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硬茬复播玉米和大豆田主要杂草及化学防除技术研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
硬茬复播田杂草种类达15科27种。采用除草剂JNH-1,JNH-2或JNH-3进行苗前土壤处理,对已出苗和未出苗的杂草皆有极显著防效,一次用药不仅可保证作物苗期免遭草害,而且对作物生育后期的杂草也可达到有效控制。所用除草剂均对玉米、大豆安全。由于有效减轻了草害和虫害,大豆平均增产19.4%,玉米平均增产26.2%。  相似文献   
为了检验除草剂防除棉田杂草效果,以三氟啶磺隆、嘧草硫醚和精喹禾灵之间不同剂量的混配施用.试验表明:三氟啶磺隆和精喹禾灵两种混用及三氟啶磺隆、嘧草硫醚和精喹禾灵3种混用均对棉田杂草都有较好的防除效果.施药后7天杂草表现药害症状.施药后20天,三氟啶磺隆与精喹禾灵两种除草剂混用,随着三氟啶磺隆用量的增加对禾本科杂草的防效由89.2%增加到95.3%,对阔叶类杂草的防效由86.3%增加到94.9%,总体株防效由87.8%增加到95.2%;三氟啶磺隆与精喹禾灵、嘧草硫醚混剂3种除草剂混用,在精喹禾灵用量相同的条件下,增加三氟啶磺隆或嘧草硫醚的用量,对禾本科杂草、阔叶类杂草、杂草总体株防效均提高.施药后40天的株防效和鲜重防效均80%以上,说明混配药剂的持效期较长.  相似文献   
[目的]筛选薇甘菊的有效防治药剂。[方法]通过小区试验研究5种除草剂对非耕地薇甘菊的防除效果。[结果]药后45 d,5种除草剂防除非耕地薇甘菊效果均在92%以上,70%草甘·三氯吡、24%滴酸·二氯吡的防除效果达96.00%,同品种除草剂不同施药处理防除效果差异小,不同品种除草剂防除效果差异不显著。[结论]建议防除薇甘菊用药首选70%草甘·三氯吡、24%滴酸·二氯吡,88.8%草甘膦铵盐、90%草甘膦铵盐+苄嘧磺隆、36%2甲·草甘膦作储备农药交替使用,施药剂量采用常规剂量。  相似文献   
There are inaccuracies in the chemical families of the WSSA and HRAC herbicide classification systems which could limit their practical use in herbicide‐based weed management strategies. In essence, these inaccuracies could be divided into four parts: (i) the nomenclature of many of the chemical families is not correct, (ii) distinct active ingredients are grouped in same chemical families, (iii) many chemical families have been repeated in at least two modes of action/herbicide groups, and (iv) many active ingredients have not been assigned to chemical family, herbicide group or mode of action. The aim of this study was to revise the current classifications and to propose corrections for the current ones. Detailed investigations on chemical structure of the active ingredients of the registered herbicides showed that some moieties have the same mechanisms of action. According to this study, these moieties have been assigned to the names of chemical families and active ingredients are then classified within the chemical families accordingly. This study has 119 chemical families, compared with 145 in the WSSA system and 58 in the HRAC system. A major priority of this study is the number of active ingredients covered; we included 410 active ingredients with known mechanisms of action and herbicide groups, more than 100 active ingredients more than the current classification systems. Overall, this study provides better opportunities for the management of resistance to herbicides through the application of improved pure and applied knowledge.  相似文献   
以抗咪唑啉酮类除草剂油菜M9选系M9-2、M9-3、M9-11、M9-14和MI CMS (陆奥-五十铃细胞质雄性不育) 恢复系N221、N340、N341为亲本材料配制杂交组合,研究抗性遗传。结果表明,咪唑啉酮抗性为显性性状,由1对核基因控制,抗性基因在F2和BC1群体遵循孟德尔遗传规律。因此,应用杂交、回交等常规育种方法可将抗性基因导入目标品种。  相似文献   
On three sites in coastal northwestern Oregon, USA, seedling root and shoot development were assessed for Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco), western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.), and western red-cedar (Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don) container seedlings under varying sulfometuron methyl (Oust XP®) herbicide application treatments. Treatments consisted of application of 0.16 kg active ingredient (ai) ha?1 as a site preparation in fall 2003, a release application in fall 2004, or a control treatment with no application. Seedlings were planted in winter 2004 and measurements recorded in summer 2004, winter 2005, and summer 2005. During first season growth, western red-cedar seedlings showed the greatest negative impact to site preparation compared to the control with overall average new root length outside the root plug reduced by 67%. Significant reductions in root length also occurred for western hemlock (47%) and Douglas-fir (40%) seedlings. About 9 months after the release treatment, and 21 months after the site preparation application, there were no significant differences between treatments for any measured