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  1. Spatial modelling is an important research tool to improve our knowledge about the distribution of wildlife in the ocean. Using different modelling techniques (MaxEnt and a generalized linear mixed model), a predictive habitat suitability model was developed for one of the most threatened seabirds in the world: the Balearic shearwater, Puffinus mauretanicus.
  2. Models were developed using a 10-year dataset from the Gulf of Cádiz (on the south-western Iberian Peninsula), a key foraging area for Balearic shearwaters during migration and the non-breeding season.
  3. Predictive habitat maps strongly matched the observed distribution patterns, pointing to bathymetric features as the main modelling drivers. The species was concentrated on shallow areas (up to approximately 100 m in depth) of the continental shelf, very close to the mouth of the Guadalquivir River. In contrast with previous studies, Balearic shearwater distribution in the highly dynamic Gulf of Cádiz was not correlated with areas of high chlorophyll a concentration.
  4. This lack of spatial correlation probably arises from the delay between the phytoplankton bloom and the response of the zooplankton and small fish that are preyed upon by Balearic shearwaters, which may result in important displacements of this trophic chain across the Gulf of Cádiz.
  5. The analysis presented contributes to a better understanding of the spatial distribution and ecology of the critically endangered top predator in the Gulf of Cádiz and offers important information to improve management plans.
The conversion of even-aged Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) stands into more site adapted mixed stands is the main silvicultural goal in Germany and many other European countries. The conversion will primarily be achieved with the help of selection cutting, removing single target diameter trees and creating small gaps. At sites highly susceptible to windthrow, however, small scale clear cutting (up to 1 ha) might be an appropriate alternative. Both selection and clear cutting will affect the understorey vegetation, an important component of forest biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Thus, with the help of a BACI-experiment (before–after/control–impact), the short-term effects of selection and small scale clear cutting on the herb and shrub layer vegetation were studied at two sites in the Solling Hills (Lower Saxony, Germany). Both treatments led to an increase in herb and shrub layer species numbers, due to persistent and invading (mainly pioneer tree species and indicators of disturbance) species and to a shift in plant traits. Most responsible for the changes in vegetation was a higher light availability, and to a lesser degree soil disturbance. The number of annuals and ruderals, however, increased only immediately after clear cutting, whereas on selection cutting plots the numbers remained high. Gaining in number and coverage were competitive perennials (Epilobium angustifolium, Juncus effusus, Rubus idaeus) especially on the clear cuttings, fulfilling a nutrient retention function. The competitives did not deter tree species from regenerating in the clear cut plots, whereas on selection cutting plots the large expansion of R. idaeus appeared to be hindering tree colonisation. Suffering under clear cut conditions were predominantly shade-tolerant, closed-forest species, but no loss of these species could be detected. This indicates the potential for a fast recovery of these forest species, as soon as, pioneer trees expand.  相似文献   
将广义线性混合模型(GLMM)技术引入家畜阈性状的遗传分析,对不同参数组合下阈性状的遗传力及准确度进行了估计,模拟研究的性状为单阈值和3阈值离散性状,试验设计为全同胞-半同胞混合家系.结果表明,GLMM方法能有效地估计阈性状的遗传力,其准确性有较大的优势.不同参数组合下,单阈值与3阈值分类性状的遗传力估计均方误(MSE)均在0.018 4以下;遗传力参数的估计偏差(BIAS)均小于0.429 0.同时,性状的遗传力和性状的表型发生率对遗传力估计效果都有直接影响,随着性状遗传力真值的提高,GLMM方法出现高估现象;随着性状发生率的提高,GLMM方法估计的遗传力结果有上升的趋势.说明利用GLMM方法估计家畜阈性状的遗传力是可行的.  相似文献   
Populations of the European wildcat (Felis silvestris) are only slowly recovering in Central Europe after a severe decline in the last centuries and require specific conservation plans in many areas. However, detailed information on wildcat occurrence and habitat requirements is still scarce and controversial. We present a fine-scale habitat selection model for wildcats based on detailed species and land use information and evaluate its accuracy to predict habitat distribution in new areas. We analysed habitat use within home ranges using single locations of 12 radio-tracked individuals from south western Germany. Several competing models were fitted and compared using generalised linear mixed models (GLMM) and information-theoretic approaches. Radio-tracking data of 9 and 10 wildcats from two distant areas were used to evaluate the models. The selected model predicted habitat associated to close distance to forest, watercourses and meadows and a critical distance to villages, single houses and roads. To predict area suitable for home ranges we superimposed rules derived from home range attributes at a higher level of selection. Predictions from the combination of the fine-scale habitat model and home range rules matched well with more than 2000 wildcat observations of south-western Germany. We discuss the application of the model in wildcat conservation for finding potential reintroduction sites, identifying small isolated populations and aiding in the evaluation of the needs of mitigation and compensation within the scope of the European Habitats Directive.  相似文献   
