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不同采收期对南果梨果实糖酸含量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了不同采收期对南国梨果实糖酸组成成分及含量的影响。结果表明:不同采收期不影响南果梨的产量,但影响果实糖、酸的组成成分及含量;适当晚收有利于提高果实总糖、总酸、果糖、蔗糖、柠檬酸及苹果酸的含量,降低果实中奎宁酸的含量,有利于提高果实的品质和风味。  相似文献   
文章分析了3种方式(剪毛、直接拔毛和药物拔毛)对皖系长毛兔采毛前、采毛后0、4、8、24、48 h血清蛋白及含氮代谢物变化规律的影响.结果发现:3种采毛方式均显著上调血清总蛋白和肌酐水平,而血清白蛋白仅受药物拔毛影响而显著上调;药物拔毛显著上调血清总胆红素和直接胆红素水平,同时直接胆红素还受其他两种采毛方式影响而显著下调;两种拔毛方式(直接拔毛和药物拔毛)显著上调血清尿素和尿酸水平,但剪毛对这两个指标没有影响.长毛兔在采毛后48 h内,多数血清指标可恢复到采毛前水平,或呈恢复趋势;该研究筛选获得采毛应激指标血清总蛋白和肌酐,拔毛应激指标尿素和尿酸,同时发现肌酐、白蛋白和胆红素受地塞米松的显著影响.该研究结果可为初步揭示不同采毛方式应激生化机制提供参考.  相似文献   
Translocations of the short arm of rye (Secale cereale L.) chromosome 1 (1RS) in wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Pavon 76) are known to increase root biomass. Such an increase enhances water and nutrient uptake and may improve grain yield. Two greenhouse experiments and a field experiment were carried out at the University of California, Riverside, in 2012 and 2013 under well‐watered and terminal drought treatments to evaluate phenotypic characters associated with varying dosages of 1RS, including grain yield. The genotypes used were cultivar Pavon 76 (R0), Pavon 76/Pavon1RS.1AL (F1 hybrid) with a single dosage of 1RS (R1A), Pavon 1RS.1AL with two dosages of 1RS (R2A), Pavon 1RS.1DL (R2D) also with two dosages of 1RS and Pavon 1RS.1AL‐1RS.1DL (R4AD) with four dosages of 1RS. There was a significant positive correlation between number of dosages of 1RS and root biomass. However, no correlation was found between root biomass and grain yield per plant. Drought in the field experiment reduced grain yield significantly. Under well‐watered field conditions, grain yield of R2A (215.9 g plant?1) was significantly greater than those of R2D (191.8 g plant?1) and R4AD (161.7 g plant?1). Also, grain yield of R4AD was significantly less than those of F1, Pavon 76 and R2D under well‐watered conditions. Under drought field conditions, no significant differences were found among the genotypes for grain yield was found between F1 (14.7 g plant?1) and R4AD (12.4 g plant?1). Harvest index was significantly greater in well‐watered (44.2 %) than in drought (34.6 %) field conditions. On average, genotypes F1 (42.3 %) and R2A (40.6 %) had higher harvest index than R2D (38.3 %) and R4AD (35.5 %) in the field. Also, Pavon 76 (40.2) and R2D (38.3) had higher harvest index than R4AD. Drought tolerance was lowest for R4AD due to its relatively lower grain yield potential. In general, Pavon 1RS.1AL carrying two dosages of 1RS showed higher grain yield under wet treatments. Pavon 1RS.1AL‐1RS.1DL carrying four dosages of 1RS produced the largest shoot and root biomasses, but the least grain yield.  相似文献   
Quinoa is a potential new seed crop for protein feed and human consumption in Europe, with tolerance to a range of abiotic stresses. For this purpose the study was planned to analyse the effect of important agronomic strategies like nitrogen level, N application strategy, row spacing and harvest time on yield and quality of quinoa. The experiments took place in the field of the experimental station of the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen. Three levels of organic nitrogen from slurry was used (60, 120 and 180 kg N ha?1), supplied either all at once at sowing, or split between sowing and beginning of the reproductive phase. The effect of row spacing and harvest time was studied by harvesting seeds at seed maturity, which occurred 2–3 weeks prior to the mechanical harvest by threshing, and a couple of months after. Yield increased significantly (P ≤ 0.05) with an application up to 180 kg N ha?1, reaching 2200 kg ha?1. Increasing N also caused a significantly increased seed weight (up to 3.3 mg) and protein content (up to 17 %). N level did not affect number and amount of weeds. Split application with part of the N applied at bud formation did not have a significant effect on yield. Delayed harvest had a negative influence on seed weight, whereas protein content was stable after harvesting even a month after seed maturity. A late harvest significantly reduced seed germination, being reduced by 50 % after a 2‐month delay. A conclusion from this study is that both yield and protein content of seed can be manipulated by N level and application strategy. Harvest time is important for securing a high seed quality measured as seed germination, seed weight and protein content. A fast germination of quinoa is an important characteristic demonstrating that the crop has good possibilities for being well‐established in the field when free from weeds at the time of sowing. The choice of row spacing is important and depends on weed control method. Weed control strategy should be developed based on modern precision tools.  相似文献   
旨在为油菜株型育种和机械化栽培提供理论和技术依据。选用3个不同类型的紧凑型油菜常规品种,以松散型油菜杂交种‘秦优7号’为对照,研究了在15万、30万、45万、60万、75万、90万株/hm2密度下各品系的库源特征及其与收获指数的关系。结果表明,紧凑型油菜单株在不同密度下的库源特征与对照松散型相同,单株根、茎、枝、壳干重,角粒数和单株角果数随种植密度的增加而降低,且低密度显著高于高密度;千粒重随密度的变化不大。紧凑型油菜的生物学产量和经济产量随种植密度的增加而增加,松散型油菜随种植密度的增加而下降。说明紧凑型油菜适宜密植和机械化收获。收获指数对密度的响应在两类型品种表现一致,最低密度15万株/hm2增加到30万株/hm2时达到峰值,以后随着种植密度的继续增加而降低。收获指数与茎+枝+壳干重之和,与库性状角粒数、角果数、千粒重、单株产量,与库源关系的粒根比、粒茎比、粒枝比、粒壳比显著正相关,说明要提高收获指数不仅要扩“源”增“库”,还要协调库源的合理分配比例。  相似文献   
[目的]研究中农19号和中农29号这2个品种的最佳采收期。[方法]选取中农19号、中农29号2个黄瓜品种,研究其在果实发育过程中果实纵径、横径及可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、维生素C含量变化,确定这2个品种的最佳采收期。[结果]中农19号、中农29号第5~10天生长最快,果实纵径、横径随时间延长逐渐变长、变粗;可溶性蛋白及维生素C含量变化:中农19号在第8天达到最高,随后又下降并趋于稳定;中农29号则是在第8天达到最高,后先下降又升高。中农9号可溶性糖含量先升高后下降再升高,而中农29号则出现2次高峰。[结论]综合考虑生理指标和形态指标,确定中农19号、中农29号均在开花后第8天为最佳采收期。  相似文献   
高产棉花太阳辐射能利用率及干物质分配规律研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对1988~1989年高产棉花栽培试验结果进行分析发现,棉花的太阳辐射利用率在叶面积系数小于2.0时随叶面积系数的增加而线性增加,大于2.0时增加变缓。从生育时间看,7月中旬前太阳辐射利用率指数上升,7月中旬至8月底相对稳定在1.2~1.4克/兆焦左右,9月以后又不同程度线性下降。生长季内子棉太阳辐射经济效率1988和1989年分别为0.14和0.15克/兆焦。收获指数与最大叶面积系数呈显著负相关;盛花期之前棉株各器官之间的同伸关系或明显,盛花期后器官的生长相互间无明显的确定性关系。如能调节密度与叶面积系数的关系,使得既提高5~6月的辐射能利用率,同时使7~8月叶面积系数维持在3.0~3.5的适宜范围内,9~10月群体又不早衰,则有利于获得高产。  相似文献   
适期收割对稻谷损失影响的研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
稻米原粮爆腰率是影响加工过程中出米率的重要因素。经调查,农家交售原粮中爆腰率高达25%,其中有干燥、储藏方面的原因,也有收割期不当的原因。本研究从一株稻穗中谷粒含水率与爆腰率的关系分析着手,通过对田间不同品种、不同含水率稻谷爆腰率的测定,并用概率统计方法进行分析的结果证明,完整谷粒的平均含水率在20%以上时收割,可以有效地避免田间爆腰率的发生。  相似文献   
After researching the function requirements of the planning and scheduling in manufacturing cells, the paper advanced a control structure with three phases, i. e. planning , scheduling and dispatching. The paper represented in detail the main purposes, requirements and scheduling actions in each phase. It suits to general machining FMSs.  相似文献   
The standard Linux is a typical time-sharing system, it has a poor real-time performance. But according to the applications of the Linux OS are expanding on real-time domain, it becomes necessary to enhance the performance of the Linux system. This paper analyses the schedule policies and schedule algorithms of the Linux kernel, and discusses several different kinds of methods about enhancing real-time performance of the Linux system from the total Linux system. They authors summarizes the current research's developments of the Linux system.  相似文献   
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