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火龙果腐烂病是一种对我国新兴的火龙果果业潜在风险较高的真菌病害。近年来,我国口岸多次从越南进口的火龙果鲜果中截获该病害。本文介绍了其病原真菌仙人掌平脐蠕孢(Bipolaris cactivora(Petrak)Alcorn)地理分布、寄主范围、经济危害性、症状及病原菌形态特征、形态学鉴定和分子检测方法 ;分析了病原菌的进入风险和定殖与扩散风险,提出了加强口岸植物检疫,严防病原菌传入及病害在国内发生扩散和蔓延等风险管理措施。  相似文献   
Aphanomyces euteiches causes severe root rot of peas. Resistance is limited in commercial pea cultivars. Real-time fluorescent PCR assay specific for A. euteiches was used to study the relationship between disease severity and pathogen DNA content in infected peas. Five pea genotypes ranging in levels of resistance were inoculated with five isolates of A. euteiches. Plants were visually rated for disease development and the amount of pathogen DNA in roots was determined using the PCR assay. The susceptible genotypes Genie, DSP and Bolero tended to have significantly more disease and more pathogen DNA than the resistant genotypes 90-2079 and PI 180693. PI 180693 consistently had less disease, while 90-2079 had the lowest amount of pathogen DNA. The Spearman correlation between pathogen DNA quantity and disease development was positive and significant (P < 0.05) for three isolates, but was not significant for two other isolates. This suggests that the real-time PCR assay may have limited application as a selection tool for resistance in pea to A. euteiches. Its utility as a selection tool would be dependent on the correlation between disease development and pathogen DNA content for a given pathogen isolate. The accuracy and specificity of the real-time PCR assay suggests considerable application for the assay in the study of mechanisms of disease resistance and the study of microbial population dynamics in plants.  相似文献   
98%棉隆微粒剂防治黄瓜根结线虫田间药效试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以10%灭线磷GR为对照药剂,设98%棉隆MG 35、40、45 g/m2处理土壤防治黄瓜根结线虫.结果表明:98%棉隆MG 35、40、45 g/m2的3个处理,药后30 d土壤中2龄幼虫虫口减退率分别为89.45%、90.50%、92.05%,对照药剂10%灭线磷颗粒剂5 g/m2处理的虫口减退率为60.65%;药后90 d土壤中2龄幼虫虫口减退率分别为88.63%、89.73%、91.69%,对照药剂10%灭线磷5 g/m2处理的线虫虫口减退率为59.97%.98%棉隆MG各处理的防治效果分别为85.71%、88.80%、89.34%,而对照药剂为65.71%.表明98%棉隆MG可有效地控制黄瓜根结线虫的为害,有较好的推广应用价值.  相似文献   
凤舞剑  朱强  白耀博  曹丹  陶佩琳 《蔬菜》2021,(12):40-45
为了有效防控草莓根腐病,采用组织分离法,对徐州地区草莓根腐病病原菌进行分离与鉴定,分离、纯化后获取了5个真菌菌株,经形态学与分子生物学碱基序列测定结果比对发现:CMGF-1是胶孢炭疽菌或其亚种,CMGF-2和CMGF-3是棒孢拟盘多毛孢或其亚种,CMGF-4和CMGF-5是串珠镰刀菌或其亚种。黑根根腐的致病菌主要是镰刀菌和拟盘多毛孢菌,而红中柱根腐的致病菌是胶孢炭疽菌。  相似文献   
对腾冲过路黄的物候期进行观察,并绘制出物候图谱。测定其各器官生长动态,结果显示:腾冲过路黄的根系集中分布层深度为10~26 cm,其茎含水量平均为82.02%,叶含水量平均为79.87%,根含水量平均为85.68%。采用相关分析及建立生物量一元线性回归方程,茎、叶、根的生物量(干重Y)可分别用Y=0.0213X4.3369、Y=0.0565X3.9657、Y=0.0382X3.517来推测。  相似文献   
胡长志 《长江蔬菜》2013,(18):92-94
莲腐败病是白莲种植区发生最普遍、为害最严重的病害之一。本试验对发病白莲上的病原茵进行分离鉴定。该病原分离物在PSA培养基上气生茵丝由白色渐变成深紫色,并产生大小两种孢子。大型分生孢子镰刀形,无色,稍呈弯曲,两端尖细,大小为(39.1-55.2)μm×(2.8~4.6)p,m,多为3个隔膜,少部分为1-2隔或4~5隔;小型分生孢子椭圆形。无色,无隔膜,大小为(5.0~9.2)μm×(2.0~3.5)μm。致病性测定表明分离物能100%引起白莲出现典型的白莲腐败病的症状。ITSl/ITS4的PCR扩增产物与GenBank中Fusariumoxysporum£sp.nelumbicola的序列同源性为99%。研究结果表明。分离到的病原物为尖孢镰刀茵莲专化型Foxysporum f.sp.ndumbicola。  相似文献   
防治烟草根黑腐病拮抗芽孢菌株的筛选   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由基生根串珠霉菌(Thielaviopsis basicola)引起的烟草根黑腐病是烟草生产上重要根部真菌病害,近年在我国烟草种植区有加重危害的趋势,目前防治措施主要依赖化学药剂,给卷烟卫生带来一系列问题[1].探索该病生物防治途径,克服农药残留和病原菌抗药性十分重要.芽孢杆菌是土壤和植物微生态区系的优势生物种群,具有优良生防特性[2],采用芽孢杆菌作为烟草根黑腐病生防因子尚未见报道.本研究从烟草根际土壤中分离筛选对烟草根黑腐病病菌有较强拮抗作用的芽孢菌株,研究其抑菌活性、控病作用及其分类学地位.  相似文献   
