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普通、控释尿素配比对玉米物质积累及产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以普通尿素和包膜控释尿素为供试材料,设置5种普通尿素与控释尿素配比处理,分别为CRU0—100%普通尿素,CRU1—75%普通尿素+25%控释尿素,CRU2—50%普通尿素+50%控释尿素,CRU3—25%普通尿素+75%控释尿素和CRU4—100%控释尿素,以CK1—不施氮肥和CK2—常规施氮(普通尿素60%基施+40%大喇叭口期追施)为对照,研究控释尿素与普通尿素配施对玉米农艺性状、干物质积累分配及产量的影响。结果表明:(1)施氮显著提高了玉米株高、穗位高和叶面积,与常规施氮处理相比,普通、控释尿素配施可提高株高、穗位高、茎粗和叶面积,其中75%控释尿素处理提高显著。(2)与常规施氮处理相比,普通、控释尿素配施处理促进吐丝期干物质积累,最终增加成熟期总干物质量,其中以CRU2和CRU3处理最好。(3)与常规施氮处理相比,普通、控释尿素配施处理的干物质在叶片和茎秆中的分配比例均较低,而籽粒的分配比例较高,以CRU3处理比例最高。(4)随控释尿素比例增加,玉米产量、千粒重、穗粒数、穗长和穗粗均呈先升后降的趋势;25%,50%,75%,100%的控释尿素比例处理产量较常规施氮处理分别增产3.70%,8.83%,11.23%,5.43%。因此,普通尿素掺混75%比例的控释尿素进行一次底施,既能满足玉米植株生长需求,提高干物质积累,优化干物质分配,又可促进增产。  相似文献   
麦前深松对夏玉米土壤物理性状和生长特性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探明华北地区深松耕作方式对夏玉米生育期土壤物理性状和水分利用效率的影响,在河南省新乡采用冬小麦播前深松耕作(PS)、传统旋耕(CK)2种耕作方式,对夏玉米各生育期间的土壤粒径组成、容重、土壤紧实度、夏玉米生长发育指标及水分利用效率等进行了研究。结果表明:PS处理下土壤粒径组成无明显变化,全生育期PS较CK处理0—40cm土层土壤容重降低0.63%~3.85%,孔隙度提高0.27%~3.67%;拔节期PS较CK处理20—30,30—40cm土层土壤紧实度显著降低37.76%,22.26%;全生育期PS处理的土壤含水率、夏玉米株高、叶面积指数、干物质积累量均高于CK,产量提高了9.50%,穗长和穗粒重提高了4.18%和6.50%(p0.05),水分利用效率提高5.08%,节水增产效果显著。  相似文献   
Participatory methods and community‐based approaches have an important role to play in combating land degradation. This paper follows a well‐defined participatory framework to identify key stakeholders and to select Sustainable Land Management approaches for reducing soil erosion and land degradation in the Troodos Mountains of Cyprus. Among the options suggested and evaluated by stakeholders, terrace rehabilitation had the best overall performance, followed by crop diversification and afforestation. Stakeholders agreed that the rehabilitation of dry‐stone terraces was the preferred option, as it is a practice with high environmental benefits and fits well in the local socio‐cultural context, despite the higher cost compared to other options. In the first year of implementing the approach, three mountain communities co‐organised hands‐on terrace maintenance events, engaging more than 160 people in rehabilitation activities. The community‐based approach has sparked the interest of people within and beyond the research site, and another series of events is scheduled for the coming season. This outcome indicates that social innovations can benefit from the integration of local and scientific knowledge, while participatory process can enhance the self‐confidence and organisational structures of local communities. Sustaining and enhancing the impact of the approach in the long‐run require developing local terrace maintenance institutions, actively engaging the youth in terrace management and improving the profitability of mountain farming through the differentiation of local products. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
