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二十四个朱顶红品种观赏性状分析及杂交育种研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以24个朱顶红品种为试材,采用定期观测的方法,研究了不同品种的主要观赏性状以及品种差异对杂交结实率的影响,以期为新的具有自主知识产权的朱顶红品种的选育提供参考依据。结果表明:不同品种间的朱顶红在观赏性状上存在差异,花色主要有大红色、粉色、白色、红白相间等,花类型包括单瓣和重瓣不同品种,部分品种如"白色"和"圣诞快乐",品种间花葶高度相差较大,"白色"花葶长达52.80cm,"圣诞快乐"仅17.69cm,分别可作为切花或盆花选育的良好材料。根据优势互补原则,设计了34个杂交组合,对杂交结果进行了统计,"圣诞快乐""法拉利""红狮"等品种具有良好的杂交结实率,其中"圣诞快乐"作为母本时,有5个杂交组合的结实率均在88.09%以上,是后续杂交育种优良亲本材料。  相似文献   
华北平原是中国最大的粮食生产基地,准确监测其冬小麦种植面积及其变化对粮食产量预测和国家粮食安全具有重要意义。然而,不同土地利用产品所估算的小麦面积、空间分布及其动态均存在较大分歧,不能有效反映出冬小麦的长期变化特征。该研究结合作物物候特征和已有小麦专题数据产品,首先构建动态阈值决策分类算法,以降低传统方法在阈值设定和样本筛选方面的不确定性;进而分析了2003—2022年华北平原区冬小麦播种面积的长期变化规律。结果表明:1)该研究提出的动态阈值决策分类算法能准确地提取冬小麦面积,平均总体精度为93.44%,且与统计数据具有较高的一致性;2)2003—2022年华北平原冬小麦种植面积整体呈上升趋势,不同地区变化类型差异较大;3)研究时段内,持续种植冬小麦的耕地面积仅占各年份种植范围总面积的5%,种植次数低于10 a的面积占比达55%;4)河北中南部、山东省西部和河南省中北部冬小麦种植面积相对稳定,京津冀地区以及山区冬小麦播种面积变化相对频繁。该研究可为大尺度冬小麦动态监测提供了新的方法视角,并对科学制定耕地调控策略具有重要意义。  相似文献   
盐胁迫是严重影响作物生长发育的主要非生物胁迫之一。植物在盐胁迫下会产生一系列生理生化变化,创制改良耐盐种质、培育耐盐品种是提高农作物耐盐性的有效手段。十字花科作物是重要的蔬菜和经济作物。本文系统总结了近年来国内外十字花科作物耐盐性研究的相关进展,主要包括耐盐种质鉴定方法及技术、耐盐种质筛选、耐盐分子机理等,以期为十字花科作物耐盐种质创制和新品种遗传选育提供有益的参考。  相似文献   
本文采取常规根尖压片法对 5种干旱区野生观赏植物进行了染色体数目统计 ,并对其中的 3种进行了核型分析。结果表明 :5种植物染色体均属于二倍体 ,其中白花枝子花(DracocephalumhererophyllumBenth .)、角蒿 (IncarvilleasinensisLam .)、金露梅 (PotentillafruticosaL .)有四倍体现象 ;3种植物染色体核型公式分别为白花枝子花 2n =1 2 =1 0m + 2st,角蒿 2n =2 2 =1 8m + 4sm ,北点地梅 (AndrosaceseptentrionalisL .) 2n =1 8=1 6m + 2sm ,均属于原始类型。本次试验旨在为研究物种多样性、建立干旱区野生观赏植物基因库、保护和繁育野生观赏植物等提供科学依据。  相似文献   
南昌市郊常见花卉炭疽病初步鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
柳岸峰  蒋军喜  李庚花  杨子琦 《江西植保》2004,27(4):151-152,154
本文对南昌市郊常见花卉炭疽病病原进行了初步鉴定。结果表明,鹅掌柴炭疽病等8种炭疽病病原为胶孢炭疽菌(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides(Penz.Sacc.),月季炭疽病等5种病害病原为新报道的炭疽病,病原种的归属有待进一步确定。  相似文献   
通过对患病白冠长尾雉、红腹锦鸡、褐马鸡等观赏鸟类临床观察、剖检,并结合病原微生物分离培养、革兰氏染色镜检以及生化试验鉴定,初步诊断为大肠杆菌病.本次病例表明,不同品种观赏鸟类间可以相互感染大肠杆菌病,通过对症治疗,可以有效控制病情.  相似文献   
Specialty crop herbicides are not a priority for the agrochemical industry, and many of these crops do not have access to effective herbicides. High‐value fruit and vegetable crops represent small markets and high potential liability in the case of herbicide‐induced crop damage. Meanwhile, conventional and organic specialty crop producers are experiencing labor shortages and higher manual weeding costs. Robotic weeders are promising new weed control tools for specialty crops, because they are cheaper to develop and, with fewer environmental and human health risks, are less regulated than herbicides. Now is the time for greater investment in robotic weeders as new herbicides are expensive to develop and few in number, organic crops need better weed control technology and governments are demanding reduced use of pesticides. Public funding of fundamental research on robotic weeder technology can help improve weed and crop recognition, weed control actuators, and expansion of weed science curricula to train students in this technology. Robotic weeders can expand the array of tools available to specialty crop growers. However, the development of robotic weeders will require a broader recognition that these tools are a viable path to create new weed control tools for specialty crops. