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目的 试图给出确定森林群落树种丰富度的方法,解决物种丰富度测度问题,完善森林生物多样性研究的方法。 方法 采用Monod模型表达种-面积曲线,通过数学手段确定最小森林群落面积和最大树种数。 结果 用本研究提出的方法对不同气候带森林物种丰富度进行测算,结果表明:热带森林群落具有更高的最大树种数和更大的群落最小面积,物种丰富度随气候带由热带到寒温带逐渐减少。 结论 用最大树种数能够确切表达不同气候带森林群落树种丰富度,克服了现有研究中直接把不同大小调查面积上的树种数量视为树种丰富度的弊端。  相似文献   
针对国内应用型本科湖南文理学院院校概率统计课程的实训教学越来越多地注重Excel作为初学者操作平台的现状,就非平衡数据和嵌套结构的数据在Excel中实现方差分析的过程进行探究。突出以组内矫正数为主线整理数据后简化平方和分解公式的理念,使得Excel中进行方差分析时,数据整理流程完全格式化,平方和的分解步骤更为简洁,自由度分解、F检验等步骤不再繁琐,为非统计专业本科阶段借助Excel电子表格率先实现概率统计课程实训教学的宽口径模式提供借鉴。  相似文献   
根据大豆植株分杈个数可以预估大豆的产量。为了满足现代农业预测农产品产量的需要,本文提出一种大豆植株分杈数自动提取算法,即首先将采集到的大豆植株图片进行灰度变换、滤波、阈值分割得到二值图像,再进行形态学中的闭运算操作得到大豆植株的轮廓,然后基于Zhang并行快速细化算法提取骨架,最后借助改进的角点检测算法对大豆植株的所有分杈点进行标记并自动统计分杈数,仿真结果与大豆植株实际分杈点一致。  相似文献   
Teats number is one of the most important reproductive traits,and closely related to the economic benefit in pig industry.In order to reveal the underlying genetics of left teats number,right teats number and total teats number traits,a genome-wide association study(GWAS)was performed.Samples of DNA were collected to genotyping for 22 Kele pigs using the Illumina Porcine SNP 60K Chip.The GWAS was performed using a mixed-effects model and linear regression approach.When a genome-wide threshold was determined using the Bonferroni method(P<2.06E-5),4 single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP)markers were potentially associated with left teats number,right teats number and total teat number.However,3 SNPs were significant associated and 18 SNPs were potentially associated in chromosomes level.304 Ensembl genes were retrieved around 1 cM of the associated SNPs.The candidate genes in Wnt and Fgf signaling pathway(BTRC,FGF5,FGF8,BMP3,RASGEF1B and HMGB3)might have effect on target traits.These results provided valuable information about the selective breeding for Kele pigs.  相似文献   
为了解燕麦穗粒数形成过程与源、库特征之间的关系,连续两年以10个不同来源、熟期、穗型、株型、小穗数的燕麦品种为试验材料,测定三叶期至拔节期的幼穗分化阶段及抽穗期源库特征,采用方差分析、聚类分析、逐步回归分析等方法,分析不同燕麦基因型源库特征及对穗粒数形成过程的影响。结果表明,燕麦穗粒数形成过程存在基因型差异,幼穗分化较好品种的穗粒数较全部品种平均值高11.22%~65.43%;幼穗分化较好品种的光合势、干物质量、粒数叶比、收获指数显著高于幼穗分化较差品种,其中粒数叶比和收获指数是影响穗粒数形成的主要因素,粒数叶比和收获指数较全部品种平均值分别高0.99%~68.74%和0.85%~13.80%。综上所述,源库协调是燕麦幼穗分化良好的生理基础,可通过提高光合势和干物质量达到增源的目的,进而提高穗粒数。  相似文献   
邱双月  李金辉 《安徽农业科学》2010,38(14):7181-7183
利用未确知有理数方法进行农业投资方案决策,在理论上可行,所得结果是可信的。该方法可用于多层次决策,步骤简单,有效。  相似文献   
Consistent spray coverage that is evenly distributed throughout the canopy is necessary to control pest populations that can negatively affect yield. As applicators are switching to Coarser spray quality nozzles to reduce risk and liability of pesticide spray drift, concerns about efficacy loss are growing. Previous research has indicated that small droplets are the most effective at penetrating through crop canopies, but newer nozzle technologies have improved the effectiveness of larger droplet or Coarser sprays. Research was conducted to assess the canopy penetration of nozzles that produce Coarse, Very-Coarse and Extremely-Coarse spray qualities compared to nozzles that produce Fine and Medium spray qualities. Kromekote collectors were positioned in four configurations in an oat (Avena sativa L.) var. ‘Yarran’ (AusWest Seeds, Forbes, NSW, Australia) crop to quantify the coverage and droplet number densities (droplets cm−2) across three application carrier volume rates: 50, 75 and 100 L ha−1. Applications were made in the field in 30 cm tall, tillering oats, with collectors arranged in a randomised complete block design with three replications. The entire study was repeated on the following day. Results showed that droplet number densities were inversely related to the droplet size produced by the nozzles, yet coverage was increased more by application volume rate than droplet size. Thus, both spray drift reduction and improved canopy penetration can be achieved with proper nozzle selection and operation parameters for the control of agronomic pests.  相似文献   
拷贝数变异(copy number variation,CNV)具有多种形式的变异结构,在品种多样性、生物进化和疾病相关性等研究中起着重要作用,并具有片段长度大、覆盖范围广等特点。随着分子生物学的发展及DNA测序技术的日渐成熟,人们对遗传变异的研究不断向DNA分子水平深入,多态性标记在畜禽育种中已逐渐成为动物育种研究的趋势和主流。由于CNV对基因的调控和表达所造成的影响更为显著,因此,CNV在重要畜禽中的研究越来越多。目前,已检测出大量有关畜禽重要经济性状的基因序列变异,并有许多研究均表明CNV与动物的重要经济特征及疾病的发生有关。笔者主要通过参考国内外相关的研究报道,简述了CNV的相关研究背景、概念、突变机制,归纳总结了CNV对牛、羊、猪、鸡的经济性状、繁殖性状和疾病调控的影响,以期通过对这些重要畜禽的基因组学研究揭示其适应性遗传机理和表型性状差异的遗传基础,开发相应的分子遗传标记,为畜禽的标记辅助选育提供理论基础。  相似文献   
The contact number is an important mathematical tool of systems theory and methods in the monograph Set Pair Analysis and Its Preliminary Applications written by Zhao Keqin for unitizedly processing the uncertainties due to the fuzzy, stochastic, intermediate and information uncomplete about something. The article applies the multivector algebra which is isomorphism with the real Dirac algebra in the real space-time adopted by Venzo de Sabbata to the contact number of set pair analysis, and consequently, the contact number is generalized correspondingly.  相似文献   
ln this paper,we firstly in vestigated the un icity properties of meromorphic functions with three common values,extended the results of H. Ueda,Yi Hongxun.Moreover,wealso improved the results of K,Shibazaki,Yi Hongxun and C,C,Yang,Hua xinhou and some others  相似文献   
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