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以8个超甜玉米自交系为亲本。按Griffmg完全双列杂交方法Ⅱ配制组合,分析了超甜玉米果穗性状的配合力及遗传效应。结果表明:(1)鲜稳重、秃顶长、穗行数、穗粗主要表现为加性遗传效应,行粒数和穗长主要表现为非加性遗传效应;(2)同一性状不同材料间,同一材料不同性状间其配合力效应表现复杂。存在不同效应大小和正负作用方向的差异。育种实践上必须重视配合力的分析测定。  相似文献   
[目的]选出高产、高抗、综合农艺性状好的耐密玉米(Zea mays L.)新组合。[方法]运用间比法试验设计,研究4个耐密玉米新组合产量及其相关性状。[结果]新组合的平均产量与增幅的大小顺序一样均为PJX-7113×hg-1hg-1×110hg-1×139;千粒重与增幅的大小顺序一样均为PJX-7113×hg-1hg-1×139hg-1×110;穗长在17.07~19.92 cm;秃尖长在1.15~1.84 cm;穗行数在13.73~17.43行;行粒数在36.28~40.05行;穗粗在4.95~5.38 cm。[结论]综合考虑,在该试验条件下,新组合PJX-7的产量最高,综合性状较好,该组合审定后,适合在当地大面积推广种植。  相似文献   
The activities of RuBPC and C4 photosynthetic enzymes in ear and flag leaf blade were examinedin wheat. The results showed that photosynthesis of ear was less sensitive to soil drought than that of flag leaf,and decrease of CO2 assimilation in flag leaf blade with water stress was more than that in ear. Compared withflag leaf, ear organs(awn, glume and lemma) had higher C4 enzyme activities and lower RuBPC activity. Un-der moderate water-stress, the increase of C4 enzyme activities was induced, and the increase was higher in earthan in flag leaf. Under severe water-stress, relatively higher C4 enzyme activities were still maintained in ear,rather than that in flag leaf. It suggests that high activities of C4 enzymes in ear may contribute to its high tol-erance of photosynthesis to water-stress.  相似文献   
丝氨酸和脯氨酸离体诱导小麦超早抽穗无性变异研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
用丝氨酸和脯氨酸作诱变剂和选择剂,对10个小麦品种的成熟胚和近成熟胚进行离体培养,从97-7的近成熟胚中筛选出优良变异株(抗性-2)。该变异株的后代比亲本抽穗期提早10d左右,且也早于其他早熟品种。  相似文献   
生物有机肥对鲜食玉米产量、土壤养分及微生物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石磊  张睿佳 《农学学报》2021,11(11):33-36
为了研究生物有机肥对鲜食玉米的产量、土壤养分及微生物数量的影响,以鲜食玉米'中科糯甜99'为试材,采用田间试验的方法,调查了施用生物有机肥后鲜食玉米的农艺性状和产量,检测了土壤的养分含量和微生物数量.结果表明,施用生物有机肥显著降低了土壤的pH,分别比对照减少4.9%~6.8%;提高了土壤的养分含量,有机质、碱解氮、有...  相似文献   
玉米株高整齐度与穗部性状的相关性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对不同密度下的玉米株高整齐度与德部性状的相关分析表明,玉米株高整齐度随密度的提高而降低,株高整齐度与穗长、行粒数、穗粒数、单穗重和穗粒重均呈极显著正相关,与秀尖呈极显著负相关,相关程度:行粒数>秃尖>穗长>单穗重>穗粒重>穗位数。生产上可以通过栽培措施的标准化,提高玉米株高整齐度,实现丰产稳产的目的。  相似文献   
杨校文  常立国  杨琴 《玉米科学》2023,31(1):161-169
玉米穗腐病的发生及其真菌毒素污染严重影响玉米产量与品质,威胁人畜健康。玉米对穗腐病及其真菌毒素抗性都是由多基因控制的复杂数量性状,受环境影响极大。简要介绍玉米穗腐病的发生与分布特点,重点总结玉米穗腐病主要真菌毒素类型及危害、玉米穗腐病主要真菌毒素抗性遗传、抗性基因以及全基因组选择在穗腐病抗性育种中的应用等方面的研究进展,分析该领域目前存在的主要问题及挑战,提出未来在该研究领域可能的方向和突破点,为玉米穗腐病的防治及真菌毒素污染的防控提供理论依据。  相似文献   
玉米丝黑穗病对玉米产量损失程度研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了进一步探明玉米丝黑穗病对玉米产量造成的损失程度,对5个感玉米丝黑穗病品种进行发病情况观察及对产量损失影响程度的测定。经2个试验点调查发现,每个品种感病后部分病株都有分化穗的能力,一般分化穗株占病株数0.51%~14.64%,并且分化穗全部在病穗上位叶。其中病株分化穗表现为可授粉穗能够正常结实,并有商品价值;可授粉结实但灌浆不足,无商品价值;可授粉仅有粒型但未能灌浆;分化穗未能授粉等类型。结果表明少量病株分化穗株具有一定的结实能力,病株分化穗株结实产量比病株率减少损失0.13%~1.27%,因此玉米丝黑穗病产量损失率小于发病率。  相似文献   
棉铃虫和玉米螟危害对玉米穗腐病的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以华北地区广泛种植的玉米品种郑单958、先玉335和浚单20为供试品种,研究棉铃虫和玉米螟危害后对玉米穗腐病发生的影响。结果表明,在降水量大、环境相对湿度高的条件下,玉米螟危害对玉米穗腐病的发生影响较大;而在降水量小、环境相对湿度低的条件下,棉铃虫危害对玉米穗腐病的发生影响较大。相同害虫危害条件下,降水量大、相对湿度高的气候条件更有利于玉米穗腐病的发生。  相似文献   
Increased plant population density in irrigated and fertilized maize crops enhances plant-to-plant variability since early vegetative stages, because the most suppressed individuals of the stand intercept less radiation per unit leaf area than the dominant ones (i.e. a size-asymmetric competition for light). Contrarily, a size-symmetric competition has been proposed for the acquisition of soil resources in a plant community (e.g. N capture per unit root length is similar among plants of different size). Hence, N fertilization effect on the variability of maize plants would depend on the initial plant-to-plant variability or on that promoted by a high plant population density. Two maize hybrids with contrasting tolerance to crowding (tolerant AX820 and intolerant AX877) were cultivated under different combinations of stand densities (6, 9 and 12 plants m−2) and N supplies (0 and 200 kg N ha−1) without water restrictions. Variability in plant growth rate among plants was computed along the cycle, especially after fertilizer was applied (i.e. the early reproductive period; PGRER) and during the critical period around silking (PGRCP). Plant-to-plant variability in biomass partitioning to the ear (partition index; PI), ear growth rate during the critical period (EGRCP) and kernel number per plant (KNP) was also established. Reduced N supply increased the coefficient of variation (CV) of PGRER, PGRCP, EGRCP and KNP (0.05 < P < 0.10). The CVs of PGRCP, PI, EGRCP and KNP augmented (0.001 < P < 0.10) at the highest stand density. The CVs of PGRER, PGRCP, PI and KNP were larger for hybrid AX877 than for hybrid AX820 (0.001 < P < 0.10). N fertilization smoothed the initial plant-to-plant variability, but the extent of this benefit in a maize crop is genotype dependent; it was much larger in the hybrid tolerant to crowding stress than in the intolerant one. For the latter, the variability held during the critical period around silking and produced a high CV of KNP.  相似文献   
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