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通过多年的系统调查和分类研究,发现记录甘肃叶蜂4总科9科124属494种,其中2种甘肃新记录科:项蜂科Xiphydriidae、广蜂科Megalodontesidae;3种中国新记录属:皱顶项蜂属Platyxiphydria Takeuchi、纹潜叶蜂属Kaliofenusa Viereck和狭刻叶蜂属Dimorphoperyx Ashmead,75甘肃新记录属.编制了甘肃叶蜂分科检索表.  相似文献   
Approximately, 20% of arable land worldwide, as well as nearly half of irrigated land, is subjected to salt stress. Osmotic stress and ion toxicity due to saline soils cause low crop yields. In this study, we introduced 18 families of salt-tolerant birch (Betula pendula Roth., Betula kirghisorum Sav.-Ryczg., and Betula pubescens Ehrh) into five high-salinity locations in northeastern China and evaluated their survival abilities. We also analyzed variation and stability of genotype–environment interactions of the different families under an additive main effect and multiplicative interaction model. Survival rate analysis indicated that the introduced families were well adapted to the high-salinity environments, whereas native families died. Variation analysis revealed significant differences between location × family interaction mean values for height and basic stem diameter (BSD), suggesting that most genotypes responded differently to different sites. The heritability of tree height and BSD at different sites varied from 0.416 to 0.940, with the coefficient of phenotypic variation ranging from 9.88% to 35.53%. Stability analysis indicated that some families had high tree heights but were sensitive to environmental conditions, whereas others were resistant but had average tree heights. These results suggest that families should be bred in various habitats to assess growth under favorable and unfavorable environments.  相似文献   
利用SSR分子标记技术,对采自新疆额尔齐斯河流域阿尔泰市哈巴河及北屯地区的白杨派3个树种银白杨、银灰杨、欧洲山杨的半同胞家系子代进行遗传多样性分析.结果表明:筛选12对SSR引物在90个样本中共检测到58个等位基因(A)、112种基因型,多态位点百分率是100%,Nei遗传多样性指数(h)平均为0.648 5,Shannon多样性指数平均为1.234.基因分化系数(Fst)为0.337 l,即在总的遗传变异中有33.71%的变异来自于不同树种之间,绝大部分存在于子代个体间.白杨派内种间分化程度较高,种间遗传距离为0.3863~1.869;银灰杨的遗传变异最大,而银白杨的遗传变异最小.  相似文献   
虾夷马粪海胆不同家系和性别间性腺性状的比较   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
常亚青  张伟杰  丁君  石生宝  赵冲  张勃 《水产学报》2010,34(7):1080-1088
对来自虾夷马粪海胆20个家系的600枚海胆的性腺湿重、指数、颜色、水分和脂肪酸组成进行了测量和分析,结果显示性腺湿重和性腺指数在家系间均有极显著差异,但在性别间差异不显著,两个性腺产量性状在整个群体内均具有较大的变异;虾夷马粪海胆性腺颜色介于黄色和橙红色之间,且色泽鲜艳,经CIEL*a*b*标准量化和方差分析,L*和a*在家系间无显著差异,但b*、亮黄色差(ΔE1)和亮橙黄色差(ΔE2)在家系间均具有极显著差异,在性别间,雌性海胆的L*、a*和b*值以及两个色差均极显著优于雄性;性腺水分在家系和性别间有极显著和显著差异;性腺总脂中含有较高的EPA(12.11±2.65)%和AA(10.27±3.40)%,而DHA含量较低(0.49±0.64)%,但其在群体内变异极大(130.77%),高不饱和脂肪酸在家系间具有极显著差异,而在性别间仅AA有显著差异(雄性较高)。研究结果表明,对性腺产量和品质进行家系或性别选择均可达到提升性腺产量和品质的目的。  相似文献   