采用广义线性方法(GLMM)、阈性状法(TM)和常规线性方法(LM)对不同参数组合下离散性状的遗传力及准确度进行了估计,模拟研究的性状为单阈值二项分类性状,试验设计为全同胞一半同胞混合家系。研究结果表明,在遗传力的估计准确度方面,GLMM方法具有较大的优势,LM方法估计遗传力的效果较差,离真值的偏差也较大;不同参数组合下,GLMM方法的遗传力估计结果普遍高于线性方法。另外,性状遗传力真值和性状表型发生率对估计遗传力及其准确度也有明显的影响。  相似文献   
Declines in forest and woodland birds have largely been attributed to habitat loss and fragmentation. In the past decade, however, the potential for herbivores to influence bird species abundance and community composition via their direct impact on vegetation structure has also been recognised. We tested the hypothesis that deer influence vegetation structure and bird assemblages in a large island archipelago in western North America using surveys of 18 islands with deer densities ranging from 0 to over 1 deer/ha. Amongst these islands, reduced predation and hunting pressure has allowed deer populations to increase above those likely to have existed in pre-European times. Our results support a growing body of evidence that deer regulate both the cover and architecture of understory vegetation which in turn profoundly affects island bird assemblages. Deer-free islands supported the most abundant and diverse bird fauna. Iconic songbirds such as the rufous hummingbird, song and fox sparrow were abundant on islands with no deer but substantially reduced on islands with high deer densities. Only one bird species, the dark-eyed junco, preferred moderate and high density deer islands. Our observations suggest that current cohorts of palatable shrubs on islands with high deer densities are relatively old and potentially represent an impending extinction debt, where the full effects of high deer density on island biota may take decades to fully unfold. Our results suggest that deer densities below a threshold of 0.1 deer/ha should allow native vegetation to recover and a rich and diverse bird species assemblage to persist. We suggest that adaptive management be used to test the validity of this threshold, and that without active management of deer abundance, local extinctions of native flora and fauna appear likely to accelerate.  相似文献   
To study fisheries impact at the species level in temperate sandy bottom areas, a controlled field manipulation experiment was designed focusing on areas with high densities of the habitat-structuring, tube-dwelling polychaete Lanice conchilega (i.e. L. conchilega reefs). The hypothesis was that the impact on L. conchilega would be minimal, but that the fauna benefiting from the biogenically structured habitat would be impacted by beam-trawling. In this study, the impact of beam-trawl passage on intertidal L. conchilega reefs and its associated fauna was quantified. A treatment zone was exposed to a one-off experimental trawling. Subsequently, the impact on and recovery of the associated fauna was investigated for a period of 9 days post-impact. Community analysis showed a clear impact followed by a relatively quick recovery as apparent through MDS analysis (stress 0.06), a significant (p < 0.001) IMS of 0.61, through ANOSIM analysis: significant (p = 0.001) dissimilarities between treatment and control and through SIMPER analysis (decreasing dissimilarities over time). This impact and subsequent recovery was largely explained by two species: Eumida sanguinea and Urothoe poseidonis. Species analysis confirmed the beam-trawl passage significantly (p = 0.001) impacted E. sanguinea for the whole period of the experiment. The experiment confirmed that closely associated species of L. conchilega reefs are impacted by beam-trawl fisheries. This small-scale intertidal study provides some pointers which indicate that the tightly associated species will be impacted significantly when beam-trawling L. conchilega reefs in subtidal areas.  相似文献   
Carotenoid‐based pigmentation is a striking feature of many taxa, yet the function, if any, of colour traits is often unclear. Pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus, a widely introduced freshwater sunfish that exhibits alternative male mating strategies, express a striking, red operculum spot. To investigate the potential function of this red spot as a signal in this species' mating system, we determined the presence and measured the size of red operculum spots in fish collected from 12 populations in five European countries in which pumpkinseed is an established non‐native species. We subsequently related the presence and size of the red spot to body size and mating strategy, based on an analysis of relative gonad size (gonado‐somatic index, GSI), using a mixed modelling approach. The study demonstrated that the presence of a red operculum spot in pumpkinseed is associated with sexual maturation, with GSI frequency distributions suggesting that cuckolders in some non‐native populations comprised both sneaker and satellite males, the latter not having previously been reported for this species. Further, the size of red spot correlated strongly with body size in parental and cuckolder males, although there was no difference in the presence or size of the red operculum spot between male mating strategies. The function of a red operculum spot in females is not clear but may be partly mediated by pleiotropic genetic mechanisms. Red operculum spots appear to function as signals of male maturation and body size in pumpkinseed, irrespective of mating strategy.  相似文献   
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