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The importance of seagrass beds and mangroves as a juvenile habitat as opposed to other shallow water habitat types is investigated using a single sampling method on four islands in the western Indian Ocean for Cheilinus undulatus, and on one island in the southern Caribbean Sea for Scarus guacamaia. Both species occur on the Red list of threatened species. Juveniles of Cheilinus undulatus were predominantly found on seagrass beds while adults were limited to the coral reef. The presence of seagrass beds resulted in significantly higher densities of the species on coral reefs in front of these habitats, indicating the importance of seagrass beds as a juvenile habitat. For Scarus guacamaia, juveniles were exclusively observed in mangroves while adults only occurred on the coral reef. Adult S. guacamaia occurred on all coral reefs along the sheltered coast of the island containing mangroves, but no relationship with distance to mangroves was observed. This could indicate the importance of mangroves for the occurrence of adults of this species on the scale of an entire island.  相似文献   
粤东柘林湾溜牛人工鱼礁建设选址生态基础评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用层次分析法,构建了基于生态系统效应的资源保护型人工鱼礁建设选址评价方法,通过选择水文、水质、底质和浮游生物、鱼卵仔鱼、大型底栖动物、游泳动物、初级生产力、潮间带大型底栖动物等30个海洋环境与海洋生物因子,建立了人工鱼礁建设选址生态评估模型;以柘林湾溜牛人工鱼礁区选址区域为例,对所选因子进行了春、夏、秋、冬4个季度的跟踪监测,探讨了该海区进行人工鱼 礁建设的适宜性,根据该模型计算得出各季度人工鱼礁建设选址生态基础评价指数分别为0.65、0.71、0.63、0.64,平均为 0.66,计算结果表明,该区域建礁生态基础良好,适宜选址开展人工鱼礁建设,其中生态基础最优的季节为夏季。  相似文献   
2004年5—7月和2005年3—4月采用深水三重刺网在南海的羚羊礁、华光礁、银砾滩、东岛、滨湄滩、排洪滩、本固暗沙、比微暗沙、武勇暗沙、海鸠暗沙、双子群礁、中业群礁、鲎藤礁、美济礁、仁爱礁、仙宾礁、南方浅滩、棕滩、大渊滩、永署礁、南薰礁、牛轭礁、道明群礁等23座重要珊瑚礁过渡性水域进行了2个航次专业调查,其中有21座岛礁共渔获到7目15科33种408尾软骨鱼类,而美济礁和南方浅滩没有渔获到软骨鱼类。根据调查资料,通过物种各分类阶元的分布、优势度(IRI)和单位努力量渔获量等几个方面分析南海重要珊瑚礁过渡性水域软骨鱼类的组成与分布,旨在为南海珊瑚礁渔业资源的开发和管理提供科学依据。结果表明,西沙群岛的重量单位努力量渔获量范围为73~499kg/10^4m^2,其优势种类是迈氏条尾虹、灰六鳃鲨和黑梢真鲨;中沙群岛的重量单位努力量渔获量范围为114~245kg/10^4m^2,其优势种类是迈氏条尾虹、灰三齿鲨;南沙群岛除了美济礁和南方浅滩外其重量单位努力量渔获量范围为51~846kg/10^4m^2,其优势种类是黑梢真鲨、灰三齿鲨。  相似文献   
采用行为学方法,对体长2~7 cm、体质量2~30 g的刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)在实验室水槽中自然光照下的行为特性进行观察,分别记录了刺参在水槽中无礁(对照组)和有礁区域的分布情况,并分析了不同形状、材料及距水槽底部不同空隙的人工参礁对刺参的诱集效果.实验观察发现,刺参在水槽中有明显的爬壁现...  相似文献   
为研究崂山湾人工鱼礁区浮游植物群落结构与环境因子的关系,于2011年3、6、9、12月对崂山湾3个人工鱼礁区(峰山区、仰口区、港东区)进行取样调查。4次采样共鉴定浮游植物69种,其中3、9、12月优势种都为甲藻门中的中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum),并且9月鱼礁区浮游植物密度远大于其他月份浮游植物密度。应用Canoco for Windows 4.5软件对获得的浮游植物数据和环境因子数据进行典范对应分析(Canonical correspondence analysis),作出物种与环境因子关系的二维排序图。结果表明,影响礁区浮游植物分布的主要环境因子依次为磷酸盐、温度、硅酸盐。  相似文献   
为观察光棘球海胆Strongylocentrotus nudus在饱食、饥饿和饥饿再投喂状态下的行为特征,及其对水泥、PVC两种材质模型礁的聚集特性,在实验室中模拟光棘球海胆栖息海域底层的昼夜水流速度和光照强度进行试验。结果表明:当光照强度达到560 lx、水流速度达到20 cm/s(9:00)时,均匀分布的光棘球海胆有90%向模型礁附近区域移动;当光照强度和水流速度下降时,光棘球海胆向模型礁附近区域外移动;运动趋势明显的光棘球海胆在饱食、饥饿和饥饿再投喂3种状态下的平均移动速度分别为0.039、0.041、0.052 cm/s,3种状态下光棘球海胆顺、逆水流运动次数的比值依次为饥饿状态(1.63)饱食状态(1.18)饥饿再投喂状态(0.73),饥饿再投喂状态下光棘球海胆的活跃程度高于饱食和饥饿状态;鱼礁材质也影响光棘球海胆的聚集行为,光棘球海胆在饱食、饥饿和饥饿再投喂状态下对水泥模型礁的平均聚集率分别为25%、17%、24%,对PVC模型礁的平均聚集率分别为16%、7%、12%,光棘球海胆对两种模型礁的聚集效果均为饱食状态饥饿再投喂状态饥饿状态。研究表明,光棘球海胆在饱食和饥饿再投喂状态下对两种模型礁的聚集效果较好,而水泥材质的模型礁比PVC材质的模型礁聚集效果更好。  相似文献   
Overfishing may seriously impact fish populations and ecosystems. Marine protected areas (MPAs) are key tools for biodiversity conservation and fisheries management, yet the fisheries benefits remain debateable. Many MPAs include a fully protected area (FPA), restricting all activities, within a partially protected area (PPA) where potentially sustainable activities are permitted. An effective tool for biodiversity conservation, FPAs, can sustain local fisheries via spillover, that is the outward export of individuals from FPAs. Spillover refers to both: “ecological spillover”: outward net emigration of juveniles, subadults and/or adults from the FPA; and “fishery spillover”: the fraction of ecological spillover that directly benefits fishery yields and revenues through fishable biomass. Yet, how common is spillover remains