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为明确垦稻26和龙粳31高产优质栽培的株行距和穴苗数处理,采取裂区设计进行试验研究。结果表明,最优群体因品种而异,垦稻26在株距10cm、行距30cm、5苗/穴产量最佳,龙粳31则以株距13.3cm、行距27cm、9苗/穴产量最佳;垦稻26在5苗/穴、行株距30cm×10cm处理,有利于提高稻米的碾磨品质,不利于改善稻米的外观品质,营养品质较低,利于改善稻米的食味品质,且食味评分值高达86.5,显著高于最低处理;龙粳31在5苗/穴、行株距27cm×13.3cm处理,碾磨品质较高,不利于营养品质和外观品质的改善,食味品质得到明显改善,食味评分值高达86.0,与最低处理差异达显著水平。因此,高产优质栽培要因品种选择适宜的穴苗数和株行距,是实现水稻高产优质最为快捷、最为经济有效的措施。  相似文献   
The relationship between panicle structure and oat grain quality characteristics was examined in a winter oat (Avena sativa) experiment, cv. Gerald, fertilized with 80 and 200 kg/ha N. Spikelets on each whorl were counted and separated into primary, secondary, and tertiary grains, which were counted and weighed, and the kernels extracted manually and weighed. Tiller and whorl rank had relatively small effects on weight per grain and kernel content. Nitrogen application significantly increased weight per primary and secondary grain on the main stem and T1, the first tiller, while spikelet and grain numbers increased only on T1. However, weight per grain and kernel contents in all whorls on both the main stem and T1 were not significantly affected by nitrogen. Although kernel contents were significantly affected by nitrogen application on some occasions, increases and decreases were less than 2.5%. Across the whole plant, numbers of primary and secondary grains increased at the higher nitrogen application, but weight per primary grain and kernel contents were unaffected. However, weight per secondary grain significantly increased at the higher nitrogen application, thus improving uniformity of grain size which is of value to millers.  相似文献   
为了鉴定我国西南冬麦区普通小麦品种的穗发芽抗性,筛选能鉴定穗发芽抗性的相关分子标记,利用小麦品种川农17和新品系R146构建的重组自交系(F7:8)共135个家系作为研究材料,通过测定种子的发芽指数和降落值来共同鉴定小麦的穗发芽抗性。选择7个已发表的与穗发芽抗性相关的分子标记(Xgwm46、Xgwm269、Xgwm282、Xgwm328、Xgwm397、Xwmc468和Xgwm518)对这些材料进行PCR扩增,分析扩增片段与发芽指数和降落值的相关性。结果表明,在135份重组自交系材料中,发芽指数小于0.4的材料有21份,介于0.4~0.8的材料有86份,高于0.8的材料有28份;降落值小于250的材料有20份,大于400的有16份。标记扩增片段与发芽指数和降落值相关分析表明,7个标记中有3个标记(Xgwm397、Xgwm282和Xwmc468)与穗发芽抗性相关,标记Xgwm397和Xwmc468可作为穗发芽抗性选择的分子标记在育种中加以利用;另外三个标记Xgwm269、Xgwm328、Xgwm518与穗发芽抗性不相关;标记Xgwm46只与发芽指数相关,与降落值相关不显著,能否用作穗发芽筛选标记需进一步验证。  相似文献   
为探讨孕穗期叶面喷素对小麦穗粒数和粒重的调控效应,于2014-2015年在河南农业大学科教示范园区进行试验,以半冬性品种豫麦49-198为供试材料,在小麦拔节后25d(4月6号),以清水为对照,叶面分别喷施硼砂(B)、6苄基腺嘌呤(6-BA)、6-BA+B、奇善宝(QSB)、双增1号(CPD),对不同喷素条件下小花败育速率和籽粒灌浆进程及其成熟后小麦穗部性状进行观察和分析。结果表明,与对照相比,不同喷素处理均能降低小花的败育速率,显著增加小麦不同部位的小穗粒数和粒重。对小麦各部位小穗粒数的促进效果,以CPD处理对小麦下、中部小穗粒数提高幅度最大,分别较对照增加了1.95个和4.85个;对不同部位小穗粒重的促进效果,也以CPD处理效果最佳,使小麦下、中和上部小穗粒重分别较对照提高了11.97%、5.87%和9.32%。  相似文献   
根据1983~1998年山东半岛南部沿海对虾放流增殖结果,对秋汛对虾产量与放流数量之间的关系进行了研究。结果表明:秋汛对虾产量随放流数量的增加而增加,二者呈Y=363.7+126.4X相关关系(r=0.918)。  相似文献   
Maize (Zea mays L.) grain yield is strongly related to the number of harvested kernels, where kernel number can be increased by synchronously pollinating silks rather than allowing them to be progressively pollinated as they naturally appear from the husks. However, there is scarce evidence on how this practice affects kernel weight (KW) and plant grain yield (PGY), and no report exists on its effects when combined with treatments aimed to reduce apical dominance, like male sterility and detasseling. Field experiments were conducted in two growing seasons (Exp1 and Exp2) using two hybrids, cropped at contrasting stand densities (3 and 9 plants per m2) and including (i) male-fertile and male-sterile versions, (ii) tasseled and detasseled plants, and (iii) natural (NP) and