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SUMMARY: The vertical distribution of dwarf ayu Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis in the pelagic waters of Lake Biwa was evaluated from June to September in 1995–97 from eight acoustic surveys using a quantitative echosounder. In each survey, echoes from a depth range of 3 m to the sea bottom were collected at a station every 2.7 s for 24 h together with measurements of vertical profiles of water temperature and chlorophyll-a. The ayu's echoes were identified using an underwater video camera. The ayu were observed near the maximum chlorophyll-a depth and above the thermocline. Their density was highest at depths of 4–11 m with 2–4 individuals/m 3 and was almost zero below 20 m. Echo signs were recorded as having a frequent duration of more than 1 h at night, whereas were of a shorter duration in the day. The fish stay in the epilimnion during the day without any clear vertical migration, but are distributed more uniformly at night. The advantages of remaining in the epilimnion are discussed in terms of food availability and predator avoidance.  相似文献   
浙江省淳安县千岛湖近年来开发了生态环保探索、农事研学活动、红色国防教育3大主题6 个典型研学基地场景,对其自然条件、师资队伍、场所条件进行分析,研究其相应课程设计、研学路 线,教育性、体验性路径和目标。结果表明,研学不仅是生态红利的新引擎,也是创新发展的催化 剂,更是文化精神的感召力。提出要以新发展理念指引研学发展,深化研学内涵认知,多样化、多层 次、多方面开展研学活动。  相似文献   
W-OH是一种新型的化学植生固沙材料,通过室内试验及青海湖周边地区的不同处理方式植生固沙试验表明,3%~5%浓度的W-OH材料在抗冻、抗压、抗拉、抗紫外线等性能均能达到青海湖周边地区植生固沙的要求,在处理方式喷涂W-OH+沟处理试验中取得了良好的植被恢复和治沙效果,适合在青海湖周边地区类似条件的地区进行推广应用。  相似文献   
In the present study, the location, histology and number of corpuscles of Stannius (Sc), which are endocrine glands associated with the kidneys of teleost fish, were investigated for the first time in Lake Van fish (Alburnus tarichi), an anadromous and endemic inhabiting Turkey's Lake Van Basin. The Sc, which were ovoid or spheroid and white or cream in colour, were found to vary in number between three and five among the examined fish. The glands were located in the caudal part of the kidney, and either partially or completely embedded, and found to be present on both the ventral and dorsal surface of either side of the caudal part of the kidney. The Sc were surrounded by a connective tissue capsule that penetrated and divided the gland into incomplete lobules. Two types of cells were determined in the parenchyma of the gland. Type-I cells were predominant throughout the parenchyma and larger than the second (type-II). In the type-I cells, the cytoplasm was observed as weakly or moderately eosinophilic with haematoxylin and eosin staining and weakly or moderately acidophilic with Mallory's triple staining. In the type-I cells, the cytoplasm exhibited weak to moderate periodic acid-Schiff staining and slight or uniform staining with aldehyde fuchsin. The type-II cells were round, had a darkly stained spherical nucleus and were dispersed among the type-I cells. They displayed no cytoplasmic staining with the abovementioned stains.  相似文献   
为了对东洞庭湖湿地鸟类的继续研究提供数据和理论依据,2005年7月~2006年12月采用样方法和样线法对该湿地水鸟进行了调查,共记录到水鸟89种,并对其季节动态格局进行了研究分析,结果表明,全年水鸟种类和数量均是冬季多,夏季少,特别是数量波动有明显的冬季高峰期和夏季低谷期,季节差异非常显著。  相似文献   
白洋淀菹草不同生长期生物量及营养介值变化动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 本研究在白洋淀王家寨淀区选取5个采样点,分别于菹草返青期、指数生长期、芽殖体发生期和植株衰亡期,对各采样点的菹草植株进行取样、监测并记录各采样点菹草的生物量变化,并对菹草植株各项营养指标含量进行分析。结果表明,菹草指数生长期,生物量增大,粗蛋白、粗脂肪、总磷以及β-胡萝卜素均达到最大值,而粗纤维、粗灰分、钙以及Vc含量在3-6月的监测中呈现逐渐上升趋势,5月初是白洋淀采集菹草的最佳季节。不同采样点,菹草的营养指标含量存在差异。整个菹草生长期,各采样点菹草粗蛋白含量在100g/kg以上,粗纤维含量低于155g/kg,粗脂肪含量在12g/kg以上,粗灰分含量在140g/kg以上,钙和磷含量均在3.0g/kg以上,维生素C含量在140mg/kg以上,β-胡萝卜素含量在310mg/kg以上,营养价值较其他水生饲料高,是草鱼、畜禽理想的青饲料。菹草中的类胡萝卜素等成分可提高蛋品的保健价值,应用前景十分广阔。  相似文献   
作者从1999-2000年共解剖鄱阳湖草洲钉螺87146只,先后发现裸头类、矛口类、单盘类、微尾类、叉尾类、对盘类、无尾类尾蚴共15种,本文将各种尾蚴的形态特征予以简介。  相似文献   
2005年兴凯湖中俄湿地鹤类调查   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
兴凯湖是亚太地区水鸟重要的迁飞区和栖息地,在鹤类保护中占有特殊的地位。2005年中俄在春、夏、秋三个季节开展了兴甄湖鹤类资源联合调查。调查总面积达3255km^2。共记录到鹤类3346只,其中丹顶鹤799只,白枕鹤2523只,白头鹤14只,蓑羽鹤3只,白鹤7只。还对兴凯湖流域鹤类生存环境及其影响因素进行了分析,提出了该区域鹤类保护的建议。  相似文献   
本研究于2003—2016年采用样线法对鄱阳湖越冬黑鹳种群数量和空间分布进行了同步调查,调查范围包括鄱阳湖周边三市13县72个子湖泊及周边草洲。结果表明:鄱阳湖黑鹳越冬种群数量年平均值为(35. 5±38. 5)只,其中2005年数量最多,为145只。鄱阳湖黑鹳越冬种群数量年际波动较大。共在15个子湖泊记录到黑鹳,主要分布区域为鄱阳县和鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区,其中鄱阳县湖区黑鹳记录总数量为371只,占鄱阳湖区历年黑鹳分布数量总和的74. 6%。鄱阳湖黑鹳越冬种群呈聚集型分布,只有17. 3%的黑鹳分布在鄱阳湖区主要的候鸟保护区内。本研究表明鄱阳湖越冬黑鹳主要分布于鄱阳湖重要的候鸟保护区范围之外,为有效地保护鄱阳湖黑鹳越冬种群,建议加强黑鹳种群监测,建立健全黑鹳种群就地保护体系。  相似文献   
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