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采用综合安全评估法,对巴音布鲁克高寒草地六六六、敌敌畏、铅和砷的综合安全予以评估,结果表明:巴音布鲁克高寒草地土壤、地表水、饲草和肉羊中,六六六、敌敌畏和砷的生态、经济和社会综合安全率均为100%,其综合安全居于高级安全状态水平,铅的生态、经济和社会综合安全率均为94.70%,其综合安全居于中级偏上安全状态;六六六、敌敌畏、铅和砷总综合安全率达98.57%,总综合安全居于中级偏上安全水平。  相似文献   
昆仑山西段北坡天然草地营养类型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对昆仑山天然草地实地考察,采集混合草群样品分析其化学成分,按照全国统一标准和方法对昆仑山天然草地进行了营养类型划分。结果表明,昆仑山西段的天然草地可分为4个营养型,分布于低山带的草地是碳氮-灰分型,在中低山分布面积较广的是氮碳-灰分型,在海拔3200~3600m的亚高山草地的营养型为碳氮型,在海拔3600~4000m的高山区为氮碳型。这是由于不同的生境生长着与之相适应的植物种类,在特定的物候期就具有不同的营养类型。  相似文献   
放牧强度对克氏针茅草原植物功能群的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物功能群及其多样性是维持群落结构复杂性和稳定性的基础,一定程度上反映着草地生态系统的健康状况。本研究以内蒙古呼伦贝尔草原的克鲁伦河流域草原为研究对象,以植物生活型划分功能群类型,比较了3种放牧强度对植物功能群的组成结构、地上生物量和优势度的影响。结果表明,1)轻牧、中牧和重牧3种放牧条件下的总物种数分别为20、23和18种,符合"中度干扰假说";3种放牧强度下多年生非禾草物种数在群落中均占较高比例。2)轻度放牧条件下物种丰富度较低,但各放牧强度下功能群多样性无显著差异(P0.05),物种丰富度与功能群多样性无显著关系。3)随着放牧强度的增加,多年生禾草和灌木、半灌木在群落中的优势地位呈现下降趋势,与之相反,多年生非禾草优势地位越来越显著。重度放牧增加了一、二年生草本在群落中的物种数和地上生物量,但与轻牧、中牧相比,其优势度无显著变化(P0.05)。  相似文献   
以青海湖北岸刚察县哈尔盖镇冬春草场高寒草原为研究对象,对比研究传统放牧样地与牧草返青前-种子成熟脱落后再放牧样地中植被群落的特征变化,为缓解青海湖流域高寒草原生态退化提供新的措施.采用野外随机样方调查方法,在刚察县哈尔盖镇冬春草场选定常规放牧与牧草返青前至种子脱落后放牧试验样地进行草地群落特征数据调查.研究表明:牧草返青前-种子成熟脱落后再放牧能显著提高高寒草原群落盖度与地上生物量;同时,放牧时间改变对高寒草原植物群落伴生种组成有一定影响,主要表现为优良牧草重要值显著增加,常规放牧时间下耐牧性品种占优;此外,放牧时间改变对群落丰富度有显著影响,但对群落多样性及均匀度没有显著影响.可见,牧草返青前-种子成熟脱落后再放牧能缓解高寒草原生态退化.  相似文献   
There is now clear evidence for a prolonged increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations and enrichment of the biosphere with N. Understanding the fate of C in the plant-soil system under different CO2 and N regimes is therefore of considerable importance in predicting the environmental effects of climate change and in predicting the sustainability of ecosystems. Swards of Lolium perenne were grown from seed in a Eutric Cambisol at either ambient (ca. 350 μmol mol−1) or elevated (700 μmol mol−1) atmospheric pCO2 and subjected to two inorganic N fertilizer regimes (no added N and 70 kg N ha−1 month−1). After germination, soil solution concentrations of dissolved organic C (DOC), dissolved inorganic N (DIN), dissolved organic N (DON), phenolics and H+ were measured at five depths down the soil profile over 3 months. The exploration of soil layers down the soil profile by roots caused transient increases in soil solution DOC, DON and phenolic concentrations, which then subsequently returned to lower quasi-stable concentrations. In general, the addition of N tended to increase DOC and DON concentrations while exposure to elevated pCO2 had the opposite effect. These treatment effects, however, gradually diminished over the duration of the experiment from the top of the soil profile downwards. The ambient pCO2 plus added N regime was the only treatment to maintain a notable difference in soil solution solute concentration, relative to other treatments. This effect on soil solution chemistry appeared to be largely indirect resulting from increased plant growth and a decrease in soil moisture content. Our results show that although plant growth responses to elevated pCO2 are critically dependent upon N availability, the organic chemistry of the soil solution is relatively insensitive to changes in plant growth once the plants have become established.  相似文献   
