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[目的]通过组培的方法探索荆半夏形成生产用小块茎的最佳途径。[方法]将叶柄躺接或竖接于不同的培养基诱导珠芽,然后将珠芽接入不同培养基并在不同光照条件下培养使其形成小块茎。[结果]从珠芽形成之前的半夏小苗所取叶柄竖接至培养基MS+0.5mg/L BA+0.2 mg/L NAA中获得大量质量较好的珠芽,珠芽分开后接入培养基MS+0.05 mg/L BA+0.01 mg/L NAA中,采用10 h/d光照培养可获得适合于大田栽种的小块茎。[结论]荆半夏叶柄经过适当的组培方法可在短时间内获得大量生产上使用的小块茎。  相似文献   
Foliar and tuber blight caused by Phytophthora infestans accounts for significant losses in potatoes in field and storage. Nevertheless, limited research has been published on the effects of cultural practices on late blight control. Field experiments were conducted in two years on Howard gravely loam soil in New York State to evaluate the effectiveness of mulching using oat straw and hilling in preventing tuber blight infection for cvs Allegany and Katahdin. Potato hilling and mulching had little effect on foliar blight development. The cultivar affected the disease development in the foliage, with cv. Allegany showing lower foliar late blight than cv. Katahdin. Tuber blight incidence averaged 25% for cv. Allegany and 3% for cv. Katahdin in hilled plots, while in the mulched plots the incidence of tuber blight averaged 33% for cv. Allegany and 10% for cv. Katahdin. The straw hay mulch was ineffective in tuber blight control. Tubers set at a soil depth of more than 7 cm had lower tuber blight incidence than shallow tubers set at a depth of less than 7 cm. In both years, hilling provided partial protection of tubers but its effectiveness was limited in the presence of favourable conditions for late blight development. Even though large hills had proportionally a lower tuber blight incidence than medium-sized hills, the difference between the different hill sizes was not significant. These studies suggest that the use of cultivars with foliage resistance to late blight in combination with cultural practices may partially reduce the incidence of tuber blight. Mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation for endorsement by Cornell University or the US Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   
印度块菌是云南省重要的出口野生菌之一.云南昆明滇池周边地区土壤为富含磷的石灰岩土,属于云南省较早发现印度块菌的地区之一,是该省印度块菌的主要产区之一.作者于2003年11月调查研究了昆明滇池周边地区3个有印度块菌发生的样点的地理、气候、土壤和植被特征,以及块菌产量状况.结果表明,昆明滇池周边地区的气候条件、土壤类型、植被特征等适宜印度块菌生长,无论是人工林、自然林或是天然次生林都可发生印度块菌,这为在造林过程中实现人工培育印度块菌提供了实际证据.在地表落叶层厚的土层中,该菌子囊果发生在落叶层与土壤的交界处,一般来说,单个子囊果体积的2/5位于落叶层中,而另外的3/5则埋在土壤中;在落叶层较稀的地方,如果土壤疏松层较厚,则印度块菌常发生在距土表6 cm左右的疏松土层中;如果土壤疏松层较薄(<3 cm),印度块菌则生长在土壤结实层以上或单个子囊果体积的2/3在疏松层中,而另外的1/3在土壤结实层中.昆明滇池周边地区的印度块菌与云南松、华山松共生,属于外生菌根真菌.在所调查的样方中,华山松林下的印度块菌产量比云南松林的高,人工林的块菌产量比自然纯林的高.其产量与林地中云南松分布密度呈负相关,与华山松分布密度呈正相关.  相似文献   
半干旱地区海涂海水灌溉菊芋盐肥耦合效应的研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
在山东莱州海涂采用正交试验设计进行田间试验,研究了不同浓度海水灌溉下菊芋盐肥耦合效应。结果表明:(1)综合肥水情况下,在25%海水(W2)灌溉下菊芋块茎和地上部分生物产量与淡水处理(W1)没有显著差异,在50%(W3)和75%(W4)海水灌溉下产量均显著下降,与淡水比较,下降幅度达32%、76%和25%、60%;N3(150 kg hm-2)水平与N1(0 kg hm-2)水平相比,菊芋块茎产量可以显著提高77%,同样地上部分生物产量也提高了37%,而N4(225 kg hm-2)处理比在N3情况下低,但仍高于N2(75 kg hm-2)处理;P3(60 kg hm-2)水平与P1(0 kg hm-2)水平相比,菊芋块茎产量可以显著提高97%,同样地上部分生物产量也提高了39%,在P4(90 kg hm-2)处理下,菊芋块茎和地上部分生物产量分别比在P3处理下低19%和11%。(2)各浓度海水浇灌下,随着施氮、磷量的增加菊芋主茎普遍增长和增粗。(3)经过对海水与N肥及P肥的交互作用分析,可以看出W2N3和W2P3是优化组合;处理因子分析表明,影响菊芋产量的主要因素是不同浓度海水灌溉,N肥和P肥次之,其优化组合为W2N3P3。  相似文献   
