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This study provides empirical evidence on the link between economic growth and nutrition transition in two emerging economies, China and Russia. Both countries have experienced rising average incomes, accompanied by an increasing rate of nutrition-related chronic diseases in recent years. Given the regional heterogeneity between these two countries, we analyze the extent to which income growth as a major driver of nutrition transition has a significant effect on the consumption of different food aggregates and how these effects differ between Chinese and Russian consumers. Our results indicate that with increasing household incomes over time the demand for carbohydrates decreases, while the demand for meat and dairy products, as well as fruits increases. This is a development generally known as nutrition transition. Further, we estimate a Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System(QUAIDS) for nine different food aggregates for China and Russia. Our results indicate that in both countries all food aggregates have positive expenditure elasticities and are thus normal goods. Moreover, our results indicate that in 2008/2009 meat is still a luxury good in China yet a necessity good in Russia. For 2009, the highest own-price elasticities in China are found for non-meat protein sources and dairy products. Within the meat group, beef, poultry and mutton have the highest price elasticities in China. In Russia, the milk and dairy group, together with the vegetable group, is the most price-elastic food group in 2008. In line with the definition of a nutrition transition, our overall results underscore the finding that income growth in China and Russia tends to increase the demand for animal-based products much stronger than, for example, the demand for carbohydrates. Despite being a positive signal for problems of malnutrition in rural China, this trend of increasing meat consumption might further increase the incidence of chronic diseases in urban areas since there is convincing scientific evidence that increasing meat consumption, especially red and processed meat, is associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases.  相似文献   
This article analyses the technical and environmental efficiency of hog production in China using data from the China Agricultural Product Cost-Benefit Compilation(NDRC 2005–2013) and the First National Census of Pollution: Manual of Discharge Coefficient of Livestock and Poultry Industry(IEDA and NIES 2009). The empirical results show a great variation in environmental efficiency, ranging from 0.344 to 0.973 with a mean value of 0.672 that declines over time. Southwest China is found to be the most environmentally efficient region, while the Northeast and the Northwest are the least efficient. Another finding is that technical and environmental efficiencies are highly correlated in hog production; the most environmentally efficient regions are usually found to have high technical efficiency, and vice versa. In addition, we computed the output elasticities with respect to each factor input. The results show that feed is the most efficient input, with an output elasticity of approximately 0.551, which is much higher than the elasticity of the nitrogen surplus, other capital or labour. The output elasticity with respect to the nitrogen surplus is 0.287 on average. Finally, the scale elasticity in hog production is slightly higher than 1.  相似文献   
