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山葡萄‘双红’、‘双优’在戈壁滩上栽培的表现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道我国西部栽培的‘双红’和‘双优’两个山葡萄品种不埋土能正常越冬,调查、测定和分析这两个山葡萄品种在冬季寒冷、冬春又极干旱的西部戈壁滩上栽培的生产表现。两个山葡萄品种根系耐低温能力比欧亚种酿酒葡萄品种强,枝条保水能力更强,因此,在干旱荒漠的戈壁石砾地上不埋土能安全越冬和抗御春日多风和干旱。一年生枝条长势好,花芽能正常形成,但在开花季节花序干枯和脱落现象严重。‘双红’、‘双优’山葡萄表现生产性能差、果穗少、果穗小、穗重轻、果粒小,故产量低,仅为原产地的1/3,但其品质好,可溶性固形物高出3.9~4.6个百分点。为使‘双红’、‘双优’在河西戈壁滩上栽培,既不埋土又有较高的产量,提出一些解决措施。  相似文献   
近年来,在全球变暖的大背景下,西北也经历着同样的变暖趋势,尤其是在西北干旱区新疆、甘肃河西走廊等地的棉花种植区,气候变暖对小麦生长发育的影响研究日益增多,但如何正确、合理的评价小麦对气候变暖的响应,已成为目前十分突出的科学和实际问题。在评价的过程中,评价指标的选择和确定是重中之重。鉴于此,本文筛选了几类重要的评价指标,主要有小麦生长发育、种植结构、 地理分布、农业气象灾害、农业病虫害气象指标等,这些指标的选择为科学评价小麦对气候变化的响应奠定了一定的基础。  相似文献   
【Objective】Our goal is to develop disaster-reducing, production-preserving and chemical-controlling cultivation techniques to effectively resist cold damage at the booting stage of japonica rice in cold region.【Method】The split plot design and the central combination test design were used to screen out the optimal application concentrations of CaCl2, glutamic acid(Glu), and γ-aminobutyric acid(GABA) through the membership function values of yield-related indicators under cold-water stress at booting stage.【Result】1) Under cold water stress at the booting stage, the optimal concentrations of exogenous CaCl2, Glu and GABA (CGG) were 1.87 mmol/L, 2.76 mg/L, 4.40 mmol/L, respectively and the average membership function value is the largest (0.932). 2) Compared with normal irrigation, the nitrogen photosynthetic efficiency of cold-region japonica rice decreased under cold stress at the booting stage. Compared with cold water stress at the booting stage, CGG application at the optimal concentration significantly increased the leaf area index (5.37%) and nitrogen photosynthetic efficiency (4.53%) of Dongnong 428 at the full heading stage; significantly increased leaf biomass per leaf area (2.56%) and leaf area index (3.39%) of Songjing 10 at the full heading stage. 3) Compared with cold water stress at the booting stage, the application of the optimal concentration of CGG increased the dry matter accumulation from heading stage to maturity in the cold-region japonica rice, but it was still lower than that of the normal irrigation, and there were differences between varieties and treatments. 4) Compared with cold water stress at booting stage, the yield and yield components of cold-region japonica rice increased with the application of the optimal concentration CGG, and the impact on cold-sensitive varieties was more significant. 5) Compared with the cold water stress at the booting stage, the average increase in temperature production efficiency of Dongnong 428 and Songjing 10 was 5.55% and 23.72% under the optimal concentrations of CGG, respectively. The contribution rate of exogenous CGG to the gap of temperature production efficiency is 8.99%.【Conclusion】The application of the optimal concentration of CGG under cold water stress at the booting stage promoted leaf growth of cold-region japonica rice at the full heading stage and increased the population nitrogen photosynthetic efficiency, which was beneficial to dry matter accumulation and yield formation after heading stage, thereby reducing the loss of cold-region japonica rice under cold water stress at booting stage and improving the temperature production efficiency of cold-region japonica rice.  相似文献   
