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[目的]研究旨在分析三江黄牛Prdm9锌指域序列特征。[方法]实验选用三江黄牛(n=14),通过PCR扩增其Prdm9基因锌指域后进行克隆测序。[结果]结果显示,三江黄牛Prdm9锌指域中存在14种锌指,它们共构成9种锌指域(等位基因),其中1种锌指和4种锌指域在牛属动物上未见报道。各锌指间有1~5个氨基酸的差异,发生在6个位点,其中5个为正向选择位点。[结论]三江黄牛Prdm9锌指域的有效等位基因数、基因杂合度、多态性高,具有丰富的遗传多样性。并且通过Prdm9锌指域的分析比较,从一定层面上提示了三江黄牛可能与瘤牛间存在亲缘关系。  相似文献   
B_9对马铃薯生长和产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文研究了B9对马铃薯生长及产量的影响。结果表明,于盛蕾期叶面喷施B9溶液,对马铃薯地上部分的生长产生明显的抑制作用,但块茎的产量却明显提高。适宜处理浓度为2500mg/L。  相似文献   
弱筋小麦宁麦9号优质高产群体质量指标及形态特征   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
以优质弱筋小麦品种宁麦9号为试验材料,通过密肥试验,分析优质高产、优质、高产3种群体的差异,探讨弱筋小麦单产6 000 kg·hm-2左右的优质高产群体质量指标、形态特征和栽培技术.结果表明与中强筋小麦相比,弱筋小麦栽培采取"适度增密,适量减氮,施氮前移"措施,能较好地协调优质与高产之间的矛盾.  相似文献   
本文提供的齿形系数和应力集中系数的解析计算及据此编制的电算程序,可方便地求出不同齿制的渐开线标准或变位圆柱齿轮的齿形系数和应力集中系数,它为齿轮的计算机辅助设计及精确绘制齿形系数和应力集中系数线图带来方便。  相似文献   
高赖氨酸蛋白基因遗传转化水稻的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
采用农杆菌介导的方法将高赖氨酸蛋白基因导入台粳9号幼胚诱导的胚性愈伤组织中,经潮霉素筛选,抗性愈伤分化成苗,共获得2株转基因植株.对这些植株及后代植株进行GUS染色和PCR及PCR Southern b lot检测分析,确定高赖氨酸蛋白基因已整合到台粳9号基因组中,并能稳定遗传表达.经检测,转基因水稻糙米赖氨酸含量为0.349%,比对照提高29.3%;转基因水稻秸秆赖氨酸含量为0.341%,比对照提高8.3%.  相似文献   
美味猕猴桃的离体繁殖及种质试管苗保存   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美味猕猴桃(Actinidia deliciosaa C.F.liang et A. R. Ferguson)的试管苗离体腋芽,在附加.BA(3.0μg/g)、IBA(0.5μg/g)、GA(0.5μg/g)的MS培养基上,腋芽的萌发率达100%,可以代替昂贵的玉米素(ZT);用5μg/g NAA加在MS培养基中,促使小苗生根,生根率达100%,平均每株生根数19.9条;待茎木质化后移栽,移栽成活率在80%以上。美味猕猴桃种质试管苗,在MS培养基中附加50μg/g的B9(N-dimethyl-succinamic acid),室温(8℃~34℃)下保存9个月后存活率达85%。  相似文献   
Interferon (IFN) is certain protein with extensive antiviral activities that is secreted from leucocytes in- duced by virus or other inducing reagents. IFNs play a key role in inducing cells against virus and adjust- ing immune response[1.] IFNs include t…  相似文献   
多用途甘蔗品种B9的种性表现及栽培效益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]弄清多用途甘蔗品种B9的种性、生产经济性表现。[方法]以广西牧草主栽品种桂牧1号(GM1),糖料蔗主栽品种ROC16、ROC22和糖能兼用品种GT22为对照,对B9分别进行饲料蔗、糖料蔗、糖能兼用蔗不同类型的品比试验。[结果]B9以作饲料蔗栽培经济效益最好,但不及GM1。B9作饲料蔗栽培时具有鲜草产量高,发株和分蘖力强,水溶性总糖、粗蛋白质含量高,茎叶比低,适口性好,青饲奶牛的产奶量接近用GM1饲养的产奶量等特点,可作为粗饲料的补充在广西推广种植。B9作能源蔗栽培可获得较好的经济效益,蔗汁酒精产量13.12 t/hm2,比ROC16、ROC22和GT22增产17.4%~37.8%,纤维产量17.4 t/hm2,比3个对照增产3.15~4.53 t。作糖料蔗栽培的效益比作饲料蔗、能源蔗低,但与对照比,蔗产量、糖产量比较高,经济效益高,宿根能力强,适应性广,抗旱抗寒能力强。[结论]B9在广西可作糖料蔗,也可作饲料蔗和酒精能源蔗栽培。  相似文献   
Action of FAO in the control of foot and mouth disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes the role played by FAO in the control of foot and mouth disease. Since 1954 the FAO European Commission for the control of foot-and-mouth disease co-ordinated the regional programme for eradication of FMD in Europe. One of the major achievements of the Commission has been to prevent the introduction and spread of exotic strains of foot and mouth disease into Europe through the Balkans. FAO also supports the activities of the Foot-and-Mouth Disease World Reference Laboratory located in the Institute of Animal Health, Pirbright, UK.

