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This study examined the seasonal variation in the condition index (CI) of Crassostrea gigas postlarvae (<5 mm) that were cultivated at a commercial hatchery. Oysters were sampled weekly at the nursery using seawater from a lagoon for the grow‐out that precedes commercialization. Temperature, salinity, seston, chlorophyll a, oxygen and pH were recorded at each sampling and water samples were taken to identify phytoplankton groups and their abundance. High levels of primary productivity, chlorophyll a and seston were detected during summer, but the highest CI occurred in winter. During winter, elevated phytoplankton biomass was composed by diatoms and phytoflagellates, which served as the main food source and promoted weight gain in this season. Variations in salinity, oxygen and pH were not related to differences in the CI. However, it appears that the wide temperature variation affected functions, such as feeding activity, apparently enhancing ingestion during winter (mean 16.5±1.4 °C) and reducing ingestion during summer (mean 31±1.5 °C). Winter production resulted in postlarvae with a homogeneous size range and a high CI, indicating that winter is more favourable to start cultivation. The CI represents a practical means to determine the physiological state of postlarvae before transfer to cultivation sites.  相似文献   
大窑湾养殖区浮游植物分布特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
王鉴  王志松 《水产科学》1999,18(5):19-21
通过对大窑湾养殖区浮游植物的调查与定性定量分析,得出该海区浮游植物细胞总量较低,是引起太平洋牡 蛎个体消瘦的原因之一。  相似文献   
为进一步检测熊本牡蛎(Crassostrea sikamea)多嵴和无嵴品系F3的连续选择反应,以2个品系F2上选组为材料,开展2个品系F3混合上选研究,评估2个品系F3生长性状的选择反应、现实遗传力及遗传改进量,解析选育过程中选择效应、品系效应及二者交互作用对生产性状的影响。结果表明:多嵴品系F3生长性状具有较高的现实遗传力,表现出较好的遗传改良效果;无嵴品系F3表现出中等现实遗传力水平,但仍具有一定程度的遗传改良潜能。养成期360日龄时,多嵴品系子代壳高、鲜重的选择反应分别为0.70、0.76;现实遗传力分别为0.40、0.43;遗传改进量分别为7.02%、12.29%;无嵴品系的选择反应分别为0.36、0.33;现实遗传力分别为0.20、0.19;遗传改进量分别为3.74%、5.72%。经过双因子分析模型检测发现:品系来源是影响F3生长性状的主要因子,选择效应是次要因子,二者间不存在明显的交互作用。由此可见,随着连续选择的进行,选择反应逐渐降低,品系来源作用增强,本研究为熊本牡蛎遗传改良和新品系培育奠定了基础。  相似文献   
盐度与pH对3种南方贝类呼吸率和钙化率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定了近江牡蛎(Crassostrea rivularis)、翡翠贻贝(Perna viridis)和波纹巴非蛤(Paphia undulata)3种南方重要养殖贝类在20、25、30和35共计4个盐度梯度和8.1、7.7、7.3和7.0共计4个pH梯度下的呼吸率和钙化率。结果表明,盐度和pH对3种贝类的呼吸率和钙化率均有显著影响(P0.05);盐度为20~35,近江牡蛎的呼吸率和钙化率均随盐度的升高而降低,而翡翠贻贝和波纹巴非蛤在盐度为20~30时,呼吸率和钙化率随盐度的升高而升高,盐度30~35时,随盐度的升高而下降。pH为8.1~7.0时,3种贝类的呼吸率和钙化率均随着pH的下降而显著性下降(P0.05)。  相似文献   
The Kumamoto oyster (Crassostrea sikamea) and the Portuguese oyster (C. angulata) are important aquaculture species which naturally coexist along the southern coast of China. To understand the potential feasibility of hybridization between the two species, we conducted two‐by‐two factorial cross‐experiments in Beihai (Guangxi province), and also compared the survival and growth of the hybrids to that of the two parental progenies during the grow‐out period from July 2014 to July 2015. Genetic analysis confirmed that the