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[目的]探究甘孜藏牛的mtDNA基因组遗传多样性与母系起源。[方法]采用mtDNA全基因组序列比对及生物信息学方法。[结果]结果显示:在28头甘孜藏牛mtDNA 基因组中,共检测到1232个变异位点,确定了22种单倍型,其单倍型多样度(Hd)为0.98820±0.00010,核苷酸多样度(Pi)为0.02420±0.00003,表明甘孜藏牛具有丰富的母系遗传多样性。系统发育树和网络分布图表明,28头甘孜藏牛mtDNA基因组包括4种母系支系,分别为普通牛的T2、T3与T4支系,还有牦牛支系,其中T2支系占7.14%,T3支系占64.29%,T4支系占3.57%,牦牛支系占25 %。[结论]甘孜藏牛具有较丰富的母系遗传多样性,为普通牛母系起源,但与牦牛有杂交。  相似文献   
本研究采用微量中和实验的方法,对30日龄、45日龄、60日龄幼狐的传染性脑炎母源抗体进行检测。结果显示,30日龄幼狐的传染性脑炎母源抗体水平较高,中和抗体平均效价为1:48.3;在45日龄断乳期该母源抗体平均中和抗体效价显著下降到1:18.3;在60日龄该母源抗体基本消失,多数中和抗体效价低于1:2.9。实验结果表明,45-50日龄对幼狐进行传染性脑炎疫苗首免,能避开免疫空白期和母源抗体干扰,获得较好免疫效果。  相似文献   
选取数量性状有较大差异的6个近江牡蛎(Crassostrea hongkongensis)作为亲本,成功建赢了9个半同胞家系,并对各个家系的受精、孵化、成活和早期生长的情况进行比较。结果显示,各家系子代的受精率、9孵化率和成活率均受亲本成熟度的影响;各家系的早期生长中,家系CH1、CH4和CH7的生长率大于其他家系;近江牡蛎幼虫的早期生长阶段受母本效应影响明显。  相似文献   
观察了美味猕猴桃[Actinidia delicosa(A.Chev.)C.F.Liang et A.R.Fenguson]“东山峰78—16”雌花芽形态分化的各个时期,同时测试了花芽分化期间结果母枝的营养生理代谢.结果表明;美味猕猴桃雌花芽形态分化始于2月下旬,终于5月中旬,结果母枝中的氨基酸总量、蛋白质、可溶性糖和氮、磷,钾等矿质元素以及C/N 比,在花芽形态分化前均不断升高,而进入分化盛期时,则均迅速下降,但结果母枝中的含水量变化不大.在花芽分化过程中,计有17种氨基酸参与代谢.其中含量最高的是谷氨酸,占总量的13.2%,最低的是蛋氨酸,只占0.6%,表明各种氨基酸含量的差异,可能与花芽分化时合成特殊的蛋白质有关.  相似文献   
To determine if the maternal antibody from breeders vaccinated with cell culture-adapted reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV) could protect chicks from early REV infection, one-day-old chicks with or without anti-REV maternal antibodies were inoculated with REV, and then their growth rates and antibody titers to Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and avian influenza virus (AIV), after vaccination with inactivated vaccines, were compared. This study indicated that REV infection could cause growth retardation and severely inhibit immune reactions to inactivated vaccines against NDV and Avian influenza virus (AIV, H9 and H5) in one-day-old broilers without maternal antibodies specific to REV. Maternal antibody from breeders vaccinated with an attenuated REV vaccine effectively protected REV-challenged birds from growth retardation and immunosuppression on antibody reactions to NDV and AIV vaccines. Four weeks after vaccination, the HI titers to NDV, AIV-H9, and AIV-H5 in maternal antibody positive and negative groups were 3.36 +- 2.04 versus 1.58± 1.69 (P〈0.01), 6.27±3.87 versus 0.71 ± 1.60 (P〈0.01), and 6.72±3.92 versus 0.54± 1.44 (P〈0.01). Maternal antibodies from breeders vaccinated with REV vaccine could successfully protect chicks from REV infection and effectively prevent REV-induced growth retardation and immunosuppression in antibody responses to NDV and AIV.  相似文献   
以遗传基础各不相同的6个甘蓝型油菜品系与甘蓝杂交,观察授粉后3、8和24小时花粉在柱头上附着,萌发及花粉管在柱头和花柱中的生长情况。从对花粉和柱头乳突细胞的形态学观察和统计分析的结果看,母本基因型对种间的花粉一雌蕊相互作用影响很大。对杂交幼果田间脱落率的调查结果支持这一论点。供试材料中以甘蓝型油菜自交不亲和系184×甘蓝的授粉亲和性最高,因此自交不亲和与种间杂交不亲和似乎是分别受极为相似的两套基因系统控制的。  相似文献   
