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粗腿羊肚菌菌丝栽培条件研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对产自云南丽江的粗腿羊肚菌(Morchella crassipes)人工栽培时不同碳源、不同氮源、不同温度及不同酸碱度进行了初步研究。结果表明:粗腿羊肚菌菌丝能利用多种碳、氮源,其中以可溶性淀粉和麦芽糖作为最佳碳源,以硝酸钾或硝酸铵作为最佳氮源;菌丝生长的最适pH值为6~7.5,最适温度为18~25℃。  相似文献   
合肥超市茶饮料市场调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白蕊  雷鸣  华再欣  齐灿  戴前颖  宛晓春  李大祥 《安徽农业科学》2013,41(15):6902-6905,6907
茶饮料具有口感舒适,滋味香甜,有利健康等优势,茶饮料工业已成为茶产业的重要支柱。通过对2011年夏季合肥五大超市中的茶饮料(奶茶饮料除外)的品牌与种类、销售价格以及茶饮料的配料成分、营养成分、感官品质等进行调查分析。结果发现,合肥市场茶饮料的品牌主要为康师傅、统一、雀巢原味、立顿等;茶饮料种类中红茶和绿茶饮料占到67%;茶饮料售价均价为2.55元,价格在2.0~2.9元的占67%;茶饮料的茶配料主要以速溶茶粉为主,并大多数种类添加有甜味剂(含代糖成分)、酸味剂、防腐剂等食品添加剂;茶饮料的感官品质符合该类型茶饮料的风味特点;茶饮料中无糖和低糖型饮料占调查总数的66.1%,且均为无蛋白、无脂肪型、无钠或非常低钠型液体饮料。同时还对茶饮料的热量值、pH、标签上的茶多酚含量标注以及茶饮料标准GB/T 21733-2008中茶多酚含量的测定方法等进行了讨论。  相似文献   
安徽建筑工业学院南校区土壤基本特性及其改良措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对安徽建筑工业学院南校区树木生长不良的现象,分析了该校区绿化区内0-20 cm和20-40 cm层土壤的养分状况。结果表明:该校区树木生长不良的主要原因是土壤贫瘠。并针对当地土壤养分状况,提出了相应的土壤改良措施,以促进植物正常生长。  相似文献   
A pot experiment combined with^15N isotope techniques was conducted to evaluate effects of the varying rates of urea-N fertilizer application on yields,quality,and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of pakchoi cabbage (Brassica chinensis L.) and asparagus lettuce (Lactuca saiva L.).^15N-labbled urea (5.3515N atom %) was added to pots with 6.5 kg soil of 0.14,0.18,0.21,0.25,and 0.29 g N/kg soil,and applied in two splits:60 percent as basal dressing in the mixture and 40 percent as topdressing.The fresh yields of two vegetable species increased with the increasing input of urea-N,but there was a significant quadratic relationship between the dose of urea-N fertilizer application and the fresh yields.When the dosage of urea-N fertilizer reached a certain value,nitrate readily accumulated in the two kinds of plants due to the decrease in NR activity; furthermore,there was a linear negative correlation between nitrate content and NR activity.With the increasing input of urea-N,ascorbic acid and soluble sugar initially increased,declined after a while,and crude fiber rapidly decreased too.Total absorbed N (TAN),N derived from fertilizer (Ndff),and N derived from soil (Ndfs) increased,and the ratio of Ndff and TAN also increased,but the ratio of Ndfs and TAN as well as NUE of urea-N fertilizer decreased with the increasing input of urea-N.These results suggested that the increasing application of labeled N fertilizer led to the increase in unlabeled N (namely,Ndfs) presumably due to "added nitrogen interaction" (ANI),the decease in NUE of urea-N fertilizer may be due to excess fertilization beyond the levels of plant requirements and the ANI,and the decrease in the two vegetable yields with the increasing addition of urea-N possibly because the excess accumulation of nitrate reached a toxic level.  相似文献   
微量元素铬的营养研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铬是动物的必需微量元素之一,是葡萄糖耐量因子的重要活性组成成分,铬通过葡萄糖耐量因子(GTF)协同胰岛素的作用,影响碳水化合物、脂类、蛋白质和核酸代谢,进而影响动物的生长、免疫、繁殖和胴体品质,降低应激,改善机体免疫机能,提高畜禽生产性能和繁殖力。本文通过对铬的理化特性、铬在动物体内的吸收、运输、贮存和排泄、铬的生物学功能以及铬在动物生产性能上的作用、铬的需要量等方面进行了综合阐述,指出其广阔的应用前景及发展方向。  相似文献   
明晰中国口粮消费的变化特征是保障中国粮食安全的根本。全国尺度的中国健康与营养调查数据提供了多期的中国城乡居民口粮消费调查数据。文章利用食物成分表将中国健康与营养调查数据折算成原粮,分析1997-2011年中国城乡居民口粮消费的数量与结构变化特征,以期明晰中国城乡居民口粮消费的真实情景。结果表明:1)近年来中国城乡居民口粮消费量明显减少,1997-2011年间,中国城镇居民口粮消费量从168.4 kg/a下降到111.2 kg/a,农村居民从209.6 kg/a下降到131.5 kg/a,全国平均水平从196.6 kg/a下降到124.7 kg/a。以发达国家或地区口粮消费的125 kg/a稳定态为参考,中国城乡居民口粮消费的下降区间可能有限。2)城乡口粮消费的差距在缩小。1997-2011年间,中国城镇与农村居民的口粮消费差距由41.2 kg/a缩小为20.3 kg/a,而且两者也正由存在显著性差异向无显著差异转变,最终两者可能会归为统一值。3)2011年中国口粮绝对安全的耕地保障面积为2 691.6万hm2,约占1/4的基本农田面积。《全国种植业结构调整规划(2016-2020年)》稳定2020年稻谷、小麦8亿亩播种面积,极有可能会造成稻谷与小麦的生产过剩,产生口粮饲用或卖粮难的现象。  相似文献   
氮、磷、钾肥对丹参根系生长及养分含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用田间小区试验方法,研究了氮、磷、钾肥对丹参根系生长及养分含量的影响。结果表明,氮、磷、钾肥能够促进丹参根系对氮、磷、钾的吸收,提高其含量,并且随着施用量的增加而提高,在N,P2O5,K2O的施用量分别为225,180,225 kg/hm2时,根的氮、磷、钾含量达到最高值;当施入N,P2O5和K2O分别为225,120,150 kg/hm2时,丹参根干质量、根长及根条数达到最高值,根的直径最适宜,此后随着磷钾肥施入量增加,根干质量及根长、根条数反而下降,根直径增加。所以氮、磷、钾合理配合施用能够提高丹参根的养分含量、根干质量、根长、根数及根直径。  相似文献   
分析了夏玉米各组分含量、红边参数以及两者间的相关性。结果表明,可利用FD-Max反演叶面积指数,利用Depth672反演茎秆全N含量,利用Lwidth反演叶片全N含量、叶片和茎秆的含水量以及可溶性糖含量。构建了以红边参数为自变量的各组分的反演模型,对反演模型预测性分析表明,利用上述红边参数预测农学组分是可行的。  相似文献   
根据绵羊的营养参数和饲养标准,结合日增重水平,计算了不同日增重水平对应的体重月平均动态及其所对应的粗蛋白日需要量和代谢能日需要量。不同日增重水平,达到生长期望所需要的日数不同,日增重水平越高,达到生长期望总所需要的粗蛋白和代谢能越少,但月平均的日需要量越多。自由放养的东北细毛羊当年生羔羊的日增重水平仅相当于舍饲饲养日增重的100g水平,根据代谢能计算,年总需干草340kg,可以作为计算载畜量的基本参数。自由放养情况下,即使能量满足需要,粗蛋白也短缺。当年生羔羊日增重在150 ̄200g,9 ̄10月龄内体重达到46 ̄50kg是北方草地家畜生产的理想目标,通过补饲可以实现。  相似文献   