在南京地区观察浙江黄岩紫莳药的生长发育动态,结果表明:浙江黄岩紫莳药营养器官快速增长期为出苗后45~86 d,营养器官衰退期为出苗后86 d以后。块茎加速膨大期在出苗后86 d前后,块茎膨大表现为:出苗后86~110 d快速增粗,出苗后86~167 d快速伸长,同期也为块茎快速膨大期和块茎鲜重快速增长期,而块茎干物积累快速增长期在出苗后110~167 d,出苗后165 d左右块茎占整株重量80%以上,为紫莳药块茎采收始期。  相似文献   
为了规范攀枝花块菌技术文档的中英文翻译,探讨了3种攀枝花块菌名称和术语的翻译问题,给出了技术文档规范翻译的原则和具体的翻译方法.技术文档的中英文翻译,应兼顾专业性和可阅读性两方面因素,译文应清晰、简明,保持上下文的一致性和准确性,以方便普通读者阅读,促进攀枝花块菌行业的发展和对外交流.  相似文献   
廖政  程方叙  张兴国  郭星  张大全 《安徽农业科学》2009,37(35):17493-17495
从四川天麻主产区采集不同发育阶段的乌天麻块茎,测定其性状、产量和天麻素含量,并建立鸟天麻不同类型块茎性状-产量-天麻素的相关回归方程。结果表明,与乌天麻块茎产量和天麻素积累呈正相关的因素主要有块茎干重(y2)、鲜块茎长度(x1)、鲜块茎直径(x3)、鲜块茎系数(y6)、鲜块茎周长(x2),呈负相关的因素主要为块茎数(x5)。  相似文献   
Future space exploration by humans will require reliable supplies of food, oxygen and clean water to sustain the expeditions. Potato is one of several crops being studied for such a “life support” role. Tests sponsored by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) confirmed the well-known short day tendencies for tuberisation, but also revealed that some cvs. (e.g., Norland, Denali and Russet Burbank) could tuberise well under continuous high light. Horticultural tests showed that plants grew well and tuberised readily using a nutrient film technique (NFT). CO2 enrichment studies with potato showed typical C3 responses in photosynthesis and yield, with maximum rates occurring near 1000 μmol mol−1. The highest tuber yields from these controlled environment studies reached 19.7 kg FM m−2 or equivalent to nearly 200 t ha−1. This equated to a productivity of 38 g m−2 DM m−2 day−1. Stand evapotranspiration (ET) rates ranged from 3.4 to 5.2 l m−2 day−1 throughout growth, while maximum ET rates for canopies could approach 10 l m−2 day−1. Harvest indices (tuber DM/total DM) typically ranged from 0.7 to 0.8, indicating that waste (inedible) biomass from potato would be less than that from many other crops. An experiment was conducted in 1995 on NASA’s Space Shuttle using excised potato leaves to study tuber formation at axillary buds during spaceflight. The results showed that tubers formed equally well in space as in the ground controls, indicating that reduced gravity should not be an impediment to tuberisation.  相似文献   
攀枝花块菌资源及适宜生境初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对攀枝花的块菌资源进行了较为系统的调查,查清了攀枝花的块菌种类、分布范围以及其生态环境.并与欧洲块菌主产国的气候环境进行比较,认为攀枝花是块菌生长的理想气候区之一,且得出块菌生长环境的pH值由弱碱性扩展到微酸性结论,同时采用Vanderloeg和Scavia选择系数Wi和选择指数Ei作为衡量块菌对生境适宜程度指标,提出了块菌适宜生境的标准。  相似文献   
印度块菌(Tuber indicum Vittadini)、夏块菌(T.aestivum Vittadin)i是经济价值较高的菌根食用菌。本文对印度块菌、夏块菌与化香树(Platycarya strobilacea Sieb.et Zucc).合成菌根苗的技术进行了研究,结果表明用印度块菌、夏块菌孢子液接种化香树苗后,第三个月发现已形成根尖淡乳色,基部淡黄色、黄褐色的外生菌根。外生菌根为单轴状、羽状和不规则分支状,单根菌根长300μm~4 000μm,直径为200μm~500μm;平坦或从菌根延伸出外延菌丝。印度块菌与化香树形成的外延菌丝为透明、半透明、絮状。夏块菌与化香树形成的外延菌丝为黄绿色、羊毛状。菌根老化后变暗褐或萎缩;两种块菌与化香树形成的菌根在显微镜下有明显的差别。  相似文献   
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