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We investigated the efficacy of praziquantel (PZQ) and fenbendazole (FBZ), each administered by bath and orally, against the monogenean Lepidotrema bidyana Murray, a gill parasite of the freshwater fish silver perch, Bidyanus bidyanus (Mitchell). PZQ and FBZ were each administered by bath at 10 mg L?1 for 48 h and on surface‐coated feed pellets at 75 mg kg?1 per body weight (BW) per day for 6 days. Bath treatments of PZQ and FBZ had an efficacy of 99% and 91%, respectively, against adult L. bidyana. Oral treatments of PZQ and FBZ had an efficacy of 79% and 95%, respectively, against adult L. bidyana. Fish rejected feed pellets surface‐coated with PZQ, suggesting that palatability of surface‐coated PZQ‐medicated feed is poor, which undermined efficacy. In all trials, some juvenile parasites were present on fish after treatment during efficacy assessment, indicating that efficacy may be lower against juvenile parasites or that recruitment occurred post‐treatment, demonstrating that repeat treatments are necessary to effectively control L. bidyana in aquaculture.  相似文献   
采用烧煮法研究了澳洲银鲈(Bidyanus bidyanus)骨骼系统的组成,并观察了各骨骼的形态特征。结果表明,其骨骼系统由300块骨骼组成,其中脑颅区38块,咽颅区89块,附肢骨骼118块,躯干部55块。单个犁骨,顶骨被上枕骨分开;背鳍、腹鳍、臀鳍分别有12、1、3枚硬棘,具有5对背肋和8对腹肋,无肌间骨。  相似文献   
Abstract Intraperitoneal carbohydrate tolerance tests were done to assess the ability of silver perch, Bidyanus bidyanus, to utilize the predominant monosaccharides in plant ingredients currently being used in the formulation of aquaculture feeds for this species. Preliminary experiments carried out to assess baseline plasma glucose concentrations indicated that blood glucose levels were elevated within 2 min of handling and silver perch required a period of 48 h without feeding before plasma glucose levels remained constant. In the first carbohydrate test, either glucose, galactose or xylose were administered by injection into the intraperitoneal cavity at a dose rate of 1 g carbohydrate kg?1 body weight (BW). In the second carbohydrate test, glucose was administered at a dose rate of either 2 or 4 g glucose kg BW?1. Following injection, uptake and clearance rate of the carbohydrates from the blood stream was monitored over a 24‐h period. Silver perch were significantly more efficient at the uptake and clearance of glucose from the blood stream than xylose or galactose. Maximum plasma glucose concentrations (22.2 mmol L ?1) were recorded at 1 h following injection and basal levels (3.44 mm ) were attained between 6 and 12 h following injection. For both galactose and xylose, maximum concentrations were recorded at 1 and 3 h, respectively, and concentrations of both monosaccharides remained significantly elevated 24 h after the administration. Plasma glucose concentrations of silver perch administered with either 2 or 4 g glucose kg BW?1 were significantly elevated and peaked at similar levels (30.2 mmol L ?1 and 30.7 mmol L ?1 respectively) 3 h after injection. Basal plasma glucose concentrations were attained in silver perch injected with 2 g glucose kg BW?1 at 24 h following administration. Plasma glucose concentrations remained significantly elevated in fish injected with 4 g glucose kg BW?1 after 24 h. These findings indicate that silver perch are more efficient at utilizing glucose than either xylose or galactose, and that there are also differing maximum threshold for the inclusion of ingredients rich in glucose, galactose and xylose into the diets of silver perch.  相似文献   
试验银鲈鱼种全长3 0~3 3cm,试验温度(20±2)℃,溶氧4 6~6 4mg/L,pH值7 0~7 4。正式试验前先通过预备性试验,找出银鲈在福尔马林、高锰酸钾、灭虫精、聚维酮碘、硫酸铜中48h内死亡0~100%的范围,然后按寇氏法(Karber)设计分组进行正式实验,求得5种药物对银鲈鱼种的最低致死剂量浓度范围、中间忍受限和安全浓度。结果表明:银鲈对5种药物的敏感性由强到弱依次为:灭虫精;硫酸铜;高锰酸钾;聚维酮碘;福尔马林。  相似文献   

Most breeding programs for the Australian native freshwater silver perch, Bidyanus bidyanus, are based on fish originally captured from natural populations. However, over the last 20 years, there has been a dramatic decline in the distribution and abundance of silver perch in the wild and the species now has the conservation status of “vulnerable.” Unless broodfish can be domesticated a serious shortage is imminent. The aims of this study were to determine the age and size at sexual maturity and the reproductive performance of silver perch reared in captivity. Fingerlings (mean weight, 4.0 g) from a hatchery were stocked into an aerated 0.32-ha earthen pond at a density of 22,000 fish/ ha for 