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应用RAPD标记进行茶树优异种质遗传多态性、亲缘关系分析与分子鉴别 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
采用RAPD分子标记技术,对茶树优异种质资源的遗传多态性、亲缘关系和分子鉴别进行了研究。结果表明,20个引物在15份优异资源中得到1050个RAPD位点,平均52.5个位点/引物,70个位点/资源。在所获得的137条可重现谱带中,8条是单态的,129条是多态的,多态性程度达94.2%;引物的多态性相对频度为0.24~0.83,总平均为0.47;遗传距离在0.16~0.62之间,平均为0.37,这可能与我国是茶树的原产地和起源中心有密切关系。RAPD数据的类平均法聚类结果显示,15份资源可划分为3个类群,从相似性系数讨论了资源间的亲缘关系。应用12个引物产生的20个特异标记的存在和11个特异的缺失,可以鉴别所有15份优异茶树种质资源。RAPD可以作为茶树优异种质资源遗传多态性、系统演化和分子鉴别研究的有效手段之一。 相似文献
M. Zeinalabedini K. Majourhat M. Khayam-Nekoui V. Grigorian M. Torchi F. Dicenta P. Martínez-Gómez 《Scientia Horticulturae》2008
In this study, the genetic diversity of four Iranian wild Prunus species including Prunus eleagnifolia, Prunus hauskenchtii, Prunus scoparia and Prunus lycioides were investigated using morphological, protein and DNA markers. DNA markers included nuclear and chloroplast SSRs and self-incompatibility (S) allele amplification. At the morphological level, leaf width showed significant differences between the four wild Prunus species. Concerning fruit and kernel characters, their values are relatively similar indicating the high degree of homoplasy described in Prunus. Nuclear SSR markers have been the most abundant markers with a higher polymorphism in comparison with morphological, protein and chloroplast SSR markers. Results also indicated the high variability present in the S locus. On the other hand, the correlation between the clustering based on DNA markers and protein were in general low. Dendogram performed using nuclear and chloroplast SSR indicated a more diffuse clustering between the wild almond species probably due to the natural introgression of genes observed in these wild almond species. Data from the analysis of the total protein seems to be more accurate to establish taxonomy relationships in these very close wild species. 相似文献
对23份油菜叶片的抗氧化酶活性(SOD、CAT和POD)和丙二醛质量摩尔浓度(MDA)进行测定,用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法分析其过氧化物酶同工酶,明确酶谱的特征及分布,并用聚类分析的方法分析各品种间的亲缘关系。结果表明,在温和的环境中,白菜型油菜相比甘蓝型油菜有更高的抗氧化酶活性和更低的脂质过氧化水平,说明白菜型油菜的抗逆性强于甘蓝型油菜,特别是白菜型油菜的过氧化物酶活性平均值比甘蓝型油菜的10倍还高。POD同工酶分析共发现67条酶带,白菜型和甘蓝型油菜都存在其特征谱带,不同品种在带型分布及显色强度上存在差异。白菜型油菜Largo、Prisma-B和Prisma-Y的p4酶带和甘蓝型油菜类似,表明这3个材料和甘蓝型油菜有较近的亲缘关系。聚类分析表明,在类平均距离4.98处可将23份油菜分为2大类:白菜型油菜和甘蓝型油菜;在类平均距离1.32处,可进一步分为4类。 相似文献
利用热油管道清管后的生产运行数据和室内测试的含蜡原油粘温规律,得到了确定含蜡原油热输管道在线粘温关系的方法,并应用此方法得到了实际管道中原油的粘温关系.与室内测试的粘温关系比较,利用生产数据得到的粘温关系更接近生产管道中流体的性质. 相似文献
Abstract – Relationships between fish length, otolith size, age and weight were assessed for a population of wild Australian smelt ( Retropinna semoni ) larvae and juveniles captured over a 4-year period to aid further interpretation of growth and condition during the early life history of the species. Nonlinear smoothed generalized additive models best described the fish–otolith size relationship during the larval and juvenile period, indicating that the proportionality between fish length and otolith size varies in relation to size. It is proposed that back-calculated predictions of fish size at a previous age or otolith size, accounting