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Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is one of the major fungal pathogens of wheat. A new pathotype was introduced to Australia in 2002 and several derivative pathotypes were detected in subsequent seasons. It has been suggested that the severity of stripe rust outbreaks in Australia since 2002 could be as a result of traits other than virulence in the pathogen population. This study was conducted to investigate the hypothesis that the stripe rust pathogen population dominant in Australia since 2002 was better adapted to warm temperature conditions compared to previous pathogen populations. Sixteen pathotypes were selected to examine the influence of two contrasting temperature regimes during the 24 h incubation (10°C and 15°C) and the subsequent post‐inoculation (17°C and 23°C) periods on latent period and infection efficiency on four susceptible wheat cultivars. In addition, the effect of two contrasting incubation temperatures on urediniospore germination was examined. The results indicated that pathotypes of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici detected after 2002 did not show evidence of adaptation to high temperatures, which suggests that other factors contributed to the observed increased aggressiveness.  相似文献   
Competition for water generates a classic aspect of the tragedy of the commons, the ‘race for fish’, where crops must allocate more resource to acquisition of the limiting resource than is optimal for crop yield allocation. A pot experiment using a simple additive (target–neighbour) design was conducted to examine the above‐ground and below‐ground growth of three spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars when grown alone and in mixtures at three levels of water availability. The effects of competition and water availability were compared by observing patterns of growth, biomass allocation and below‐ground outcomes. Competitive interactions were investigated among cultivars ‘HST’, ‘GY602’ and ‘LC8275’, target plant of each cultivar grown without neighbouring plants are referred to herein as control plant and one target plant of each cultivar sown surrounded either by same or another cultivar as intra‐ or inter‐cultivar competition. Competitive ability was assessed as the response ratio (lnRR) between the target plant surrounded by six other plants and the target plant in isolation. Our results showed that the cultivar ‘HST’, released over a century ago, produced a higher biomass and grain yield than the more recently released cultivars ‘LC8275’ and ‘GY602’ when grown as isolated plants with sufficient water supply. However, competition for resources from neighbours led to target plant biomass and grain yield being significantly reduced relative to controls in all three cultivars, particularly in ‘HST’. When subjected to intra‐cultivar competition, the two recently released cultivars ‘LC8275’ and ‘GY602’ had higher grain yields and water use efficiency for grain than ‘HST’ in all three water regimes. The landrace ‘HST’ had better and significantly linear relationships between biomass and biomass allocation, root length and specific root length, whereas the recent and modern cultivars had much more water‐related species‐specific changes in root morphology and allocation patterns. These results suggest that crop traits that influence competitive ability, such as biomass allocation to roots and root plasticity in response to drought have changed in modern wheat cultivars because of breeding and selection.  相似文献   