Serotonin (5‐hydroxytryptamine, 5HT) is involved in hypothalamic regulation of energy consumption. Also, the gut microbiome can influence neuronal signaling to the brain through vagal afferent neurons. Therefore, serotonin concentrations in the central nervous system and the composition of the microbiota can be related to obesity.


To examine adipokine, and, serotonin concentrations, and the gut microbiota in lean dogs and dogs with experimentally induced obesity.


Fourteen healthy Beagle dogs were used in this study.


Seven Beagle dogs in the obese group were fed commercial food ad libitum, over a period of 6 months to increase their weight and seven Beagle dogs in lean group were fed a restricted amount of the same diet to maintain optimal body condition over a period of 6 months. Peripheral leptin, adiponectin, 5HT, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF‐5HT) levels were measured by ELISA. Fecal samples were collected in lean and obese groups 6 months after obesity was induced. Targeted pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene was performed using a Genome Sequencer FLX plus system.


Leptin concentrations were higher in the obese group (1.98 ± 1.00) compared to those of the lean group (1.12 ± 0.07, P = .025). Adiponectin and 5‐hydroytryptamine of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF‐5HT) concentrations were higher in the lean group (27.1 ± 7.28) than in the obese group (14.4 ± 5.40, P = .018). Analysis of the microbiome revealed that the diversity of the microbial community was lower in the obese group. Microbes from the phylum Firmicutes (85%) were predominant group in the gut microbiota of lean dogs. However, bacteria from the phylum Proteobacteria (76%) were the predominant group in the gut microbiota of dogs in the obese group.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Decreased 5HT levels in obese group might increase the risk of obesity because of increased appetite. Microflora enriched with gram‐negative might be related with chronic inflammation status in obese dogs.  相似文献   
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