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Two viruses, detected frequently in the Netherlands in pelargonium, were identified by serology and test plant reactions. Antisera were prepared and an ELISA procedure was developed to detect the viruses in pelargonium.One of the viruses, PFBV-N, proved to be pelargonium flower-break virus. With the antiserum to PFBV-N, it could be detected reliably throughout the year inPelargonium zonale Springtime Irene.The other virus, PLPV-N, was serologically closely related to pelargonium line pattern virus (PLPV) and to pelargonium ring pattern virus (PRPV), as were an old virus isolate from Saturnus, collected in the Netherlands in 1971 (L128), and PLPV isolates from Yugoslavia (PLPV-Y) and Denmark (PLPV-D). There were only minor differences in host-plant reactions between the virus isolates. Based on these tests, PLPV and PRPV are considered as isolates of the same virus, for which, for practical reasons, the name pelargonium line pattern virus is proposed.PLPV could be reliably detected by ELISA inP. zonale Springtime Irene and Amanda throughout the year with only a few exceptions. InPelargonium peltatum Tavira, however, reslts were erratic due to uneven distribution of virus in the plant. Best results were obtained when petioles of fully expanded leaves were tested.  相似文献   
Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) larvae were fed enriched Artemia or zooplankton in duplicate tanks from 0 to 60 days after first‐feeding. Both diets and the larvae were analysed for vitamin A (VA) in order to confirm earlier findings, in which Artemia fed larvae had lower levels of VA compared with larvae fed zooplankton. Furthermore, we wanted to investigate the composition of the retinoids in the larvae. The results showed that Artemia and zooplankton contains low levels of VA, probably too low to sustain the assumed requirement. Nevertheless, larvae fed Artemia had the same level of retinal and retinol as larvae fed zooplankton. We found a significant lower level of retinyl esters in larvae fed Artemia. The total VA level was lower in larvae fed Artemia only at the end of the feeding trial after the onset of metamorphosis. Our conclusion is that feeding Artemia to Atlantic halibut larvae is not likely to cause VA deficiency.  相似文献   
圆斑星鲽(Verasper variegatus)作为中国鲽形目(Pleuronectiformes)养殖鱼类的重要代表种类,具有生长速度快,可食用部分多,肉质细嫩等特点。为了探究圆斑星鲽形态性状与体重的关系,本研究分别测定11月龄、14月龄和17月龄3个不同生长期圆斑星鲽的体重及全长(FL)、体长(BL)、体高(BH)、头长(HL)、头高(HH)、尾柄长(CL)、尾柄高(CH)、吻长(SL)共计8个形态性状,分别进行相关分析和通径分析,剖析形态性状对于体重的直接作用和间接作用;利用回归分析的方法,建立各个时期以形态指标为自变量,体重为因变量的最优线性回归方程。结果显示,1)不同生长阶段,影响体重的重点形态指标存在差异,影响11月龄圆斑星鲽体重的主要形态性状为体高和体长,14月龄阶段为全长、体高和头长,17月龄阶段为全长和体高;2)11月龄、14月龄和17月龄形态性状对体重(Y)的多元回归方程分别为:Y=-186.412+17.381XBH+10.517XBL,Y=-362.484+13.145XFL+20.172XBH+21.199XHL,Y=-816.147+24.121XFL+40.575XBH;3)除本研究所包括的形态指标外,体厚可能为另外一个影响圆斑星鲽体重的重要指标。本研究阐明了体重与形态指标间的相关关系,为圆斑星鲽的良种选育提供了生物学依据。  相似文献   
Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS) is a well-characterized disease of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, which has also caused economic losses in marine turbot farms in the British Isles. We have previously demonstrated that turbot, Scophthalmus maximus, are susceptible to isolates of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) that are endemic in the marine environment, highlighting a potential risk to marine aquaculture. Given the increasing interest in the intensive rearing of additional aquaculture species such as Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, and Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, this