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森林经营是实现森林可持续发展的根本途径,土壤动物是森林生态系统的重要组成部分,可对森林经营及其带来的变化及时做出反应。为了探讨土壤动物对森林经营措施的响应,归纳总结了森林经营理念的发展以及森林经营对土壤动物影响的文献资料。结果表明森林经营主要通过对地上结构和微环境的改变对地下土壤动物的群落组成、分解功能及生物指示功能等方面产生影响。在今后研究中应加强森林经营对土壤动物连续长期的动态影响研究,同时利用现代研究技术与方法深入探讨森林经营对土壤动物影响的机制研究。  相似文献   
半潜式深远海养殖网箱在波浪作用下会发生变形与运动。为保证网箱结构的稳定性,需对其水动力特性进行分析。本研究基于有限元法建立了波浪作用下一种半潜式网箱的数值模型,通过仿真计算求解网箱的锚绳受力与运动情况。首先,将计算机模拟值与物理水槽试验值进行比较,验证数值模型的准确性。然后,分别研究了半潜式网箱在3种压载状态下的动力响应情况,分析比较了不同波浪条件下网箱锚绳张力、垂荡、纵荡和纵摇的计算结果。结果显示,计算值与试验值基本吻合,二者的相对误差在5%左右。当波高一定时,网箱迎浪侧和背浪侧锚绳受力与波浪周期改变无明显关联;当周期一定时,两侧锚绳受力均随波高的增加而增大。网箱的垂荡、纵荡及纵摇值均与波高呈正相关,随着半潜式网箱吃水的增加,网箱的垂荡、纵荡及纵摇值基本呈减小趋势。网箱在3种压载状态下最大垂荡值和纵荡值分别为12.67 m和10.59 m,网箱在空载状态下的最大纵摇值≤15°,表明半潜式网箱结构具有较好的稳定性。研究结果可为我国深远海养殖网箱设计提供理论参考。  相似文献   
烟威近岸海域是历史上重要的鲐(Scomber japonicus)产卵场之一,或囿于对其“过路渔场”的认知,近年来对该海域鱼类产卵场的研究相对较少。为了解烟威近岸海域鱼类产卵场现状,于2020年4—9月对该海域开展逐月产卵场调查,基于鱼卵、仔稚鱼及环境数据,运用空间插值、聚类分析、非度量多维标度排序、相似性分析和冗余分析(RDA)等方法对该海域鱼类早期资源时空分布、群落结构月度更替及主要种类适宜产卵生境进行了综合分析。结果显示,2020年4—9月于烟威近岸海域采集到鱼类早期资源种类52种,包括33种鱼类的337 038粒鱼卵和28种鱼类的2122尾仔稚鱼;5—6月为主要产卵期,共有21种鱼卵出现,鱼卵数量占全年鱼卵总数的98.32%,主要产卵场位于烟台套子湾至威海鸡鸣岛北部海域,主要产卵种类为鳀(Engraulis japonicus)、鲐、蓝点马鲛(Scomberomorus niphonius)、高眼鲽(Cleisthenes herzensteini)、黄条 (Seriola lalandi)、绯 (Callionymus beniteguri)、少鳞 (Sillago japonica)、黑鲷(Acanthopagrus schlegelii)、短吻红舌鳎(Cynoglossus joyneri)、长蛇鲻(Saurida elongata)等;烟威近岸海域鱼卵与仔稚鱼群落结构年内变化明显,除产卵末期(8—9月)外,各月间种类更替率不低于50%,鱼卵与仔稚鱼群落月间平均相异性不低于73%;海表温度(SST)、海底温度(SBT)、海表盐度(SSS)和深度(DEP)是显著影响4—9月主要鱼种产卵选择的环境因子。研究表明,烟威近岸海域为黄渤海规模较大的鱼类产卵场之一,需在鱼类早期生活史研究与产卵场养护策略制定时得到足够重视。  相似文献   
The metabolic consequences of the isoenergetic replacement of dietaryprotein by carbohydrates (CHO) were compared in studies of European eel andrainbow trout. Diets with 45/20, 37/30, 29/40 and 21/50 percentprotein/carbohydrate were assessed during a 12-week experiment. The CHO sourcewas pre-gelatinized corn starch. Fish of initial average weight 45gwere fed to satiation twice daily. Weight-gain and feed-efficiency data weregenerally better in trout than in eel, presumably because trout digestibilitycoefficients for protein and energy were higher than in eel. In both species,regardless of physiological differences in digestion and absorption, feedintakeand nutrient digestibility were lower when dietary CHO was higher, but theinter-species differences decreased with increasing dietary CHO.Pyruvate kinase activity (PK) in trout was not affected by dietary CHO content,while blood-glucose and liver-glycogen levels significantly rose withincreasingdietary CHO. In contrast, blood-glucose levels appeared to be regulated ineels,perhaps by an accelerated glycolysis rate, revealed by changes in PK.Gluconeogenic activity was inhibited in trout fed a diet containing20–30%CHO, while in eels this activity was not inhibited by dietary replacement ofprotein by carbohydrate. Liver glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity(G6PDH) was inhibited in trout fed increasing dietary CHO, whereas in eelsG6PDHoperated at a high rate regardless of dietary composition. These results mayindicate that eels have a better capacity for metabolising high-CHO/low-proteindiets than do trout.  相似文献   