for individual variation is possible by assuming a body proportional hypothesis. Growth rate of larval and juvenile Australian smelt was best described using the Gompertz model that indicated a steady decline in growth rate after around 30 days of age. The allometric growth of larval and juvenile Australian smelt established from the length/weight relationship can subsequently be used to assess the condition of fish within this population using a relative condition or relative weight condition index. The results of the study have provided significant information to enable more precise growth reconstruction and condition assessment for the species in Australian lowland rivers. 相似文献
河南省同名小麦地方品种SSR遗传多样性分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为了给河南省小麦地方品种的开发利用提供依据,利用SSR标记对白和尚头、白麦、白芒糙、出山豹等15组名称相同的小麦地方品种共计155份材料进行了组间和组内遗传多样性分析。结果发现,同名品种组内,15组材料的等位变异变化范围为47~79个,平均遗传相似系数变化范围为0.66~0.93,多态性信息含量分布范围为0.856~0.936;同名品种组间,155份材料共产生143个等位变异,遗传相似系数分布范围为0.75~1.00,平均遗传相似系数为0.90,多态性信息含量为0.981。分别对同名品种组内和组间进行聚类分析,结果发现,同名品种组内3组共7份材料遗传相似系数为1.00,而同名品种组间未出现遗传相似系数为1.00的材料。由此可见,河南省小麦地方品种具有丰富的遗传多样性,同名小麦地方品种间存在同名同质和同名异质的现象。 相似文献
改进畜禽近交系数计算方法的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本项研究是对Wright的计算近交系数的方法做了改进,同时,借助计算机实现了计算过程的程序化,从而明显地提高了计算工作的效率,很有实用价值。 相似文献
盐渍化土壤剖面盐分与养分分布特征及盐分迁移估算 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
针对盐渍化灌区土壤盐渍化问题,以内蒙古河套灌区下游乌拉特灌域为研究区,通过野外实测与室内试验分析结合,采用冗余分析法探讨了盐渍化改良耕地与荒地春季(4月)和秋季(10月)根层土壤(0~20 cm、20~40 cm)盐分离子与全盐、pH值、养分之间的相关关系,明确了其变化特征与数量关系,并估算了试验区改良耕地和荒地间1 m土体的盐分迁移量。结果表明,改良耕地与荒地土壤阴离子均以Cl-为主,分别占阴离子总量的45.27%、58.78%,阳离子以Na+为主,分别占阳离子总量的60.67%、53.94%。荒地平均全盐含量超过7.0 g/kg,土壤盐渍化程度较重。冗余分析表明,改良耕地土壤全盐含量起主导作用的是SO■、Cl-、Ca2+,荒地土壤全盐含量起主导作用的是Cl-、Mg2+、Na+。土壤pH值变化与HCO-3有着密切的关系。改良耕地有效磷与Na+呈显著负相关(P<0... 相似文献
王金玲 《河北北方学院学报(自然科学版)》2001,(3)
图书馆系统具有耗散结构的基本特征,即:图书馆系统是开放性系统,它不断与外界交换信息、物质和能量;图书馆系统是远离平衡态的有序系统,其有序性来源于开放性;图书馆系统各要素之间存在着非线性关系,其整体功能并不等于各部分功能之和,即不具有加和原理。 相似文献
Clark RD 《Pest management science》2012,68(4):513-518
BACKGROUND: For the last 15 years the agrochemical industry has focused on using genetic modification to put genes that confer resistance to existing commercial herbicides into crop plants rather than on discovering new herbicides with novel modes of action. The widespread appearance of weeds resistant to those herbicides is now causing the industry to revive their herbicide discovery programs. RESULTS: Elucidation of quantitative structure–activity relationships (QSARs) played a major role in the discovery and development of existing commercial herbicides, but the advent of genetically modified crops has caused published work (at least) in the area to drift from the industrial arena into academic studies. The focus has also turned inward, to refining models for established herbicide targets instead of elucidating new ones. CONCLUSION: This perspective highlights the importance of QSARs and quantitative structure–property relationships (QSPRs) to herbicide discovery in an historical context and provides some guidance as to how they might profitably be applied going forward. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献