A multivariate model was developed and used to estimate genetic parameters of body weight (BW) at 1–6 weeks of age of broilers raised in a commercial environment. The development of model was based on the predictive ability of breeding values evaluated from a cross-validation procedure that relied on half-sib correlation. The multivariate model accounted for heterogeneous variances between sexes through standardization applied to male and female BWs differently. It was found that the direct additive genetic, permanent environmental maternal and residual variances for BW increased drastically as broilers aged. The drastic increase in variances over weeks of age was mainly due to scaling effects. The ratio of the permanent environmental maternal variance to phenotypic variance decreased gradually with increasing age. Heritability of BW traits ranged from 0.28 to 0.33 at different weeks of age. The direct genetic effects on consecutive weekly BWs had high genetic correlations (0.85–0.99), but the genetic correlations between early and late BWs were low (0.32–0.57). The difference in variance components between sexes increased with increasing age. In conclusion, the permanent environmental maternal effect on broiler chicken BW decreased with increasing age from weeks 1 to 6. Potential bias of the model that considered identical variances for sexes could be reduced when heterogeneous variances between sexes are accounted for in the model.  相似文献   
分娩母猪母性行为的好坏直接影响到仔猪的成活率,尤其是一些母性行为失常的母猪直接咬死、踩死、压死仔猪,给养猪业造成巨大的经济损失。母猪分娩是受多种因素如神经、内分泌和胎儿等多方面影响和调控的一个复杂过程。近几年,虽然许多专家对分娩的机理进行研究,但到目前为止对造成母猪母性行为失常原因及机理的了解还不是很清楚。就分娩环境、机体内分泌、母猪遗传背景及产仔经验等影响分娩母猪母性行为的4个主要因素进行综述和讨论。  相似文献   
采用不同母株年龄的穗条、不同类型的插条、不同基质配比及不同浓度生根剂进行巨尾桉扦插育苗试验。结果表明:巨尾桉插条随母株年龄增大其生根率和生长量下降;嫩枝扦插生根率高、平均根数多、生长快;用珍珠岩和红土等量均匀混合的基质扦插效果好;用质量分数为50×10-6~200×10-6浓度的IBA浸泡2 h,能较大幅度提高扦插成活率。  相似文献   
Patagonian red octopus, Enteroctopus megalocyathus, is a merobenthic octopus whose paralarvae have been successfully cultured up to juvenile octopuses. At present, high mortality during the paralarval period prevents the scaling from experimental rearing to commercial aquaculture. The aim of the study was to determine upper (CTMax) and lower (CTMin) thermal tolerance, acclimation response ratio (ARR) and thermal tolerance polygon of paralarvae from different culture conditions and subjected to seven acclimation temperatures (6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18°C) during the first 5 days of paralarval life. Culture conditions were two types of egg incubation (maternal care and artificial incubators) and two feeding regimes (fed or starved). Fed paralarvae showed thermal preferendum, while unfed paralarvae preferred much higher temperatures than those of acclimation. CTMin and CTMax increased along with the acclimation temperature. Lower values of ARR were obtained in paralarvae from artificial incubation, with this type of paralarva showing the least adaptability to thermal changes. Starved paralarvae showed the lowest values for thermal tolerance range (TTR) and smaller areas of thermal polygon than fed paralarvae. Rearing temperatures above 16°C may be considered suboptimal to paralarvae and affected by the conditions during the embryonic incubation. Rearing temperatures below 8°C may be considered suboptimal for all hatched paralarvae. Therefore, the other temperatures within this range could be used in the context of improving the culture management of paralarvae.  相似文献   
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