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利用设计模板是提高设计效率的有效方法。为此,研究了设计模板的多视图结构特点,以及不同视图之间的相互关系,从而将设计模板应用于产品设计。以产品模型作为信息载体,通过规则推理对约束规则进行匹配,在设计模板的基础上提出了小型农业作业机产品的快速配置流程,通过设计平台实现了产品的快速设计。  相似文献   
  1. Protecting critical habitats of the Indo‐Pacific humpback dolphin, Sousa chinensis, is a hot topic of discussion for marine biodiversity conservation in China and many Southeast Asian countries. In practice, sound habitat protection action (HPA) planning often suffers from information gaps in macroscopic habitat configurations and changes in the habitat conditions of humpback dolphins.
  2. Recent publications in the journal Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems (AQC) have served to advance humpback dolphin conservation in Chinese waters by resolving such habitat configurations and indicating significant changes in distribution patterns and habitat characteristics under intense coastal anthropogenic activity.
  3. We highlight an integrative research framework to investigate habitat configuration and long‐term habitat changes when planning a holistic HPA programme for humpback dolphins. When constructing habitat configuration baselines, field surveys should be designed and conducted in a systematic manner to ensure survey efforts cover diverse environments equally, in either a spatially stratified or gridded pattern, to minimize potential spatial sampling biases. Long‐term habitat changes can be revealed by comparing satellite images from different decades. Changes in habitat preferences and habitat characteristics can be explored through questionnaire surveys on local ecological knowledge, associating historical occurrences with coastline features and projecting historical habitat configuration by species distribution modelling exercises.
  4. A lack of good communication and sharing of information between research and management sectors can still be an obstacle to the implementation of sound conservation practices, however, even though there is robust scientific evidence to fill knowledge gaps in distribution and habitat baselines. We have addressed the need to establish a mechanism to improve and streamline information sharing between research teams, management sectors, and stakeholder groups.
在高等教育飞速发展的今天,如何在高校校园的规划中寻求合适的思路和方法,是值得深思的问题。本文介绍了辽宁工程技术大学新校区规划设计的要点,力求创造一个高效、民主、开放、环境优美、符合现代化办学需求的校园文化载体;以期在新的时代背景下,为创造特色校园提供新的设计思路。  相似文献   
六自由度模块化机器人手臂奇异构型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对六自由度模块化机器人手臂工作空间内的奇异构型进行了分析。首先搭建模块化机器人手臂系统,并采用DH法对其进行结构建模,得到正运动学方程;其次,结合机器人手臂的正运动学方程,采用基于机器人连杆速度的方法构造其雅可比矩阵,再基于雅可比矩阵求解机械臂出现奇异状态的所有构型情况,得到所有奇异点并分别给出相应的手臂构型;最后,基于可操作度灵活性指标和最小奇异值灵活性指标应用Robotics工具箱对机械臂的奇异情况进行仿真分析,并考察机械臂处于奇异位型时末端参考点的可操作度椭球情况。仿真结果表明该机械臂共有3种奇异情况,验证了上述机械臂奇异位型分析的正确性,为后续模块化机械臂的轨迹规划研究和奇异点规避研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
符升平  罗宁 《农业机械学报》2020,51(12):384-393
针对数学表征行星变速机构换挡变胞过程及自动识别各挡位构态属性较难的问题,首先,解析了行星变速机构变胞理论,基于机构转换法定义相对转速意义下行星排构件间运动副约束函数的转换规则,构建以约束函数为元素的行星变速机构构件和关联关系的邻接矩阵;然后,根据换挡逻辑分析了操纵离合器和制动器的换挡变胞过程,基于邻接矩阵分别推导这两种换挡构态演变的变胞方程,建立包含行星排空转和整体回转等特殊构态的判别准则,结合实例分析揭示换挡变胞机理;最后,通过建立相对转速方程和行星变速机构特性参数识别,结合行星变速机构等效拓扑模型的约束条件,提出了基于构态变胞方程的行星变速机构传动比和转矩自动建模和求解方法,实现了行星变速机构各挡位构态属性的自动识别。以某拖拉机行星变速器为例进行了分析,验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
云南师范大学校园植物受冻害调查与植物合理配置分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2012年末至2013年初,昆明出现的极端低温和持续低温天气,导致云南师范大学校园的部分植物遭受冻害。对受冻害植物进行调查,包括云南师范大学呈贡校区内的植物,总计71科178种。划分植物受冻害级别,分析不同受害级别植物的数量与受害程度,对冻害原因进行分析和讨论,提出植物合理配置和植物防冻害保护建议。  相似文献   
在规划石家庄市栾城县绿地系统的过程中,以布局上体现城市文化特色为主要切入点,从城市-区域-个体绿地的宏、中、微观分析出发,注重宏观上的合理分配,中观上的有机结合,微观上的个性体现,将有特色的城市文化合理分配,创造了系统完整的,区域分明的,特色各异的文化型绿地,并在绿地系统规划的过程中辅助了绿地的有机布局与特色表达,赋予城市绿地更多文化定位和内涵,塑造了多功能,多样性的文化型绿地形式。  相似文献   
为定量揭示淤地坝措施配置对黄丘区小流域暴雨径流形成及演进过程的影响,采用室内小流域人工模拟降雨试验,对不同淤地坝措施布设情景下(无坝、单坝、双坝)小流域不同断面径流的水动力、侵蚀动力特征进行研究。结果表明:径流量与含沙量整体均随时间推移而增大,无淤地坝布设情景下径流量增幅为114.60 cm3/s,双坝情景的径流量增幅仅有70.11 cm3/s;淤地坝对小流域暴雨径流演进过程的影响显著,淤地坝布设后径流流态由主要的紊流-缓流变为以层流-缓流为主,雷诺数Re减小幅度达到12.04%~85.85%;动力参数中径流功率ω和雷诺数Re可以被认为是能够较好描述不同淤地坝布设下侵蚀产沙的动力因子。研究结果对于揭示流域暴雨径流过程及成灾机理具有重要现实意义,可为科学评价水土保持措施调控径流过程的效应提供理论依据。  相似文献   
A field experiment was carried out for 2 crop years (July‐October) at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi to study the effect of land configuration and phosphorus levels on the growth and yield of rainy season greengram under limited irrigation facility. The crop sown on 2 meter wide broad bed and furrow (BBF) showed higher growth attributes, nodulation, yield attributes and yield compared to flat bed (FB) sowing. Application of 30 and 60 kg P2O5ha‐1 showed significant increase in growth attributes, nodulation, yield attributes and yield as compared to no phosphorus application. The moisture status in the soil determined the optimum dose of phosphorus needed for greengram. The combination of BBF sowing and application of 60 kg P2O5 ha?1 recorded the highest grain yield among all the combinations of land configuration and phosphorus levels.  相似文献   
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