The Ionic and Osmotic Factors Controlling Motility of Fish Spermatozoa   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This review presents actual knowledge about energetic, ionic, osmotic and gaseous control of fish sperm motility and its duration. Right after they are activated, fish spermatozoa of most species swim for a short period of time, in the range of one to several minutes. What determines the activation process? Is it due to the new ionic, gaseous and/or osmotic environment? Why is the duration of motility so short? Is it resulting from a fast exhaustion of energy stores (ATP, ADP, AMP, PCr) combined with the above-mentioned ionic/osmotic stress leading to morphological alterations? The motility criteria (flagellar beat frequency, head displacement velocity, flagellar waves morphology, etc.) used to characterize fish sperm movement and sperm flagella will be described. Most parameters change very rapidly during the brief motility period of fish sperm. Then will be considered the main environmental factors, ionic and/or osmotic signals, responsible of the activation of fish sperm motility. Then the metabolic compounds involved in cell energetics will be considered as their concentrations also rapidly change during the motility phase. An additional feature will then be discussed concerning the mechanisms by which fish sperm cell can be revived for a second motility round at the end of the first motility period. A model is proposed to explain how external osmolarity can control internal ionic composition, the latter being the key factor controlling flagellar activity.  相似文献   
This experiment was done to study the effects of dietary soybean meal (SBM) and inulin (a prebiotic) on the capacity for digestive hydrolysis and amino acid absorption by Atlantic salmon, and how a dietary supplement of the broad-spectrum antibiotic oxytetracycline (OTC) modulated these responses. A control diet (FM) was made from fish meal, fish oil and extruded wheat. Two similar diets were made with 250 g soybean meal (SBM) or 75 g inulin kg− 1. Each diet was made with or without a supplement of 3 g OTC kg− 1. All six diets contained yttrium oxide for estimation of apparent nutrient absorption. Each diet was fed to two groups of 172 g salmon kept in 1 m2 tanks with 9 °C saltwater for 3 weeks. Intestinal organs were then sampled and weighed. Gastrointestinal tracts (GIT) were sectioned for analyses of brush border alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) activities. Tissue from the distal intestine (DI) was also fixed for histological examination. Digesta from the different sections were freeze dried for estimation of trypsin and amylase activities, and of apparent absorption of amino acids (AA), nitrogen (N), and sulphur (S). About 85% of the trypsin activity, 70% of the amylase activity, 85% of the ALP activity, and 82% of the LAP activity were found in the proximal (PI) and mid (MI) intestine of fish with functional DI, and the absorption of AA, N, and S was quantitatively