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育成鸡沙门氏菌的控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
种鸡舍、孵化场和肉鸡场需要采用相应的措施以控制肉鸡沙门氏菌. 每当肉鸡胴体的沙门氏菌数超过了官方规定的最高标准时,养禽公司第一个反应是指责肉鸡屠宰加工厂.许多养禽公司花了大量的时间和金钱通过改造家禽屠宰加工厂,试图减少肉鸡胴体成品中的沙门氏菌数量,但是这种措施未必一定奏效,因为肉鸡胴体成品中的沙门氏菌污染水平取决于鸡肉生产链的每一个环节.  相似文献   
鹅大肠杆菌病是由埃希氏大肠杆菌引起的多种病的总称,其病原为大肠杆菌,各种年龄的鹅均可感染,其发病率与死亡率因受各种因素影响而有差异。大肠杆菌普遍存在于饲料、饮水、鹅的体表、孵化场、孵化器等处,其中种蛋表面、孵化过程中的死胚及蛋中分离率较高。本病主要通过种蛋、空气中的尘埃、污染的饲料和饮水而传播,一年四季均可发生,多雨、闷热、潮湿季节多发。  相似文献   
通过对四川不同地区的4个蛋种鸡孵化场进行沙门氏菌感染调查,发现4个蛋种鸡孵化场中弱雏身上的沙门氏菌分离率最高(分别为25.2%、0、13.7%、5.3%),对应孵化场提供的早期死亡雏鸡身上的沙门氏菌分离率也较高(分别为25.3%、7.8%、16.5%、8.6%)。选择19株沙门氏菌用21种抗生素进行耐药性检测,发现该菌只对头孢类部分药物及个别其他类别药物敏感,而对喹诺酮类、磺胺类、大环内酯类、氨基糖苷类的大部分药物耐药。表明对蛋种鸡孵化场沙门氏菌耐药性的控制迫在眉睫。  相似文献   
陶凯  李明  方朝阳 《农技服务》2011,28(4):499+526-499,526
孵化场的选址及建设、孵化期管理、苗鸭检验及判定规则等方面介绍鸭孵化技术。  相似文献   
  安徽池州市殷汇镇孵化场是一家集饲养、育种、繁殖、管理、经营于一体的民营企业。该厂兴建于1980年,拥有悠久的种鸭、种鹅孵化历史和丰富的孵化经验以及先进的孵化设施、精湛的孵化工艺,还具有相当的科技攻关实力。常年提供杂交肉用大白鹅、肉鸭、蛋鸭、特大品种番鸭苗。我厂重合同,守信誉。孵化的鹅雏、鸭雏具有成活率高,生长快,抗病力强等优点,深受广大养殖朋友的好评。  相似文献   
<正>种蛋管理的好坏直接关系着孵化率和鸡苗质量,因此种蛋管理对种鸡场和孵化场显得至关重要。笔者从事种鸡饲养和孵化实际工作多年,现结合生产实际,谈谈管好种蛋的5个关键环节。1种蛋的收集要想发挥种蛋的最佳孵化潜力,生产高质量的鸡苗,需要对种  相似文献   
引言 眼斑拟石首鱼(Sciaenops socellatus)亦称红鱼和斑尾鲈,产在墨西哥海湾大西洋至图斯潘的马萨诸塞,深受渔民和消费者的喜爱。由于美国严格限制野生群体的商业捕捞,故眼斑拟石首鱼已成为重要的商业养殖鱼类,公共机构的养殖兴趣日益提高,公私合资在德克萨斯建立了—个孵化场,生产眼斑拟石首鱼鱼种进行野外放养。  相似文献   
SW  Lee  M  Najiah  W  Wendy  A  Zahrol  M  Nadirah 《中国农业科学(英文版)》2009,8(6):740-745
In this article, antibiogram and heavy metal resistance profile of bacteria isolated from giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) hatchery in Malaysia are described. Although giant freshwater prawn was introduced into Malaysia since the 1980s, there was no database information on antibiogram and heavy metal resistance profile of bacteria from giant freshwater prawn (34. rosenbergii) hatchery in Malaysia. Therefore, this study was carried out to determine the effectiveness of antibiotic and heavy metal resistance profile to control bacterial diseases in M. rosenbergii hatchery. The results can provide valuable information for local M. rosenbergii post-larval producer. Antibiotic sensitivity test was carried out by disk-diffusion method against 15 types of antibiotics as follows: oxolinic acid (2 μg), ampicillin (10μg), erythromycin (15μg), furazolidone (15 μg), lincomycin (15μg), amoxicillin (25 μg), colistin sulphate (25 μg), doxycycline (30μg), florfenicol (30 μg), flumequine (30 lag), nalidixic acid (30μg), tetracycline (30μg), oleandomycin (15μg), fosfomycin (50μg), and spiramycin (100 μg), whereas heavy metal resistance profile of the present bacterial isolates was determined by 2-fold agar dilution technique. In this study, 5 types of bacteria were successfully isolated; they were Aeromonas spp. (n = 77), Escherichia coli (n = 73), Edwardsiella spp. (n = 62), Salmonella spp. (n = 75), and Vibrio spp. (n = 43). The result showed that furazolidone was the most effective antibiotic to control the bacteria isolated in this study, approximately 89.7% of the bacterial isolates were sensitive to this antibiotic. Multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) index indicated that the hatchery water source and M. rosenbergii post-larval and sediment tanks were at high-risk exposure to the tested antibiotic. Furthermore, all the tested heavy metals (Cd2+, Cr6+, Hg2+, and Cu2+) failed to inhibit the growth of the bacterial isolates. Therefore, it indicated that the water source of the hatchery is contaminated with both antibiotic residues and heavy metal.  相似文献   
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