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Sooty moulds on crape myrtle leaves were investigated using light and electron microscopy. The adaxial leaf surface was distinctly covered with soot‐like masses of dark brown hyphae and conidia. The main characteristics of the sooty moulds included stauroconidia, conidial clusters, hyphal degeneration and extracellular melanin depositions. Some conidia were round, measured ~10 μm in diameter, and mostly one‐septate; others were branched and multiseptate (stauroconidia). Based on their morphology, the sooty moulds were determined to consist of several component fungal species belonging to genera such as Antennaria, Metacapnodium and Tripospermum. Enclosed in electron‐dense melanin layers, hyphae and conidial clusters had concentric bodies exhibiting electron‐transparent cores and electron‐dense shells with fibrillar sheaths. Concentric bodies are hypothesized to function as multilayer lipid‐encapsulated nanobubbles or eukaryotic gas vesicles for cytoplasmic volume control. Intrahyphal hyphae possessed electron‐dense cytoplasm and lipid globules. These results suggest that sooty moulds are equipped with melanized cell walls, multicelled resting structures, hyphal regeneration, intrahyphal growth and gas vesicles to adapt to their xeric phylloplane environment. Condensed and elongated starch granules in the chloroplasts of mesophyll tissues may indicate the acclimation of the sooty leaf regions to light reduction and temperature increase.  相似文献   
利用均匀设计法及回归分析优选抗雏鸡白痢的中药组方翁苋颗粒.结合中兽药组方原则,将白头翁、马齿苋、苍术、陈皮等中药进行组方配伍,采用均匀设计法及回归分析,以不同配比的翁苋颗粒对鸡白痢沙门氏菌的体外抑菌效果作为考察指标,运用中兽医整体观念及体外抑菌活性评价筛选最优处方.采用腹腔注射鸡白痢沙门氏菌菌液的方法复制雏鸡白痢的病理模型,通过在饲料中添加一定比例的翁苋颗粒,于试验后统计有效率、治愈率.翁苋方28的组分配比为最佳处方,最优处方配比的翁苋颗粒高剂量组对雏鸡白痢的治愈率、有效率均为91.7%.该试验筛选出的优化复方制备处方翁苋颗粒能够有效防治雏鸡白痢.  相似文献   
薯蓣是重要的药食两用植物,而淀粉是其根茎中最丰富的碳水化合物。综述了近年来薯蓣淀粉的研究进展,介绍了薯蓣淀粉的颗粒结构,概述了薯蓣淀粉尤其是薯蓣抗性淀粉的应用,并探讨了不同的物理和化学改性方法对薯蓣淀粉结构及应用带来的影响。  相似文献   
【目的】磷是小麦生长发育必需的三大营养元素之一。小麦淀粉粒表面存在微孔和微通道结构,对淀粉的生物合成和理化特性有重要影响。探索磷素对淀粉粒微观特性的影响及其形成机理,可为研究不同磷素条件下小麦淀粉的生物合成及品质变化机理提供新途径。【方法】采用新疆冬小麦主栽品种新冬23号为参试材料,设置3种施磷水平,不施磷(CK:P_2O_5 0 kg·hm~(-2))、常规施磷(CP:P_2O_5 105 kg·hm~(-2))和高量施磷(HP:P_2O_5 210 kg·hm~(-2)),所用肥料为重过磷酸钙,于小麦播种后160 d(大约5%的植株已返青)开沟条施,并于花后7、14、21、28和35 d取样。通过扫描电镜观察不同磷素水平成熟期淀粉粒微观结构以及淀粉粒在内源(种子萌发)和外源淀粉酶(淀粉葡萄糖苷酶)酶解条件下的形态变化,同时测定淀粉粒经淀粉葡萄糖苷酶水解后产生的还原糖浓度;通过激光共焦显微镜观察淀粉粒微通道结构的变化;通过实时荧光定量PCR研究籽粒发育过程中淀粉合成酶与降解酶基因表达量,并通过原位杂交技术对淀粉降解酶关键基因进行定位。【结果】不同磷素条件下小麦胚乳淀粉粒形态未发生明显改变,但CP处理条件下更容易观察到淀粉粒的微孔结构,且其内部显示出较多荧光;另外,籽粒发芽6 d时,CP处理条件下淀粉粒表面的孔洞最多。经外源淀粉葡萄糖苷酶处理后,HP和CP处理条件下更容易观察到被水解成两半的A型淀粉粒,同时其产生的还原糖浓度也显著提高,这说明不同磷素条件下淀粉粒表面和高部微观结构发生了变化。常规施磷条件下,小麦胚乳淀粉合成与降解相关酶基因的表达量显著高于不施磷和高量施磷。施磷条件下胚乳外缘amy4、bam1和bam5转录水平提高,且常规施磷条件下转录水平更高。【结论】常规施磷条件下胚乳边缘淀粉酶基因转录水平的提高可能影响了淀粉合成酶和降解酶之间的平衡,进而影响淀粉粒的合成和微观特性变化。  相似文献   
目的 优选连芩解毒颗粒的最佳提取工艺。方法 以盐酸小檗碱及黄芩苷的转移率为考察指标,结合单因素及正交试验法,对连芩解毒颗粒的提取工艺进行优化。结果 优选出连芩解毒颗粒的最佳提取工艺为:药材用60%乙醇浸泡1.0 h,回流提取2次,第一次1.5 h,料液比1∶10(g∶mL),第二次1 h,料液比1∶8(g∶mL)。结论 优选的提取工艺稳定、可行,为连芩解毒颗粒的生产制备提供实验依据。  相似文献   
目的 观察复方穿山龙颗粒治疗类风湿性关节炎的临床疗效及不良反应。方法 将68例类风湿性关节炎患者随机分为治疗组(34例)和对照组(34例),治疗组给予复方穿山龙颗粒,对照组给予来氟米特片和洛索洛芬钠片,疗程3个月。观察两组临床疗效以及血沉(ESR)、C-反应蛋白(CRP)、类风湿因子(RF)的变化。结果 治疗组临床疗效的总有效率为85.3%,ESR、CRP、RF较治疗前均明显降低(P<0.05),与对照组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但不良反应发生率明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 复方穿山龙颗粒治疗类风湿性关节炎具有疗效确切、不良反应少等优点,适合患者较长时间服用。  相似文献   