synchronous pollination (SP; pollen added manually to ears bagged 5 days after initial silking) systems. Tassel growth of sterile and fertile versions was also evaluated in a separate experiment (Exp3). Detasseling increased the number of ears per plant reaching silking (P < 0.001) of NP plants, but this beneficial effect of reduced apical dominance did not improve kernel number per plant (KNP) or PGY. Similarly, the early arrest of anther growth in male-sterile plants had no clear benefit on KNP. In contrast, KNP was enhanced by synchronous pollination (range between −13% and +71%; average of +15.4% in Exp1 and +3.9% in Exp2). However, this pollination system promoted a decreased in KW (range between −30% and +4%; average of −11.8% in Exp1 and −7.8 in Exp2) such that the treatment had no effect on PGY (range between −19% and +37%; average of +1% in Exp1 and −4% in Exp2). Because plant growth rate around flowering was not different between pollination treatments, assimilate availability per kernel was reduced from ovary fertilization onwards in synchronously pollinated plants when compared to open pollinated plants. This explains the reduced KW when increasing KNP by synchronous pollination. In summary, none of the imposed treatments allowed grain yield to be increased at the plant level.  相似文献   
In wheat, the ability to store and remobilise large amounts of stem water soluble carbohydrates (WSC) to grain constitutes a desirable trait to incorporate into germplasm targeted to regions with frequent terminal drought. The main aim of this paper was to examine the relationships between WSC storage, grain number and grain weight across several environments. A small set of recombinant inbred lines (2–4) contrasting in stem WSC were grown in six field trials where water availability, sowing date and/or N level were manipulated, with line yields ranging from 400 to 850 g m−2 across experiments. Biomass, N and WSC concentration (WSCc, mg g−1 dry weight) and amount (WSCa, g m−2) were monitored. A resource-oriented area-based model [Fischer, R.A., 1984. Growth and yield of wheat. In: Smith, W.H., Bante, S.J. (Eds.), Potential Productivity of Field Crops Under Different Environments. International Rice Research Institute, Los Baños, pp. 129–154] and intrinsic rates of organ growth were used to investigate the consequences on grain number of potential competition between spike and stem around flowering.  相似文献   
香蕉根颈象甲[Cosmopolites sordidus(Gemar)1已在海南香蕉园发生,对香蕉生产造成危害.为了研究香蕉象甲的分布和发生规律、指导田间取样,应用几种聚集度指标的计算公式以及Taylor幂法则、Iwao的m*-m回归分析法,分析和测定了香蕉根颈象甲卵的空间分布格局和田间理论抽样数.结果表明:海南香蕉根颈象甲卵在一定密度下呈聚集分布,空间分布符合负二项分布;聚集度指标,I>0,m*/m>1,C>1,Cα>0;Tavlor幂模型表明香蕉根茎象甲卵在一定密度下的分布为聚集的,而且聚集强度随种群密度的上升而升高:Iwao的m*-m回归模型分析表明,m*和m呈显著相关,香蕉根茎象甲个体间相互吸引,最适抽样数n与卵密度m及相对误差D的关系为:n=1/D2(1.3717/m+0.046 3).  相似文献   
LFY基因是控制拟南芥花分生组织特异性的关键基因,该基因的突变会引起延迟开花和叶片形态变化。本试验以相同核背景(Y53)下穗上叶片数14叶和4叶的材料为模板,通过PCR反应,扩增出4条ZFL1基因目的片段。对PCR扩增产物进行回收、纯化和测序,将测序片段进行拼接。通过序列比对,结果表明与Y53(4L)相比较,Y53(14L)在外显子3有一段13 bp的重复序列,造成ORF的改变,进而引起氨基酸序列改变。据此,初步认为多叶玉米ZFL1基因在外显子区域发生突变造成表达产物-转录因子结合靶基因的功能性失活,使玉米营养生长阶段延迟,从而引起玉米穗上叶片数的增加。  相似文献   
在分析CFG桩复合地基承载力计算方法的基础上,根据其影响因素的区间性与模糊性特点,提出了采用三角模糊数表示计算参数取值,建立出CFG桩复合地基承载力模糊分析模型.通过探讨三角模糊数构造方法,建立出CFG桩复合地基承载力计算参数三角模糊确定方法,然后,基于给定安全系数与承载力设计构建功能函数,引入截集理论与区间运算规则,建立CFG桩复合地基承载力模糊能度可靠性分析方法.工程实例分析表明了该方法对CFG桩复合地基承载力进行分析计算的合理性与易操作性.在勘察数据与设计资料有限,不能直接采用概率可靠性分析方法的情况下,该方法为CFG桩复合地基承载能力可靠性分析与评价提供了一种精度较高的方法.  相似文献   
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