胶层析后均可得到两个完全分离的、均一的蛋白峰。SDS-PAGE检测两个水解片段的相对分子量分别为44KD和66KD,West-ern-blot检测结果显示,66KD的片段可以在硝酸纤维素杂交膜上被各自的兔抗鲟IgM多克隆抗体所识别,而44KD片段的检测结果为阴性。这表明,2种鲟科鱼类的木瓜蛋白酶水解特性相同,提示鲟科鱼类的免疫球蛋白在免疫学及生化方面具有较大的相似性。  相似文献   
卵裂间隔(τ0)是与温度相关的参数,为早期胚胎发育时期第一次卵裂持续的时间,或连续两次细胞分裂的时间间隔,被广泛用于鱼卵染色体操作中最佳诱导时间的确定上。本文研究了史氏鲟♀×达氏鳇♂受精卵在14~22℃下卵裂间隔τ0与温度的关系,τ0为第一次卵裂(τⅠ)与第二次卵裂(τⅡ)间的时间间隔(τⅡ-τⅠ)。结果表明:在实验温度范围内,史氏鲟♀×达氏鳇♂受精卵τ0随着温度(T)的上升而减小,在14℃下τ0为85.0±1.3 min,22℃下τ0为45.8±2.2 min,两者之间符合线性回归关系:τ0=154.54-4.95T(R2=0.999 0)。22℃为史氏鲟♀×达氏鳇♂胚胎发育的温度上限,超过此温度,正常卵裂的胚胎比例将显著下降(<60%)。  相似文献   
2011年9月底至2012年5月,采用可见植入荧光标记(VIE)和编码金属标(CWT)标志全长为(28.06±1.79)cm的达乌尔鳇(Huso dauricus),检验了VIE和CWT的标志保持率及其对达乌尔鳇生长和存活的影响。结果显示,经过210 d实验,VIE标志达乌尔鳇吻部腹面,CWT标志达乌尔鳇背部前(第1~2块背骨板间下方肌肉)、中(第6~7块后背骨板间下方肌肉)、后(第11~12块背骨板间下方肌肉)的标志保持率分别为:95.83%、92.00%、92.59%、92.59%。实验中VIE出现破碎、脱落或迁移致使标志可识别性下降;CWT背部中这一标志部位操作最为简便。标志30 d,VIE标志组的保持率较CWT背部不同部位标志组及对照组低,且差异显著(P<0.05),此后31~210 d并无显著性差异。VIE和CWT背部不同部位标志对达乌尔鳇的生长无显著性差异。结果表明,VIE和CWT均可用于标志达乌尔鳇。进行短期大规模达乌尔鳇的标志放流可使用成本相对较低的VIE标志。  相似文献   
The main aim of the present work was to evaluate the effect of dietary butylated-hydroxytoulene (BHT as an antioxidant) and dietary lipid level on flesh lipid quality of Beluga sturgeon during frozen storage. An initial 135-day feeding trial evaluated practical-type diets containing 0 or 250 mg BHT kg?1 with two lipid levels (12 and 24% diet on dry matter basis) in a factorial arrangement. Fillet samples were analyzed fresh or after storage at ?18 ± 1°C for 12 months. Dietary antioxidant supplementation had no significant effect on fat content and fatty acid composition in the studied fish muscle, but increasing the lipid concentration in the feed increased muscle lipid concentration. Lipid oxidation in fish muscle is related to increasing lipid concentration in the feed. In addition, oxidation was reduced for fish fed BHT. Results showed that dietary BHT supplementation can slow down the level of lipid oxidation in Beluga sturgeon muscles during frozen storage, but it had a direct relationship with dietary lipid level.  相似文献   
Blood and seminal plasma ionic parameters are essential for monitoring health status, detecting illnesses, fish stock conservation and development of artificial propagation methods via extender improvement. In this study, comparison of blood and seminal plasma ionic parameters in beluga, Huso huso (30–45 kg, 1–2 m, n = 10), was made. The results obtained show that Na+ (82.54 ± 5.46), Cl (15.95 ± 0.72) and K+ (3.57 ± 0.15) were predominant ions in the seminal plasma (as mm ). Blood ionic values (as mm ) were determined for Na+ (110.2 ± 1.26), K+ (3.77 ± 0.081), Cl? (60.12 ± 1.5), Ca2+ (2.05 ± 0.35) and Mg2+ (1.9 ± 0.16). Results of the comparison between ionic parameters of seminal and blood plasma indicated that the concentrations of all parameters of blood plasma with the exception of K+ were significantly (p < 0.05) higher than those of seminal plasma.  相似文献   
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