为筛选耐盐性优良的小麦资源,在0、0.3%和0.5%NaCl处理下,对黄淮麦区的132个小麦品种的8个数量性状进行了遗传多样性、相关性、主成分分析和耐盐性评价。结果表明,供试材料具有丰富的遗传多样性,且随盐浓度的升高,被测指标的变异系数和遗传多样性指数逐渐增大,其中单株成穗数、穗下茎节长和单株产量的变异系数均大于10%;除株高外,其他性状的遗传多样性指数均大于2。相关分析表明,在高盐(0.5%NaCl)胁迫下,株高与单株产量极显著正相关,而在低盐(0.3%NaCl)胁迫下则相关不显著;在低盐胁迫下,千粒重与单株产量极显著正相关,而在高盐胁迫下相关性不显著。主成分分析表明,在低盐、高盐胁迫下,前4个主成分累计贡献率达到82.677%、88.897%。以综合耐盐指数为依据,发现河北省的衡4399、石麦15,山东省的青麦6号、青丰1号、青农2号和烟农5286,河南省的洛旱6号、郑麦366、周麦22号、周麦23号和周麦28号共11个品种在两种盐分条件下均表现为耐盐性强。结合田间群体表现和产量,认为周麦22号、洛旱6号、郑366、青农2号、烟5286和衡4399为高产耐盐小麦种质资源,可在耐盐育种工作中加以利用。  相似文献   
以阿克苏地区的经济发展与建设用地集约利用的两个子系统为研究对象,基于二者与社会协同理论,同时运用熵值法、统计分析、系统评价和耦合模型等方法对其进行研究。建立阿克苏地区经济发展与建设用地耦合模型,然后对耦合关系进行探讨,揭示经济发展与建设用地集约利用的关系。研究结果表明,阿克苏地区经济发展和建设用地集约利用水平都较低;经济发展—建设用地集约利用系统中两子系统在反正切函数模型中的协调性越来越差;两子系统在经济和建设用地集约利用水平较低时高度耦合,阿克苏地区的经济水平较建设用地集约利用水平快速发展,建设用地集约水平急需改善。  相似文献   
The Zhanghe irrigation system (ZIS) is located in the Yangtze River Basin approximately 200 km west of Wuhan in Hubei Province. The reservoir was designed for multiple uses—irrigation, flood control, domestic water supply, industrial use, aquaculture, and hydropower. Over a period of more than 30 years a steadily increasing amount of water has been transferred from irrigation to other uses. Activities on the part of government, irrigation system managers, and farmers made this transfer possible with only modest decline in rice production. Most important factor was the steady increase in rice yields. The water pricing system provided an incentive for ZIS to reduce irrigation releases. With the steady decline in releases, farmers were forced to find ways to save water. Farmers improved existing ponds and built new ones to store water (improved infrastructure). Access to pond water on demand facilitated the adoption of alternate wetting and drying (technology) particularly in dry years. The establishment of volumetric pricing (price policy) and water user associations (institutions) may also have provided incentives for adoption of AWD, but more research is needed to establish their impact. These activities taken together can be seen as potentially complementary measures. Farmers received no direct compensation for the transfer of water, but recently farm taxes have been reduced or altogether abolished. Further reduction in water releases from the ZIS reservoir could adversely affect rice production in normal or dry years.  相似文献   
中国的劳伦斯研究从20世纪30年代开始起步,自80年代起走向繁荣。在80年代,劳伦斯笔下的性描写是学者关注的中心,也鼓舞和启发了中国作家对人性的深入探索。90年代之后,中国学者对劳伦斯研究的范围不断扩大,对其创作中的工业文明与大自然的冲突主题、两性关系主题、死亡与再生主题,非理性心理描写、原始主义等问题都进行了深入探究,也对其作品中的象征隐喻手法进行了全面的分析。精神分析、生态批评、比较文学,以及原型批评、解构主义批评、叙事学、伦理学批评等研究方法,都应用于劳伦斯研究,取得了可观的成绩。另一方面,中国的劳伦斯作品翻译良莠不齐,研究的低水平重复、缺乏学术规范现象也十分严重。  相似文献   
中国叩甲科昆虫属的分布类型与特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过统计中国科学院动物研究所标本馆、中山大学生物防治国家重点实验室昆虫标本室、华中农业大学昆虫标本室和深圳职业技术学院生物应用工程系昆虫标本室叩甲科昆虫定名标本和相关资料,分析了中国叩甲科昆虫属的区系分布特点。结果表明:除异角叩甲亚科Pityobiinae在古北界没有分布外,其余11个亚科在东洋界和古北界均有分布;东洋界的特有属很多,达到64属,占到总数的一半(50%)。从各区的分布情况看,分布于华南区的属最多,达到100属,占总数的78.1%;华北区和青藏区分布的属最少,分别只有21和14个属,分别占总数的16.4%和10.9%。中国叩甲科昆虫在中国动物地理区划中共有37个分布型,其中华南区的种类最多,达到37属,占总数的28.9%;其次为华南、西南、华中3区共有种类,为13属,占总数的10.2%;再其次为华南、华中2区共有种类,为8属,占总数的6.3%。  相似文献   
南海诸岛海域渔业捕捞现状及发展建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出了南海诸岛海域渔业发展在南海渔业资源可持续利用和中国南海海洋权益维护中的重要性,初步阐述了南海诸岛海域渔业开发现状,分析了制约该渔业发展的主要因素,并提出开发南海诸岛海域渔业资源的对策和建议。  相似文献   
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