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Twelve algal strains representing the classes Cyanophyceae, Prymnesiophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Rhodophyceae, Cryptophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Xantophyceae and Eustigmatophyceae were selected mainly from the culture collection of the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA). The algae were grown as continuous cultures in a 1.8 l. reactor, internally illuminated with an 11 W fluorescent tube. The retention time was adjusted in the range 2–4 days to fit the growth rate of the algae. The growth responses and fatty acid composition were analysed. The maximum production rate was obtained with Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (0.63 g 1−1 day−1) and the lowest with Porphyridium cruentum 0.13 g 1−1 day−1. Arachidonic acid (AA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) were the dominating polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in P. cruentum, while only EPA accumulated in Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) was the major PUFA in Isochrysis galbana, while Pavlova sp. had both EPA and DHA. This is the first report on the fatty acid profiles of Nannochloropsis oceanica, Chroococcus sp., Synechococcus sp. and Tribonema sp.  相似文献   
This study aimed at comparing fatty acid contents of rotifers cultured with different methods after nutritional enrichment in order to evaluate the rotifer quality produced by these methods. Rotifers were cultured using either a batch or a continuous culture. From the batch culture, three experimental subpopulations were used, sampled from the culture at 1, 24, and 48 h after rotifer inoculation. The continuous culture was performed with two tanks; one was for cultivation with continuous feeding and water supply (cultivation tank), and another was for harvesting from the cultivation tank by overflow (harvest tank). From the continuous culture, two subpopulations were used: one from the cultivation and one from the harvest tank. Nutritional enrichment was performed after each culture. Each population was enriched with Nannochloropsis oculata or a commercial enrichment diet. When the enrichment was performed with N. oculata on populations at 24 h after inoculation originating from either of the two tanks of continuous culture or the batch culture tank, a higher quantity of arachidonic acid (ARA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) was obtained from the two tanks of continuous culture. The same results were obtained when enrichment diet was used, this time including docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).  相似文献   
运用稳定同位素技术对2018年7月—2019年1月采自三峡库区干流木洞、涪陵、云阳和秭归江段的38种鱼类进行氮稳定同位素分析,同时计算鱼类营养级并构建了鱼类连续营养谱。研究结果显示,三峡库区干流鱼类δ15N值平均值为11.02‰,变化范围为5.31‰~17.79‰。以初级消费者螺类作为基准生物估算出三峡库区干流鱼类平均营养级为2.67,范围为1.47~4.12。营养级大于4级的鱼类仅有1种,营养级位于2~3级之间的鱼类种类数最多,占种类总数的50.0%,其次是营养级大于3级的鱼类,占种类总数的31.6%,不同食性鱼类组合的营养级存在差异。库区干流鱼类营养级的时空差异均不显著,而越靠近大坝的江段食物链长度的季节性波动幅度越大。和水库蓄水运行初期相比,鱼类营养级显著升高且高营养级鱼类的群落结构和营养特征发生了一定程度的改变,特别是拥有较高营养级的短颌鲚(Coilia brachygnathus)在库区干流逐渐扩张并成为优势种,其可能对库区干流鱼类营养结构产生影响。  相似文献   
在小麦花生两熟制条件下 ,全年氮肥两作 3次施用 (小麦基肥、追肥和花生基肥 )氮素利用率为 3 2 52 % ,一作两次施用 (小麦基肥和追肥 )氮素利用率为 3 7 0 1 % ,但前者土壤残留多 ,损失少 ,氮肥回收率为 69 2 4% ,较后者高 1 2 0 3个百分点。且前者有利于小麦、花生产量的形成 ,是小麦花生两熟制适宜的施肥方式。小麦当茬氮肥利用率为 1 6 80 %~ 3 5 63 %。夏直播花生当茬及前茬小麦基肥和追肥 (拔节期 )的氮肥利用率分别为 2 3 70 %、6 57%~ 7 70 %和 1 0 0 3 %~ 1 2 73 % ;施肥时间和施肥量对氮肥利用率影响较大  相似文献   
新疆绿洲棉花长期连作对土壤理化性状与土壤酶活性的影响   总被引:32,自引:3,他引:32  
