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During three consecutive years, 1978–1980, cloudberries (Rubus chamaemorus L.), cranberries (Vaccinium oxycoccus L. & Vaccinium microcarpum Turcz.) and lingonberries Vaccinium vitis‐idaea L.) growing wild in Swedish forests and mires were inventoried in the annual National Forest Survey. Both the coverage and fertility of these were estimated. Observations from 42 000 test sites (314 m2 each) were processed according to geographical region, composition of tree and field layer, altitude and occurrence of draining ditches. Cloudberries cover 425 000 hectares or 1.5 % of the total investigated area (28.6 million hectares). The corresponding values for cranberries and lingonberries are 136000 hectares (0.5 %) and 1362000 ha (4.8%) respectively. Open mires have a greater degree of coverage by cloudberry and cranberry than wet forests on peat. The reverse situation is true for lingonberry. The total berry yield on peatland was estimated to 116.6 million kg (freshweight), distributed as 75.7 million kg cloudberries, 20.8 million kg cranberries and 20.1 million kg lingonberries. The corresponding production of lingonberries on mineral soils was 188.8 million kg. Both in wet forests and on mires, drained areas show lower berry production for the three species, with one exception. Lingonberries yielded better on drained mires. Productive stands of cloudberries and cranberries ought not to be drained for economic reasons.  相似文献   
灌溉试验站规划的有关问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据全国的气候、农业、水利及经济发展水平等区划,合理地选择各省的中心站及重点试验站,并对其进行科学地规划设计,对于总体把握我国灌溉试验基础数据尤为重要。针对目前正在全国进行的灌溉试验站网规划,对省级中心站及重点站的课题规划、试验站的总体布置及设施设备规划和做好本次规划的其他有关问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
黄河下游灌区农田排水再利用效应模拟评价   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
在田间试验观测基础上,采用SWAP模型分析黄河下游簸箕李引黄灌区农田排水再利用下的土壤盐分季节性变化以及地下水位对土壤盐分剖面分布的影响,模拟农田排水补灌对作物产量的效应。研究结果表明,咸排水补灌引起的土壤盐分积聚主要在冬小麦生长期,夏玉米生长期内并不明显,有效地控制地下水位有助于减少土壤盐分累积量,维系作物根区的盐分平衡。利用含盐量为4mg/cm3以下的农田排水在冬小麦生长后期水分亏缺阶段进行补灌,可在基本不影响随后夏玉米产量的基础上,不同程度地改善冬小麦产量。对缺水严重的黄河下游引黄灌区,农田排水再利用是缓解水资源供需矛盾、改善作物产量的一种有效水管理措施。  相似文献   
针对湖北省新滩口泵站钟型流道和28CJ56轴流泵运行振动噪音大、效率低、电机负荷率低等问题,基于全流道数值仿真推荐模型试验方案(簸箕型及钟II型方案),进行泵站装置模型试验。通过对实测结果的分析,进行关于装置运行安全、效率以及工程改造可行性、工程量等方面的比较,最后提出该站更新改造方案。  相似文献   
城镇圩区排涝泵站群日常运行方案优化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为降低城镇圩区排涝泵站群日常运行能耗,提出排涝站群总能耗最小的多方案试验选优、圩外河道水位控制去劣的优化运行调度方法。将圩区泵站群分组作为试验因素、每组泵站的开机方案为试验水平,以泵站群总能耗为试验结果开展正交试验,对试验结果应用正交分析得到泵站群若干种优化运行方案序列,选择总能耗最小且满足圩外河道的水位控制要求的方案为最优运行调度方案。以上海市城区某区域为实例,应用优化方法编制了2种潮水过程、4种降水条件下的优化调度预案;在不能利用潮水自排的最不利水文工况下,应用优化调度方案与现行调度方案相比,总电功耗最大可节省12%。通过开展优化调度方案与现行方案的节能效益比较,验证了现行方案的合理性并对现行方案提出了优化建议。一方面可为城镇圩区水行政主管部门优化日常调水预案提供参考,另一方面也为丰富和完善排泵站群优化调度方法的理论研究作了有益尝试。  相似文献   
李洋  潘俊  刘畅 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(16):9780-9781
根据沈阳地区多年水文地质和气象资料,初步探明了该地区高氟地下水的主要分布区域,并从水文地质等因素方面分析了该地区高氟地下水的形成机理。  相似文献   
PVC单、双壁波纹塑料管用作农田排水暗管比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过室内材料力学试验和水力学试验,对PVC单、双壁波纹塑料管有关性质进行了比较研究,试验结果表明:PVC双壁波纹塑料管的力学性质和水力学性质均较单壁波纹塑料管优越,适于作农田地下排水暗管。  相似文献   


To describe the use of small-bore wire-guided catheters in the management of peritoneal effusion in cats and dogs and to detail any associated adverse events.


