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为探索纯化的重组猪抑制素蛋白质毒素残留情况以及重组猪抑制素蛋白质稳定性,本研究利用鲎试剂、气相色谱和SDS-PAGE方法对重组猪抑制素蛋白质中的细菌内毒素、β-巯基乙醇的残留量及其蛋白质在不同温度、极端p H值和反复冻融条件下的稳定性进行检测。结果显示,经过3次等电点沉淀洗涤后,重组猪抑制素蛋白质中细菌内毒素和β-巯基乙醇的残留量大幅减少。通过在不同温度下的处理发现,重组猪抑制素蛋白质在4℃环境下较稳定,可以长期保存;但在37℃时,稳定性快速下降,随着温度上升而降解加速。通过极端p H值和反复冻融试验发现,重组猪抑制素蛋白质对极端p H值和反复冻融具有较好的耐受性。  相似文献   
讨论了时滞recurrent神经网络模型的全局渐近稳定性,通过构造适当的Lyapuov函数,利用线性矩阵不等式,给出了一类常时滞recurrent神经网络的新的充分条件,所获的稳定性条件是时滞相关的,稳定性判别条件更宽松.最后通过一个实例说明方法的可行性.  相似文献   
三种护坡植物根-土复合体抗剪强度比较   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
以紫穗槐、胡枝子及狗牙根根系及其与土壤构成的根-土复合体为研究对象,通过对根-土复合体的室内直剪试验,比较分析了不同物种根系和不同含根量对根-土复合体的抗剪强度的影响。结果表明,根系的存在提高了土体的抗剪强度,根-土复合体的抗剪强度随着含根量的增加而增大,但当含根量达到一定值时根-土复合体的强度增加并不明显,即存在最佳含根量范围;与无根扰动土相比,根-土复合体内摩擦角无显著变化,但显著提高了黏聚力,其中紫穗槐、胡枝子、狗牙根黏聚力平均增幅分别为47.5%,39.2%和38.9%;紫穗槐、胡枝子和狗牙根根-土复合体对土壤的抗剪强度影响不同。在水土流失区种植乔灌木物种能有效增加坡体稳定性,降低土壤侵蚀。  相似文献   
根据非线性有限元理论研究了索穹顶结构的受力情况,用有限元分析软件AN SY S建立了某农用仓库的索穹顶结构模型,探讨了其在不同预应力水平作用下的受力情况,分析了索和杆在不同荷载下的内力变化情况及对结构稳定性的影响。结果表明该模型受力合理,可以应用于工程实践。  相似文献   
The stability of soil organic matter (SOM) as it relates to resistance to microbial degradation has important implications for nutrient cycling, emission of greenhouse gases, and C sequestration. Hence, there is interest in developing new ways to quantify and characterise the labile and stable forms of SOM. Our objective in this study was to evaluate SOM under widely contrasting management regimes to determine whether the variation in chemical composition and resistance to pyrolysis observed for various constituent C fractions could be related to their resistance to decomposition. Samples from the same soil under permanent pasture, an arable cropping rotation, and chemical fallow were physically fractionated (sand: 2000-50 μm; silt: 50-5 μm, and clay: <5 μm). Biodegradability of the SOM in size fractions and whole soils was assessed in a laboratory mineralization study. Thermal stability was determined by analytical pyrolysis using a Rock-Eval pyrolyser, and chemical composition was characterized by X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy at the C and N K-edges. Relative to the pasture soil, SOM in the arable and fallow soils declined by 30% and 40%, respectively. The mineralization bioassay showed that SOM in whole soil and soil fractions under fallow was less susceptible to biodegradation than that in other management practices. The SOM in the sand fraction was significantly more biodegradable than that in the silt or clay fractions. Analysis by XANES showed a proportional increase in carboxylates and a reduction in amides (protein) and aromatics in the fallow whole soil compared to the pasture and arable soils. Moreover, protein depletion was greatest in the sand fraction of the fallow soil. Sand fractions in fallow and arable soils were, however, relatively enriched in plant-derived phenols, aromatics, and carboxylates compared to the sand fraction of pasture soils. Analytical pyrolysis showed distinct differences in the thermal stability of SOM among the whole soil and their size fractions; it also showed that the loss of SOM generally involved preferential degradation of H-rich compounds. The temperature at which half of the C was pyrolyzed was strongly correlated with mineralizable C, providing good evidence for a link between the biological and thermal stability of SOM.  相似文献   
