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野败型杂交水稻种子纯度室内幼苗鉴定方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对野败型杂交水稻及其亲本“三系”和一般常规稻种子在一定浓度的A(盐类化合物)、B(酸类化合物)试剂溶液里进行光照培养,利用其色素代谢差异使幼苗鉴定器官芽鞘和不完全叶表现色泽不同而达到鉴定野败型杂交稻种纯度的目的。通过2a与海南和当地正季生产鉴定相比较,结果显示:用本研究鉴定结果与当地正季生产鉴定结果呈高度相关,相关系数分别为0.9351(汕优63)和0.9002(协优10号),同时,1a多的生产应用亦表现很高的准确性和实用性。该方法能较好地解决现阶段我国野败型杂交稻种纯度室内鉴定问题而替代海南种植鉴定  相似文献   
K. Winiarczyk    J. Bednara 《Plant Breeding》2008,127(2):203-207
The progamic phase is a period of specific interaction between the male gametophyte and the pistil tissues and is very important for proper seed development in plants. The aims of this study were to investigate the events during the progamic phase in Armoracia rusticana, to examine a plant’s capability of sexual reproduction and to obtain vital seeds under natural conditions. There were very few pollen grains on the stigmas at anthesis stage. The incompatibility reaction between the stigma cells and pollen grains was observed by using fluorescence microscopy. A series of ovary cross‐sections revealed a high accumulation of Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS)‐positive globules in all the embryo sacs. About 33% of ovules in the ovary were fertilized, but only 3% of them were able to germinate into seedlings.  相似文献   
The many recent dry-grind plants that convert corn to ethanol are a potential source of substantial amounts of corn oil, if an economical method of separating it can be developed. Oil separation from corn germ by aqueous extraction (AE) was studied. Batches of 5–20% germ in a buffer solution were preheated in a pressure cooker, ground in a blender or colloid mill, churned in an incubator/shaker and centrifuged to separate a free oil fraction. The highest oil yields were obtained when the germ mass fraction was between 0.1 and 0.16. Addition of an enzyme solution to the ground germ suspension prior to churning, aqueous enzymatic extraction (AEE) gave an oil yield twice as high as the AE yield, carried out using similar conditions. Both types of extraction produced the most oil after a 122 °C cook followed by churning at 160 rpm and 70 °C. Oil yield increased linearly with dispersion loading, from 0.5 up to 1.0 g/cm2 based on beaker cross-section (0.09–0.12 germ mass fraction). Over a several month period the germ used for the extractions became more difficult to extract, despite storage at 4 °C.  相似文献   
常温条件下花生种质资源超干燥贮藏研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
不同含水量的花生种子在常温下,密封干燥贮藏7、9、11、12a,对其种子发芽率、发芽势、活力指数、植株生长发育以及植物学特性和经济性状有不同程度的影响。在武汉气候条件下,花生种子含水量处于3.2%~3.3%的超千状态下,至少可安全贮藏11年。  相似文献   
R. Sigvald 《Potato Research》1985,28(2):135-143
Summary Mature-plant resistance of potato plants against potato virus YO (PVYO) was studied in field experiments in 1976–1979 in southern Sweden. At intervals of 7 days, from mid June until mid August, PVYO was mechanically inoculated to one well-developed upper leaf per stem of each plant. Each week, a new group of plants were inoculated. In 1976–1977, the natural spread of PVYO by aphids was studied in relation to three different stages of potato plant development. The results of mechanical inoculation demonstrated that mature-plant resistance increases during July in southern Sweden but there were great differences between developmental stages. Early planting with sprouted seed resulted in plants with a considerable mature-plant resistance in mid July when late developed potato plants still were very susceptible.
Zusammenfassung In Südschweden wurden zwischen 1976 und 1979 Untersuchungen durchgeführt, um zu prüfen, wann und in welchem Mass die Sorte Bintje im Sommer eine Altersresistenz gegen das Kartoffelvirus YO (PVYO) ausbildet. 1977 wurden drei Gruppen von Kartoffelpflanzen unterschiedlicher Entwicklungsstadien mit PVYO mechanisch inokuliert und von Mitte Juni bis fast Mitte August wurden jede Woche neue Gruppen von Pflanzen inokuliert. Nach der Ernte Anfang September wurden die Knollen auf PVYO geprüft. Ebenso wurde die natürliche übertragung von PVYO durch L?use von PVYO-Infektorpflanzen auf benachbarte gesunde Pflanzen in drei verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der mechanischen Inokulation von Kartoffelpflanzen-früh und normal entwickelt-zeigen, dass die Altersresistenz der Sorte Bintje im Juli anstieg und Anfang August fast vollst?ndig ausgebildet war. Wurden die Kartoffeln sp?t gepflanzt, waren die Pflanzen Ende Juli noch sehr anf?llig für eine mechanische Inokulation und ein grosser Teil der Knollen war PVYO-infiziert (Abb. 1, Tab. 2). Die natürliche übertragung von PVYO bei verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien der Pflanzen zeigte, dass die Zahl PVYO-infizierter Knollen anstieg, wenn die Kartoffeln sp?t im Vergleich zur normalen Pflanzzeit gelegt wurden, mit und ohne Vorkeimung (Tab. 3). Die st?rkere Ausbreitung von PVYO im Jahr 1976 gegenüber 1977 (Tab. 3) k?nnte mit dem st?rkeren Auftreten und der früheren Ausbreitung der L?use, vor allem vonRhopalosiphum padi (Tab. 4), im Jahr 1976 in Beziehung stehen.