hybrid spats were true hybrids. Additionally, the biochemical composition of the 1‐year‐old oyster progenies was determined. In July 2015, the mean shell height of the hybrids was 42.98 ± 6.29 mm, which was higher than that of the Kumamoto oyster progeny. The cumulative survival rate of the hybrids was 26.37 ± 1.32%, which was higher than that of the progeny of the Portuguese oyster. Mean lipid content of the hybrids was 13.65 ± 1.63% of dry weight, which showed obvious heterosis compared to those of the two parental progenies. Observation of gonads revealed that all hybrids were completely fertile. Furthermore, relative expression of the lipid homeostasis genes, SREBP (sterol regulatory element‐binding proteins), PPARα (peroxisome proliferator‐activated receptor) and INSIG (insulin‐induced gene) were found to vary between parental progenies and the hybrids, thus providing a possible reason for difference in the lipid contents of these experimental groups. Overall, the hybrids were viable, rich in lipid and completely fertile and thus could serve as a promising aquaculture stock for oyster breeding in southern China.  相似文献   
为了从生理学角度探讨长牡蛎壳金选育系的快速生长机制,本研究以两种规格长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)第4代壳金选育系(简称金1和金2)和两种普通养殖群体(简称对照1和对照2)为材料,比较了不同温度(16℃、20℃、24℃、28℃、32℃)和盐度(15、20、25、30、35)条件下各实验组的滤水率(FR)和耗氧率(OCR)。结果显示:(1)摄食实验中,4个组长牡蛎的滤水率均随温度或盐度增加先上升后下降,在温度28℃时出现最大值;对照1的滤水率在盐度25时达到最大值,其他3组滤水率在盐度30时达到最大值;方差分析结果显示,温度、群体,盐度、群体对长牡蛎的滤水率均有显著性影响,长牡蛎壳金选育系的滤水率均显著大于普通养殖群体(P0.05)。(2)呼吸实验中,较大规格长牡蛎壳金选育系的耗氧率受温度或盐度变化的影响更小。方差分析结果显示,温度、群体,盐度、群体均对长牡蛎耗氧率有显著性影响。实验温度范围内,金1的耗氧率显著小于对照1,但金2的耗氧率显著大于对照2(P0.05)。实验盐度范围内,壳金选育系的耗氧率均显著大于普通群体(P0.05)。(3)同一壳色群体中,个体越大,单位软体部干重滤水率和耗氧率越低。研究表明,较大规格长牡蛎壳金选育系F4更能适应外部环境的变化,该选育系的快速生长可能是由其较高滤食行为导致的。  相似文献   
为了监测长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)在选育过程中的遗传变异、分析选育对其遗传结构的影响,本研究以选育目标为壳宽快速生长的长牡蛎为实验材料,利用微卫星(Simple Sequence Repeats)标记技术,对长牡蛎基础群体(P0)和连续两代选育群体(F1和F2)进行遗传多样性评估。结果发现,所有微卫星位点在3个群体中都表现出了较高的多态性,P0、F1和F2代群体的平均等位基因数分别为16.5、12.2和12.8;P0、F1和F2代群体多态性信息含量(Pic)的平均数值分别为0.9068、0.8982和0.8836。所有群体10个位点的观测杂合度值(Ho)均小于期望杂合度值(He),观测杂合度平均值的大小范围为0.5775–0.6484,期望杂合度范围为0.8594–0.9279。哈迪-温伯格平衡(HWE)结果显示,3个群体在10个位点上有24个群体的位点组合显著偏离HWE(P<0.05),说明人工选育对选育群体的遗传结构有一定的影响。3个群体在10个位点上的Fis值均为正值,平均范围为0.1541–0.2341,表明群体内各位点上的杂合子比例有所下降;各群体间Fst值范围为0.0093–0.0245,遗传分化程度较弱。此研究表明,以壳宽快速生长为选育目的,长牡蛎连续选育群体仍具有很高遗传多样性,人工选育过程中保持一定选择压力,仍然会使长牡蛎的优良生长性状得到不断提高。  相似文献   
To determine effects of aquacultured oysters Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin, 1791) on the overlying water column, a mesocosm study was performed at the Marine Ecosystem Research Laboratory (MERL) from June to October, 2000. The MERL facility is located adjacent to Narragansett Bay and consists of fourteen 13,000-l mesocosm tanks designed to simulate the Bay environmental conditions. Two hundred oysters (≈35 mm valve height; nominally filtering about 55 l/day/individual) were placed into three mesocosms, and three mesocosms were