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Due to decades of loss of grassland diversity across Europe, there is a need to identify factors affecting species composition and diversity in managed meadows. The aim of the current study was to assess how ecological, landscape and management factors may affect plant species composition, biodiversity and forage value in Alpine hay meadows. Species composition, Shannon index and forage value were obtained from phytosociological relevés. Twenty explanatory variables were selected from a set of ecological, landscape and management factors. Their effects on plant species composition, Shannon index and forage value were analysed by applying the variation partitioning approach. Plant species composition was related to sixteen factors, explaining 35·6% of the variability. Shannon index and forage value were related to eleven factors, explaining 47·8 and 40·8% of their total variation respectively. Ecological factors were the main set explaining species composition and diversity, whereas none of the three individual groups of factors (ecological, landscape, management) significantly explained variability within forage value. Overall, the effects of the three groups of factors accounted for 70% of the total variability in plant species composition, but less than half that of Shannon index and of forage value.  相似文献   
Perennial ryegrass is the primary forage component of ruminant diets in New Zealand. It is persistent and palatable, and immature ryegrass has a high nutritive value (NV). However, seed-head development substantially lowers its feeding value (FV) as fibre concentration increases, the rate and extent of digestibility decreases, and voluntary intake declines. Ryegrass pastures are susceptible to accumulation of endophytic and saprophytic fungi in dead material at the base of the sward, especially when mature and laxly grazed. Feeding forage legumes to ruminants grazing grass-dominant pastures will improve animal performance and lessen the reliance on a single species to meet all nutritional requirements.

The FV of forage is a function of intake and NV, measured by chemical analyses and animal feeding trials. Performance of individual animals grazing forages is usually limited by energy intake because structural fibre can slow digestion and clearance from the rumen and because of competition between individuals for available feed. The use of metabolisable energy (ME) content of forage to signify FV can give a reasonable indication of animal performance, but it should be used in conjunction with chemical analyses to improve the accuracy of predictions.

The relationship between FV, pasture production, animal performance and profitability is complex. The importance of skilled management to maintain pasture quality and optimise animal performance under inconsistent climatic conditions should not be underestimated. Acceptable animal performance with minimal veterinary intervention requires good nutrition, but the genetic potential of livestock in New Zealand cannot be met solely by grazing pasture, especially when a high utilisation of pasture is required to maintain quality and profitability.

