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本文应用动力学研究方法比较了具有不同耐盐性的3组共6个水稻基因型对NaCl吸收和运转的差异,结果表明,在外部低NaCl浓度(0.1mmolL~(-1)时,水稻对Na~+的吸收为被动吸收,耐盐基因型对Na~+的吸收速率显著低于盐敏感基因型;对Cl~-的吸收为主动吸收,不同耐盐性基因型吸收Cl~-的动力学参数(V_(?)、K_(?))差异不显著,在外部高NaCl浓度(50mmolL~(-1))时,耐盐基因型对Na~+和cl~-的吸收速率均低于对应的盐敏感基因型。耐盐基因型水稻的Na~+、cl-从根部向地上部的运转率低于对应的盐敏感基因型,这种差异在高盐浓度时更为明显。表明了耐盐基因型水稻地上部对NaCl的排斥作用是吸收控制和运转控制共同作用的结果,使地上部Na~+、Cl-含量相对降低而显出较高的耐盐性。  相似文献   
小麦中的1BL/1RS染色体易位   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
任燕  王涛 《麦类作物学报》2006,26(3):152-158
1BL/1RS易位在世界小麦品种中广泛分布,在世界小麦育种特别是在中国小麦育种中占有重要地位。通过种间特定的染色体易位和替换,黑麦(Secale cereale L.)染色体1R的短臂(1RS)已存在于大量普通小麦(Triticum aestivwm L)的染色体组中,许多对农艺性状具有重要作用的基因和抗性基因由此从黑麦转入小麦基因组中。1RS主要用于转移抗真菌病害的基因,尤其是抗锈病、白粉病的基因(Yr9、Lr26、Sr31、Pm8),1BL/1RS能增加小麦根系的生物量,并可提高小麦籽粒产量和蛋白质含量。然而,由于1RS替换了1BS,造成了1BS上重要基因位点Glu-3、Gli-1的丢失和1RS上Sec-1位点的引入。Sec-1编码的γ-黑麦碱、w-黑麦碱不能补偿Glu-3、Gli-1编码的低分子量麦谷蛋白和γ-醇溶蛋白、w-醇溶蛋白的品质效应,引起小麦的麦谷蛋白聚合物结构的改变和数量的减少。因此,1BL/1RS易位小麦面粉的烘烤加工品质较差,从而降低了1RS易位系小麦的利用价值。另一方面1BL/1RS易位小麦面粉的可溶性纤维含量高于一般小麦,对人体有益,因此利用不含黑麦碱的改良1BL/1RS新易位采替换中国小麦品种中普遍存在的1BL/1RS易位+既可保持1BL/1RS易位系的优点又能改善其烘烤加工品质,这为提高1BL/1RS易位小麦的品质提供了新的途径。1RS片段能与异源细胞质互作导致雄性不育,这可用于小麦的杂种优势利用。本文主要阐述1BL/IRS易位的特征、检测方法、地理分布、在小麦育种中的应用以及给小麦品质带来的影响,并探讨了解决其负面影响的策略。  相似文献   
用60Coγ射线辐照干种子诱变培育西瓜染色体易位系,并用其进行选配少籽杂交子1代研究,对克服三倍体无籽西瓜种子发芽率低、成苗率低、制种成本高、育苗技术较复杂的缺陷具有重要的意义;易位系杂交子1代西瓜保持了二倍体杂交1代的优良特性,减少了单瓜籽粒数,提高了果实可溶性固形物含量,从而提高了西瓜品质和商品价值。详细介绍了诱变选育西瓜易位系的步骤和技术、易位系的特征特性和优良的西瓜染色体易位杂交1代组合,并针对选育的科丰黑美人、红牡丹等易位系杂交1代分析阐述了染色体易位系杂交一代的优点和应用前景。  相似文献   
为了明确M97抗条锈性遗传规律,在苗期用7个小麦条锈菌系对M97与感病品种铭贤169的杂交后代F1、F2、F3和BC1代进行抗条锈性遗传分析,并对M97抗Sun11-4的抗条锈基因进行SSR分子标记。M97对Sun11-4和Sun11-11的抗病性均由1对显性基因控制,对CY29、CY30、CY33的抗病性由1显1隐2对基因共同控制,对CY31的抗病性由2对显性基因独立或重叠作用控制。以接种Sun11-4的F2代分离群体构建作图群体,筛选到Xwmc222、Xwmc147、Xbarc229和Xwmc339等4个与抗病基因连锁的SSR标记,其遗传距离分别为3.4、4.8、7.6和12.1 cM。将该抗病基因定位于小麦1DS染色体,且该基因不同于已知的抗条锈基因,暂命名为YrM97。用YrM97两侧遗传距离最近的2个标记Xwmc222和Xwmc147对42个黄淮麦区主栽小麦品种进行分子检测,仅有9.5%的品种具有与YrM97相同的标记位点。  相似文献   
覆盖栽培模式对冬小麦花后旗叶 光合特性及产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探究旱地小麦秸秆带状覆盖栽培增产的光合特性和干物质积累转运的特征,在甘肃省半干旱雨养农业区以“陇中2号”为材料,研究了秸秆带状覆盖栽培(BS)、地膜覆盖栽培 (PF)和无覆盖露地栽培(CK)3种栽培模式下冬小麦花后旗叶光合特征、叶绿素荧光动力参数、干物质积累转运及产量的差异。结果表明:与CK相比,BS和PF显著提高了花后旗叶光合势、叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量及叶绿素/类胡萝卜素比率,且BS在生育后期优于PF。BS整个生育期的净光合速率、气孔导度均高于CK,而PF仅生育前期发挥正效应,生育中、后期出现了负效应。BS生育前中期胞间CO2浓度、生育中后期旗叶瞬时水分利用效率均高于PF和CK,前者分别高出2.8%~8.2%和6.7%~11.3%,后者分别高出30.3%~44.8%和27.5%~39.3%。PF在灌浆中期以前,BS在整个花后生育期显著提高了小麦花后旗叶Fv/Fm、F′v/F′m、ΦPSⅡ、qP、ETR,降低了NPQ。BS较PF和CK显著提高了花后干物质输入籽粒量和对籽粒粒重的贡献率,2个指标分别增加2.6%、1.0%和14.2%、8.6%。BS显著增加了单位面积穗数,提高了产量,较CK增产35.4%。说明秸秆带状覆盖能显著改善旱地冬小麦花后光合效率,促进干物质积累转运,从而达到增产的效果。  相似文献   