高能混合粒子场辐照小麦的突变效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 【目的】分析高能混合粒子场(CR)辐照冬小麦所产生的突变效应,并与60Co-γ射线处理相比较,研究其诱变效率。【方法】以0、145、195、284和560 Gy剂量的CR和γ射线分别处理两个冬小麦品种ZY9和ZH7,室内发芽鉴定处理当代的损伤效应,田间筛选表型变异突变体并做考种分析。【结果】高能混合粒子场与γ射线处理对这两个小麦品种的生长抑制均存在明显的剂量效应,并且高能混合粒子场处理的损伤效应明显高于γ射线,ZH7的辐射敏感性大于ZY9,处理小麦的适宜剂量在200~300 Gy之间。M2代群体中出现了包括株高、穗型、生育期等多种性状变异,在适宜或稍高剂量时可以引起明显高于γ射线处理的有益突变。CR诱变ZY9的总突变频率和有益突变频率分别为5.42%~11.68%和2.75%~7.29%,ZH7则分别达到10.35%~22.12%和6.62%~10.49%,均高于γ射线处理频率。【结论】高能混合粒子场处理小麦能够产生比γ射线更高的相对生物学效应,而且辐射敏感性较高的品种,经处理后其后代诱发有益突变的频率较高,获得优良变异的几率也相对较高。  相似文献   
Seed presoaking improves wheat germination under marginal moisture conditions. The duration of seed presoaking was studied at The University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi, using 10 wheat varieties. Seed presoaking beyond 12 h does not improve germination further, and beyond 21 h, germination rate is drastically reduced.  相似文献   
施氮水平对两个冬小麦品种面粉色泽及面条品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在大田条件下,研究了不同施氮水平对豫麦49-198和兰考矮早八面粉色泽及面条品质的影响。结果表明,两品种面粉及面糊的色泽等级值(CGV)、红色度(a*)和黄色度(b*)随施氮量的增加而增大,亮度(L*)随施氮量的增加而下降。随着放置时间的延长,面片的CGV、a*、b*升高,而L*值下降。质构仪分析表明,随着施氮量的增加,两品种面条的硬度、黏合性、咀嚼性呈上升趋势,以360 kg hm-2处理的值最高,并且和其他处理之间的差异达显著水平。  相似文献   
65个山东地方普通小麦品种与奥地利黑麦进行杂交,结果表明,高亲和材料在山东麦区普遍存在。其中结实率大于50%的有10个品种,并有长芒透龙白,码昨头火麦、小芒麦和白秃头4个品种的亲和性与中国春小麦相似,经t检验无显著差异,其基因型可能为kr1kr1kr2kr2;结实率在30% ̄50%间的品种有6个(其基因型可能为kr1kr1Kr2Kr2);结实率在10% ̄30%间的品种有6个(其基因型可能为Kr1K  相似文献   
This work was undertaken to investigate the effect of zinc (Zn) nutrition on root antioxidative responses to cadmium (Cd) toxicity of three wheat genotypes differing in Zn efficiency. A hydroponic experiment was carried out in which two bread wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L. cvs. ‘Rushan’ and ‘Cross’) and one durum wheat genotype (Triticum durum L. cv. Durum) were exposed to three Zn2+ (10?11.11, 10?9.11 and 10?8.81 μm ) and two Cd2+ (10?11.21 and 10?10.2 μm ) activity levels. ‘Durum’ showed the highest root sulfhydryl (‐SH) groups content and activity of catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the lowest root membrane permeability among the studied wheat genotypes. In ‘Durum’, Zn nutrition increased root ‐SH groups concentration of seedlings in Cd‐free nutrient solution. In ‘Cross’, as Zn2+ activity increased from 10?11.11 to 10?9.11 μm , root ‐SH groups concentration was increased while decreased with increasing Zn2+ to 10?8.81 μm . Cadmium increased root membrane permeability at both 10?11.11 and 10?9.11 μm Zn2+ levels. Activity of CAT and APX increased in roots of ‘Durum’ plants exposed to Cd at Zn2+ = 10?9.11 μm and thereafter decreased with increasing Zn2+ activity. In contrast, CAT and APX activity in roots of ‘Cross’ and ‘Rushan’ genotypes exposed to Cd decreased by increasing Zn activity to 10?9.11 μm and then increased at Zn2+ = 10?8.81μm . The results showed an increase in activities of antioxidative enzymes in Cd‐treated plants, although this increase was dependent on the crop genotype and Zn levels in the media.  相似文献   
本试验根据山西省北杜坞村的气候条件以及半夏和冬小麦的生物学特性,进行了半夏与冬小麦间套作栽培试验,结果表明半夏的适宜播种期为3月15日~3月25日,新种半夏地的适宜播种量为130kg/667m2,重茬半夏地其播种量应比上一年的减少30%,适宜播种深度为5cm~7cm,此外,采用农家肥料、小麦秸秆双覆盖和小麦收割时留高茬,外加小水勤灌,每次灌溉量17.5m3/667m2等措施均有利于提高半夏的产量。  相似文献   
对在陕西省和安徽省审定的冬小麦品种西农109进行栽培技术措施探索,为其在关中地区乃至黄淮南片冬麦区的推广提供技术支撑。试验于2018-2020年在陕西省宝鸡市陇县的西北农林科技大学旱地农作物试验示范基地开展,通过探索不同播期、播量以及氮肥水平处理条件下对冬小麦西农109农艺性状和产量及品质的调控影响,综合分析得出:10月10日播种、157.5 kg/hm2的播量与144~168 kg/hm2氮肥水平栽培措施更适宜西农109小麦增产提质。  相似文献   
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