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黑龙江省热量资源变化及其对作物生产的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
气候变暖背景下,热量资源变化势必对寒地农作物生产环境、生长发育及种植制度产生重要影响。本文利用黑龙江省1971—2014年67个观测站逐日气象资料,计算了≥10℃活动积温和≥0℃活动积温(以下简称积温)及无霜期等农业热量指标,采用线性倾向率、累计距平、M-K检验和经验正交函数(EOF)方法等统计方法,分析了热量资源变化特征及突变特征,以及对农业生产的可能影响。结果表明:≥10℃积温和≥0℃积温分别以86.7℃?d?(10a)-1和80.5℃?d?(10a)-1的速率显著增加,无霜期呈延长趋势[倾向率为3.8 d·(10a)-1];≥10℃积温和无霜期在1993年发生突变,突变后二者初日提前,终日延后。≥10℃积温和≥0℃积温的增加幅度西部大于东部,无霜期延长幅度中西部大于东北部,农业热量资源变化幅度大的地区亦是热量敏感区域。热量资源增加对农业的影响,表现在农作物适宜生育期延长;适宜水稻和玉米种植的区域向北、向西扩张,大豆种植重心北移;原适宜种植极早熟、早熟品种的区域逐步被中熟、中晚熟品种替换。热量增加使水稻、玉米和大豆三大作物产量的进一步提高成为可能。  相似文献   
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the potential use of a hybrid Genetic Algorithm-Artificial Neural Network (GA–ANN) method for predicting pistachio yield and for identifying the determinant factors affecting pistachio yield in Rafsanjan region, Iran. A total of 142 pistachio orchards were selected randomly and soil samples were taken at three depths. Besides, water samples and leaves from branches without fruit were taken in each sampling point. Management information and pistachio yields were achieved by completing a questionnaire. Primarily, 58 variables affecting pistachio yield were measured, and then 26 out of them were selected by minimizing mean square error (MSE) using a feature selection (FS) method. The results showed that the accuracy of the method was acceptable. Furthermore, the sensitivity analysis showed that the main determinant features affecting the pistachio yield were the irrigation water amount, leaf phosphorus, soil soluble magnesium, electrical conductivity (EC), and leaf nitrogen.  相似文献   
Crop rotation has been used for the management of soilborne diseases for centuries, but has not often been planned based on scientific knowledge. Our objective was to generate information on Sclerotium rolfsii dynamics under different crop or intercrop activities, and design and test a research approach where simple experiments and the use of models are combined to explore crop sequences that minimize Southern blight incidence.The effect of seventeen green manure (GM) amendments on sclerotia dynamics was analyzed in greenhouse and field plot experiments during two years. The relative densities of viable sclerotia 90 days after winter GM (WGM) incorporation were generally lower than after summer GM (SGM) incorporation, with average recovery values of 60% and 61% for WGM in the field, 66% and 43% for WGM in the greenhouse, and 162% to 91% for SGM in the greenhouse, in 2009 and 2010, respectively. Sclerotia survival on day d after GM amendment was described by the model Sf = Si × exp(−b × d), relating initial (Si) and final (Sf) sclerotia densities. Relative decay rates of the sclerotia (b) in SGM amended soil were largest for alfalfa (0.0077 ± 0.0031 day−1) and sudangrass (0.0072 ± 0.0030 day−1). In WGM amended soil, the largest b values were for oat (0.0096 ± 0.0024 day−1), wheat (0.0090 ± 0.0024 day−1) and alfalfa (0.0087 ± 0.0023 day−1).The effect of three cropping sequences (sweet pepper–fallow, sweet pepper–black oat and sweet pepper–onion) on sclerotia dynamics was analyzed in microplot experiments, and the data were used to calibrate the model Pf = Pi/(α + βPi), relating initial (Pi) and final (Pf) sclerotia densities. Median values for the relative rate of population increase at low Pi (1/α, dimension less) and the asymptote (1/β, number of viable sclerotia in 100 g of dry soil) were 8.22 and 4.17 for black oat (BO), 1.13 and 8.64 for onion (O), and 6.26 and 17.93 for sweet pepper (SwP).By concatenating the two models, sclerotia population dynamics under several crop sequences were simulated. At steady state, the sequence SwP–O–Fallow–BO resulted in the lowest long-term sclerotia density (7.09 sclerotia/100 g soil), and SwP–Fallow in the highest (17.89 sclerotia/100 g soil). The developed methodology facilitates the selection of a limited number of rotation options to be tested in farmers’ fields.  相似文献   