12 months, harvested, and restocked at 10,000 fish/ha for a further 2 years. The fish were fed a formulated diet containing 35% crude protein. No fish were mature at 1 year of age; at 2 years, most males (93%; total length, 304.0 mm, weight 412.7 g), but no females were mature; and at 3 years, most females (97%; 316.4 mm, 549.6 g) were mature. Three-year-old fish injected with 200 IU/kg human chorionic gonado-trophin spawned viable gametes. High fecundity (mean 139,286 eggs/ kg), fertilization rates (84.5%) and hatch rates (76.8%) demonstrate that broodfish can be domesticated and the life cycle of silver perch can be closed. The use of domesticated broodfish will eliminate reliance on wild populations and provide a basis for future hatchery production and selective breeding programs.  相似文献   
Abstract  Controlled temperature variation was used to induce marks on scales of silver perch, Bidyanus bidyanus (Mitchell), for stock identification. Genetically similar fish were held in tanks at three temperatures for a period of 4 weeks. Circulus spacing information was acquired using automated video digitizing equipment. Discriminant function analysis was used to classify fish into their respective rearing temperatures. Fish held at 30°C were classified with high accuracy (94–96%). Classification inaccuracies increased in fish held at the lower temperatures. Fish growth at each temperature was examined and classification accuracies were a reflection of growth differences. The use of temperature variables to induce marks on scales offers scope for batch-marking pre-stocked fish.  相似文献   
[目的]为硝化细菌在工厂化养殖中的应用提供科学依据。[方法]在工厂化养殖池中,研究了施放硝化细菌前后水体中的氨态氮、亚硝酸氮、溶氧量、化学耗氧量等水化指标的变化情况。[结果]在施放硝化细菌前,实验池氨态氮含量上升趋势与对照池大致相同,在施放硝化细菌后第4天氨态氮含量出现下降,2~3 d后又开始缓慢上升。亚硝酸氮变化趋势与氨态氮大致相同,实验池在施放硝化细菌后第9天亚硝酸氮含量开始缓慢回升。对照池和实验池的溶氧均呈下降趋势。对照池和实验池的化学耗氧量在施放硝化细菌前上升明显,施放硝化细菌后上升放缓。[结论]在工厂化养殖池中施放硝化细菌,能有效改善养殖环境。  相似文献   
In this study, we estimated requirements for digestible protein, using intact protein sources, at one digestible energy content. Using digestibility data for silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus Mitchell) for a large number of ingredients, we formulated a ‘summit’ diet to contain between 1.4 and 1.8 times the ‘expected requirements’ for digestible essential amino acids (based on requirements for channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus Rafinesque). A ‘diluent’ diet was formulated to contain 0.4–0.5 times the expected requirements of digestible essential amino acids. Both ‘summit’ and ‘diluent’ diets contained similar digestible energy (14.7 MJ digestible energy kg?1 for the summit and 13.4 MJ digestible energy kg?1 for the diluent). Six diets were prepared with the following amounts of summit–diluent diets: 100:0, 80:20, 60:40, 40:60, 20:80 and 0:100. A practical diet widely used by commercial farmers was also included as a control. Ten juvenile fish (2.1–2.6 g) were stocked into each experimental 70‐L acrylic aquarium, and each dietary treatment was randomly assigned to five replicate aquaria. Fish were fed twice daily to apparent satiation for 54 days. Final individual fish weight ranged from 4–15.5 g. Results were analysed using intersecting linear regression analysis. The optimum digestible dietary protein for diets with 13.4–14.7 MJ digestible energy kg?1, after which protein deposition did not increase significantly, was 28%. Although this study did not determine requirements for individual amino acids, for diets with the digestible energy content used here, requirements for individual amino acids obviously did not exceed the content in the 28% protein diet. These contents are useful as an estimate of ‘recommended levels’ for silver perch diets with 13.4–14.7 MJ digestible energy kg?1. The proximate composition of fish was affected by diet. Whole body protein and moisture increased, whereas lipid content decreased with increasing dietary protein content (and increasing protein–energy ratio and decreasing lipid). Fish size was also affected by diet; however, the changes in whole carcass proximate composition also occurred for fish fed diets 60:40, 80:20 and the summit diet which were a similar final weight.  相似文献   
银鲈胚胎和仔鱼的发育   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
本文对银鲈(Bidyanus bidyanus)胚胎和仔鱼的发育进行了观察,详细描述了发育各期的形态特征和所需时间。受精卵充分吸水后呈圆形,为浮性卵,在23-25℃时,孵化时间约为32h,仔鱼出膜后第3天卵黄囊消失,第5天开始摄食,到第7天基本发育完善。  相似文献   
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