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王岳  王海燕  李旭  杨晓娟  刘玲  李卫松 《草业科学》2014,8(8):1424-1429
本研究以8块不同林分密度近天然落叶松云冷杉林为对象, 研究不同林分下密度对不同土层土壤的理化特征。结果表明, 相同林分密度条件下, 土壤物理性质随土层深度增加呈显著变化(P0.05);除全氮外, 其他养分元素浓度差异不显著(P0.05)。不同密度条件下的土壤养分浓度并未表现出明显的变化规律, 也没有在某一密度之后出现明显的下降现象。林分密度为1 058株·hm-2时, 虽然土壤养分浓度有所降低, 但总体差异并不显著。这说明在试验区目前林分密度下, 土壤养分状况并未受影响, 可适当补植, 增加林地的利用效率。  相似文献   
通过调查中华常春藤的生境和测量茎的生长情况,总结了中华常春藤的种植特点和分枝方式,同时利用SPSS软件的回归分析建立回归模型,并根据建立的模型用Excel软件绘制坐标图。结果表明:中华常春藤主枝生长完毕所需的有效积温为2 718.34℃/d;茎伸长量随有效积温延续的变化呈"S"形曲线,而茎伸长速度变化趋于钟罩型单峰曲线。再利用此结果估算出:在理想的生长条件下采用三角形定植方式定植中华常春藤为宜,并且植株与植株之间的最佳定植密度为510 mm×510 mm。  相似文献   
To determine how stock abundance fluctuations of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma are related to variations in reproductive characteristics, the length at 50% maturity of the fish sampled off the Pacific coast of northern Japan from 1990 to 1999 was examined. In both sexes, the fish density increased, and the body length of age-3-5 fish decreased, but the condition factor and the age at 50% maturity showed no clear trend during this period. Male length at 50% maturity decreased, while value for females showed no clear trend. In both sexes, significant negative correlations were found between density index (combined age-3-5) and each body length at age-3-5. Significant positive correlations were seen between each body length at age-3-5 and length at 50% maturity in males. Positive correlation between body length at age-5 and length at 50% maturity was significant in females from 1990 to 1999, except for the samples in 1998. We suggest that the fish density might affect the length at maturity in males and possibly also in females.  相似文献   
利用玉米优良自交系农系531和X178杂交构建的200份RIL群体,基于GBS技术获得SNP标记构建高密度的重组bin遗传连锁图谱,定位控制玉米子粒容重相关QTL。结果表明,构建的物理图谱和遗传图谱的总长度分别为2 017.03 Mb和2 568.99 cM,相邻两个bin标记之间的平均物理距离和平均遗传距离分别为0.27 Mb和0.35 cM。运用所构建的遗传连锁图谱对RIL群体获得的所有目标性状进行连锁作图,两年共定位到4个与子粒容重相关的QTL位点,分别位于chr1、chr7和chr8上;穗部性状穗长、穗粗、穗行数、行粒数和出籽率两年分别共定位到了6、5、5、1、2个QTL位点,位点分布于chr1、chr2、chr3、chr4、chr5、chr7和chr8上。  相似文献   
This study compared field and laboratory decomposition rates of coarse woody debris (CWD) (>10 cm diameter) from three tree species: Pinus radiata, Eucalyptus regnans, and Eucalyptus maculata. For this purpose, the density loss of logs on the ground sampled from chronosequences of sites following harvesting was determined using the water replacement technique. P. radiata logs were sampled 1, 2.5, 6, and 9 years following harvesting, and logs of E. regnans and E. maculata were collected from sites that were harvested 1, 3.5, 6.5, and 12 and 1.5, 6.5, and 11.5 years ago, respectively. In addition, the C/N ratio of wood was determined and current respiration rates of logs from these different age classes were measured through laboratory incubation. The times for loss of 95% of material (t0.95) determined from density loss for these species were 24 years for P. radiata, 43 years for E. regnans, and 62 years for E. maculata. The decomposition rates of CWD derived from laboratory respiration were 6.1, 5.9 and 11.9 times higher than the decay rates from density loss in P. radiata, E. regnans, and E. maculata, respectively. This points to severe constraints of decomposition through adverse conditions in the field. The changes in respiration rates and C/N ratio with age of decaying logs indicated that the single component, negative exponential decay model could be applied satisfactorily only to P. radiata. In the case of the eucalypt species, substrate quality (expressed through respiration rates) declined in the oldest samples. This may be explained by the loss of rapidly decomposing sapwood and the retention of more decay-resistant heartwood. In these cases, a two-component model will be more suitable to describe the density loss of decaying wood.  相似文献   
通过2003—2004年不同播期和种植密度试验,确定黑龙江省主栽大豆新品种的适宜播期为4月下旬;由于种植密度不同,直接影响光照在植株群体中的分布,导致植株群体间小气侯环境的差异,最终影响产量。试验确定合丰45号、47号大豆品种适宜种植密度在25万株/hm^2左右,合辐93154—2大豆品种适宜种植密度在25~35万株/hm^2时产量最高。  相似文献   
玉米田杂草马唐的生长特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在田间和室内条件下研究了马唐的生长特性。结果表明 ,马唐种子具有短期休眠 ,其出苗的适宜土壤深度为 0 .5~ 4 .0cm ;随着密度的增加和出苗时间的推迟 ,马唐的单株生长量逐渐下降。  相似文献   
Common gear pumps have numerous shortcomings, including poor flow quality, high unbalanced radial force, imbalanced “balanced compound gear pumps” with complex structure, many leakage points, high manufacturing and assembling precision, high cost, and difficulty using in industrial applications. This paper proposed a new design scheme of a parallel gear pump with three sub structures. Based on the design model, theoretical analysis of structural principles, power density, radial force, flow characteristics, and flow fluctuating were carried out. The result shows the new pump design has the advantages of small axial size, high power density, the initiative gear balanced the gear radial force, and decreased the radial force of the driven gear. By selecting suitable numbers of teeth, it can reduce flow pulsation effectively and improve flow quality.  相似文献   
An experiment was undertaken to determine the herbage biomass and oil production of thyme (Thymus vulgaris Linn.) and hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis Linn.) in 2003 and 2004 in the semi-arid region of Khorasan in Iran. The experiment was a split plot with three irrigation intervals as main plots and three planting densities as subplots, all of which replicated three times. Irrigation intervals consisted of 7, 14, and 21 days for both crops and planting densities of 6.6, 8, and 10 (plants m−2) for thyme and 5, 6.6, and 8 (plants m−2) for hyssop. Different planting densities were employed by changing planting distances on cultivation rows. Herbage biomass and oil production of shoots, harvested at flowering were measured as annual production of each crop. Irrigation intervals did not change total harvested herbage biomass and oil production of both crops. Averaged across both years of the experiment, thyme produced higher oil than hyssop. Both crops produced higher biomass and oil in the second year of the experiment compared to the first year. While thyme plants biomass and oil production were lower at the highest planting density, hyssop plants showed no response to planting density. Herbage biomass and oil production of hyssop did not show a clear trend in response to interaction of irrigation intervals and planting densities in both years of the experiment. Our results showed that there is a high potential for saving water through longer irrigation intervals (e.g. 14 days) using locally adapted plants in the semi-arid conditions of Khorasan. These crops serve as alternative sources of income in dry years.  相似文献   
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