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福建柏优树选择及种实表型变异研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在调查研究福建柏资源基础上,制定了福建柏优树选择方法,于1998年6~11月和1999年7~11月在福建省福建柏自然分布区和栽培区以及湖南省道县福建柏天然林中选择出优树175株,其中从天然林中选出57株,从人工林中选出118株。这些优树总体表现较好,生长量大,平均树高、胸径、材积分别为15 49m、28 6cm和0 51263m3,树干通直圆满,树体健康,无病虫害,平均树龄为35 3a。1999年10~11月,采集到129株优树的球果,测定了各优树的种子千粒重、球果出籽率、球果重、球果长、球果宽、球果长×球果宽、球果长/球果宽和苞鳞数等8个指标,结果表明各优树在种实性状上差异比较大,差异最大的是球果重,平均单果重2 757g,变幅为1 342~4 748g,变异系数为27 86%;平均千粒重为6 378g,变幅为3 647~11 349g;平均出籽率为2 56%,变幅为1 62%~4 79%;球果大小相差较大,球果近球形但略长些。相关分析表明,优树各种实性状间的相关性大都达到极显著水平,千粒重与球果重量、大小呈密切的正相关,与出籽率、苞鳞数及球果形状关系不大;出籽率与其他种实性状间相关性很小,可能是个独立的性状;单果重与苞鳞数及球果大小呈高度的正相关关系,与球果形状没有关系。收集选出的175株优树中的162株,在福建省安溪白濑国有林场建成了全国第一个福建柏种?  相似文献   
In the past five decades, constant research has been directed towards yield improvement in pigeonpea resulting in the deployment of several commercially acceptable cultivars in India. Though, the genesis of hybrid technology, the biggest breakthrough, enigma of stagnant productivity still remains unsolved. To sort this productivity disparity, genomic research along with conventional breeding was successfully initiated at ICRISAT. It endowed ample genomic resource providing insight in the pigeonpea genome combating production constraints in a precise and speedy manner. The availability of the draft genome sequence with a large‐scale marker resource, oriented the research towards trait mapping for flowering time, determinacy, fertility restoration, yield attributing traits and photo‐insensitivity. Defined core and mini‐core collection, still eased the pigeonpea breeding being accessible for existing genetic diversity and developing stress resistance. Modern genomic tools like next‐generation sequencing, genome‐wide selection helping in the appraisal of selection efficiency is leading towards next‐generation breeding, an awaited milestone in pigeonpea genetic enhancement. This paper emphasizes the ongoing genetic improvement in pigeonpea with an amalgam of conventional breeding as well as genomic research.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to identify new quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that have stable effects for eating and cooking quality (ECQ) of rice. Three recombinant inbred line populations of indica rice were each planted in two years. Three traits for ECQ, amylose content (AC), gel consistency (GC) and alkali spreading value (ASV), were measured for QTL analysis. A total of 13 QTLs were detected, including four for AC, six for ASV and three for GC. Two QTLs, qGC4 in the interval RM16252–RM335 on the short arm of chromosome 4 and qGC6.2 in the Alk region, were validated in a population derived from a residual heterozygote that was homozygous at the major locus Wx. In the absence of segregation at the Wx locus, qGC4 and qGC6.2 had additive effects of 2.46 and 8.18 mm, respectively, offering a potential for improving GC property of rice varieties. Comparison between qGC4 and previous results suggests that qGC4 is likely a new QTL for GC, providing a candidate for gene cloning and functional characterization.  相似文献   
