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以地面观测降水作为参照,在美国俄克拉荷马州Little Washita River流域,对比分析了TRMM 3B42 V7,GPM-IMERG卫星降水和Stage IV雷达降水的精度,并用这3种降水产品驱动CREST分布式水文模型,评估了其水文模拟效用.研究表明:3种降水产品与地面降水的相关系数均大于0.5,通过了0.05置信水平检验;GPM-IMERG和TRMM3B42 V7卫星降水对无雨和微雨存在低估,对大雨和暴雨存在高估;总体上,Stage IV降水精度最好,其次GPM降水精度优于TRMM 3B42 V7.在水文模拟效用评估中,设定相同率定期,分别使用3种降水产品率定CREST模型参数,得到率定参数集后,在相同验证期对流域日径流过程进行模拟.对比结果表明:Stage IV雷达降水在小流域水文模拟中效果最好,GPM-IMERG次之,TRMM 3B42 V7模拟效果不理想.  相似文献   
Particulate phosphorus (P) can be transported via soil erosion in overland flow to waters, where it provides a long-term source of P for aquatic biota, and can accelerate freshwater eutrophication. Hence, knowledge of P sources is important for good environmental management. However, data on P, and related Fe, losses from various structures of a post-mining landscape are lacking. A year-long monitoring, and ten short rainfall simulations on plot scale, at ridges and rills and a combination of them, revealed high erosion from bare lignite mining dumps at Schlabendorf-North, Lusatia, Germany. The mean annual soil erosion rate from the year-long monitoring site was 18 × 106 kg km− 2 yr− 1, corresponding to 0.034 g m− 2 min− 1. The erosion rates were lowest at rill plots (1.9–4.4 g m− 2 min− 1), intermediate at ridge plots (14.3–37.1 g m− 2 min− 1), and highest at a combined rill and ridge plot (48.7–63.4 g m− 2 min− 1). These differences in extent were due to small scale differences in morphology and extreme water repellency. The hydrophobicity leads to very low infiltration, thus generating surface runoff even at low rainfall intensities. Loss rates of P and Fe, as deduced from the year-long erosion rate, were 470–650 kg km− 2 yr− 1, and 37.9 × 103–71 × 103 kg km− 2 yr− 1 respectively. However, these P inputs from lignite mining dump erosion, consisting of P-poor (17–90 μg g− 1) tertiary spoil materials, into aborning mining lakes, are negligible since they are accompanied by high Fe inputs, which favour an efficient P co-precipitation in the water column.  相似文献   
The objective of this work was to measure and model the runoff for different soils classes at different rainfall intensities (30, 60 and 120 mm h−1) in Southern Brazil. A portable rainfall simulator with multiple nozzles was used to simulate these rainfall intensities. For each soil, the initial time and runoff rate, rainfall characteristics (total, duration and intensities), surface slope, crop residue amount and cover percentage, soil densities (bulk and particle), soil porosity (bulk, macro and micro), textural fractions (clay, silt and sand), and the initial and saturated soil water content were measured. The runoff measured was compared to Smith's modified and Curve Number (USDA-SCS) models. The cumulative runoff losses were 67, 45 and 27% of the total rainfall, for a Rhodic Paleudalf, Typic Quartzipsamment and Rhodic Hapludox, respectively. An inverse relationship was observed between initial runoff and the runoff rate, independently of the soil surface and rainfall conditions. Increasing rainfall intensity decreased the time to runoff and increased runoff rate. The Smith's modified model overestimated the cumulative runoff by about 4%. The Smith's modified model presented a better estimate for both higher and lower rainfall intensities (120 and 30 mm h−1). The SCS Curve Number model overestimated the cumulative runoff by about 34%. This large overestimate is probably due to that the model did not take into account the soil tillage system used in the field by farmers, particularly for irrigated conditions. The combination of high porosity, low bulk density and presence of crop residue on soil surface decreased runoff losses, independently of the soil texture class. Smith's modified model better estimated the surface runoff for soil with a high soil water content, and it was considered satisfactory for Southern Brazil runoff estimations. The SCS Curve Number model overestimated the cumulative runoff and its use needs adjustments particularly for no-tillage management system.  相似文献   
Excess phosphorus (P) in freshwater systems has been associated with eutrophication in agro-ecosystems of the US Midwest and elsewhere. A better understanding of processes regulating both soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and total phosphorus (TP) exports to tile-drains is therefore critical to minimize P losses to streams while maintaining crop yield. This paper investigates SRP and TP dynamics at a high temporal resolution during four spring storms in two tile-drains in the US Midwest. Depending on the storm, median concentrations varied between 0.006-0.025 mg/L for SRP and 0.057-0.176 mg/L for TP. For large storms (>6 cm bulk precipitation), for which macropore flow represented between 43 and 50% of total tile-drain flow, SRP transport to tile-drains was primarily regulated by macropore flow. For smaller tile-flow generating events (<3 cm bulk precipitation), for which macropore flow only accounted for 11-17% of total tile-drain flow, SRP transport was primarily regulated by matrix flow. Total P transport to tile-drains was primarily regulated by macropore flow regardless of the storm. Soluble reactive P (0.01-1.83 mg m−2/storm) and TP (0.10-8.64 mg m−2/storm) export rates were extremely variable and positively significantly correlated to both mean discharge and bulk precipitation. Soluble reactive P accounted for 9.9-15.5% of TP fluxes for small tile-flow generating events (<3 cm bulk precipitation) and for 16.2-22.0% of TP fluxes for large precipitation events (>6 cm bulk precipitation). Although significant variations in tile-flow response to precipitation were observed, no significant differences in SRP and TP concentrations were observed between adjacent tile-drains. Results stress the dominance of particulate P and the importance of macropore flow in P transport to tile-drains in the US Midwest. Although only spring storms are investigated, this study brings critical insight into P dynamics in tile-drains at a critical time of the year for water quality management.  相似文献   