The Infectious Diseases/EMPRES Group of the Animal Health Service, Animal Production and Health Division of FAO, promotes a global approach to the control and eradication of transboundary animal diseases over the world. For foot and mouth disease, the strategy is based on co-ordinated regional programmes. For FAO, no sustainable progress can be achieved in FMD control over the world without addressing and supporting the control of the disease in endemic countries.


L'article d9;crit le rôle jou9; par la FAO dans la lutte contre la fièvre aphteuse. Depuis 1954, la Commission Europ9;enne de Lutte contre la fièvre aphteuse de la FAO coordonne le programme r9;gional dȁ9;9;radication en Europe. Un des succès majeur de cette Commission a 9;t9; de pr9;venir l'introduction et la diffusion des souches exotiques de virus de la fièvre aphteuse à travers les Balkans. La FAO soutient 9;galement les activit9;s du Laboratoire Mondial de r9;f9;rence pour la fièvre aphteuse qui se situe à l'Institut pour la Sant9; Animale de Pirbright au Royaume Uni.

Le Groupe Maladies Infectieuses/EMPRES du Service de Sant9; Animale au sein de la Division Production et Sant9; Animale de la FAO d9;fend une approche globale de lutte et dȁ9;9;radication des maladies transfrontalières à travers le monde. Pour la fièvre aphteuse, la strat9;gie est bas9;e sur une approche r9;gionale coordonn9;e. Pour la FAO, aucun progres significatif durable ne peut être obtenu dans la lutte contre la fièvre aphteuse à travers le monde sans que la question de la lutte dans les pays o9; la maladie est end9;mique ne soit prise en compte et soutenue.  相似文献   

Oil crops, mainly comprised of soybean, rapeseed, groundnut, sunflower and etc., have provided substantial edible oil and other tremendous nutrients for human beings, as well as valuable biofuels for associated industries. The genetic improvement of significant oil crops and/or domesticating novel high-yielding oil crops are in urgent need to cope with the ever-increasing demand for various oil crop products. CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats)-based genome editing technology, born a few years ago, edits stretches of DNA in a targeted and RNA-dependent fashion. The Characteristics of targeted mutagenesis and easy manipulation owned by the technology make it have been applied to many plants and exhibited great potential in the genetic improvement of many important oil crops. In the face of growing need for oil crop products and the rapid developments in CRISPR-based genome editing technology, a critical review regarding the technology and its application in oil crops is badly required to provide references for the better use of this technology to modify the oil crops for higher yield. In this review paper, we briefly described the CRISPR-based genome editing technology and summarized its applications and future prospects in oil crops.  相似文献   
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