 【目的】评价棉花长期连作对土壤理化和生物性状的影响。【方法】利用棉花长期连作定点微区试验,研究不同连作年限棉田土壤物理、化学性状和土壤酶活性动态变化。【结果】随着连作年限增加,棉田土壤容重下降,连作5、10、15和20年土壤有机质含量分别比种植1年的增加10.56%、18.09%、37.34%和55.64%,土壤含盐量呈上升趋势,连作5、10、15和20年含盐量分别是连作1年的122%、132%、124%和146%。随着连作年限增加土壤碱解氮含量增加,土壤有效钾含量呈下降的趋势,连作10、15和20年的土壤有效钾含量分别是连作1年的60.4%、35.9%和39.8%;有效磷含量在连作5年达到最大值,比连作1年增加25.2%,随后开始下降,连作10、15和20年之间变化幅度较小。土壤脲酶、过氧化氢酶、转化酶、蛋白酶和中性磷酸酶活性随着连作年限增加呈先下降后上升趋势,连作5年和10年土壤酶活性降低,连作10年以后又升高,土壤过氧化物酶活性随着连作时间延长而增加。【结论】在新疆绿洲棉区,棉花长期连作和秸秆还田后,土壤物理性状改善,土壤含盐量逐渐增加,有次生盐渍化倾向,土壤中氮、磷、钾比例失调。棉花连作5~10年,土壤酶活性较低,连作障碍较明显。  相似文献   
和许多瓜类作物重茬种植造成减产相似,大豆在种植过程中也应尽量避免重茬种植。一方面,重茬种植会因大豆长期选择性吸收土壤养分,造成土壤养分结构失调;另一方面还会改变土壤的理化性质,影响大豆的正常生长发育,同时导致大豆病虫害问题的加重。避免大豆减产的最有效手段时建立合理的轮作耕作制度,当确实需要进行重茬种植时,要通过合理施肥施药,品种筛选等手段提高大豆的抗逆性,减少重茬带来的减产危害。  相似文献   
Field trials were carried out on an Oxic Paleustalf in the humid zone of southwestern Nigeria withLeucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit,Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Steud. andSesbania grandiflora (L.) Pers. alley cropped with maize and cowpea. The three leguminous woody species were grown in hedgerows spaced at 2 m. Trials were carried out one year after establishment of the hedgerows using a split-plot design with four replications. TheLeucaena trial had twenty pruning combinations consisting of five pruning heights (25, 50, 75, 100 and 150 cm) and four pruning frequencies (monthly, bi-, tri- and six-monthly). TheGliricidia andSesbania hedgerows were subjected to nine pruning intensities consisting of three pruning heights (25, 50 and 100 cm) and three pruning intensities (monthly, tri- and six-monthly).For the three woody species, biomass, dry wood and nitrogen yield from the hedgerow prunings increased with decreasing pruning frequency and increasing pruning height. Biomass, dry wood and nitrogen yields were in the following orderLeucaena >Gliricidia >Sesbania.The various pruning intensities had no effect on survival ofLeucaena plants. Pruning frequency had a larger effect than pruning height on survival ofGliricidia andSesbania plants. With monthly pruning, about 25 percent of theGliricidia and all of theSesbania plants died within six months of repeated pruning. Even with lower pruning frequencySesbania plants showed lower survival rates thanGliricidia orLeucaena.The various pruning intensities of all the hedgerow species had more pronounced effects on the grain yield of the alley cropped cowpea than on maize grain yield. Higher maize and cowpea yields were obtained with increasing pruning frequency and decreasing pruning height.IITA Journal paper number 335  相似文献   
针对“123种植模式”中一季中晚稻的生育时段主要在5~9月,抽穗扬花期常遇中温、高湿尤其雨天较多,稻曲病发生较严重。2013年以黄华占和金农丝苗为试验材料,在广州市花都区会兴菜场以药剂“三唑酮、爱苗尧井冈霉素”为主处理、以喷施时期“破口前7 d、破口前7d+破口期、破口期”为副处理进行一季中晚稻稻曲病的药效试验和防治适期的研究。结果表明:3种药剂三唑酮尧爱苗尧井冈霉素对稻曲病病穗率和病情指数均具有极显著降低袁但3种药剂间差异不显著袁其中爱苗的防治效果较好曰喷施时期对稻曲病病穗率和病情指数的影响没达显著水平袁但破口前7 d+破口期喷施的防治效果较好曰3 种药剂三唑酮尧爱苗尧井冈霉素处理后增产显著袁其中爱苗的增幅较大袁增产的主要原因是结实率显著提高从而显著增多每穗实粒数曰喷施时期对产量虽有影响袁但差异不显著遥  相似文献   
目的研究集雨补灌条件下,春马铃薯—夏蚕豆复种(薯豆复种)+豆秆还田对土壤养分变化及细菌群落结构的影响。方法以薯豆复种+豆秆还田、马铃薯种后空闲以及马铃薯连作土壤为研究对象,测定土壤理化性质;采用Illumina NovaSeq PE250对土壤细菌16S V3~V4区域进行高通量测序。结果与常规栽培模式相比,集雨补灌条件下,春作马铃薯提前75~76 d出苗,提前43~74 d收获,避开了晚疫病危害,滇薯23、滇薯47和青薯9号的产量分别增加28 953.0、8 571.0和28 570.5 kg/hm2。与马铃薯连作相比,薯豆复种+豆秆还田的土壤pH值增加0.17,有机质含量增加0.35%,全氮含量增加0.02%,有效氮含量增加43.6 mg/kg,有效钾含量增加51.5 mg/kg。与马铃薯种后空闲相比,薯豆复种+豆秆还田的土壤pH值增加0.14,有机质含量增加0.33%,全氮含量增加0.02%,全磷含量增加0.02%,有效氮含量增加39.8 mg/kg。薯豆复种+豆秆还田模式下,土壤中放线菌门、芽单胞菌门和鞘氨醇单胞菌属相对丰度高于马铃薯种后空闲模式和连作模式,但连作模式下土壤酸杆菌门丰度更高。相关性分析表明:土壤pH以及全磷和全钾含量是驱动细菌门丰度变化的主要环境因子。结论薯豆复种+豆秆还田可提高土壤肥力、减缓土壤酸化、增加土壤有益细菌门和属的相对丰度,而马铃薯连作会降低土壤pH和减少有益细菌;集雨补灌春作马铃薯收后复种夏蚕豆可增加复种指数,提高土地利用效率,改善土壤营养状况和细菌群落结构,减轻马铃薯连作障碍。  相似文献   
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