5个大鳞副泥鳅家系的遗传结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用20个微卫星标记对5个大鳞副泥鳅(Paramisgurnus dabryanus)家系的遗传结构进行分析,探究家系遗传多样性及其亲缘关系的远近,为进一步遗传选育提供技术参数。结果显示,20个微卫星标记在5个家系中共检测到等位基因数53个,平均等位基因数2.65个,各位点的等位基因数2~4个;5个家系平均观测杂合度(Ho)0.3117~0.5542,平均期望杂合度(He)0.3261~0.4371,平均多态信息含量(PIC)0.3459~0.4538,平均固定系数(Fis)-0.0472(<0),遗传分化系数(Fst)0.2703;UPGMA聚类分析显示,AB2013F-7和AB2013F-81亲缘关系最远。研究表明,5个家系间遗传分化较大,具备较大的选育空间。  相似文献   
高校家庭经济困难女生是一个特殊的学生群体。通过调查了解她们发展中面临的困扰,分析指出促进她们的科学发展,应改进经济资助,强化精神扶持;增进人际交往,提高社会化技能;以学习为先,素质拓展为重;加强心理援助,妥善干预。  相似文献   
对1999年引自美国的12个种源47个一球悬铃木半同胞家系子代进行了综合评定,在5个试验点分别筛选出了适应性强的优良家系.虽然对4、5年生的一球悬铃木进行选择的结果不尽相同,但诸如松江点的10、16,镇江点29、36等5个试验点的21个优良家系表现是相对稳定的,而14和36号家系则适应范围更广.5个试验点的优良家系多来...  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to determine the differences in disease resistance against artificial infection with Aeromonas hydrophila between genetically different common carp families. Four strains differing in their origin and breeding history were selected from the live gene bank of common carp maintained at the Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation (HAKI, Szarvas, Hungary) to establish families with wide genetic background: Szarvas 15 (15), an inbred mirror line; Tata (T) scaly noble carp; Duna (D), a Hungarian wild carp and Amur (A), an East Asian wild carp. A diallele mating structure was used to allow the assessment of genetic variation within and between the tested 96 families for a variety of traits. The existing technologies of fertilization and incubation of carp eggs, as well as larval and fingerling rearing had been modified because of the large number of baseline populations. Two challenge trials of the 96 families of carp with Aeromonas hydrophila were done. The 10 most resistant and 10 most susceptible families to A. hydrophila were identified from these two challenges. The crosses that produced the most resistant families were mainly those having parents from Tata and Szarvas 15 domesticated strains, while the most susceptible families were from the wild strains Duna and Amur.  相似文献   
A review of data on powdery mildew resistance genes in the Mla locus of barley reveals that there are at least 12 clusters of genes present, each comprising one Mla gene and one or more closely linked, additional resistance genes. Tentative designations are listed for 16 additional resistance genes. Many sources of powdery mildew resistance in barley appear to harbour multigene families in the Mla region, not single ‘superior’genes.  相似文献   
以8年生杂种落叶松21个处理为对象,对生长性状进行变异分析的结果显示:树高、胸径家系内存在较丰富的变异。其中,树高变异较大的前4个家系为日3×石51、兴5×兴9、兴9×日76-2、日5×长77-3,胸径变异较大的前4个家系为日3×石51、兴5×兴9、兴7×日77-2、兴9×日76-2。对比5年与8年生杂种落叶松生长性状变化的结果显示:兴6×和6、日11×兴2、日12×兴9这3个家系表现出较快的生长速度,年平均树高、胸径生长量较大。对杂种落叶松3次测量数据进行相关分析的结果显示:8年生树高、胸径与5年、6年生长性状均为正相关,且均达到显著水平。对8年生杂种落叶松树高、胸径数据进行方差分析的结果显示:生长性状杂种间差异达到显著水平。最终选择兴6×和6、兴7×日77-2、日11×兴2这3个家系为杂种落叶松优良家系,其平均树高与胸径遗传力分别为0.652、0.619,遗传增益分别为45.08%、39.97%。  相似文献   
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