旨在研究外源硒处理对不同类型优质地方常规稻产量及硒氮磷钾含量的影响。以籼稻品种(‘泰选1号’)和粳稻品种(‘粳选1号’)为材料,采用完全随机设计,于较高海拔山区试验田(800 m以上)进行不同浓度硒处理试验。结果表明:施用外源硒处理后不会降低两个品种的稻谷产量;随外施硒浓度的提高,两个水稻品种精米及米糠硒含量均显著提高,粳稻品种在0~15 g/hm2外源硒浓度范围内随硒浓度的增加,精米中硒含量的增加率呈较高的线性模式增长;而高浓度硒处理下,粳稻精米率、整精米率显著降低;随外施硒浓度的增加,水稻精米中氮钾元素含量与硒含量从极显著正相关变为极显著负相关。在硒浓度较低的环境下,适当增加氮、钾肥的施用量能促进水稻对硒元素的吸收积累,高浓度反之。因此,对优质地方常规稻外施硒以提高品质与硒元素积累的研究是可行的。  相似文献   
类病斑突变体是研究植物程序性死亡和抗病性的理想材料。为了丰富小麦斑点突变体的研究,对叠氮化钠诱变小麦品种陕农33产生的稳定遗传的白斑突变体I30进行了特征特性研究和遗传分析。结果表明,突变体I30从三叶期开始表现白色块斑和长条纹。锥虫蓝染色和DAB染色显示,I30斑点处出现细胞死亡和H_2O_2积累现象。透射电子显微镜观察表明,I30的叶绿体形状发生改变,数目减少,基粒垛叠高度无序,部分甚至降解。农艺性状调查结果表明,I30的株高、单株有效穗数、穗粒数、穗长和结实率与野生型间无显著差异,但千粒重、穗粒重、单株产量、旗叶长度和宽度显著低于野生型。遗传分析表明,I30由1对隐性核基因控制。利用BSA+660K基因芯片技术,将该基因定位于小麦6D染色体上,位于SSR分子标记Xcfd190和6DS-5之间,遗传距离分别为6.4cM和9.1cM。  相似文献   
γ-Oryzanol is a main oleophilic component in rice bran oil and has been well recognized as a good dietary supplement for human health, as well as having uses in industrial materials. japonica-type rice cultivars generally showed significantly higher contents of total γ-oryzanol in brown rice compared with indica-type cultivars, although within-group variation was significant. The objective of this study was to explore quantitative trait loci (QTLs) responsible for the difference in the γ-oryzanol content between japonica-type and indica-type rice cultivars, using recombinant inbred lines (RILs), backcross inbred lines (BILs), and corresponding chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) derived from crosses between japonica-type and indica-type. Results from RILs and BILs showed that eight QTLs were detected with R2 from .09 to .16. Nine candidate regions for QTL were also suggested from corresponding CSSLs. These QTLs from RILs and BILs and the candidate regions from CSSLs were not overlapped, although one QTLs was mapped near the boundaries of the respective candidate region. At four QTLs and three candidate regions, alleles or segments from japonica-type caused higher contents than those from indica-type. On the other hand, at the other four QTLs and six candidate regions, alleles or segments from indica-type caused higher contents than those from japonica-type, which is a reverse result to the parental differences. This result strongly suggested that alleles with increasing effects on γ-oryzanol content could be accumulated not only from japonica-type but also from indica-type, leading to a potential for increase in γ-oryzanol content in future breeding programs.  相似文献   
研究结果表明,在传统中式香肠自然晾挂成熟过程中,好氧菌总数、厌氧菌总数、嗜冷菌总数、酵母和霉菌总数从第1d至第12d逐渐上升,然后下降;乳酸菌总数从第1d至第8d逐渐增加,然后下降。  相似文献   
多花黑麦草新品系产量及农艺性状研究初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
试验对多花黑麦草新品系的植物学性状、农艺性状、生长动态及拔节期营养物质含量进行了研究。结果表明,多花黑麦草新品系生育期为234 d,生长发育迅速,特别是冬春季生长优势明显;年产草量(DM)可达15 469kg/hm2;植株高大,叶量丰富、叶片宽大,拔节期粗蛋白含量达16.17%,表现出明显的优良牧草性状;在南方亚热带地区生长良好,是优良的多花黑麦草新品系。  相似文献   
郭振升  曹宗波  纪耀坤 《安徽农业科学》2007,35(20):6072-6072,6075
[目的]为了更好地分析大豆品种的综合性状,对大豆品种进行分类。[方法]根据大豆育种理论与实践,结合生产需求确定各性状指标的权重,用星座图对28个大豆品种的11个数量性状进行了聚类分析。[结果]按星座图聚类分析法把供试的大豆品种分为综合性状各异的5个类群,分类结果与大豆品种的血缘无必然联系。前两类群大豆品种的综合性状较好,在育种上配置杂交组合有较高的利用价值。[结论]星座图聚类分析法可作为一种大豆品种综合性状划分的新方法。  相似文献   
高品质陆地棉农艺性状与皮棉产量的关系分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
1材料与方法 1.1材料 供试24份高品质陆地棉品系分别为A001、A016、A018、A106、A107、A111、A112、A113、A201B、A203B、A210、A301、A402B、A405B、A407、A408、A413、A705,A708、A709、A9—1、P2、P4。  相似文献   
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