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为研究探讨建立适合我国国情的转基因生物风险交流机制与途径,本研究基于全国30个省(市、区)4 239多份问卷,对政府、企业、媒体、科学家和公众五类人群两两最佳交流途径进行了问卷调查分析。研究明确了不同类群之间的最佳交流途径,在此基础上初步确立了在我国开展转基因生物风险交流的可行模式、探讨了不同交流主体在转基因风险交流中的责任和义务。调查结果还表明,目前在我国开展转基因生物风险交流的媒体与手段首先应该是电视、网络和报纸/期刊。转基因生物风险交流侧重点应放在与公众身体健康确实密切相关的方面。  相似文献   
林木转基因技术及其安全性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物技术的发展带来了林业生产的新突破,然而现代生物技术的研究、开发、应用以及转基因生物的跨国越境转移可能对生物多样性、生态环境和人类健康产生潜在的不利影响。特别是各类转基因活生物体释放到环境中,可能对生物多样性构成潜在威胁。这就是生物安全所关注的问题。目前对转基因农作物生物安全问题研究比较深入,而林木转基因树种的安全性评价还处在初级阶段。就转基因技术在林木中的应用现状及相关的安全性评价原则办法进行综述。  相似文献   
Genetic modification techniques, in particular novel gene editing technologies, hold the yet unfulfilled promise of altering genetic traits in farm animals more efficiently than by crossbreeding, allowing for a more rapid development of new cattle breeds with distinct traits. Gene editing technologies allow for the directed alteration of specific traits and thereby have the potential to enhance, for instance, disease resilience, production yield and the production of desired substances in milk. The potential implications of these technological advancements, which are often combined with animal cloning methods, are discussed both for animal health and for consumer safety, also with consideration of available methods for the detection and identification of the related products in the food supply chain. Finally, an overview is provided of current regulatory approaches in the European Union (EU) and major countries exporting beef to the EU, for products from animals bred through established practices as well as modern biotechnologies.  相似文献   
Late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans is one of the most devastating diseases in potato cultivation and is mostly controlled by the application of chemicals. However, introduction of combinations of resistance ( R ) genes conferring broad-spectrum resistance from wild Solanum species into cultivated potatoes is considered the most practical and promising approach to achieve durable resistance. This can be realized via classical breeding or genetic modification (GM). Because classical breeding is very time-consuming and is often hampered by linkage drag, a GM approach seems logic in this heterozygous and vegetatively propagated crop. During the last decades, many R genes have been identified in several wild Solanum species. Some have been cloned and more will follow. When these genes are derived from species crossable with cultivated potato (so-called cisgenes), application in resistance breeding using a GM approach is similar to an introgression breeding approach, in that the exploited genes are indigenous to the crop. Pending deregulation or derogation of cisgenesis, the use of cisgenic R genes would be an ideal strategy to accomplish durable resistance in potato.  相似文献   
转基因产品致敏性评估的规范化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 在转基因产品商业化之前需要对其安全性进行全面评估 ,其中包括对潜在致敏性的评价。介绍了多个国际组织对致敏性的评估程序 ,并对致敏性测试的某些环节进行了论述。随着中国加入WTO以及在国际贸易中转基因产品数量和品种的增加 ,我国对转基因产品食用安全性中致敏性的评估程序及评估技术与国际接轨日益重要。笔者建议尽早建立一套适合中国国情的科学而又全面的转基因产品潜在致敏性评估体系  相似文献   
cry1A基因编码苏云金芽孢杆菌杀虫晶体蛋白,是转基因植物使用最为广泛的抗虫基因,包括cry1Ab、cry1Ac、cry1A.105、cry1Ab/Ac等类型,cry1A基因为靶标的检测方法在转基因植物安全监管与检测中尤为重要。虽已建立数种cry1A基因检测方法,但均因该基因间序列差别较大而无法覆盖大部分转化体。由此,采用简并引物的策略,开发了一种cry1A基因通用检测方法,检测能力覆盖了常见的16种含cry1A的转化体,开发过程包括实验室内部方法建立和实验室间循环验证。结果表明,该方法在引物终浓度04 μmol·L-1,退火温度64 ℃的条件下,能够特异性检测样品中含有的cry1A基因,检出限为01%。开发的cry1A基因检测方法参数全面,重复性和重现性良好,为国内外转基因成分监管与检测提供方法参考。  相似文献   
转基因产品检测技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着转基因产品的种类和数量逐年增加,转基因产品的安全性也越来越受到全球广泛关注,迫切需要建立有效的转基因产品检测技术。文中简要介绍了现有的转基因产品检测技术及方法,目前转基因检测方法主要是基于外源蛋白靶标的检测方法和基于核酸的检测方法,如酶联免疫吸附法、PCR技术、恒温扩增技术、生物传感器及数码PCR等,并着重介绍了个各方法的优缺点及转基因产品检测的困难及趋势。  相似文献   
The study examined the effect of tillage (intensive vs. zero tillage) on potential gene flow during the life cycle of oilseed rape volunteers between July 2002 and August 2003. After growing oilseed rape, 4–29% of the seeds lost during harvest entered the soil seedbank when stubble tillage was performed immediately after the seed input. The seedbank was small (0–3%) when stubble tillage was delayed. Zero tillage resulted in seedbanks from 1 to 17% of the initial seed input. The seeds were distributed mainly in the upper soil layers after zero tillage or primary tillage with a rigid tine cultivator, whereas ploughing shifted most of the seeds into deeper layers. The highest number of volunteers (1 plant m−2) emerged and flowered in the following crop of winter wheat either when a large soil seedbank existed and/or the seedbank was located mainly in the upper soil layer. Outcrossing with other rape crops was unlikely as volunteers flowered 1 month later than rape crops sown at the normal timing. These volunteers produced a maximum of 8 viable seeds m−2. Ploughing preserved seeds in deep soil layers transferring the risk of gene flow to the future, whereas non-inversion tillage can cause gene flow from high numbers of flowering volunteers within the first year following oilseed rape cultivation.  相似文献   
肠道微生物平衡对于维持机体的生理平衡发挥重要作用,与宿主的营养代谢、免疫调节有着重要的关系。肠道健康直接反映机体的健康状态。外源物质可通过肠道菌群、肠壁通透性、粘膜免疫、肠道代谢物等影响机体健康。对转基因生物进行肠道健康的安全评价可以监测转基因生物通过肠道产生的非期望效应,为转基因生物的安全性提供有力保证。本研究汇总了近年来国内外对转基因生物在肠道微生物平衡方面的研究,完善了非期望效应的评价内容,在一定程度上也进一步完善了转基因生物安全评价体系。  相似文献   
转基因生物检测技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转基因技术的发展,促进了转基因生物(genetically modified organisms,GMO)的数量、多样性不断增加,给GMO检测工作提出了新的挑战,同时也促进了GMO检测方法的发展。GMO检测新方法突破了传统方法中一次只能分析一个靶目标的限制,新方法一次可以检测多个靶目标,向高通量检测的方向发展。作者对最新报道的GMO检测方法作一概述,主要包括实时荧光PCR多靶分析方法,锁式探针-基因芯片方法、液相芯片方法,多重PCR-毛细管电泳方法,生物发光检测方法,以及为GMO检测提供方法决策的支持系统(DSS、GMO示踪)等。  相似文献   
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