To assess the effect of long-term fertilization on labile organic matter fractions, we analyzed the C and N mineralization and C and N content in soil, particulate organic matter (POM), light fraction organic matter (LFOM), and microbial biomass. Results showed that fertilizer N decreased or did not affect the C and N amounts in soil fractions, except N mineralization and soil total N. The C and N amounts in soil and its fractions increased with the application of fertilizer PK and rice straw. Generally, there was no significant difference between fertilizer PK and rice straw. Furthermore, application of manure was most effective in maintaining soil organic matter and labile organic matter fractions. Soils treated with manure alone had the highest microbial biomass C and C and N mineralization. A significant correlation was observed between the C content and N content in soil, POM, LFOM, microbial biomass, or the readily mineralized organic matter. The amounts of POM–N, LFOM–N, POM–C, and LFOM–C closely correlated with soil organic C or total N content. Microbial biomass N was closely related to the amounts of POM–N, LFOM–N, POM–C, and LFOM–C, while microbial biomass C was closely related to the amounts of POM–N, POM–C, and soil total N. These results suggested that microbial biomass C and N closely correlated with POM rather than SOM. Carbon mineralization was closely related to the amounts of POM–N, POM–C, microbial biomass C, and soil organic C, but no significant correlation was detected between N mineralization with C or N amounts in soil and its fractions.  相似文献   
Soil and crop management practices may alter the quantity, quality, and placement of plant residues that influence soil C and N fractions. We examined the effects of two tillage practices [conventional till (CT) and no-till (NT)] and five crop rotations [continuous spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (CW), spring wheat–fallow (W–F), spring wheat–lentil (Lens culinaris Medic.) (W–L), spring wheat–spring wheat–fallow (W–W–F), and spring wheat–pea (Pisum sativum L.)–fallow (W–P–F)] on transient land previously under 10 years of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) planting on the amount of plant biomass (stems + leaves) returned to the soil from 1998 to 2003 and soil C and N fractions within the surface 20 cm in March 2004. A continued CRP planting was also included as another treatment for comparing soil C and N fractions. The C and N fractions included soil organic C (SOC), soil total N (STN), microbial biomass C and N (MBC and MBN), potential C and N mineralization (PCM and PNM), and NH4-N and NO3-N contents. A field experiment was conducted in a mixture of Scobey clay loam (fine-loamy, mixed, Aridic Argiborolls) and Kevin clay loam (fine, montmorillonitic, Aridic Argiborolls) in Havre, MT, USA. Plant biomass yield varied by crop rotation and year and mean annualized biomass was 45–50% higher in CW and W–F than in W–L. The SOC and PCM were not influenced by treatments. The MBC at 0–5 cm was 26% higher in W–W–F than in W–F. The STN and NO3-N at 5–20 cm and PNM at 0–5 cm were 17–1206% higher in CT with W–L than in other treatments. Similarly, MBN at 0–5 cm was higher in CT with W–L than in other treatments, except in CT with W–F and W–P–F. Reduction in the length of fallow period increased MBC and MBN but the presence of legumes, such as lentil and pea, in the crop rotation increased soil N fractions. Six years of tillage and crop rotation had minor influence on soil C and N storage between croplands and CRP planting but large differences in active soil C and N fractions.  相似文献   
基于多年MODIS NDVI 分级的河北平原农田生产力评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据中等分辨率航天成像光谱仪(MODIS)遥感数据计算的归一化植被指数(NDVI)被广泛用于作物长势监测和产量预报, 但由于NDVI 数值在不同年份的同一时期变化较大, 直接用于评价农田生产力会有较大误差。本文以河北平原所在的北纬37°~39°之间连续种植的冬小麦农田为研究区域, 通过对多年冬小麦MODISNDVI 数据进行比较和分级, 尝试用每季NDVI 在区域内的高低级别评估区域农田生产力。Landsat 卫星数据用于对不同时相MODIS 图像进行精确配准, 从而实现像素尺度上长时间序列数据的统计分析。首先, 对区域内2000~2008 年间每年作物返青期到成熟期的NDVI 平均值及各生育阶段NDVI 平均值分别进行高低分级, 以了解河北平原农田生产力的空间变异, 结果显示其中高水平农田分布在太行山山前平原, 指数等级水平并没有完全按南北走向趋势分布, 表明该研究方法受纬度差异的影响较小。不同年份分析结果显示, 2008 年东部地区也出现了较高等级的田块。其次, 利用NDVI 分级结果计算出9 年间NDVI 等级的变异系数, 对采用不同生育期NDVI 可能带来的误差进行了分析, 结果显示不同小麦生育期NDVI 等级的变异系数不同, 返青期和成熟期变异系数较大, 且具有一定的地理差异。最后, 利用GIS 空间分析方法以9 年NDVI 分级结果为基础制作了以县为单元的麦田生产力等级图, 结果显示河北平原农田生产力高低分区, 同时也表明中低水平区块有较大提升空间, 为河北县级土地管理和耕地质量管理提供理论依据。  相似文献   