调亏灌溉下滴灌玉米根冠生长与水分动态响应特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以玉米为试验材料,在自动感应式遮雨棚下,采用测坑微区试验方法,研究黑龙江西部滴灌条件下调亏灌溉对作物根冠生长、干物质分配特征、根冠比、耗水特征及植株伤流量的影响。以土壤相对含水率(占田间持水率的百分数)为控制上下限,设置5个水分调亏处理,分别为苗期轻度(60%~70%FC)处理,苗期中度(50%~60%FC)处理,拔节期轻度(60%~70%FC)处理,拔节期中度(50%~60%FC)处理,苗期中度、拔节期轻度处理,另设全生育期保持适宜土壤水分(70%~80%FC)作为对照。试验结果表明,调亏灌溉不改变玉米根部和冠部生长的原有总趋势,也不改变冠部各器官生长的基本趋势,但是显著地增大了作物根冠比(R/S),复水后根、冠补偿生长效应明显,促进光合同化产物向生殖器官的运转与分配,增大了生育后期干物质向果穗的分配率。苗期中度处理和拔节期轻度处理的玉米,在调亏期间使根系维持较高的根质量,水分胁迫复水后根系活力明显提高,其伤流量表现出超补偿效应,在灌浆期仍保持较高的伤流量并且在生育后期仍保持有较高的根冠比(R/S),是协调玉米根冠生长关系的适宜水分调亏处理。  相似文献   
黄瓜根际细菌J352对大豆根腐病菌的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J352是从黄瓜根际筛选到的一株对病原真菌具有拮抗作用的细菌。室内培养结果表明,该菌对大豆根腐镰刀病菌有较强的抑制效果。J352发酵液对2种病原真菌孢子萌发有较高的抑制率;细菌与病原菌共培养后发现真菌菌丝和孢子发生畸变,菌丝和孢子内部均发生原生质体凝聚并出现空洞。与其它供试病原真菌的对峙培养发现,对烟草赤星病菌抑制作用最明显,抑菌率达85.5%。  相似文献   
The progress of development of stem-base pathogens in crops of second winter wheat was plotted in nine experiments in three years. The amount of each pathogen present was determined by quantitative PCR. Where Tapesia yallundae was present in quantifiable amounts, it usually developed earlier than the other eyespot pathogen, T. acuformis. Both species were usually present in greater amounts on cultivars which are more susceptible to eyespot. The sharp eyespot pathogen, Rhizoctonia cerealis, developed more erratically than either of the Tapesia spp. and there were no consistent effects on different cultivars. Fusarium spp., the cause of brown foot rot, were rarely present in quantifiable amounts, but Microdochium nivale was usually present as one or both of the varieties nivale and majus. Late-season (after anthesis) decreases in M. nivale suggest that any brown foot rot symptoms attributable to this fungus would have fully developed earlier. Cultivar differences in amounts of M. nivale were most clear in stems during internode extension and when relatively large amounts of DNA were present. Such differences approximately reflected eyespot susceptibility, cv. Soissons containing most and cv. Lynx containing least DNA. The results emphasise the difficulty in relating diagnoses, by quantitative PCR or other means, at early growth stages when decisions to apply fungicides against stem-base disease are made, to later disease severity.  相似文献   
不同地表覆盖方式油菜花后干物质积累与分配规律研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探索春油菜在西北沿山旱作区的最佳地表覆盖栽培方式,采用田间试验法,以常规露地平播为对照,研究了双垄面全膜覆盖沟播、全地面覆盖平播、膜侧沟播、半地面覆盖平播、麦秸覆盖平播等5种地表覆盖方式下春油菜的干物质积累及分配规律。结果表明,不同地表覆盖栽培方式对油菜植株各器官的干物质分配比率产生不同程度的影响,双垄面全膜覆盖沟播和全地面覆盖平播栽培方式与对照差异最大;各种地膜覆盖栽培方式均有利于油菜单株干物质积累,但不同覆膜方式效果不同。双垄面全膜覆盖沟播和全地面覆盖平播栽培方式油菜单株干物重、单位面积产量最高,秸秆覆盖未能显著提高油菜的单株产量及单位面积产量;油菜单位面积产量同油菜单株干物重呈现正相关关系,并获得最优线性回归方程;采用地膜覆盖栽培技术能有效地加快油菜植株茎秆、叶片同化物向角果的转移速度,提高油菜地上部干物质积累量和单位面积产量。其中,双垄面全膜覆盖沟播和全地面覆盖平播栽培方式比常规露地栽培增产达到30%以上,应在生产上大面积推广应用。  相似文献   