Retrospective study.


University teaching hospital


Forty-five client-owned animals that had peritoneal catheters placed for management of peritoneal effusion between July 2010 and June 2021.



Measurements and Main Results

Forty-five cases were included (25 dogs and 20 cats). Twenty-eight animals had the catheter placed to aid management of a uroabdomen, 8 of which recovered without surgical management, 11 had the catheter placed to allow autotransfusion of hemoabdomen, 3 had peritonitis, and 3 had ascites secondary to cardiac disease. Twenty-seven cases (15 dogs and 12 cats) received sedation (n = 24) or local anesthesia alone (n = 3) to facilitate catheter placement, and 6 cases had the catheter placed while under general anesthesia. Median length of catheter persistence was 24 hours (range: 2–144 h). The most common adverse events reported were impaired drainage (n = 7) and leakage at the insertion site (n = 4).


Peritoneal catheters can be inserted percutaneously for management of peritoneal effusion. Indications include stabilization and conservative management of uroabdomen, and autotransfusion. They can often be placed with minimal or no sedation and adverse events appear infrequent in occurrence.  相似文献   
A study of the water balances of The Fayoum irrigated lands and Lake Qarun was made to investigate the management of the irrigation system and the efficiency of irrigation water use. The two water balances are strongly interrelated. The drainage flow to Lake Qarun and the water level of the Lake are in delicate balance. A rise in Lake level causes the inundation of adjacent land. Management of The Fayoum water balance assumes control over irrigation water flows, but this control has technical and organizational limitations. Also discussed is the influence of irrigation practices in The Fayoum on the water balance (e.g., the autumn flushing of fields and farmers' preference for not irrigating at night in winter). Notwithstanding a high overall efficiency, irrigation efficiency during the winter is low. The reasons for this are given, together with the constraints against improving system management. Improved uniformity of the division and application of irrigation water will enable a better technical control of flows and will result in better water management in The Fayoum. Abbreviations: FID — Fayoum Irrigation Department, 1 feddan (fe) — 0.4 ha, 1 mcm — 1 million cubic metres: an average annual flow of 3.17 m3/s gives 100 mcm, m3/fe.year — supplied volume (m3) per surface area (fe) per year: 1000 m3/fe.year equals 240 mm/year, MSL — Mean Sea Level  相似文献   
Land retirement is ceasing irrigation withthe goal of reducing load, in general, ofdissolved constituents and, in particular,of trace elements, present in subsurfacedrainage generated from irrigated lands. Retirement is achieved through a process ofgoal setting, strategy development anddetermining effects, developing landselection criteria, implementation, andmonitoring. In this study, effects of landretirement are evaluated using hydrologic,soil and economic models as well as resultsfrom a field demonstration study. From themodeling and field monitoring, a process isdeveloped to meet the goals of a landretirement program in the San JoaquinValley of California.Potential negative effects listed for landretirement included loss of agriculturalproductivity, perhaps permanently, and lossof revenue to surrounding communities. Uncertainties included those associatedwith reuse of retired lands as wildlifehabitat, with retired-land maintenanceincluding dust control, with potentialpreservation of retired lands in reservefor future re-introduction to irrigated ordry-land agriculture, and withinstitutional changes concerning repaymentof federal and state water contracts. Benefits would accrue from economic returnto the landowner from the sale of property,the sale or lease of irrigation watersupply, the reduced cost of handlingdrainage, and allocation of freed-up waterto beneficial uses, and the reduced risk ofselenium exposure to fish and wildlife.A recommended sequential approach to selectand manage retired land is to identifyprimary objectives; formulate and implementarea-specific land retirement scenarios;measure biologic, hydrologic, soils andeconomic consequences in the short term andthe long term and manage and monitorretired lands based on dynamic biologic,hydrologic and soil conditions.  相似文献   
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