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对车前草穗枯病菌菌丝生长条件和人工诱导产孢进行系列试验,结果表明菌丝生长适宜温度15~30℃,最适25℃;适宜pH值4.01~7.02,最适4.98;不同碳源对菌丝生长有一定影响,以蔗糖最佳;光照对菌丝生长影响不大。产孢试验表明,PDA及其他各种培养基上不能产生子座、分生孢子器和分生孢子,采用光暗交替、变温处理、紫外线照射和菌丝切割等多种方法也不能产生,而用灭菌的车前草叶片和穗轴接种培养,便可获得成功产孢,但产生的子座比自然病株上的明显偏大,分生孢子器及分生孢子则差异不明显。  相似文献   
Fruit characteristics of the disease-resistant bluggoe-type (ABB) cooking bananas (Musa × paradisiaca L.) ‘Saba’ and ‘Pelipita’ were compared with those of the susceptible ‘Currare’ (‘Horn’). Yields of ‘Saba’ and ‘Pelipita’ were similar to those of ‘Currare’; however, ‘Saba’ and ‘Pelipita’ yielded fewer hands with a greater number of small fruit when compared with ‘Currare’. Shoot-tip cultures of both clones were readily initiated on a modified Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium supplemented with N6-benzyladenine (BA) in combination with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Propagation cultures were initiated by splitting shoot tips along their longitudinal axis and re-culturing the individual pieces to basal medium supplemented with 5 mg l?1 BA. Transfer of axillary shoots to hormone-free medium resulted in rapid and extensive root formation. Plantlet survival after transfer to methyl bromide-treated soil exceeded 90%. Establishment in the field was achieved following procedures normally used for vegetative propagation of this crop. Trial plantings of in vitro propagated ‘Saba’ and ‘Pelipita’ were established in various provinces of Costa Rica for grower evaluation and for future comparison of growth and reproductive development with plants of these and other cultivars propagated from corms.  相似文献   
Summary Nineteen single-copy clones isolated from a PstI genomic library (cv. Maiden Plantain), and eight Vigna chloroplast DNA clones were used to probe total genomic DNA digests of 57 genotypes of Musa from India. The 19 genomic clones detected a total of 107 polymorphisms among the 57 genotypes. Principal coordinates and phenetic analyses of these data placed cultivars and species into distinct groups that were in general agreement with a previously published RAPD-based classification of these same plant materials. The 107 polymorphisms were sufficient to differentiate each clone from every other clone. Heterologous Vigna chloroplast DNA probes were used to characterize the cytoplasm of Musa cultivars and species. PCO analysis of these RFLPs were detected both within and between the generally recognized genome groups, indicating multiple hybridization pathways in the origin of hybrid clones. Data presented demonstrate that RFLPs are sufficiently abundant to classify Musa germplasm and that genetic relationships among Musa cultivars, based upon RFLP data, are in general agreement with relationships determined by analysis of morphology and RAPDs.  相似文献   
An examination of the coordination of ripening changes in plantain fruits (Musa AAB, cultivar ‘Apem’) showed that water stress had no effect on the respiratory rate at the climacteric maximum nor on the time between initiation and maximum. Similarly, water stress had little or no effect on the coordination of changes in CO2 and C2H4 evolution, although it slightly increased the magnitude of C2H4 production and of the ACC content of the pulp. Stressed and unstressed fruits showed similar synchronised ripening changes after 2 and 3 days from the commencement of the climacteric. However, after 1 day, peel colouration, pulp softening and total soluble solids were less in stressed than in unstressed fruits. The results are discussed in the light of reported work on dessert bananas (Musa AAA cultivars).  相似文献   
目的 观察健脾益肾清热利湿方辅助治疗急性肾盂肾炎的临床疗效。方法 将52例急性肾盂肾炎患者随机分为治疗组和对照组各26例。对照组给予抗生素治疗,治疗组在对照组的基础上给予健脾益肾清热利湿方辅助治疗,两组疗程均为2周。观察两组治疗前后主要临床症状、体征的变化。结果 在疗效方面,治疗组总有效率为96.2%,对照组总有效率为80.8%,治疗组疗效优于对照组(P<0.05);在发热、腰痛、尿路刺激征消除时间方面治疗组明显快于对照组(P<0.01)。结论 健脾益肾清热利湿方辅助治疗急性肾盂肾炎效果显著,可明显改善患者的临床症状,并可缩短临床症状的消除时间,能提高治疗的有效率。  相似文献   
以粉蕉的吸芽为试材,进行离体快速繁殖研究,结果表明:以改良MS BA4.0mg/L(单位下同) AD5.0 NAA0.1作诱导培养基,外植体褐变率低,芽的诱导率高,且芽的生长良好;以改良MS BA3-6 AD5.0 NAA0.1为继代培养基,可以获得较高的不定芽增殖率,在增殖过程中,给予一定的低温处理和变化调整BA的用量,可以保持较高的增殖率(2.6倍以上),而且芽的长势好;生根培养以1/2MS IBAl.0 NAA0.2 AC1为宜。  相似文献   
车前草白粉病 (Erysiphecichoracearum)是车前草上一种重要病害 ,主要为害叶片和穗部。病菌以菌丝体和闭囊壳在车前草的病苗上越冬。次年春季在菌丝体上产生分孢子和闭囊壳中释放子囊孢子侵染车前草 ,引起发病。南昌地区车前草叶片于 4月中旬开始发病 ,5月中旬达到发病高峰 ;穗部于 5月上旬开始发病 ,6月上旬达到发病高峰。温度 2 0~ 2 5℃ ,晴天或多云 ,并有短时小雨 ,有利此病发生发展。温度高于 2 8℃ ,雨日多、雨量大、会抑制其扩展蔓延。氮肥施用过量 ,发病重。田间药效试验结果表明 ;2 5 %敌力脱EC防治效果最佳 ,达 89.9% ;其次 6 0 %防霉宝WP防效 74 .3%。  相似文献   
香蕉是重要的热带亚热带水果,本文综合相关文献资料,从香蕉的起源与分布和现代生物技术在香蕉种质资源的研究与应用等剖析香蕉种质资源研究和应用的现状。对香蕉起源与分布的认识是香蕉种质资源研究的基础,目前多数学者都承认香蕉起源东南亚,对演化路线却存在许多争议,现代分子生物技术为解决这一问题提供了机会;分子标记技术成为香蕉遗传多样性研究的重要工具,可以很方便地进行香蕉分类、亲缘关系及演化做较为精确的研究,甚至辅助育种的应用;组织培养、细胞悬浮体系和原生质体培养技术的不断成熟,促进香蕉种质创新的发展,使香蕉突变育种和转基因育种成为可能。  相似文献   
非洲是全球重要的香蕉和大蕉产出地。2009年非洲香蕉总产约为世界的12.6%;大蕉总产约为世界的81%。两者合计非洲香蕉和大蕉总产约为世界的28%。尤其在非洲撒哈拉边缘,大蕉占了当地大约1亿居民主食的四分之一。非洲香蕉和大蕉主生产区主要分布在非洲东部、西部和中部。东部非洲各国香蕉总产大约为780万t,平均每公顷香蕉产出...  相似文献   
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