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  • 1. To conserve biodiversity in a human‐dominated landscape, a science‐based inventory and monitoring plan is needed that quantifies existing resources, isolates drivers that maintain natural communities, determines harmful stressors, and links ecological drivers and human stressors. A tactical approach is proposed for conservation planning using freshwater fish at the Cape Cod National Seashore.
  • 2. Freshwater fish are well studied and occur across environmental gradients. The lentic systems at the national park are relatively pristine yet are enveloped by a region of high population density. Using fish community data, three steps were taken for tracking anthropogenic impacts in a human dominated landscape. First, fish and potential drivers were sampled intensively along a gradient to determine which fish metrics reflect natural communities and which abiotic and biotic factors structure them. Second, emerging and existing regional human threats were identified. Third, these human threats were linked to the potential drivers that maintain natural communities to identify the most informative metrics to monitor and track change.
  • 3. Fish communities, water quality, habitat, and food resources were sampled concurrently in 18 ponds in 1999 and 2000. Three common fish species explained 98% of variation in numbers across systems. Based on ecological relationships, pH, depth, vegetation, prey, and community complexity were determined to maintain biodiversity of freshwater fish communities.
  • 4. The primary human threats here included: development‐related, land‐use changes; non‐point source pollution; eutrophication from septic systems; and introduced species that are a byproduct of high human visitation. These are common threats in many rapidly urbanized areas and are likely to have relevance to many sites.
  • 5. To track the impact of emerging threats to freshwater ponds related to increased human population, monitoring changes in water quality, vegetated habitat, fish diversity, and trophic interactions are recommended.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
为推广保护性耕作技术,在法库地区3个乡镇进行深松技术应用试验。对深松地块和传统耕作地块各项指标进行测定,结果表明:深松地块比对比田土壤水分含量高、玉米长势好、产量高。证明应用深松技术可增强土壤蓄水保墒能力,有利于玉米生长发育,促进农民增收。  相似文献   
Skates (class Chondrichthyes; subclass Elasmobranchii; order Rajiformes; family Rajidae) comprise one quarter of extant chondrichthyans, yet have received little attention in the scientific literature likely due to their relatively low economic value and difficulties in species identification. The absence of species‐specific information on catch, life history and migration of skates has often precluded the development of single‐species stock assessments and led to the use of cursory multispecies assessments, which lack the ability to track species‐specific catch and abundance trends. This has resulted in undetected local extirpations, as has been previously reported for common (Dipturus batis, Rajidae), white (Rostroraja alba, Rajidae) and long‐nose (Dipturus oxyrhinchus, Rajidae) skates in the Irish Sea. Here, we (a) use case studies to illustrate how the perception of skate population structure and