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测定了草坪上常用的14种化学药剂对蝼蛄斯氏线、长尾斯氏线虫X-7品系和小卷蛾斯氏线虫All品系存活和侵染率的影响。杀虫剂乙酰甲胺磷在高浓度和推荐浓度下对蝼蛄斯氏线虫、长尾斯氏线虫和小卷蛾斯氏线虫的致死率分别为21%和9.5%,13%和5.5%,5.5%和2%;敌百虫在高浓度和推荐浓度下对蝼蛄斯氏线虫的致死率分别高达94.5%和92.5%,在高浓度下对长尾斯氏线虫的致死率为8%,对小卷蛾斯氏线虫没有明显致死作用;克蛾宝对3种线虫的致死作用均比乙酰甲胺磷和敌百虫低。杀菌剂对3种线虫的存活均无影响。除草剂2,4-D丁酯对3种线虫低浓度和高浓度下致死率分别为2%、6%、3.5%和5%、85.5%、6%。经化学药剂处理24h后的线虫侵染黄粉虫9-11龄幼虫,对线虫存活没有影响或者影响较小的化学药剂对线虫的侵染率都没有明显的影响,但剂型为10%可湿性粉剂的吡虫啉对长尾斯氏线虫,以及高浓度的2,4-D丁酯对小卷蛾斯氏线虫的侵染率有明显抑制作用。  相似文献   
Host–parasite relationships and pathogenicity of Meloidogyne javanica on potatoes (newly recorded from Malta) were studied under glasshouse and natural conditions. Potato cvs Cara and Spunta showed a typical susceptible reaction to M. javanica under natural and artificial infections, respectively. In potato tubers, M. javanica induced feeding sites that consisted of three to four hypertrophied giant cells per adult female. Infection of feeder roots by the nematode resulted in mature large galls which usually contained at least one mature female and egg mass. In both tubers and roots, feeding sites were characterized by giant cells containing granular cytoplasm and many hypertrophied nuclei. Cytoplasm in giant cells was aggregated alongside the thickened cell walls. Stelar tissues within galls appeared disorganized. The relationship between initial nematode population density ( P ) [0–64 eggs + second-stage juveniles (J2s) per cm3 soil] and growth of cv. Spunta potato seedlings was tested under glasshouse conditions. A Seinhorst model [ y = m  + (1 −  m ) z ( P − T )] was fitted to fresh shoot weight and shoot height data of nematode-inoculated and control plants. Tolerance limits ( T ) for fresh shoot weight and shoot height of cv. Spunta plants infected with M. javanica were 0·50 and 0·64 eggs + J2s per cm3 soil, respectively. The m parameter in that model (i.e. the minimum possible y -values) for fresh shoot weight and shoot height were 0·60 and 0·20, respectively, at P  = 64 eggs + J2s per cm3 soil. Root galling was proportional to the initial nematode population density. Maximum nematode reproduction rate was 51·2 at a moderate initial population density ( P  = 4 eggs + J2s per cm3 soil).  相似文献   
Potato (Solanum tuberosum) production in Africa is rapidly expanding and becoming increasingly important. As its geographical production range broadens, so does its potential to host new pests and diseases. Following the discovery that potato can be affected by Scutellonema bradys, further studies were undertaken to assess its potential pathogenicity on potato under screenhouse and field conditions, and on marketed tubers. Potato plants inoculated with S. bradys produced tubers with substantial cracking and evident tuber rot, compared with tubers from uninoculated plants. Symptoms of nematode infection on tubers included a scaly appearance, surface cracking as well as deeper tissue cracks, distortions, and darkened surface patches. In most cases these patches were related to sub‐surface rot. Nematodes were recovered from the soil, roots and tubers of inoculated plants. Eight weeks after inoculation, the reproduction factor of the nematode was greatest (2·0) at the lowest inoculation rate assessed (1000 nematodes per 2·5‐L pot) and least (0·4) at the highest inoculation rate (5000 nematodes per pot). In the screenhouse, potato tuber weights were low and mostly unaffected by nematode inoculation rate, except at 5000 nematodes per pot. In the field, non‐inoculated plants yielded over nine times more tubers than plants inoculated with 2000 S. bradys. Low densities of S. bradys were also recovered from 10 of 15 (67%) samples collected from market stalls, indicating field infection. This study confirms that potato can host and be damaged by S. bradys, raising its prospect as a likely significant biotic constraint to the crop.  相似文献   
