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企业想要获得更多的利润都取决于消费者对产品的需求程度和对产品的满意程度,从正确的供应商处采购到正确的产品才是采购最重要的一点。故而,合理的采购可以给企业树立正确的产品观念和市场观念,也可以给企业树立良好的形象,在市场中打下结实的基础。  相似文献   
水仙是人们生活中常见的一种装饰花卉,其叶姿秀美、花色雅致、花香浓郁,有“凌波仙子”的美称。水仙是中国十大名花之一,具有极高的观赏价值。本文就水仙的挑选、雕刻、栽培方式及养护技术进行研究,以期能为水仙的日常养护和雕刻提供参考依据。  相似文献   
针对板栗贮藏现状,从采前着手,具体从7个方面介绍影响板栗贮藏保鲜效果的关键因素,以期为贮藏企业和栗农提供经验,达到改善板栗贮藏保鲜效果、延长贮藏时间的目的。  相似文献   
为探索红麻育种新途径,加快红麻育种的步伐,我们于1979年开始进行红麻花药培养的研究。供试品种为红麻71—33。79年接种于每升附加2,4—D 2毫克,萘乙酸1毫克及激动素1毫克的 MS 培养基上诱导而成的愈伤组织,经多代分化培养,80年夏,从中挑选部分新鲜愈伤组织进行再诱导,嗣后转入加有玉米素、6—苄基氨基嘌呤的 MS 培养基上进行再分化培养,于1981年10月获得20多株绿苗及大量的绿芽。  相似文献   
In our study, two experimental plantations, respectively, with 24 and 32 new clones of P tomentosa, were established in Weixian County, Hebei Province and Wuzhi County, Henan Province using a completely randomized block design. A comparative study was conducted on the continuous 5-year-old height and diameter at breast height (DBH) of new clones in the two plantations. As well, based on genetic correlation over the years of testing of these clones, a preliminary study of early selection was carried out. Results indicate that the growth traits of the new clones in Weixian were better than those in Wuzhi. The traits show weak correlation between the two plantations. In some stands, the height, DBH and seedling volume of 5-year-old clones presented statistically significant differences among clones. In both plantations, the new clones showed over 0.6 repeatability of height, DBH and volume, as well as larger coefficients of variation (CV). The fact that these clones achieved the largest repeatability and CV in the second year suggests that these traits are highly controlled by heredity. Thus, based on the growth traits of the second year, the new clones B305, B307, B303, H75, BT18, BT17 and 21J-1 were considered suitable in Weixian. In Wuzhi, the new clones had variable repeatability and CVs in various years and their correlation of growth traits among different years was not high. We conclude that early selection of new clones was not feasible in Wuzhi.  相似文献   
近几年,市场对高档果品的需求,促进了水果生产中果实套袋技术的推广应用。但是目前国家对果袋纸还没有一个统一的标准,果袋纸市场鱼龙混杂,使得果农在挑选果袋纸和果袋时困难重重。为避免用户的损失。这里提供几条鉴别果袋纸及果袋质量的方法:  相似文献   
说起汽车挡风玻璃上的雨刮器,可能很多车友不以为然。在汽车的总体中,雨刮器是个比较小的零部件。但是据国际驾驶安全调查显示:雨天驾车,由雨刮器老化引起的交通事故率比平时高出大约5倍。在雷阵雨频频,如果你的雨刮器有什么故障,就要赶紧修复或者更换。雨刮器的种类大致有两种  相似文献   
刚孵出的鱼苗吸附在池壁或鱼巢上,不吃不动,依靠吸收腹部的卵黄为营养。经3~4d,鱼苗开始自由游动并摄食。这时应投喂较小的轮虫、草履虫、变形虫和单细胞藻类等活饵料。若缺乏活饵,可喂煮熟的鸡蛋黄。7~10d后仔鱼长到1cm以上时,取出  相似文献   
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