Data on the movement behavior of translocated wild pigs is needed to develop appropriate response strategies for containing and eliminating new source populations following translocation events. We conducted experimental trials to compare the home range establishment and space-use metrics, including the number of days and distance traveled before becoming range residents, for wild pigs translocated with their social group and individually.


We found wild pigs translocated with their social group made less extensive movements away from the release location and established a stable home range ~5 days faster than those translocated individually. We also examined how habitat quality impacted the home range sizes of translocated wild pigs and found wild pigs maintained larger ranges in areas with higher proportion of low-quality habitat.


Collectively, our findings suggest translocations of invasive wild pigs have a greater probability of establishing a viable population near the release site when habitat quality is high and when released with members of their social unit compared to individuals moved independent of their social group or to low-quality habitat. However, all wild pigs translocated in our study made extensive movements from their release location, highlighting the potential for single translocation events of either individuals or groups to have far-reaching consequences within a much broader landscape beyond the location where they are released. These results highlight the challenges associated with containing populations in areas where illegal introduction of wild pigs occurs, and the need for rapid response once releases are identified. © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   
易位系是向小麦转移外源种属优异基因的重要种质资源。普通小麦-滨麦衍生系M13063A-1由小麦-滨麦第六部分同源群二体异附加系材料连续自交获得。为了给普通小麦-滨麦衍生系M13063A-1的利用提供依据,本研究利用形态学、细胞学、原位杂交、分子标记等技术,对该材料进行了鉴定。细胞学鉴定结果显示,M13063A-1有丝分裂中期染色体数目为44条,减数分裂中期I染色体构型为2n=22Ⅱ,且在减数分裂后期Ⅰ可均等分离。原位杂交结果表明,M13063A-1含有42条普通小麦染色体和1对普通小麦-滨麦易位染色体,易位染色体长臂为滨麦Ns基因组染色体片段,短臂为6BS。分子标记分析确定M13063A-1携带的滨麦染色体片段为6NsS。成株期条锈病抗性鉴定显示,M13063A-1抗条锈菌生理小种条中31和条中32。因此,M13063A-1是一个抗条锈病的普通小麦-滨麦6BS·6NsS附加易位系,可以用作小麦抗病育种的桥梁材料。  相似文献   
为了准确了解小麦品系中1BL/1RS易位系的存在,利用7 000多个DArT分子标记(Diversityarrays technology,多样性微阵列技术)对87个普通小麦品系进行扫描,总共获得1 750个稳定的多样性的分子标记(P>80)。这些标记的多态性信息含量指数(PIC)的范围是0.03~0.5,平均值为0.35(P>80)。根据DArT标记的可整合性,利用1B染色体上的DArT数据进行主坐标分析(Principal-Coordinates Analysis,PCoA),可以把实验材料划分为两个群,并且确定一个群是由1BL/1RS易位系组成,另一个群由非1BL/1RS易位系组成。同时,利用非加权组平均法(Unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic means,UPGMA)进行聚类分析,调查了材料之间的遗传关系,结果显示,实验材料同样聚集为两个群,一个群由1BL/1RS易位系组成,包含两个亚群;另一个群由非易位系组成,包含六个亚群。研究证实,DArT标记不仅可以调查小麦全基因组的遗传多样性,而且利用它的可整合性能够准确鉴定研究材料中的1BL/1RS易位系。  相似文献   
Understanding the genetic mechanisms for cadmium(Cd) uptake and translocation in common wheat(Triticum aestivum) is of significance in food Cd contamination control. In this study, a diverse panel of 132 wheat cultivars was collected from the North China Plain. The cultivars were evaluated in terms of their phenotypic variations in response to Cd stress and subjected to a genome-wide association study(GWAS) to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs) associated with the phenotypic variatio...  相似文献   
In soils, amino acids may be an important source of nitrogen for plants, at least in those where organic matter is not quickly degraded. The physiology of uptake of amino acids by roots was mainly studied in the 70's and 80's, before genes encoding amino acid importers were cloned in the 90's. While two families of amino acid transporters have been identified, yielding a total of about 100 genes, the role of each member is yet to be elucidated. As a tool for studying the role of amino acid transporters from Arabidopsis we set up a new hydroponic system suitable for radioisotope use. This system enables reproducible amino acid uptake by roots and estimation of the transport to the shoots of the amino acid taken up. We show that the rates of glutamine (Gln) uptake by wild‐type roots and transfer to the shoots were linear, and that other tested amino acids were translocated to the shoots with lower efficiency than Gln. A T‐DNA insertion mutant for a Gln exporter was compared to the wild‐type plants. Gln uptake and transfer were similar in both genotypes, showing that the suppression of the exporter did not affect uptake or transfer of amino acids to the shoots. The main advantage of the hydroponic system presented here is that all the materials used to grow Arabidopsis are virtually free and can therefore be discarded, a useful feature when working with radioactivity.  相似文献   
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