controversial. We present a meta‐analysis of a unique global database covering 23 FPAs worldwide, using published literature and purposely collected field data, to assess the capacity of FPAs to export biomass and whether this response was mediated by specific FPA features (e.g. size, age) or species characteristics (e.g. mobility, economic value). Results show fish biomass and abundance outside FPAs was higher: (a) in locations close to FPA borders (<200 m) than further away (>200 m); (b) for species with a high commercial value; and (c) in the presence of PPA surrounding the FPA. Spillover was slightly higher in FPAs that were larger and older and for more mobile species. Based on the broadest data set compiled to date on marine species ecological spillover beyond FPAs' borders, our work highlights elements that could guide strategies to enhance local fishery management using MPAs.  相似文献   
为了解牡蛎在潮间带的生态特性及资源分布情况,调查了浙江三门健跳港上游湾区牡蛎潮间带分带格局,并检验附苗器类型和地点对牡蛎资源补充的影响。结果显示:潮间带定量调查共记录到3种牡蛎,即熊本牡蛎(Crassostrea sikamea)、近江牡蛎(C.ariakensis)和香港牡蛎(C.hongkongensis),首次在浙江海域记录到香港牡蛎的自然分布。熊本牡蛎在调查的5个潮区(1.4 m、2.2 m、3.0 m、3.8m、4.6 m)均有分布,其平均密度沿增加的高程梯度呈现上升趋势,其中4.6 m潮区熊本牡蛎密度显著高于1.4 m和2.2 m潮区(P<0.05)。近江牡蛎和香港牡蛎仅分布于最底层的1.4 m和2.2 m潮区。牡蛎资源补充实验结果表明,该湾区具有很高的熊本牡蛎资源补充量,采苗地点(P<0.05)和附苗器类型(P<0.05)均显著影响牡蛎苗的密度和壳高,总体上水泥片的附苗效果要好于塑胶轮胎,上游S1点附苗效果优于下游S2点,推荐上游S1点作为熊本牡蛎附苗场。  相似文献   
Abstract  The accuracy of household reporting of subsistence fishing catch and effort and seafood consumption on the Fijian island of Ono-i-Lau was studied. A creel survey was carried out concurrently to validate the household survey data. Reported estimates of fishing participation, effort, and fish consumption were not significantly different to the creel survey estimates. Householder's appeared to overestimate the number of fish from the most abundant family Lethrinidae, and underestimate rarer fish. However, there was no significant difference between the reported and observed contribution of the majority of finfish families and invertebrate taxa. The reported and observed catch rate estimates were not significantly different, indicating that Ono-i-Lau villagers are relatively accurate in their estimation of the number and size of fish from recalled catches.  相似文献   
  • 1. Forest restoration through silviculture (gardening) programs revives productivity, biodiversity, and stability. As in silviculture approaches, the coral ‘gardening’ strategy is based on a two‐step protocol.
  • 2. The first step deals with the establishment of in situ and/or ex situ coral nurseries in which corals are farmed (originating from two types of source material: asexual [ramets, nubbins], and sexual [planula larvae, spat] recruits).
  • 3. The second is the reef rehabilitation step, where maricultured colonies are transplanted into degraded sites.
  • 4. We compare here the rationale of forest restoration to coral reef ecosystem restoration by evaluating major key criteria. As in silviculture programs, a sustainable mariculture operation that focuses on the prime structural component of the reef (‘gardening’ with corals) may promote the persistence of threatened coral populations, as well as that of other reef taxa, thus maintaining genetic diversity. In chronically degrading reef sites this may facilitate a halt in biodiversity depletion.
  • 5. Within the current theoretical framework of ecosystem restoration, the recovery of biodiversity indices is considered a core element since a rich species diversity provides higher ecosystem resilience to disturbances.
  • 6. The gardening measure may also be implemented worldwide, eliminating the need to extract existing colonies for transplantation operations. At degraded reef sites, the coral gardening strategy can assist in managing human and non‐human stakeholders' requirements as is done in forest management.
Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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