completed in the MI. Dietary OTC resulted in lower relative liver weight, but apart from increased ALP and LAP activities in DI when feeding OTC in combination with inulin, OTC did not modify the responses to dietary SBM or inulin. Dietary SBM resulted in lower relative liver weight, and induced pathomorphological changes in the DI mucosa, thus lower the ALP and LAP activities in the DI. SBM also stimulated absorption of AA, N, and S in the PI, but at the same time increased the activities of trypsin and amylase in the DI, indicating reduced re-absorption and increased faecal losses of these endogenous enzymes. Dietary inulin did not damage the DI, and stimulated intestinal growth and higher relative mass of the GIT. Inulin without OTC did not affect the hydrolytic and absorptive capacity of the salmon GIT.  相似文献   
The drumfilter effluent from a recirculation aquaculture system (RAS) can be used as substrate for heterotrophic bacteria production. These bacteria can be reused as aquatic feed. In RAS drumfilter effluents are organic carbon deficient for bacteria production. This is due to nitrogen accumulation in the system water. In the present experiment, a bacteria growth reactor (3.5l) was connected to the drumfilter (filter mesh size 60 μm) outlet of a recirculation system. To counteract carbon deficiency, different supplementation levels of molasses (organic carbon) were tested (carbon fluxes of 0.0, 3.2, 5.8, 7.8, 9.7 gC molasses/l/d; C:N ratios: 3.4, 6.4, 9.4, 13.0 and 16.5). The hydraulic retention time in the bacteria reactor was 6 h. For the maximum flux, the VSS and crude protein productions were about 168 gVSS and 95 g crude protein per kg feed. The maximum conversion of nitrate and ortho-phosphate was 24 g NO3−N and 4 gP/kg feed. This equals a conversion of 90% of the inorganic nitrogenous waste and 98% of the ortho-phosphate-P. Furthermore the maximum substrate removal rate and the Ks for molasses were determined (1.62 gC/l/h and 0.097 gC/l respectively). The maximum specific removal rate was 0.31 gC/gVSS/h and the related half saturation constant was 0.008 gC/l. The observed growth rate reached a maximum for C fluxes higher than 8 g/l/d. The present integration of heterotrophic bacteria production in RAS represents, therefore, an innovative option to reduce waste discharge by conversion. If the bacteria are reused as feed, system's ecological sustainability increases.  相似文献   
鲤鱼单极虫病组织病理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了1989年以来,造成王快水库等网箱养鲤大批死亡的单极虫病,病鱼出现烂鳃、肛门红肿、腹部膨大,腹腔内有大量粘液等症状;显微观察的结果为:各组织器官发生病变,肠上皮细胞严重坏死,平滑肌纤维发生玻璃样变及解体,鳃丝充血,鳃小片融合,肝细胞核溶解、坏死。  相似文献   
江河船体式网箱养鱼的评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者认为,江河船体式网箱养鱼作为一种新型的养殖方式,应对饲养对象的选择,流量控制,汛期的环境变化(水位,泥沙含量,固体污染物侵袭),以及船体的材料结构等进行深入研究,取得必要的基础资料,以促进江河船体式网箱养鱼稳步健康地发展。  相似文献   
于2010年6~10月和2011年2~8月,对维西县野生哺乳动物进行了野外调查,调查地点包括塔城镇、攀天阁乡、白济汛乡、叶枝镇、巴迪乡、永春乡、维登乡、保和镇、康普乡等9个乡镇。共记录了55种哺乳动物,隶属8目、21科、44属。其中东洋界种类占全部哺乳动物种数的67.27%,古北种占12.73%,广布种占20.00%。其中属国家I级保护5种,国家Ⅱ级保护10种,省级保护2种,列入CITTES附录的20种。  相似文献   
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