An historical sketch of research on the growing of saligna on short rotations in the Northern Transvaal is given, and the current research programme is outlined. Results are given of the Methods of Soil Preparation experiment at Zomerkomst and preliminary conclusions are drawn from the Silvicultural Systems project at Boschhoek (West-falia).  相似文献   
本文对杉木新造林地进行了水土保持观测,取得了研究数据和科学结论,以指导杉木造林。1径流场地点基本情况径流场地位于湖南省浏阳县张访林场,地处幕阜山系大围山南麓。多年平均降水量15523mm,历年日最大降水量为2761mm(19650706),年...  相似文献   
Arid areas are highly sensitive to climate change and are ideal model systems to study the potential impact of climate change on species' community structure. Biological soil crust (BSC) formation plays an ecological role in a number of key processes in the development of dry ecosystems. It was hypothesized that BSC succession and function are affected by aridity level and limited by rainfall. Furthermore, it is possible to infer the direction of the BSC succession based on aridity level, and the latter can imitate future climate change scenarios. The objectives of this study were to investigate the microbial biomass and diversity of the BSC structure in three sites differing in aridity level (semiarid, arid and hyper-arid), by combining physical and biophysiological measurements with 16S rRNA gene fragment and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analyses. Physical and biophysiological parameters of the BSC were significantly influenced by aridity level. Total protein and polysaccharide contents were strongly correlated with total PLFA-based microbial biomass. Gram-positive biomarkers and microbial biomass were significantly higher in the wettest (semiarid) site than in the driest (hyper-arid) one. Multivariate-analysis based ordination of the PLFA data segregated the cluster of semiarid data from that of the hyper-arid site, while data from the arid site were dispersed between the two. The phylogenetic distribution of prominent 16S rRNA bacterial gene sequences along the aridity levels was in agreement with the PLFA analysis: the hyper-arid site was dominated by the cyanobacterium Microcoleus vaginatus, while diverse populations of cyanobacteria and soil bacteria were found in the other sites. These complementary tools allowed a simple and sensitive measurement of the influence of aridity levels on BSC successional stage. The results demonstrate that different aridity levels correspond to different BSC successional stages and those differences can be used as parameters for global change scenarios.  相似文献   
豫西山区次降雨侵蚀力简化模型的建立   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
而降雨侵蚀力是定量监测评价一个地区土壤侵蚀状况的重要因子之一,找到适宜简便的计算方法十分重要。本文利用位于豫西山区鲁山县的两个水文站各三年共125次自记降雨过程资料,建立了该区域次降雨侵蚀力计算模型:R次=0.146×Pt×I30-1.189(r=0.992,n=105);并进行了预报效果检验,采取模型有效系数和相对偏差评价模型的的效果,结果表明二者分别为99%和8.8%。本文所创立的次降雨侵蚀力模型简便实用,不仅可以评价区域年R值分布,有效地分析R值的年内分布状况,更重要的是为水土流失定量监测从多年平均监测、年监测提高到次降雨流失量的监测提供了可能,从而实现区域定量监测的精度。  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to quantify interannual variations of total evaporation (ET) in a tropical rainforest in Sarawak, Malaysia. To this end, we conducted 10-year meteorological measurements and formulated a simplified big-leaf model that reproduces transpiration (Et), rainfall interception (Ei), and ET as the sum of these. The model was validated independently using eddy covariance fluxes, rainfall interception based on throughfall and stemflow measurements, and sap flow measurements conducted for more than 2 years. Using the model, Et, Ei, and ET were estimated for the period 2000-2009. Annual Et, Ei, and ET averaged over 10 years were estimated as 1114, 209, and 1323 mm, respectively, with small seasonal fluctuations. The derived estimates showed conservative year-to-year variations in annual Et, Ei, and ET (CV = 5-7%) in contrast to considerable year-to-year variations in annual rainfall (CV = 11%). Specific rainfall characteristics (e.g. intense short duration storms) at this site can explain the conservative year-to-year Ei variations. Small interannual variations in meteorological conditions and absence of severe drought during the study period can explain the small year-to-year Et variations. To characterize ET at our site, we also compared Ei and ET at our site with those of other tropical forests. Based on the derived ET characteristics, we discuss possible ET changes in response to changes in rainfall regime at this site.  相似文献   
Drylands are regarded as highly sensitive to climatic change. The putative positive relationship between average annual rainfall and runoff, assumed for areas between 100 and 300 mm ignores the fact that climatic change in drylands is not limited to climatic factors alone, but is often accompanied by a parallel change in surface properties. Data on rainfall, runoff and soil moisture regime were collected at five monitoring sites in a sandy area, along a rainfall gradient from 86 to 160 mm. Despite the uniform sandy substratum the frequency and magnitude of runoff declined with increasing annual rainfall. Under wetter conditions a thick topsoil biological crust develops. This crust is able to absorb and retain large rain amounts, limiting the depth to which water can penetrate, and therefore water availability for the perennial vegetation. In the drier area, the thin crust can absorb only limited rain amounts, resulting in surface runoff and deeper water infiltration at run-on areas. Our findings demonstrate the important role played by different types of biological soil crusts along the rainfall gradient considered, and question the generally held belief that higher rainfall necessarily leads to deeper water infiltration in sandy arid areas; and higher water availability for the perennial vegetation.  相似文献   
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