parameter. These findings suggest that seedlings under the site preparation treatment recovered from initial damage incurred to the root system. Lack of seedling response under the release treatment may be the result of opposing influences from the herbicide application associated with seedling phytotoxicity and enhanced seedling development resulting from effective vegetation control. Although our study was limited to 21 months following planting, reduced vegetation cover in the site preparation and release treatments suggests that these treatments may benefit future seedling growth.  相似文献   
[目的]确定草木犀遗传转化植株的适宜的除草荆选择压力。[方法]分别以草木犀试管苗的子叶、下胚轴和破坏生长点的茎尖为外植体,在含有0、1、3、5、10mg/L除草剂草丁膦的分化培养基Ms+BA3mg/L+LAA0.2mg/L中对其进行分化培养,筛选适宜的除草剂选择压力,在此选择压力下,对外植体进行遗传转化,并对转化芽进行分子水平检测。[结果]当除草剂浓度为3mg/L时,所有外植体均无再生芽;转化培养后,子叶、下胚轴和破环生长点的茎尖的再生率分别为0.48%、4.29%和10.1t%;分子水平检测结果显示,外源基因已成功转入草木犀转化芽中。[结论]除草剂对草木犀外植体的适宜选择压力为3mg/L,破坏生长点的草木犀茎尖对外源基因的转化效率较高。  相似文献   
几种化学除草剂对甜高粱除草效果的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]比较几种除草剂的除草效果。[方法]以甜高粱杂交种“天青一号”为供试作物,防效和株高为指标,通过苗前、苗后大田药效试验,研究几种除草剂的除草效果及对甜高梁的安全性。[结果]在该试验条件下,除草剂莠去津在播后苗前用药量为6.000kg/hm2时防效较好,而在苗后用药量为10.390kg/hm2时防效为佳,并且苗后比苗前用药的除草效果要好。不同除草剂在苗后同一施药时期防除杂草的效果不同。38%莠去津防效均高于72%乳油2,4.滴丁酯和48%排草丹,总防效达到94.7%,且对杂交甜高粱生长影响最小,苗后1次用药即可取得比较理想的除草效果。[结论]该研究为甜高粱地杂草的防治提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
Saflufenacil is a new herbicide being developed by BASF for broadleaved weed control in maize, soybean and other crops prior to crop emergence. Six field studies were conducted in Ontario, Canada over a three year period (2008-2010) to evaluate the potential of saflufenacil applied pre-emergence (PRE) at various doses for broadleaved weed control in oats. Saflufenacil applied PRE caused minimal visible injury at 1, 2 and 4 weeks after emergence (WAE) in oats. At 4 WAE, the dose of saflufenacil required to provide 95% control of Ambrosia artemisiifolia (common ragweed), Chenopodium album (common lambsquarters), Polygonum convolvulus (wild buckwheat), Polygonum scabrum (green smartweed) and Sinapsis arvensis (wild mustard) was 72 to >100, >100, 74, 58 and >100 g ai ha−1, respectively. Generally, similar saflufenacil dose-response trends were seen at 8 WAE. The doses of saflufenacil required to provide 95% reduction in density and dry weight ranged from 95 to >100 and 42 to >100 g ai ha−1 respectively for A. artemisiifolia, C. album, P. convolvulus, P. scabrum and S. arvensis. Oat yield showed no sensitivity to saflufenacil at the doses evaluated. Based on this study, saflufenacil applied PRE can be safely used in spring planted oats for the control of some troublesome annual broadleaved weeds.  相似文献   
Implications of increasing labour costs and the development of herbicide resistance for profitable weed management in Philippine rice farming systems are investigated. The study employs RIMPhil (Resistance and Integrated Management in the Philippines), a bioeconomic simulation model developed to provide a comprehensive assessment of integrated weed management programmes for the control of annual barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) in rice crops. Results indicate that herbicide application will become increasingly economically attractive, relative to manual weeding, as labour cost increases. This is important since urban migration in the Philippines continues to increase the scarcity of rural labour. Results also show that the onset of herbicide resistance results in substantial losses in farm profit. It is worthwhile for farmers to take management actions to prevent or delay the onset of herbicide resistance, provided that these changes are effective and not too costly. The study highlights the complexity of decision making about integrated weed management on rice farms in the Philippines.  相似文献   
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