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何沉峰 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(22):13294+13316-13294,13316
利用统计学方法分析了microRNA二级结构对Dicer酶剪切位点的影响,对于microRNA成熟体预测方法有一定参考价值。  相似文献   
MicroRNAs(MiRNAs)是一种长度为20 nt左右的内源调控型非编码RNA,主要参与基因的转录后调控,在真核生物的生长发育、细胞分化和免疫防御等过程中发挥重要作用。海胆和海参属棘皮类动物,是高等的海洋无脊椎动物,它们不仅是研究无脊椎动物向脊椎动物进化的重要模式生物,其中的一些种类还是重要的渔业资源,具有较高的经济价值。近年来,探明各类miRNAs在海胆和海参生长发育及生理代谢过程中的调控功能及调控机制已逐渐成为海胆和海参研究领域的热点。本研究中综述了近年来海胆和海参中miRNAs的研究成果和相关进展,以期进一步丰富和完善海胆和海参中miRNAs的基础资料,为系统了解和掌握海胆和海参中miRNAs的序列特点、生物学功能及其参与调控重要生理过程的分子机制提供参考资料。  相似文献   
与其他果树相比,枣树具有童期短、成花快的特征.已有研究表明,多个microRNA(miRNA)家族参与植物阶段转变和开花时间调控等过程.研究枣树阶段转变相关的miRNA家族对果树童期调控具有重要意义.以枣实生后代植株不同发育阶段(节位)的当年生枝(枣吊)为材料,通过Small RNA测序,在童期、过渡期和成年期等3个时...  相似文献   
为了寻找线虫生殖相关基因,为开发线虫生殖抑制药剂提供理论基础,通过分析水稻干尖线虫转录组文库高通量测序数据,对Unigene进行KEGG路径分析,筛选出一个孕酮介导的卵母细胞形成代谢路径(progesterone-mediated oocyte maturation),并筛选出该路径的主要调控基因——锌指蛋白基因。通过同源序列比对发现水稻干尖线虫锌指蛋白氨基酸序列中含有核酸结合保守结构域NLS,进一步通过三维结构分析及分子对接验证该蛋白可与DNA分子结合。结果表明,水稻干尖线虫锌指蛋白可与其调控基因的启动子结合从而完成对孕酮介导的卵母细胞形成代谢路径的调控。通过本研究得出最终结论,水稻干尖线虫锌指蛋白具有生物防治价值,值得深入研究。  相似文献   
The epididymis is the site of post-testicular sperm maturation, which constitutes the acquisition of sperm motility and the ability to recognize and fertilize oocytes. The role of miRNA in male reproductive system, including the control of different steps leading to proper fertilization such as gametogenesis, sperm maturation and maintenance of male fertility where the deletion of Dicer in mouse germ cells led to infertility, has been demonstrated. The identification of miRNA expression in a region-specific manner will therefore provide valuable insight into the functional differences between the regions of the epididymis. In this study, we employed RNA-seq technology to explore the expression pattern of miRNAs and establish some miRNAs of significant interest with regard to epididymal sperm maturation in the CY epididymis. We identified a total of 431 DE known miRNAs; 119, 185 and 127 DE miRNAs were detected for caput versus corpus, corpus versus cauda and caput versus cauda region pairs, respectively. Our results demonstrate region-specific miRNA expression in the CY epididymis. The GO and KEGG enrichment for the predicted target genes indicated the functional values of miRNAs. Furthermore, we observed that the expression of miR-200a was downregulated in the caput, compared with cauda. Since the family of miR-200 has previously been suggested to contribute to the distinct physiological function of sperm maturation in epididymis of adult rat, we speculate that the downregulation of miR-200a in CY caput epididymis may play an important role of sperm maturation in the epididymis of CY. Therefore, our findings may not only increase our understanding of the molecular mechanisms regulated by the miRNA functions in region-specific miRNA expression in the CY epididymis, it could provide a valuable information to understand the mechanism of male infertility of CY.  相似文献   
植物在其整个生活史中随时经受多种病原的侵袭,在进化过程中植物发展出多种对抗病原的机制。植物抗病性研究是当前植物病理学研究的热点问题之一。培育具有广谱而持久抗性的植物品种是育种学家追求的目标。目前,关于植物非寄主抗性、抗病基因介导的抗性、microRNA相关的抗性、感病基因的研究以及基因编辑在植物抗病性中的应用等方面已取得了大量新的研究成果。本文就以上几个方面综述了近年来植物抗病研究中的最新进展,并提出今后研究和育种中的应用展望。  相似文献   
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are endogenous ∼22 nt RNAs that play important regulatory roles in targeting mRNAs for cleavage or translational repression. Despite the discovery of increasing numbers of human and mouse miRNAs, little is known about miRNAs from pig. In this study, we sought to extend the repertoire of porcine small regulatory RNAs using Solexa sequencing. We sequenced a library of small RNAs prepared from immortalized swine umbilical vein endothelial cells (SUVECs). We produced over 13.6 million short sequence reads, of which 8547658 perfectly mapped to the pig genome. A bioinformatics pipeline was used to identify authentic mature miRNA sequences. We identified 154 porcine miRNA genes, among which 146 were conserved across species, and 8 were pig-specific miRNA genes. The 146 miRNA genes encoded 116 conserved mature miRNAs and 66 miRNA*. The 8 pig-specific miRNA genes encoded 4 mature miRNAs. Four potential novel miRNAs were identified. The secondary structures of the 154 miRNA genes were predicted; 13 miRNAs have 2 structures, and miR-9 and miR-199 have 4 and 3 structures, respectively. 36 miRNAs were organized into 19 compact clusters. miR-206, miR-21 and miR-378 were the relatively highly expressed miRNAs. In conclusion, Solexa sequencing allowed the successful discovery of known and novel porcine miRNAs with high accuracy and efficiency. Furthermore, our results supply new data to the somewhat insufficient pig miRBase, and are useful for investigating features of the blood-brain barrier, vascular diseases and inflammation.  相似文献   
微小RNA s(m icroRNA)是一类长度在22 n t左右的非编码RNA,最初在线虫体内被发现,它们广泛存在于真核生物体内,有着重要的生物学功能,在进化上保守,在数量、序列、结构、表达和功能上具有多样性。微小RNA s作用机制尚不完全清楚,但已知其能通过与mRNA s的3′非翻译区结合而影响翻译水平。对它们研究的深入,将为基因功能研究提供新思路,有助于人类揭示更多的生命奥秘。  相似文献   
MicroRNAs(miRNAs)是一系列小的非编码的RNA,长度大约为21~22 nt。主要通过抑制翻译或者进行mRNA的降解而在多种生理以及发育过程中发挥很重要的作用miRBase16.0(2010)数据库中显示,注释的线虫﹑小鼠﹑大鼠以及人的miRNAs分别有175﹑673﹑408和1048种。而哺乳动物猪的miRNAs仅仅为211种,特别是在胚胎生长发育过程中调节基因表达的miRNAs的研究十分欠缺。因此本研究中使用poly(A)-tailed RT-PCR对猪的10种miRNAs的表达在猪胚胎期第33天(E33)进行验证。对于鉴定的这10种miRNAs,我们通过实时定量PCR对其表达水平进行相对分析并使用PicTar和TargetScan软件对其靶基因进行预测。结果表明:在头部组织中ssc-miR-9的表达量最高的,而在内脏组织中ssc-miR-1的表达量最高。功能分析表明这些miRNAs可以参与神经、大脑、肌肉、器官的发育。我们的研究为以后进一步的研究猪以及相关动物胚胎发育的miRNAs的功能提供有用的信息。  相似文献   
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