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公文处理工作是农业科研单位行政管理的重要基础性工作,对农业科研单位科技创新和跨越式发展具有重要的现实意义。文章立足于新形势下农业科研单位公文处理工作实际情况,分析了目前公文处理工作存在的问题及主要原因,提出了提高认识、健全制度、强化队伍、严格审核和推进办公自动化建设等创新公文处理工作的建议。  相似文献   
为了估算漓江上游农林经济的发展对决定地表微气候环境的水热通量的影响,计算山区复杂地形影响下的地表太阳辐射以改进SEBAL模型,提出归一化水热通量使不同时相具有可比性,对漓江上游1989-2006年5景TM/ETM卫星图像利用改进模型反演水热通量。结果表明,在空间上随植被覆盖度的增加,显热通量降低而潜热通量增加,植被覆盖度在0.2~0.7时的影响非常显著。1989-2000年植被覆盖度均值明显降低,而2000-2006年逐渐上升,导致波文比(显热与潜热比)均值明显升高然后逐渐降低,归一化潜热数值较高的像元比例减少然后增加,归一化显热数值较高的像元比例增加然后减少。尽管在2006年植被覆盖度均值接近于1989年,但波文比均值仍明显高于1989年。研究区经济林、旱地农作物面积的增加,阔叶林面积减少,水源林的减少与退化,导致了显热与潜热比平均值的升高。  相似文献   
Urban forests have many positive effects on human health and recreation. However, urban areas can create stressful environments for native trees, leading to increased mortality and an altered ecosystem. Here, we compare growth variability and the climate response from old (>200 years) L. tulipifera growing in an urban forest in Bloomington, IN to surrounding non-urban sites in southern Indiana using dendrochronological techniques. We found that L. tulipifera growing in the urban forest responded similarly with small differences to climate compared to the non-urban sites. Radial growth from urban L. tulipifera had statistically similar correlation values with temperature, soil moisture, and precipitation compared to the trees in non-urban forests. Growth variability between the urban and non-urban L. tulipifera trees showed good agreement through time with the exception of the 20th century, where the urban forest experienced a stand-wide release from competition. Our results indicate that some urban forests may function similarly to non-urban forests from an ecological perspective. These findings suggest management practices from non-urban old-growth forest could be useful for management of rare urban old-growth forests.  相似文献   
本文以沅水驳岸地基处理为研究对象,概述了中国常德沅水沿江风光带的地基处理及地形设计现状,总结处理经验,针对问题提出了一些设想。  相似文献   
Aeroz™ (9,10-anthraquinone (AQ)), a chemical rice seed treatment that effectively deters birds from depredating newly planted fields, could be an important management tool that enables rice producers to plant earlier in the season and increase yields. This bird repellent, while non-lethal to birds, has unknown toxicity to crayfish that often are closely integrated with rice production in southern regions of the USA. This study was conducted to assess if AQ, the active ingredient in Aeroz™, could be acutely toxic to the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Girard), the crayfish species most often associated with rice cultivation, via seed ingestion and/or through their contact with chemical in pond water. Mortality data from a 96 h feeding study indicate that AQ-treated (1.76% by wt) rice seed was not acutely toxic to juvenile (∼3 mo.) crayfish through the ingestion exposure route. In addition, a 96 h aquatic acute toxicity test showed that the LC50 of AQ in juvenile crayfish is >85 μg L−1 and above the water solubility limit of AQ. These results indicate that very minimal, if any, acute toxicity would be observed in juvenile crayfish if exposed to AQ via ingestion or dissolved or suspended in the water column.  相似文献   
药物防治的临床药理学与水产药物学问题   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
阐述了影响水产养殖中药物防治效果的临床药理学的几个重要参数和水产药物学在药物制剂、给药方案、治疗药物的检测和治疗效果等方面存在的问题,及其给水产养殖动物造成的不良后果。并提出了正确用药的原则和方法。  相似文献   
用棉隆处理大棚土壤防治黄瓜枯萎病,防效可达27.82%~82.03%,亩净增经济效益254.8~305.14元。土壤含菌量较低和第2年连续进行土壤处理的地块,防效虽然也很明显,但经济效益显著降低。建议在黄瓜枯萎病严重的地块和没有备好嫁接苗的情况下选择采用。  相似文献   
冯欣  师晓春  陶丹 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(15):9160-9161,9178
[目的]为研发适用于农村的污水处理技术提供技术支持。[方法]设计了采用二级厌氧生物滤床和接触氧化处理工艺的一体化污水处理净化槽,并考察不同曝气量对处理效果的影响,确定了最佳曝气量。[结果]当曝气量为0.1~0.3 m3/h时,溶解氧浓度(DO)随曝气量的增加而增高。COD去除率在曝气量最高时达到94%,但随着曝气量的增加,变化幅度逐渐减小。在氧气供给充足的情况下,出水NH3-N在10 mg/L以下,而在曝气量较低的情况下,NH3-N去除率有明显下降。[结论]该净化槽反应器可实现污水的有效处理。当曝气量为0.1~0.3 m3/h时,污水处理效果随曝气量的增加而提高。  相似文献   
我国目前供热形式优劣浅谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨洪涛 《林业科技情报》2004,36(2):51-51,53
本文就我国目前存在的几种供暖形式的优点及其存在的局限性和弊病分别进行了阐述,提出了如何克服缺陷,以取得更好的供暖发展空间。  相似文献   
目的研究不同覆盖处理对油茶细根生长、死亡的影响,为油茶水分管理提供依据。方法采用微根管动态监测技术,以\"长林4号\"油茶林为试材,设置了黑地膜、油茶壳、花生秆+稻草、生态膜以及对照(无覆盖)5种处理,对林地0~40 cm土壤剖面的油茶细根进行了为期1年的观测。结果表明:花生秆+稻草处理和黑地膜处理显著增大了油茶活细根的总根长、总根尖数以及总表面积,其中以花生秆+稻草处理最优;但对活细根平均直径的促进作用却以黑地膜最为显著。4种覆盖处理死细根的总根长、总根尖数以及总表面积均大于对照;与对照处理相比,4种覆盖处理都有助于减小死细根的直径,且差异显著。油茶活细根的总根长、总根尖数以及总表面积在3月和6-7月出现峰值;而死细根的总根长、总根尖数以及总表面积在春季变化较平缓,而后缓慢上升。油茶细根的净生长速率呈先上升后下降趋势,在5-6月出现峰值。花生秆+稻草处理和黑地膜处理显著提高了油茶细根的年净(根长)生产力,其中花生秆+稻草处理作用最为明显。结论夏季为油茶细根生长和死亡的高峰期,花生秆+稻草处理对促进油茶活细根根量和年净(根长)生产力的作用最显著,黑地膜处理对促进油茶活细根直径的增大效果最明显。  相似文献   
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