study aimed at investigating the susceptibility of these species to VHSV. Both species were found to be largely resistant to VHS following immersion challenge with a selection of 18 isolates, representing the known marine VHSV genotypes. Only one and two VHSV-associated mortalities occurred out of a total of 1710 and 1254 halibut and cod, respectively. These findings suggest that there is a low direct risk to the development of commercial cod and halibut aquaculture from the existing endemic reservoir of VHSV. This study, coupled to field observations has, however, highlighted the fact that both species can become infected with VHSV. The known adaptability of RNA viruses, together with the selection pressures associated with intensive aquaculture would thus advocate a cautious approach to VHSV surveillance within these emerging industries.  相似文献   
2008年10月,在福建宁德水产技术推广站进行了大黄鱼(Pseudosciaena crocea,♀)×黄姑鱼(Nibea alb-iflora,♂)杂交,观察了杂交子代胚胎发育。大黄鱼和黄姑鱼亲鱼平均体质量和体长分别为405 g、27.9 cm和390g、24.8cm,采用干法人工授精。受精卵浮性,为单油球端黄卵,卵径1060~1500μm,油球379.8μm左右。在水温25.8~26.2℃,盐度26的条件下,经18h55min半数受精卵破膜,胚胎发育分为卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠期、肌节出现期、心跳期、肌肉效应期、出膜前期和出膜期,初孵仔鱼全长2.75~2.98mm,受精率约为14.4%,孵化率约为31.9%,畸形率约为30%。共培育杂交初孵仔鱼5万尾。3日龄仔鱼开口摄食轮虫,7日龄开始摄食小型挠足类。  相似文献   
中国沿海6个花鲈群体的形态差异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过聚类分析、主成分分析和判别分析等多元分析方法,对东港、绥中、秦皇岛、青岛、舟山以及珠海等6个花鲈(Lateolabrax maculatus)地理群体的8个形态比例性状进行了研究。聚类分析和主成分分析表明,6个花鲈群体可被分为两支:来自黄海、渤海海域的东港、秦皇岛、绥中和青岛群体为一支(北方群体);东海海域的舟山群体和南海海域的珠海群体为另一支(南方群体)。南北群体间有一定程度的形态分化,和舟山群体相比,珠海群体和北方群体的亲缘关系更近。主成分分析获得的3个主成分方差贡献率分别为31.726%、27.744%和14.075%,累计贡献率为73.545%。利用8个变量构建的6个地理种群的判别公式,判别准确率在63.6%~84.4%之间,综合判别准确率72.7%。本研究结果为花鲈地理种群判别、种质资源评价以及良种选育等提供了基础资料。  相似文献   
圆斑星鲽线粒体基因组全序列结构及其进化   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用圆斑星鲽(Verasper variegatus Temminck et Schlegel)和相关鱼类的部分线粒体基因序列,设计出6对扩增引物,通过PCR扩增产物直接测序和引物行走(Primer walking)法测定圆斑星鲽线粒体基因组全序列,并对其进行结构与进化分析。圆斑星鲽线粒体基因组序列长17273 bp,其基因序列及构成都与其他硬骨鱼基本相同,包括37个基因(2个rRNA基因、22个tRNA基因和13个蛋白质编码基因)和2个非编码区(控制区和WANCY区)。在22个tRNA基因中,tRNAGln、tRNAAla、tRNAAsn、tRNACys、tRNATyr、tRNASer(第2个)、tRNAGlu和tRNAPro的编码基因位于L链上,其余则位于H链上。在13个蛋白质编码基因中,除了COⅠ基因的起始密码子为GTG外,其余均以ATG为起始密码子。蛋白质编码基因包括具有完整TAA终止密码子的ND1,COⅠ,ATP8,ND4L,ND5,而其他蛋白编码基因则具有不完全终止密码子。在L链上,ND6是仅有的一个蛋白质编码基因。圆斑星蝶的控制区包含1个终止相关序列区(ETAS)、6个中央保守序列区(CSB-A、B、C、D、E、F)和3个保守序列区(CSB-1、2、3)以及长串联重复区(Tandemly repeat sequence)。用NJ法和MP法对5个目22种鱼mtDNA的13个蛋白质编码基因的氨基酸序列进行系统分析,结果显示,圆斑星蝶与石鲽关系最近,鲽形目的鲆、鲽类与鲈形目的科(Carangidae)、鲷科(Sparidae)鱼类亲缘关系较近,而同属于鲽形目的塞内加尔鳎(Solea senegalensis)没有和任何目聚在一起,成为一个独立的分支。圆斑星蝶的基因组全序列序列已提交到GenBank,登录号为DQ403797,控制区单元型序列的GenBank登录号为DQ834444~7。  相似文献   
方斑东风螺池塘养殖试验   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
在0.16 hm2的土池中,9月投放壳高1.30~2.61 cm、体重0.90~2.68 g的方斑东风螺稚螺5.41万粒,经4个月的试养,育成商品螺243.0 kg,个体重2.5~12.0 g,平均体重5.25 g;壳高2.53~4.35 cm,平均3.05 cm;成活率86.3%,饵料系数2.3,获产值28 188元。经试验方斑东风螺对养殖环境海水水质的适应能力较强,对水温的适应范围较广,是一种优良的海水养殖品种,适合南方池塘养殖。  相似文献   
品牌资产作为产品的核心价值,在同类产品差异较小的情况下,已经成为消费者记忆和识别商品的工具.从消费者角度出发,在品牌资产相关理论的基础上,构建农产品品牌资产模型,并以宁乡花猪为例进行实证研究,得出基于消费者视角的农产品品牌资产构成及其相关关系,并论证农产品品牌认知、品牌联想、品质感知对消费者影响显著;最后为农产品生产企业经营管理者提供了相关建议.  相似文献   
开展了条斑星鲽染色体C-带、Ag-NORs带及G-带的研究。结果发现,条斑星鲽染色体显示较为复杂的C-带,有4对染色体整体呈阳性深染,分别为3、13、20、22号染色体;3对具居间C-带,分别为1、4、8号染色体;9号染色体整体显示阴性,其余有大小不一的着丝粒C-带。计算其异染色质含量为54.91%。银染分裂相中Ag-NORs出现的数目以两个的频率最高,达87.5%,与此相一致,在间期核中通过银染表现出两个核仁的间期核数目的频率也最高,故确定条斑星鲽染色体具有1对Ag-NORs,位于亚中部着丝点染色体的短臂上,为端部Ag-NOR。Ag-NORs的数目为1~3个,以出现两个Ag-NOR的频率最高,达87.5%,与此相同的是,在间期核中,通过银染表现出两个核仁的间期核数目的频率也最高。G-带研究显示,条斑星鲽有37条深染带,22条浅染带。  相似文献   
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