为了建立土壤水分遥感反演模型,反演2016年全国草地生态系统土壤水分并分析其时空变化特征,通过结合表观热惯量(ATI)和温度植被干旱指数(TVDI)的混合模型反演2016年全国草地生态系统的土壤水分,并在实测数据与反演结果精度验证的基础上确定归一化植被指数(NDVI)阈值。结果表明:(1)NDVI≤0.2的像元区域,采用ATI模型反演精度较高; NDVI≥0.78的像元上,基于增强型植被指数(EVI)的TVDI反演精度较高; 0.2相似文献   
Efficient soil P cycling is essential for promoting optimal and sustainable grassland growth. The soil biological community is regarded as an important source of available P to the plant community. However, the effects of P fertilization on the soil biota are unclear. This study aimed to investigate the effects of P fertilization on plant and soil biological communities in two intensively managed grassland sites that had been receiving mineral‐based P fertilization over a 14‐year period. Both pastures had been frequently cut and harvested for plant material and had received only inorganic fertilizers from the establishment of the trial. Both sites were sampled four times from October 2009 to April 2011 and plant and a range of soil biological parameters were determined at each sampling period. The main findings of this study showed that soil chemical measures, such as labile inorganic P and total P concentrations, and plant yield and P contents responded as expected to P fertilization. However, all soil biological parameters either showed no response or inconsistent responses to P fertilization over the experimental period. This study indicates that intensive management regimes, for example intensive plant harvesting and fertilizer regimes, appear to override the relationship between plant and soil biological communities with respect to their response to P fertilization, and thus their productivity is apparently not predicated upon biotic activity.  相似文献   
武威地区天然草地有毒植物及其防除   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
对武威地区天然草地有毒植物的种类,分布及其对草地的危害情况进行了调查研究,结果表明,全区天然草地共有毒植物172号,分属31科84属,平均2.15种/m^2,盖度达4.41%地上部分生物量11.28g/m^2。对草地危害的主要黄花棘豆,甘肃棘豆,小花棘豆,狼毒和马草,受侵害的草地主要是山地草甸和山地草原,通过分析,提出了有毒植物防除和利用的建议。  相似文献   
为了科学评价天然草地各草地类型中牧草饲料品质的质量,在常规分析的基础上,采用主成分分析法对青海省海南州天然草地各草地类型中的牧草饲料进行了综合质量评定和量化评估,通过对天然草地各草地类型牧草饲料品质主成分分析的综合得分进行对比,较为全面客观地评价了天然草地各草地类型的优劣。结果表明,天然草地各草地类型中高寒草原类牧草饲料品质最好,其次是低平地草甸类、高寒草甸类、温性荒漠类、温性荒漠草原类、温性草原类。  相似文献   
采用时空转换方式,以石羊河上游高山草地阿尔泰狗哇花Heteropappus altaicus型退化草地及其原生群落为研究对象,以其主要功能群结构特征调查为基础,研究各功能群生态位季节动态特征。结果表明:该区生态位季节动态变化趋势同功能群类别有关,与功能群所处的演替阶段无关;功能群生态位数量特征变化的绝对数量及相对数量受到其所处的演替阶段影响,表现为随季节的推移禾本科功能群生态位宽度上升,其上升相对值为退化样地(120.8%)高于原生群落(65.5%);而杂类草下降,其下降相对值差异较小,依次为51.38%和66.34%。随季节的推移禾本科-杂类草生态位重叠度升高,且升高的幅度为退化样地(113.3%)略低于原生群落(119.4%),就升高的绝对值而言,原生群落各观测时期均低于退化草地;杂类草-禾本科生态位重叠度则逐渐降低,其相对数量在退化样地与原生群落中依次下降53.0%和54.9%。其中退化草地禾本科、杂类草生态位重叠度在7月中旬存在一个拐点,其前期禾本科-杂类草组对低于杂类草-禾本科组对,而后期刚好相反。造成上述现象的原因可能与功能群生长特性和放牧干扰共同作用有关。返青较早的禾本科功能群早期生长受到放牧干扰的影响,为返青较迟的杂类草生长提供较大的资源空间,从而使得杂类草功能群在“植被空隙中进行季节更新”,进而改变了原群落的功能群结构。阿尔泰狗哇花型退化草地是植物群落退化演替过程中的关键阶段,如果加以适当的管理,草原退化将得到一定程度的改善;如果不加以保护,草地继续退化后的不可预知风险将提高。  相似文献   
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