Producers are responding to industry demands to reduce the seasonality in supply of milk and meat by changing lambing and calving dates, and extending lactation length in dairy cows. Social changes include adoption of once-daily milking in the dairy industry. Some changes have necessitated increased use of supplements and others can be met by feeding forages with a higher FV than ryegrass, all of which require an improved knowledge of feed quality. This information is available through rapid and inexpensive near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) analysis, enabling animal nutritional needs to be balanced by appropriate nutrient supply. It is essential that producers continue to improve animal welfare, limit excessive use of fertilisers and meet the demands of overseas consumers. Good nutrition, with an increased use of legumes and other forages to complement ryegrass pastures, will enable these objectives to be achieved.  相似文献   
Three horses were presented for treatment of chronic infections of the digital flexor tendon sheath. Clinical signs included severe lameness, and heat, pain and swelling of the digital flexor tendon sheath. The horses were treated with surgical lavage of the tendon sheath, systemic and local antibiotics, and analgesics. In each case, resolution of the lameness occurred over weeks to months. Only one horse returned to athletic activity, while the other two became comfortable at pasture. Response to treatment in cases of chronic tenosynovitis may not be as rapid or complete as that reported for acute tendon sheath infections.  相似文献   
【目的】研究饲料油菜在新疆南北部正播、复播模式和不同采收次数下的生物产量及品质。【方法】以甘蓝型油菜饲油2号为研究对象,分别在新疆南北部正播、复种栽培试验,分析不同模式下饲料油菜的生物产量构成及品质指标含量变化。【结果】新疆南部复播模式下,饲料油菜生长92 d时,株高为1.47 m,单株鲜重0.77 kg,鲜草的生物量为7 923 kg/667m2,粗蛋白含量高达20%,粗纤维和灰分含量分别为21%和14.5%,饲用品质好;新疆北部种植区,复播种植饲料油菜89 d,株高为0.91 m,单株鲜重0.3 kg,鲜草产量为4 978 kg/667m2,粗蛋白含量为14.9%,纤维和灰分含量分别为14.1%和12.5%,利于消化吸收,但部分营养品质指标低于其他种植模式。正播种植模式下饲料油菜的产量较低,第一茬鲜草产量为1 243 kg/667m2,粗脂肪含量高达3.6%,植株成熟度高,鲜草纤维化程度高,饲用品质差。第二茬鲜草粗蛋白含量为15.9%,灰分含量为21%,粗纤维含量为18.6%,鲜草产量最低,为311 kg/667m<...  相似文献   
Hail affects yield and quality of maize crops, and consequences also depend on the growth stage at which the injury occurred. Whole‐plant maize (WPM) silage is often used within the same farm for cattle feeding and biogas production. The present study aimed to verify the effects of hail damage, simulated by artificial defoliation, on yield and chemical and nutritional features, as well as on biochemical methane potential (BMP) of maize forage. In a randomized block design with three replicates, four defoliation levels (0%, 33%, 66% and 100% of leaf area removal respectively) have been applied at either the V12 (12th leaf), R1 (silking) or R3 (milk) stages for two consecutive years. WPM yield, chemical and nutritional features, and BMP were measured. Dry‐matter (DM) yield per hectare was progressively reduced (p < 0.001) with increasing levels of defoliation and with application at V12 in comparison with R1 or R3 (1.26 vs. 1.39 and 1.46 kg ha?1 for V12 vs. R1 and R3; p < 0.003). Nutritive value and BMP per unit of product were less altered than dry‐matter yield per hectare by defoliation. Anticipating defoliation reduced net energy for lactation (5.26 vs. 5.46 MJ kg?1 DM for V12 and R3 respectively; p = 0.02). Total defoliation resulted in an accumulation of nitrates (NO3) compared to the other treatments (3.98 vs. 1.53 g NO3 kg?1 DM; p < 0.001). BMP was mainly reduced by early and complete defoliation. Equations were developed to estimate the effects of defoliation on yield, composition, and nutritive and energetic values of WPM.  相似文献   
Tall fescue is the main perennial grass of the pastures of the temperate region of Argentina. However, after flowering in spring, tall fescue loses productivity and quality. Based on this, the objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of different post‐grazing mechanical cutting managements on the forage mass, leaf proportion, stocking rate, liveweight gain and liveweight production of tall fescue pastures. The treatments were post‐grazing mechanical cutting at anthesis (FC), post‐grazing mechanical cutting throughout spring and summer (SSC), and no post‐grazing mechanical cutting (NC). The experiment was performed from 2011 to 2014 in Argentina. The greatest and lowest forage mass were determined in September–November and May–September respectively. The leaf proportion of the SSC treatment was greater than that of the NC treatment, except in September–November. NC had higher stocking rate and lower liveweight gain than SSC, and neither NC nor SSC differed from FC. The liveweight production of the treatments was characterized by a trade‐off between stocking rate and liveweight gain. We conclude that FC is an attractive management because, with a single post‐grazing cutting, swards remain productive and leafy.  相似文献   
The characterization of stem elongation is of fundamental importance in C4 tropical grasses as it affects forage quality and determines optimal management practices. The objectives of this study were to analyse the determinants of stem elongation and leaf area production in shoots of Pennisetum purpureum cv. Napier (elephant grass) using unstressed isolated plants. Three experiments were conducted in Brazil during the spring, summer and autumn seasons. Regular measurements of leaf and pseudostem length were performed on the main and primary axes. Ten destructive measurements were also performed during each experiment to monitor apical meristem height, internode length and the number of initiated leaves. The onset of stem elongation occurred at the same vegetative stage (i.e., appearance of leaf 13) irrespective of the seasons and experiments. The first internode to elongate belonged to phytomer 8, and a constant lag of five phyllochrons was systematically observed between internode production and its rapid elongation period. Higher stem and internode elongation rates were observed during the reproductive phase (autumn) versus the vegetative phase (summer and spring group). Maximal internode length reached 8–10 cm in summer and spring and 20 cm in autumn, at approximately phytomers 12–13. A similar pattern was reported for all primary axes irrespective of the experiments, the position of the first internode to elongate descending regularly down the main axis. These results provide key elements to predict the onset of stem elongation in the field from simple measurements. They could contribute to improving crop models for perennial tropical C4 grasses.  相似文献   
Red clover (Trifolium pratense) grown in mixtures with grasses often constitutes a lower proportion of total yield in spring than in summer growth. A more even red clover proportion between the harvests would benefit forage quality and management at feeding. We investigated whether inclusion of early versus late‐maturing red clover varieties could reduce this disproportionality. In a two‐year field trial harvested three times per season, each of six red clover varieties was grown in two grass mixtures. Rate of phenological development did not differ during spring growth, but did so in regrowth after first and second cuts. Here, the earliest varieties constituted the highest proportion. At all harvests, the early varieties had lower crude protein concentrations and a higher content of neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and indigestible NDF than the late varieties. Clover proportion was higher in swards with a mixture of timothy and meadow fescue than in swards with perennial ryegrass during the first year and lower in the second year. It is concluded that developmental rate should be explored further as a key character for red clover competiveness in spring growth of rapidly elongating grasses.  相似文献   
磷素营养对青饲玉米产量品质形成与肥水利用效果的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在华北农牧交错区旱滩地条件下,以饲用玉米白马牙为试验材料,研究了磷肥不同施用量对青饲玉米产量品质形成与肥水利用效果的影响。结果表明,施磷使饲用玉米的生物产量增产10.5 %~25.1 %;显著促进了玉米植株氮素和磷素的吸收,使植株比不施磷分别多吸收氮素26.03~51.10 kg/hm2和磷素8.63~28.95 kg/hm2;植株粗蛋白、粗脂肪和粗纤维的含量随施磷量增加而显著增加;粗蛋白和粗脂肪的产量也增加显著,增幅分别为9.26 %~37.82 %和14.95 %~33.33 %。试验结果还表明,施磷比不施磷显著提高了青饲玉米的水分利用效率,增幅为10.44%~16.77%, 相当于多供水27.51~47.36 mm。因此,施用磷肥是提高饲用玉米饲草产量、营养品质和肥水利用效果的有效技术手段。  相似文献   
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