不同土地利用类型下土壤-作物砷的积累特征及健康风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以菜地、稻田、果园、旱地等4种典型土地利用为研究对象,通过413个土壤和对应作物样品的测试分析,探讨了研究区不同土地利用方式下土壤及其种植作物的As积累特征和对人体的健康风险。结果表明,稻田土壤As含量在5.69~148.5 mg kg-1,积累程度最高;果园土壤As含量在3.29~24.7 mg kg-1积累程度最低。研究区各土地利用类型下土壤As变异系数均在0.5以上,为中等变异性,各样点之间土壤As含量变化较大。研究区不同土地利用方式下,作物As含量差异较大,油料作物As平均含量最高达2.15 mg kg-1,旱地谷物和水果As含量均值最低,均为0.032 mg kg-1。根据研究区作物As的富集系数进行聚类分析,将研究区作物划分为4类,油料作物富集系数最高可划分为第1类,水稻划分为第2类,叶菜类蔬菜划分第3类,而富集系数较低的水果、瓜果类蔬菜、豆荚类蔬菜、根菜类蔬菜和谷物划分为第4类。依据JECFA推荐的ADI值和研究区居民膳食结构进行计算,结果表明研究区不同土地利用类型土壤As对人体健康的风险为稻田>菜地>旱地>果园,尤其是稻田土壤As对人体健康的风险较大,因水稻食用导致的居民As摄入量高达0.00...  相似文献   
长期定位施肥对砂姜黑土肥力及生产力的影响研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
长期定位试验研究化肥与有机肥配施对砂姜黑土土壤肥力和作物产量的影响结果表明 ,长期施肥可提高土壤碱解氮、速效磷及有机质含量 ,不同肥料组合间差异较大 ,以有机肥与化肥配施处理效果最佳 (但同时必须重视K素的投入 ) ,土壤速效钾仅全部施用有机肥处理有所增加 ,单施N、P化肥处理下降最多 ,至 15年后下降2 5 .8%。长期未施肥处理 (对照 )碱解氮变化最大 ,较试验前下降 2 6 .5 % ,其他养分指标变化较小。有机肥与化肥配施处理产量前期不及单施化肥处理 ,中后期则反之。砂姜黑土基本生产力随种植时间延长而渐降 ,土壤对秋粮大豆或玉米的供肥能力高于小麦。  相似文献   
Soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen as affected by cropping systems   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
 The impacts of crop rotations and N fertilization on microbial biomass C (Cmic) and N (Nmic) were studied in soils of two long-term field experiments initiated in 1978 at the Northeast Research Center (NERC) and in 1954 at the Clarion-Webster Research Center (CWRC), both in Iowa. Surface soil samples were taken in 1996 and 1997 from plots of corn (Zea mays L.), soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), oats (Avena sativa L.), or meadow (alfalfa) (Medicago sativa L.) that had received 0 or 180 kg N ha–1 before corn and an annual application of 20 kg P and 56 kg K ha–1. The Cmic and Nmic values were determined by the chloroform-fumigation-extraction method and the chloroform-fumigation-incubation method, respectively. The Cmic and Nmic values were significantly affected (P<0.05) by crop rotation and plant cover at time of sampling, but not by N fertilization. In general, the highest Cmic and Nmic contents were found in the multicropping systems (4-year rotations) taken in oats or meadow plots, and the lowest values were found in continuous corn and soybean systems. On average, Cmic made up about 1.0% of the organic C (Corg), and Nmic contributed about 2.4% of the total N (Ntot) in soils at both sites and years of sampling. The Cmic values were significantly correlated with Corg contents (r≥0.41**), whereas the relationship between Cmic and Ntot was significant (r≤0.53***) only for the samples taken in 1996 at the NERC site. The Cmic : Nmic ratios were, on average, 4.3 and 6.4 in 1996, and 7.6 and 11.4 in 1997 at the NERC and CWRC sites, respectively. Crop rotation significantly (P<0.05) affected this ratio only at the NERC site, and N fertilization showed no effect at either site. In general, multicropping systems resulted in greater Cmic : Corg (1.1%) and Nmic : Ntot (2.6%) ratios than monocropping systems (0.8% and 2.1%, respectively). Received: 9 February 1999  相似文献   
The impacts of fallow on soil fertility, crop production and climate-forcing gas emissions were determined in two contrasting legumes, Gliricidia sepium and Acacia colei, in comparison with traditional unamended fallow and continuous cultivation systems. After 2 years, the amount of foliar material produced did not differ between the two improved fallow species; however, grain yield was significantly elevated by 55% in the first and second cropping season after G. sepium compared with traditional fallow. By contrast, relative to the unamended fallow, a drop in grain yield was observed in the first cropping season after A. colei, followed by no improvement in the second. G. sepium had higher foliar N, K and Mg, while A. colei had lower foliar N but higher lignin and polyphenols. In the third year after fallow improvement, a simulated rainfall experiment was performed on soils to compare efflux of N2O and CO2. Improved fallow effects on soil nutrient composition and microbial activity were demonstrated through elevated N2O and CO2 efflux from soils in G. sepium fallows compared with other treatments. N2O emissions were around six times higher from this nitrogen-fixing soil treatment, evolving 69.9 ngN2O–N g−1soil h−1 after a simulated rainfall event, compared with only 8.5 and 4.8 ngN2O–N g−1soil h−1 from soil under traditional fallow and continuous cultivation, respectively. The findings indicate that selection of improved fallows for short-term fertility enhancement has implications for regional N2O emissions for dry land regions.  相似文献   
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