为了探究不同用量氮肥配施生物质炭或小麦秸秆对旱作农田N2O排放通量的影响,在陇中黄土高原半干旱区连续进行4年不同氮素水平配施不同有机物料的田间定位试验,试验以3种施氮用量(不施氮肥、50 kg(N)·hm-2氮肥、100 kg(N)·hm-2氮肥)配施2种有机物料(小麦秸秆S、生物质炭B)及无有机物料 (C)共组成9个处理,于2016年11月—2017年10月,采用静态箱-气相色谱法,对N2O通量进行全年内连续观测。研究结果表明:观测期内,各处理N2O年平均通量大小排序SN100>CN100>SN50>CN50>BN100>SNO>BN50>CN0>BN0,各处理N2O排放通量变化趋势一致;相较N0处理(CN0、SN0、BN0)的年平均排放通量,N50(CN50、SN50、BN50)和N100(CN100、SN100、BN100)处理分别增加了6.92%和10.03%。相较CN0、CN50和CN100,与其相同氮素水平配施生物质炭后,N2O年平均排放通量分别降低了0.49%、3.15%和4.67%;配施秸秆后,N2O年平均排放通量分别增加了6.37%、3.44%和2.73%。单施氮肥或小麦秸秆配施氮肥均增加了N2O排放的增温潜势,生物质炭配施氮肥减少了N2O排放的增温潜势。主效应分析表明,氮素、秸秆均对提升N2O排放通量发挥显著效应,而生物质炭具有降低效应。相关分析表明,土壤温度与N2O通量表现为显著正相关关系,土壤含水量与N2O通量表现为显著负相关关系(P<5%)。通径分析表明,土壤温度对N2O通量的增大作用远大于土壤含水量对N2O通量的减小作用。秸秆或生物质炭与氮素无交互效应,N2O排放通量随氮素水平的增加而增大,秸秆还田促进了N2O排放而生物质炭抑制了N2O排放。因此,添加生物质炭对旱作农田固氮减排具有较大的潜力。  相似文献   
A severe crown rot of pear trees of cultivar ‘Kondoula’ grafted on quince rootstock was observed in Greece. Isolations from the affected tissues repeatadly yielded aPhytophthora sp. that was determined by morphological and physiological characteristics to beP. citrophthora. The pathogenicity of two of theP. citrophthora isolates was tested by inoculating trunks of 2-year-old pear trees by mycelial agar disks. Thirty-two days after inoculation all inoculated trees were infected. Although the pear isolates could not be differentiated from isolates ofP. palmivora orP. nicotianae based on isozyme profiles of α-esterase or lactate dehydrogenase, RAPD profiles with one selected primer differentiated the pear isolates from the other species and revealed an electrophoretic banding pattern similar to that of aP. citrophthora standard. This is the first report ofP. citrophthora on pear trees in Greece.  相似文献   
Nine bacteriophages infecting Dickeya spp. biovar 3 (‘Dickeya solani’) were isolated from soil samples collected in different regions in Poland. The phages have a typical morphology of the members of the order Caudovirales, family Myoviridae, with a head diameter of c. 90–100 nm and tail length of c. 120–140 nm. In host range experiments, phage ?D5 expressed the broadest host range, infecting members of all Dickeya spp., and phage ?D7 showed the narrowest host range, infecting isolates of Dickeya dadantii and ‘D. solani’ only. None of the phages was able to infect Pectobacterium spp. isolates. All phages were prone to inactivation by pH 2, temperature of 85°C and by UV illumination for 10 min (50 mJ cm?2). Additionally, phages ?D1, ?D10 and ?D11 were inactivated by 5 m NaCl and phage ?D2 was inactivated by chloroform. Phages ?D1, ?D5, ?D7 and ?D10 were characterized for optimal multiplicity of infection and the rate of adsorption to the bacterial cells. The latent period was 30 min for ?D1, 40 min for ?D5, 20–30 min for ?D7 and 40 min for ?D10. The estimated burst size was c. 100 plaque‐forming units per infected cell. The bacteriophages were able to completely stop the growth of ‘D. solaniin vitro and to protect potato tuber tissue from maceration caused by the bacteria. The potential use of bacteriophages for the biocontrol of biovar 3 Dickeya spp. in potato is discussed.  相似文献   
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