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Those involved with pollinator risk assessment know that agricultural crops vary in attractiveness to bees. Intuitively, this means that exposure to agricultural pesticides is likely greatest for attractive plants and lowest for unattractive plants. While crop attractiveness in the risk assessment process has been qualitatively remarked on by some authorities, absent is direction on how to refine the process with quantitative metrics of attractiveness. At a high level, attractiveness of crops to bees appears to depend on several key variables, including but not limited to: floral, olfactory, visual and tactile cues; seasonal availability; physical and behavioral characteristics of the bee; plant and nectar rewards. Notwithstanding the complexities and interactions among these variables, sugar content in nectar stands out as a suitable quantitative metric by which to refine pollinator risk assessments for attractiveness. Provided herein is a proposed way to use sugar nectar concentration to adjust the exposure parameter (with what is called a crop attractiveness factor) in the calculation of risk quotients in order to derive crop‐specific tier I assessments. This Perspective is meant to invite discussion on incorporating such changes in the risk assessment process. © 2016 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   
Vegetables attract high applications of pesticides, and farmers in developing countries use many acutely toxic insecticides to control pests on these crops. With the liberalisation of agricultural markets in developing countries, the number of small-scale farmers growing vegetables for both domestic and export markets is increasing. Demand for supplies of year-round and exotic fruit and vegetables has grown in industrialised countries, but with rising quality standards and traceability requirements it is difficult for small-scale farmers to benefit from this lucrative non-traditional agricultural export trade. The demand is high for vegetables in the expanding cities in developing countries, and farmers in peri-urban areas, or rural areas with good access to the cities, are in a position to find a growing market for their produce. Poor storage facilities will often mean that farmers are forced to sell at peak times when prices are low. Farmers rarely have access to training in pesticide use, and have only limited or no access to advice on the complicated management of pesticides. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN is concerned about high levels of poor quality and adulterated pesticides on sale in developing countries. Surveys repeatedly show that without training, farmers are unable to make good crop decisions: recognition of pests and their predators is generally low, leading to decisions to spray to kill any insect; knowledge of product selection, application rates and timing is poor; different products are often combined in the belief that the effect will be greater; re-entry periods after spraying and essential harvest intervals are not known; and without knowledge of alternatives, farmers will often assume that the only solution to pest problems is to spray more frequently. From a consumer's point of view, few developing countries are able to monitor pesticide residues, particularly for produce grown for home consumption: most countries do not have laboratories for even simple residue testing. Changes in European Maximum Residue Limits means that export crops will be rejected if they contain residues at the Limit of Detection of pesticides not registered in Europe. Season-long field level training in Integrated Pest Management can help farmers to become better decision-makers, and to greatly reduce pesticide use while reducing risks to their own health and environment, producing safer products for consumers, maintaining yields, and increasing incomes.  相似文献   
用转基因方法进行抗线虫农作物育种的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在许多农作物中,植物寄生线虫引起重大损失。有幸的是,某些植物对线虫有抗性,而且存在于栽培种和其近亲野生种中的抗性基因,可以用分子标记方法建立图谱。标记辅助的选择方法已广泛应用于育种工作中,两种抗线虫的基因已经通过定位克隆技术分离出来,并成功地在栽培作物中得到表达。建立线虫抗性的另一个方法是将具有杀线剂效应的基因导入植物中,该方法也已取得了一些进展。  相似文献   
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