覆膜滴灌条件下棉花根层土壤盐分时间稳定性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为揭示膜下滴灌棉田主根区土壤盐分的时间变异特性,基于2013—2014年田间实测数据,采用变异系数、平均相对偏差和标准差等方法研究了不同土层土壤盐分的时间稳定性,并进一步确定了可以反映各土层土壤平均含盐量的代表性测点。结果表明,研究区域0~40 cm土层土壤盐分随时间序列的变异性只有少数几个测点属于强变异,其余均属于中等变异;在棉花主根层(40 cm)内,土壤盐分的时间稳定性随土层深度增加呈现先增强后略微减弱趋势,在30 cm土层深度稳定性最强,平均相对偏差浮动范围最小、且其平均标准差最小;反映各土层平均含盐量的代表测点分布较为集中,可选取代表地块对区域土壤含盐量进行估算(决定系数R2为0.791 2~0.917 1)。棉田主根层土壤盐分时间稳定性研究有利于指导田间灌溉;选取少量且具有代表性的测点可为区域合理布设土壤盐分监测点提供理论依据。  相似文献   
为了评价表达鸡马立克氏病病毒gB基因重组鸡痘病毒(rFPV-gB/R)的遗传稳定性,我们将纯化后的重组病毒在CEF单层上连续传30代,引起细胞病变的速度和形态均未发生明显变化;覆盖含X-Gal的琼脂引起的空斑均为蓝色;间接免疫荧光实验证明rFPV-gB/R中的gB基因始终能稳定表达;序列测定结果表明,重组病毒在细胞上连续传30代、在SPF鸡上连续传5代后,gB基因序列没有发生任何变化;以0、10、20、30代重组病毒制成冻干疫苗进行的实验室免疫效力实验表明,细胞连续传代后rFPV-gB/R仍然保持了原有的免疫原性。可见重组鸡痘病毒gB基因的结构和免疫原性都是高度稳定的。为了评价rFPV-gB/R的生物安全性,我们将rFPV-gB/R通过SPF鸡连续传5代,检测病毒在鸡体的存在部位及其消长、生长繁殖性能和毒力变化;将rFPV-gB/R免疫鸡与未免疫鸡同笼饲养,攻击FPV-102E6强毒,以检测rFPV-gB/R感染鸡的接触传染性。结果显示,rFPV-gB/R在鸡体的存在时间大约为7d,在体内仅存在于接种部位;鸡体传代后痘病毒毒力有一定程度下降,gB基因核苷酸序列未发生任何变化;同居未免疫SPF鸡在痘病毒强毒攻击后全部发痘,可见重组病毒免疫鸡没有接触传染性,能在鸡体内稳定地传代,rFPV-gB/R具有高度的生物安全性。  相似文献   
淹水厌氧培养对水稻土中酶活性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
WANG Xiao-Chang  LU Qin 《土壤圈》2006,16(4):532-539
An incubation experiment with soil water content treatments of 0.15 (W1), 0.20 (W2), and 0.40 (W3) g g^-1 soil was carried out for two months to investigate the activities of important enzymes involved in C, N, P, and S cycling in a paddy soil from the Taihu Lake region, China, under waterlogged and aerobic conditions. Compared with air-dried soil, waterlogging resulted in a significant decrease (P ≤ 0.05) of fluorescein diacetate (FDA) and /3-D-glucosidase activities, and this effect was enhanced with increasing waterlogging time. Waterlogging also significantly inhibited (P ≤ 0.05) arylsulfatase as well as alkaline and acid phosphatase activities, but did not decrease the activities with the increase in waterlogging time. Short-term waterlogging did not affect urease activity, but prolonged waterlogging decreased it markedly. In contrast, the aerobic incubation (W1 and W2 treatments) significantly increased (P ≤ 0.05) FDA, alkaline phosphatase, and /3-D-glucosidase activities. With aerobic treatments the activities of FDA and alkaline phosphatase increased with incubation time, whereas /3-D-glucosidase activity decreased. A significant difference (P ≤ 0.05) was usually observed between the W1 and W2 treatments for the activities of FDA as well as alkaline and acid phosphatase; however,/3-D-glucosidase and urease were usually not significant (P ≤ 0.05). No activity differences were observed between waterlogging and aerobic incubation for arylsulfatase and urease.  相似文献   
为了探究β-伴大豆球蛋白(7S)中α和α′亚基缺失对大豆分离蛋白乳化特性的影响,该文以东农47(对照)和3种不同蛋白亚基缺失型(α缺失、α′缺失以及α、α′缺失)大豆为原料提取大豆分离蛋白(SoyProteinIsolate,SPI),通过十二烷基磺酸钠聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis,SDS-PAGE)技术分析其亚基组成,然后制备乳状液并测定乳化活性指数(Emulsifying Activity Index,EAI)、ζ-电位、粒径、微观结构、稳定动力学指数(Turbiscan Stability Index,TSI)及界面蛋白吸附量。结果表明:α′亚基缺失型SPI乳状液乳化活性指数最大,为87.59 m2/g;ζ-电位绝对值最大,为47.7 mV;粒径最小,为2.223μm;显微结构显示其分子最小且分布最均匀,稳定动力学指数最小;界面蛋白吸附量最大,为31.40%。4种不同SPI乳状液的稳定性结果由大到小为α′亚基缺失型、东农47、α亚基缺失型、α和α′亚基缺失型。研究结果可为高乳化性大豆蛋白系列产品的开发应用提供理论支撑和技术支持。  相似文献   
从牛蒡(Arctium lappa L.)根际土壤中分离到1株具有较高反硝化能力的好氧细菌YB000,对该菌株采用生理生化及分子生物学方法进行了鉴定,并且对该菌株进行了以提高反硝化性能为目的的紫外诱变。结果表明,分离自牛蒡根际的反硝化细菌经鉴定为铜绿假单胞菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa),该菌株于距离30 W紫外灯30 cm处照射240 s可获得具有较强脱氮能力且遗传性状稳定的诱变菌株YB004和YB005,其脱氮能力分别达到93.43%、92.03%。  相似文献   
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