Résumé Des expérimentations sont menées dans le sud de la Suède entre 1976–1979; elles ont pour but de déterminer à quel moment et jusqu'à quelle limite des plantes de la variété Bintje présentent la résistance à maturité vis-à-vis du virus YO (PVYO) au cours de l'été. En 1977, trois groupes de plantes à différents stades de développement sont inoculés mécaniquement avec PVYO et chaque semaine, de la mi-juin à la mi-ao?t, de nouveaux groupes sont inoculés. Après la récolte, début septembre, des tubercules sont indexés pour déterminer PVYO. La dissémination naturelle de PVYO par les aphides, est également étudiée à partir de plantes-sources de PVYO vers des plantes voisines saines, présentant trois différents stades de développement. Les résultats de l'inoculation mécanique de plantes à deux stades de développment précoce et normal, montrent que la résistance à maturité augmente pendant le mois de juillet pour la variété Bintje et est pratiquement totale vers le début du mois d'ao?t. Lorsque la plantation est tardive, les plantes sont encore très sensibles à l'inoculation mécanique et une forte proportion de tubercules est contaminée par PVYO (figure 1, tableau 2). La dissémination naturelle de PVYO pour des plantes à différents stades, montre que la proportion de tubercules atteints de PVYO augmente lorsque les tubercules sont plantés tardivement par rapport à la date normale, avec ou sans prégermination (tableau 3). La dissémination plus importante de PVYO en 1976 par rapport à 1977 (tableau 3) pourrait être correlée à celle des aphides également plus importante et plus précoce en 1976, notamment celle deRhopalosiphum padi (tableau 4).
板栗良种基地营建技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在江苏省溧阳市龙潭林场,进行了板优良品种的收集,良种优良,良种繁育,板栗嫩枝扦插等一系列营建技术研究,取得了明显的经济,社会效益。  相似文献   
比较了4种土壤类型和3种留茬高度对威提特东非狼尾草(Pennisetum clandestinum cv. Whittet)种子产量和质量的影响。结果表明:以单因素而言,生土处理和0.05 m留茬高度处理所获得的平均种子产量最高;两因素处理的结果表明,以生土和0.05 m留茬高度互作后所获得的种子产量最高,其种子产量达447kg/hm2;各土壤类型和不同留茬高度的处理对种子的质量影响差异不显著。  相似文献   
Chickpea is sensitive to cold conditions (<15 °C), particularly at its reproductive phase and consequently it experiences significant decrease in the seed yield. The information about the effects of cold stress on chickpea during the seed filling phase is lacking. Moreover, the underlying metabolic reasons associated with the low temperature injury are largely unknown in the crop. Hence, the present study was undertaken with the objectives: (i) to find out the possible mechanisms leading to low temperature damage during the seed filling and (ii) to investigate the relative response of the microcarpa (Desi) and the macrocarpa (Kabuli) chickpea types along with elucidation of the possible mechanisms governing the differential cold sensitivity at this stage. At the time of initiation of the seed filling (pod size ∼1 cm), a set of plants growing under warm conditions of the glasshouse (temperature: 17/28 ± 2 °C as average night and day temperature) was subjected to cold conditions of the field (2.3/11.7 ± 2 °C as average night and day temperature), while another set was maintained under warm conditions (control). The chilling conditions resulted in the increase in electrolyte leakage, the loss of chlorophyll, the decrease in sucrose content and the reduction in water status in leaves, which occurred to a greater extent in the macrocarpa type than in the microcarpa type. The total plant weight decreased to the same level in both the chickpea types, whereas the rate and duration of the seed filling, seed size, seed weight, pods per plant and harvest index decreased greatly in the macrocarpa type. The stressed seeds of both the chickpea types experienced marked reduction in the accumulation of starch, proteins, fats, crude fibre, protein fractions (albumins, globulins, prolamins and glutelins) with a larger decrease in the macrocarpa type. The accumulation of sucrose and the activity levels of the enzymes like starch synthase, sucrose synthase and invertase decreased significantly in the seeds because of the chilling, indicating impairment in sucrose import. Minerals such as calcium, phosphorous and iron as well as several amino acids (phenylalanine, tyrosine, threonine, tryptophan, valine and histidine) were lowered significantly in the stressed seeds. These components were limited to a higher extent in the macrocarpa type indicating higher cold sensitivity of this type.  相似文献   
阐述了“春作——培两优特青早秋制——秋菜”栽培模式的科学依据和优点,并具体提出了几种主要的搭配模式,探讨了每种模式的适应范围、品种搭配、栽培管理技术,强调了培两优特青早秋制要培育双强亲本、灵活调节花期和综合防治稻粒黑粉病等几个技术环节。  相似文献   
P K JENSEN 《Weed Research》2009,49(6):592-601
Persistence of seeds of the four winter annual grass species, Alopecurus myosuroides , Bromus sterilis , Bromus hordeaceus and Vulpia myuros , were studied under field conditions. The studies also included the two dicotyledon species, Tripleurospermum inodorum and Galium aparine . Seed samples were stored in the field at different depths in the plough layer for a year. Following germination, seedling emergence was taken as an indicator of field persistence. In a supplementary investigation, seed samples were placed on the soil surface or buried at 2 cm for a month and then tested for viability. Persistence of the two Bromus species was very short, irrespective of depth and duration of burial. Persistence of the other species was positively correlated with incorporation of seeds to a few centimetres depth. Increasing the depth of incorporation below 2 cm had a variable influence on persistence. Persistence of seeds placed directly on the soil surface was short, whether they were left there for a year or a month. Whether seeds at the soil surface were left uncovered or covered with chopped straw had limited influence on seed persistence. However, straw cover significantly increased persistence of A. myosuroides seeds and there was the same tendency with T. inodorum .  相似文献   
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