Two major proteins, Mcf-A67 and Mcf-B66, were identified by mini two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in order to distinguish the two European quarantine root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne chitwoodi and M. fallax, from eight other species. These quarantine proteinic markers have been microsequenced after enzymatic digestion. The internal amino acid sequences exhibit similarities to members of a family of low molecular weight intracellular lipid-binding proteins. Moreover, to explore a simple, rapid, and inexpensive way to identify the two quarantine nematodes, dot blot hybridizations were performed using an antiserum (A67) produced from the longest amino-acid sequence of the protein Mcf-A67. Although several proteins stained on the M. chitwoodi and M. fallax western blot membranes, the two nematodes were easily distinguished from other root-knot nematodes, on dot blot assays with soluble proteins extracted from a single female. Because of its specificity and sensitivity, the use of the A67 antiserum to improve the diagnosis of the two European quarantine root-knot nematodes is discussed.  相似文献   
Effective management of potato cyst nematodes (PCNs) requires simple, rapid and accurate identification and quantification of field populations. Soil samples from a survey of 484 fields in potato rotations in England and Wales were used to compare the identification and quantification of PCNs using IEF, PCR, ELISA and bait plant tests. The cyst counts and bait plant test revealed that 64.3% of field samples contained PCNs. Bait plant tests increased the detection rate of PCNs in field samples by 4–6.4%. This means that some infestations are cryptic and would not normally be detected by standard counts. IEF, PCR and ELISA methods distinguished between Globodera rostochiensis and G pallida and were able to register mixed populations; however they were not in full agreement. All methods suggested that G pallida is the dominant species in the field samples tested. The PCR results indicated that 66% of field samples contained pure G pallida, 8% contained pure G rostochiensis and 26% contained mixtures of the two species. Estimates of the relative process times taken per sample in the PCR, IEF and ELISA techniques are given. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
生姜癞皮病的发生危害及病原初步鉴定   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
生姜癞皮病在山东7月开始发病,8月中旬至9月中旬为盛发期。病株植株矮小、茎细、分枝少,叶色变淡,根茎表皮疣裂,根系腐烂,产量品质降低。病原物为南方根结线虫。砂质土壤、连作重茬、过量施钾肥均可加重该病的发生。  相似文献   
淡紫拟青霉发酵滤液对大豆胞囊线虫趋化性的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 实验室条件下,研究了大豆胞囊线虫幼虫对大豆根和根浸出液的趋化性以及淡紫拟青霉代谢产物对其趋化性的影响。结果表明,大豆胞囊线虫二龄幼虫(J2)对大豆根存在着一定的趋化性,而淡紫拟青霉发酵滤液对J2存在明显的驱避性。在根浸出液、真菌滤液及其混合液剂处理下,大豆胞囊线虫J2在WA平板上靠近处理液的0~1cm区间中分布率存在极显著差异(P <0.0 1),而加样时间(液剂与线虫同时放置或提前2 4h处理)对其分布率没有显著影响。大豆幼根蘸取滤液后对线虫J2在该区间的分布与不经处理的幼根差异显著(P <0.0 5),证明淡紫拟青霉发酵滤液可以明显地降低线虫与大豆根的亲和力,并强烈抑制线虫对大豆根的侵染。  相似文献   
农作物孢囊线虫病害(crop cyst nematode diseases)近年来已经成为威胁我国农业生产安全的重要植物病原线虫病害,鉴于国内部分有关学术论著与文献中, 对“cyst nematode ” 的中译名写法有歧义,作者通过文献的阐述与论证,认为“cyst nematode”的中译名称应该为“孢囊线虫”,而不用“胞囊线虫”,以免引起混乱。  相似文献   
A 13-year-old, female Llama presented for evaluation of a limbal based corneal mass involving the OD of 4 months duration. The mass was excised en bloc by a nonpenetrating keratectomy, followed by placement of a conjunctival advancement flap covering the keratectomy site. The mass was submitted for histological evaluation. Histopathology identified the mass to be a corneal epithelial inclusion cyst filled with necrotic squamous and neutrophilic debris. Surgical excision was complete and considered curative with no signs of recurrence 3 months postoperatively. There was no known prior ocular trauma; however, a previously performed corneal biopsy for evaluation of recurrent epithelial erosions may have been an initiating cause.  相似文献   
丛枝菌根真菌与大豆胞囊线虫相互作用研究初报   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
 在温室盆栽条件下对大豆‘开育10’品种接种了丛枝菌根(AM)真菌:Gigaspora margarita Becker&Hall、Glomus fasiculatum(Thaxt) Gerd.&Trappe、G.intraradices Schenck&Smith、G.mosseae Nicolson&Gedermann及G.versiforme Berch和/或大豆胞囊线虫(SCN,Heterodera glycines)4号生理小种。供试AM真菌可不同程度地促进大豆植株的生长发育,增加植株高度、地上部和地下部干重及单株产量,减轻感病大豆品种‘开育10’SCN的危害,降低病情指数、根上和根围土壤中胞囊数量、2龄幼虫和胞囊内卵数。其中,G.fasiculatumGi.margaritaG.intraradices的效应大于G.mosseaeG.versiforme的处理。接种SCN显著降低了G.intraradicesG.versiforme对大豆根系的侵染率、G.fasiculatum的产孢数量及G.intraradices的侵入点数量,增加了G.mosseae的产孢数量。认为部分AM真菌能有效地抑制SCN对大豆根系的侵染、胞囊发育和2龄幼虫的形成。  相似文献   
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