stock status has historically been masked through multispecies assessment and management practices, (b) review current information on the movement of skates and identify gaps in knowledge, and (c) identify biases associated with the use of various tagging technologies, which have confounded our understanding of movement and migration ecology of skates. Considering that over 40% of extant Rajidae species are listed as “Data Deficient” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, we illustrate a critical need to broaden the current understanding of skate life history, movement and migration ecology by providing recommendations on the further application of electronic tags and biogeochemical natural tags in movement studies and highlight the benefits that studies using these approaches have for novel management frameworks.  相似文献   
为了解山西省土石山区固土护坡草本植物根系拉拔特性,筛选拉拔力优势草本植物物种进行水土流失防治,通过开展根系原位拉拔力学试验,研究了3种典型草本植物香根草(Vetiveria zizanioides L.)、百喜草(Paspalum notatum Flugge)、黑麦草(Lolium perenne L.)根系拉拔力随根径和土层深度的变化规律。结果显示:3种草本植物根系拉拔力随着根径的增大而增加,且拉拔力与根径之间满足幂函数关系;整体上,根系拉拔力从大到小顺序表现为香根草 > 黑麦草 > 百喜草,而且三者之间差异显著;但在D≤0.4 mm和D>0.4 mm两个根径组下,黑麦草均表现出较好的拉拔力性能。在0—10 cm,10—20 cm两个土层间,香根草和百喜草两种植物根系拉拔力性能相似,而黑麦草单根拉拔力在表层土壤发挥效果优于下层土壤。从单根拉拔力方面出发,黑麦草在3种植物中可优先考虑用于固持浅表层土壤。试验探究了草本植物单根在不同根径组下和土层深度下的抗拔性能,研究结果可为山西省土石山区水土保持植物措施草本植物物种选择提供理论依据。  相似文献   
草原工程侵蚀区植被恢复模式的水土保持效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以内蒙古草原大型露天煤矿开采形成的人工再塑地貌为研究对象,针对水土流失特点,结合自然气候、立地条件等因素,以快速恢复工程侵蚀区受损植被、减少水土流失为目的,通过水土保持措施组合配置试验,研究草原工程侵蚀区人工再塑地貌不同植被恢复模式的水土保持效应。结果表明:人工再塑地貌平台植被恢复采用“栽植灌木+种草”的措施配置灌木保存率为85.4%,草本植物盖度76%,土壤风蚀量比其他样区减少30%~85%;边坡植被恢复采用“栽植灌木+种草”模式和“生物笆+灌木”模式植物盖度达60%以上,抗蚀保土能力较强;通过秩和比法进行综合效益评价,“生态袋+种草”和“栽植灌木+种草”两种模式在治理投资成本与水土保持效益方面结合较好,水土流失防控效果明显,可在草原工程侵蚀区人工再塑地貌边坡水土流失治理中优先应用。  相似文献   
为了直观地反映天然林资源保护工程所带来的生态效益,体现重大生态工程的巨大作用,实现林业及生态的可持续发展,依据LY/T1721-2008《森林生态服务功能评估规范》,应用分布式测算方法,对东北和内蒙古重点国有林区天保工程保育土壤物质量及价值量进行评估.结果表明:1)截至2015年,9个优势树种固土和保肥总量分别为13.17亿t/a和8 203.72万t/a,比天保工程实施前分别增加2.36亿t/a和1 738.23万t/a;2)9个优势树种固土和保肥总价值分别为905.29和2 408.92亿元/a,比天保工程实施前分别增加455.44和699.69亿元/a;3)桦木林和阔叶混交林固土效益突出,而红松林和樟子松林固土效益不显著;落叶松林和阔叶混交林保肥效益均最好,樟子松林保肥效益较差;4)对森林实施保护,能有效改善其生态系统服务功能,使森林保育土壤生态效益得到相应的提升.研究为评估天保工程区森林的其他生态服务功能,以及后续天保工程的实施提供科学依据.  相似文献   
基于Budyko假设和SCS-CN模型的河源区水源涵养功能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
河源区作为一种重要生态功能区,具有重要的生态系统服务功能。以沁河源区为例,利用Budyko假设和SCS-CN模型研究了其水源涵养功能空间分布特征,并比较了不同土地利用类型、海拔和坡度下的水源涵养能力。结果表明:(1)沁河源区多年平均水源涵养量为306.48 mm,水源涵养总量为4.19亿m3;(2)不同土地利用类型水源涵养功能不同,落叶阔叶林和常绿针叶林的水源涵养贡献率和水源涵养量均值最大,贡献率分别为43.99%和42.00%,水源涵养量均值分别为330.41 mm和364.53 mm;(3)不同海拔高度上水源涵养功能不同,海拔1 000~1 500 m地区是水源涵养功能的主体,水源涵养量均值在海拔1 500~2 000 m地区最大,为401.71 mm;(4)不同坡度上水源涵养功能不同,缓坡和斜坡的水源涵养贡献率最大,急坡、陡坡和险坡上水源涵养量均值分别为373.62 mm,368.32 mm和363.94 mm。  相似文献   
为了研究楠杆自然保护区不同植被类型的土壤物理性质与涵养水源功能,选择了保护区6种典型的植被类型(落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林、针叶林、灌木林、竹林和草坡)下的土壤物理性质、土壤蓄水能力和土壤渗透能力等进行了研究,运用综合评价法对不同植被类型进行了综合评价。结果表明:6种不同植被类型的土壤密度为0.97 1.55 g/cm3,土壤总孔隙度为35.73%~69.25%,最大持水量为357.32~692.45 g/kg。不同植被类型的土壤物理性质、土壤蓄水能力和渗透能力有明显差异。综合评价分析表明:在不同植被类型中,落叶阔叶林(∑Pi2=0.468)土壤水源涵养功能最好,其次是竹林(∑Pi2=0.784)、针阔混交林(∑Pi2=0.914)、针叶林(∑Pi2=0.984)、灌木林(∑Pi2=1.005),没有植被覆盖的草坡(∑Pi2=1.431)上的土壤水源涵养功能综合能力相对较差。  相似文献   
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