Since varietal differences in allelopathy of crops against weeds were discovered in the 1970s, much research has documented the potential that allelopathic crops offer for integrated weed management with substantially reduced herbicide rates. Research groups worldwide have identified several crop species possessing potent allelopathic interference mediated by root exudation of allelochemicals. Rice, wheat, barley and sorghum have attracted most attention. Past research focused on germplasm screening for elite allelopathic cultivars and the identification of the allelochemicals involved. Based on this, traditional breeding efforts were initiated in rice and wheat to breed agronomically acceptable, weed-suppressive cultivars with improved allelopathic interference. Promising suppressive crosses are under investigation. Molecular approaches have elucidated the genetics of allelopathy by QTL mapping which associated the trait in rice and wheat with several chromosomes and suggested the involvement of several allelochemicals. Potentially important compounds that are constitutively secreted from roots have been identified in all crop species under investigation. Biosynthesis and exudation of these metabolites follow a distinct temporal pattern and can be induced by biotic and abiotic factors. The current state of knowledge suggests that allelopathy involves fluctuating mixtures of allelochemicals and their metabolites as regulated by genotype and developmental stage of the producing plant, environment, cultivation and signalling effects, as well as the chemical or microbial turnover of compounds in the rhizosphere. Functional genomics is being applied to identify genes involved in biosynthesis of several identified allelochemicals, providing the potential to improve allelopathy by molecular breeding. The dynamics of crop allelopathy, inducible processes and plant signalling is gaining growing attention; however, future research should also consider allelochemical release mechanisms, persistence, selectivity and modes of action, as well as consequences of improved crop allelopathy on plant physiology, the environment and management strategies. Creation of weed-suppressive cultivars with improved allelopathic interference is still a challenge, but traditional breeding or biotechnology should pave the way.  相似文献   
高粱新病害顶腐病的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
我国高粱上发生的新病害顶腐病是由亚粘团串珠镰孢(Fusarinm moniliforme var. subglutinans Wr.&Reink.)侵染引起的。病菌生长的适宜温度为25~30℃,适宜pH值为6~8。小型分生孢子萌发的适宜温度为25~28℃,适宜pH值为6~7。病菌在Bilai培养基上,pH4~11间均易产生大型分生孢子。黑光灯和日光灯照射对大型分生孢子形成有促进作用,且黑光灯优于日光灯;在光照处理下最适宜产生大型孢子的培养基为小麦粒和高粱粒。病菌在PSA培养基上培养10~12天后可产生厚垣孢子。病菌能利用多种碳源,以半乳糖、甘露糖为佳,乳糖、木糖、葡萄糖次之。对氮源利用远不及碳源。人工接种条件下,病菌能侵染高粱、苏丹草、哥伦布草、玉米、谷子、珍珠粟、薏苡、水稻、燕麦、小麦、狗尾草等禾本科植物。  相似文献   
山东省小麦根腐病病原菌的分离鉴定   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
为明确山东省小麦根腐病的病原菌种类,于2012—2014年从山东省10个地市采集小麦病株,通过组织分离法获得了185株分离物,利用形态学鉴定方法,结合基于5.8S r DNA-ITS序列或TEF-1α基因序列分析的分子鉴定方法对分离物进行了鉴定。结果表明:分离物中共得到135株麦根腐平脐蠕孢Bipolaris sorokiniana,占分离病原菌总数的72.97%,属优势种群;50株镰孢属Fusarium菌株,其中14株尖孢镰孢菌Fusarium oxysporum、19株层出镰孢菌Fusarium proliferatum和17株黄色镰孢菌Fusarium culmorum;按照柯赫氏法则进行致病性测定,证实了4种病原菌对鲁麦21号具有致病性,麦根腐平脐蠕孢的致病力较强,病情指数显著高于镰孢菌属真菌。研究表明,山东小麦根腐病主要是由麦根腐平脐蠕孢和镰孢属真菌侵染引起的,麦根腐平脐蠕孢为优势菌群。  相似文献   
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