The starch granule surface is a frontline of microbial attack and defence, operating in the background of normal starch granule metabolism. Puroindoline, a wheat protein which binds starch granule surfaces, contains a unique tryptophan-rich domain likely responsible for this property, though direct evidence is lacking. To test puroindoline’s tight association, prime starch granule extracts were water-washed 8 or 20 times and residual puroindoline removed using a solution of 50% isopropanol/50 mM NaCl. We found that this solvent was consistent in the amount of protein extracted from wheat flour and washed starch, regardless of initial protein content. Relative quantification of puroindoline following water-washing was performed using dot blot. Washing more than 8 times did not further reduce puroindoline content of starch granules suggesting a strong association with the starch granule surface. To identify the tryptophan-rich domain tightly associated with the starch granule surface, a combination of in situ tryptic digestion and mass spectrometry was used. Following digestion and water-washing, 50% isopropanol/50 mM NaCl was used to remove tightly-associated peptides for identification by mass spectrometry. Using this method, we identified the tryptophan-rich domain of puroindoline directly bound to the starch granule surface of wheat.  相似文献   
Genetically-diverse wheat samples from the Australian Winter Cereals Collection propagated in two environments were sequenced to identify puroindoline genotypes then the relationships between flour yield, genotype, starch granule size distribution and starch-bound puroindoline protein content were investigated. The Pina-D1a, Pinb-D1b genotype resulted in a higher average flour yield than either the Pina-D1b, Pinb-D1a or the Pina-D1a, Pinb-D1a but the ranges of flour yields for the three genotypes showed considerable overlap. For both hard wheat genotypes (Pina-D1a, Pinb-D1b or Pina-D1b, Pinb-D1a), a higher proportion of type A to type C starch granules was associated with higher flour yield and this relationship accounted for between 31% and 33% of the variation in flour yield. This result is consistent with previously reported findings for soft wheat. For the Pina-D1a, Pinb-D1b genotype, increased flour yield was also associated with a decrease in starch granule-bound puroindoline protein, which accounted for 31–35% of the variation in flour yield across the two environments. The combined effect of starch granule type and associated puroindoline content accounted for 68% of the variation in flour yield within the Pina-D1a, Pinb-D1b genotype.  相似文献   
作者综述了其实验室在淀粉颗粒结构研究方面的一些最新进展.这些研究包括淀粉颗粒的形态、支链淀粉的分枝结构、淀粉中磷的结构和含量,以及直链和支链淀粉在淀粉颗粒中的定位,将有助于增进我们对淀粉颗粒结构的了解.淀粉结构的知识也将帮助我们理解淀粉的性质,譬如易消化性、淀粉糊的性质和直链淀粉的淅滤方式等.  相似文献   
试验以鲁单981为材料,研究了30000株/hm~2(低密度)和90000株/hm~2(高密度)种植密度下,玉米种皮的形态及胚乳淀粉粒超微结构。结果表明,随着子粒的发育,内珠被中的细胞质首先作为营养物质被吸收、解体,形成类似珠被绒毡层的黑层。黑层退化消失的同时,子房壁细胞也离散解体,最终使子房壁和内珠被愈合在一起形成种皮。授粉后10~15d是胚乳淀粉粒发育的质变时期;授粉后20~25d是淀粉粒发育的量变时期。高密度处理的种皮细胞总层数约占低密度处理的1/2,但其各层细胞中的内容物相对较多,种皮形态建成的速度较慢。授粉后10~20d,高密度处理的胚乳淀粉粒明显比低密度处理大且多;而授粉后25d表现相反。玉米胚乳淀粉粒的剖面面积多数集中在0.28~0.56μm~2,约占24.8%,剖面面积大于2.52μm~2的淀粉粒仅占5.2%。  相似文献   
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