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对从荷兰引进的3个不同颜色系列切花郁金香品种,进行箱式促成栽培的品比试验,并测定郁金香切花的主要丰产指标.结果表明,黄色品系中黄色阿普多美(Gloden Apeldoorn),白色品系中公园聚会(Garden Party),红色品系中三弦琴(Balalaka)表现佳.  相似文献   
By means of standardized procedures, the metabolism of [ring-2,6-14C]-parathion was investigated in carrot (Daucus carota L.), purple foxglove (Digitalis purpurea L.), soybean (Glycine max Merrill cv. ?Mandarin’?, and Glycine max Merrill cv. ?Harosoy 63’? cultivated on B5 and Miller media, respectively), thorn apple (Datura stramonium L.), and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cell suspension cultures. In the wheat and soybean (Mandarin) cells only 2.9 and 8.9%, respectively, of the applied parthion remained unmetabolized after 48 h of incubation, while 51.2, 57.9, 60.3, and 62.4% of the unchanged parent were detected in the D. purpurea, D. Stramonium, carrot and soybean (Harosoy) cultures, respectively. In all suspensions, paraoxon and 4-nitrophenol were found as phase I metabolites, thus demonstrating that plant tissues can catalyse oxidative desulfuration and dearylation of parathion. 4-Nitrophenol was also glycosylated with glucose and possibly galactose. Further, as yet unidentified, metabolites indicated that bio-transformations had also occurred at the aromatic moiety. Large amounts of non-extractable residues were detected in the wheat suspension (38.3%), while the other cultures showed a lower incorporation of 14C into insoluble cell material (0.9-9.4%). For a prospective ecotoxicological evaluation of the metabolic fate of pesticides and xenobiotics in plants in general, the differential metabolic capacity of plant cell cultures and plants should be taken into account.  相似文献   
分别以纯水和自来水为生长介质对莴笋和菠菜进行水培试验,以揭示不同氮素形态及配比对蔬菜生长和品质的影响。结果表明,以纯水为水培水源,NO-3-N∶NH+4-N为1∶1或单独供应NH+4-N,对作物生长均有一定程度的抑制作用,而以后者的生长量最低。以自来水作水培介质时,以NO-3-N为唯一氮源预培养一段时间后,再提高营养液中NH+4-N比例,有利于蔬菜的生长发育及硝酸盐含量的降低,使莴笋维生素C含量也有所降低,菠菜则无明显变化。当植物生长量较大时,尿素作水培氮源不能满足作物对氮素的需求  相似文献   
白腐菌降解玉米秸秆条件的优化试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对白腐菌对木质素的独特降解能力和玉米秸秆在制取燃料乙醇方面的应用,对白腐菌降解玉米秸秆的降解条件进行优化,通过正交实验得出较好的发酵培养基的组成:玉米秸秆为5g,酒石酸铵为1 g/L,pH值为4.5,微量元素的体积为15mL, VB1的质量为100ug, 吐温80的质量浓度为0.01%,最佳诱导剂是二甲苯胺,表面活性剂是吐温80,最佳通气状况是用4层纱布封口.  相似文献   
对西洋杜鹃(Rhododendron hybridum)2个品种(Redjack、Brittania)的试管苗在恒温和变温变光培养条件下进行了离体培养。结果表明,变温变光培养较恒温培养更适于西洋杜鹃的壮苗及生根;2种不同培养条件下的幼苗移栽成活率分别为90.8%和71.0%,差异显著。  相似文献   
邢台野生酸枣组织培养研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
[目的]建立邢台野生酸枣组织培养快繁体系,为野生酸枣的规模化开发种植奠定基础。[方法]以邢台野生酸枣当年生枝条为外植体进行组培快繁研究,并探讨合适的培养基种类。[结果]邢台野生酸枣组织培养外植体最佳消毒方法是浓度70%乙醇消毒30 s,0.1%升汞消毒10 min。其最佳培养基组合为:诱导培养基1/2MS+6-BA1.0 mg/L+NAA0.2 mg/L;增殖培养基MS+6-BA1.0或1.5 mg/L+NAA0.2 mg/L;生根培养基1/2MS+6-BA0.5 mg/L。[结论]初步研究出邢台野生酸枣组织培养方法,并筛选出合适的诱导、增殖及生根培养基。  相似文献   
于2008年4月13—16日,对4尾人工养殖初次性成熟的雌性达氏鳇Huso dauricus进行人工繁殖试验。结果表明:有2尾达氏鳇成功产卵,2尾达氏鳇没有产卵,产卵率为50%;共采集卵19.5 kg,其中对8 kg卵(24万粒)进行授精,受精率为83.3%,孵化率为85.2%,共出鱼苗17.2万尾。通过对没有产卵的2尾达氏鳇解剖发现,达氏鳇卵巢中均有部分不同程度的退化卵。  相似文献   
Roots of the Fe-efficient tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., cultivar Floradel) were cultured in an inorganic medium supplemented with glycine, thiamine, pyridoxine, and nicotinic acid, with sucrose as an energy and carbon source. Iron was supplied as ferric hydroxyethylethylenediaminetriacetic acid (FeHEDTA) and the initial PH was 5.5. Root growth was limited when less than 40 μm FeHEDTA was supplied. Roots grown at lower Fe concentrations decreased the pH of the FCR assay medium to a greater extent than did roots grown at higher Fe concentrations. Cultured roots grown with 10 μm FeHEDTA had increased levels of ferric chelate reductase (FCR) activity compared to roots grown with either lower or higher concentrations of FeHEDTA. Low FCR activity of roots grown at 2.5 or 5 μm FeHEDTA was attributed either to impaired metabolism due to Fe-deficiency or the lack of sufficient Fe for enhanced FCR formation. Roots of hydroponically grown tomato plants exhibited typical increases in FCR activity with Fe-deficiency. Based on these preliminary results, cultured roots were found to exhibit similar Physiological responses to Fe-deficiency stress as intact root systems. Cultured roots should provide a useful system for the investigation of the role of the root in plant Fe-deficiency stress responses as previously suggested by Bienfait et al.(Plant Physiol., 83, 244–247, 1987).  相似文献   
主要从图书的出版形态来着重论述新书的选题策划、选题质量、选题实用性,并且实实在在的阐明图书的文化价值、历史价值和交流价值。  相似文献   
曼氏袋鼠爪的引种栽培研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
经2年多的栽培试验,研究了曼氏袋鼠爪(Anigozanthos manglesii)在我国华北地区日光温室内的年生长周期及不同基质、不同栽培方式对幼苗生长和开花的影响。在栽培基质筛选试验的6个处理中,以处理Ⅲ(草炭:珍珠岩:园土=4:3:3)效果最佳,而栽培方式以地栽优于盆栽。同时,对繁殖育苗方法、栽培管理、切花采收及病虫害防治等进行了研究,以为进一步开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   
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