maintained without oysters as controls. Experiments were run with varying rates of water exchange in the tanks ranging from 0% to 100% per day (13,000 l/day). Parameters that were measured and compared between the two treatments included chlorophyll-a, particulate organic and inorganic matter, sedimentation, nitrate, ammonia, selected phytoplankton species and oyster growth rates. Oysters affected phytoplankton species composition and increased rates of sedimentation. Large diatoms were net sampled, and Nitzchia striata was predominant in mesocosms with oysters, while Skeletonema costatum dominated the control tanks. Ammonia excretion rates were determined for C. virginica using the salicylate–hypochlorite method. Ammonia excretion can be described by the allometric equation E=50.65w0.699 when E is the ammonia excretion rate in μg/h, and w is the soft tissue dry weight in grams. Based on rates of ammonia excretion by oysters and observed steady states of ammonia and other forms of inorganic nitrogen in mesocosm tanks, it can be hypothesized that ammonia generated by oysters is taken up by rapidly regenerating phytoplankton in the water column.  相似文献   
The effect of ploidy on the mortality of Crassostrea gigas spat caused by the ostreid herpesvirus (OsHV‐1) genotype μVar was investigated at five sites along the Atlantic coast in France in 2011. Sibling diploids and triploids were produced using either unselected or selected OsHV‐1‐resistant oysters. No significant interactions were found between the factors of environment, genotype and ploidy at the endpoint dates. The mean mortality rates at the sites were 62% and 59% for diploids and triploids, respectively, and the two rates were not significantly different. The mean mortality rates were 33% and 32% for sibling diploids and triploids, respectively, when OsHV‐1‐resistant parents were used and 91% and 85%, respectively, when unselected parents were used. The results were confirmed through other broodstocks tested in 2013. Our study is the first to clearly show that mortality related to OsHV‐1 is similar between diploids and triploids in C. gigas when the same germplasm is used for both ploidy. Furthermore, OsHV‐1 resistance was not substantially altered by triploidization, indicating that the achieved selective breeding of diploid oysters for OsHV‐1 resistance can be translated into improved survival in triploids.  相似文献   
用试验生态学方法研究了温度对不同规格的长牡蛎Crassostrea gigas三倍体(3n)和二倍体(2n)呼吸和排泄的影响。试验设12、18、24、30℃4个温度水平,并根据牡蛎倍性、规格分别设3n-L、3n-M、3n-S、2n-L、2n-M、2n-S 6个组别。结果表明:在12~24℃条件下,牡蛎的耗氧率随着温度的升高而增加,并在24℃时达最大值,之后,耗氧率随温度的升高而降低;3n和2n牡蛎软体部干重(W)与耗氧率(R)的回归关系符合幂函数方程R=aWb-1,3n的a值为1.532~1.737,b值为0.728~0.887,2n的a值为1.197~2.173,b值为0.823~0.854。牡蛎软体部干重(W)与排氨率(N)的关系符合幂函数N=c Wd-1,2n的c平均值为194.992,d平均值为0.669;3n的c平均值为251.746,d平均值为0.611。以体重为协变量进行协方差分析结果表明:温度引起耗氧率和排氨率的差异达到显著水平;倍性效应引起排氨率的差异达到显著水平,且3n的排氨率大于2n,倍性效应引起的耗氧率的差异不显著。  相似文献   
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