The primary goal of Chinese agricultural development is to guarantee national food security and supply of major agricultural products. Hence, the scientific work on agricultural monitoring and early warning as well as agricultural outlook must be strengthened. In this study, we develop the China Agricultural Monitoring and Early-warning System(CAMES) on the basis of a comparative study of domestic and international agricultural outlook models. The system is a dynamic and multi-market partial equilibrium model that integrates biological mechanisms with economic mechanisms. This system, which includes 11 categories of 953 kinds of agricultural products, could dynamically project agricultural market supply and demand, assess food security, and conduct scenario analysis at different spatial levels, time scale levels, and macro-micro levels. Based on the CAMES, the production, consumption, and trade of the major agricultural products in China over the next decade are projected. The following conclusions are drawn: i) The production of major agricultural products will continue to grow steadily, mainly because of the increase in yield. ii) The growth of agricultural consumption will be slightly higher than that of agricultural production. Meanwhile, a high self-sufficiency rate is expected for cereals such as rice, wheat, and maize, with the rate being stable at around 97%. iii) Agricultural trade will continue to thrive. The growth of soybean and milk imports will slow down, but the growth of traditional agricultural exports such as vegetables and fruits is expected to continue.  相似文献   
国内访花传粉昆虫研究的文献计量学分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
武文卿  李川  邵有全 《农学学报》2015,5(5):102-108
全面了解中国访花传粉昆虫领域的研究现状,客观地进行分析,为访花传粉昆虫科研工作者与决策者提供数据参考。以《中国知网》的《中国期刊全文数据库》为数据源,运用文献计量学的原理和方法,对访花传粉昆虫研究的年代、作者、机构、载文期刊、研究内容及基金资助进行分析。结果表明,检索出1980—2013年国内访花传粉昆虫研究专题256名作者在133种刊物上发表的308篇文献,揭示了30多年间国内该领域研究的动态变化和基本态势。中国访花传粉昆虫研究发文量逐年增加;机构分布广,高产机构较少;研究者众多,高产活跃作者队伍不够强大,核心作者数量及所发论文质量不是很高;研究内容广泛丰富,不同研究方向成果数量不均衡。  相似文献   
杨光  宋戈    韦振锋  刘晗 《水土保持研究》2015,22(6):213-218
基于1999—2010年SPOT VEGETATION旬数据,采用HANTS方法对原数据进行平滑处理,并利用傅里叶插值方法将旬数据插值成天数据,再通过NDVI天变化量确定植被物候期,研究了中国西北植被物候时空特征。结果表明:(1)海拔2 km以下,植被类型以农业植被为主,受人类因素影响较大,物候生长季始期(SOG)相对提前,生长季末期(EOG)推迟,生长季长度(LOG)变大且由东南向西北递减;在海拔较高地区,物候SOG推迟,EOG提前,LOG缩短。(2)1999—2010年西北植被物候,东部SOG提前,EOG推迟,LOG变延长;而向西部物候变化特征与东部相反。一方面,从陕西到青海海拔不断上升,温度逐渐下降,植被物候也随之变化;另一方面,陕西一带是集中农业区,青海地区主要以草地植被为主,农业(小麦)植被物候期相对较长。  相似文献   
气候变化对中国北方玉米种植及物候的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
肖薇薇     《水土保持研究》2015,22(6):167-172
通过分析北方地区玉米生产典型区1992—2012年40个有长时间序列记录站点的物候信息与年均温度及≥10℃有效积温之间的关系发现:随着年际之间气温波动,玉米自身进行着生育期的调整,年均温每升高1℃,玉米生育期大致缩短3~5 d;年均温11℃可能是春夏玉米的分界阈值,也可能是一年一作和一年两作两种种植方式的温度划分基线;东北和西北地区作物在1992—2012年间对气候变化响应程度强于华北地区,潜在适应性更强。通过本研究发现玉米物候对气候变化的响应规律,对于阐明玉米品种空间分布与气候变化的关系以及未来气候条件下玉米物候、品种及种植结构变化趋势具有重要意义。  相似文献   
在分析南海浮游生物样品时,发现了花水母亚纲(Anthomedusae Haeckel,1879)丝螅水母目(Filifera Kühn,1913)介螅水母科(Hydractiniidae L.Agassiz,1862)介螅水母属(Hydractinia van Beneden,1841)2新种:缢介螅水母(H.constrictura sp.nov.)和叶状介螅水母(H.phyllosoma sp.nov.)。缢介螅水母的主要鉴别特征为伞近球形,无顶突;垂管长,其中部有一圈凹缢,把垂管分为2个部分,上端为泡状组织,下端为胃部,上有水母芽,口有4个口腕,口腕末端为刺胞球;生殖腺位于垂管间辐位;4条短的缘触手,触手基球球状,无眼点,触手上具环状刺胞,末端具刺胞球。叶状介螅水母的主要鉴别特征为伞钟形,胶质薄,无顶突;垂管短,无胃柄,口方形,有4个叶片状口唇,口唇上长满刺细胞;生殖腺分布在垂管上,间辐位,无水母芽;4条单生触手。模式标本保存于国家海洋局第三海洋研究所。  相似文献   
通过对分布在东海区远海区(济州岛海域)和近海区(长江口以南和以北海域)的三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)自然群体线粒体COⅠ基因部分序列的测定,比较并分析了其群体遗传多样性和遗传结构。在24个采集点共286个样本的线粒体COⅠ序列中共检测到45种单倍型,单倍型多样性为0.864;核苷酸多样性为0.002 84,平均核苷酸变异数是1.686,其中有23个单倍型为单个采集点所独享,Hap3出现频率最高,在23个采样点的83个样本中均有发现,是所有三疣梭子蟹样本的共享中心单倍型。群体遗传多样性分析显示,远海区群体的遗传多样性水平最高,其次为长江口以北群体,长江口以南群体最低。由群体间遗传距离、系统进化树和单倍型网络关系图发现,东海区海域三疣梭子蟹种群间存在基因交流,亲缘关系的远近不以地理位置的远近为依据;AMOVA分子方差分析结果显示,三疣梭子蟹的遗传变异主要来自群体内,而群体间无显著遗传分化,不存在明显的地理趋势。  相似文献   
中国海洋一般中上层经济鱼类生物学研究的回顾与前瞻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国海洋一般中上层经济鱼类种类繁多,大多为r选择型或由K选择型演变为r选择型,资源更新速度较快、可持续利用的前景较为广阔,在中国海洋捕捞业产量中的比重呈上升趋势。本文综述了中国海洋一般中上层经济鱼类的渔业发展概况,着重介绍了鳓(Ilisha elongata)、灰鲳(Pampus cinereus)、竹鱼(Trachurus japonicus)、金色小沙丁鱼(Sardinella aurita)、黄海鲱(Clupea harengus pallasi)和黄鲫(Setipinna taty)等6种主要种类资源生物学的研究进展,概述了这些种类的种群鉴别和划分、洄游分布、越冬场、产卵场及其产卵期、年龄和生长、摄食习性、生殖力和群体结构变动,以及其资源量和可捕量的评估,同时展望了其资源生物学研究的前景并提出了前瞻性建议。  相似文献   
南海海洋生态安全及渔业可持续发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着环南海地区的经济发展及我国向南海进军步伐的不断加快,不合理的人类涉海活动,导致一系列难以逆转的海洋生态安全问题随之而来,制约着南海渔业的健康发展。依据相关文献资料,在已有研究成果的基础上,阐述海洋生态安全的概念,探讨南海海洋生态安全与渔业可持续发展的关系,分析南海海洋生态安全问题的深层原因,提出提升公民的海洋生态安全意识及治理能力、健全海洋生态安全管理制度、完善海洋生态安全法律体系和建立海洋生态安全多元化投融资体系等保护南海海洋生态安全的对策,以实现南海渔业可持续发展。  相似文献   
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